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A Perfect Compromise
A Perfect Compromise
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A Perfect Compromise

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But it was the somber man walking beside him who caught Issy’s attention. So handsome, he was almost beautiful. His straight nose, high cheekbones and angular jaw were so perfectly formed they could have been carved by a sculptor, and his lips were full, without being feminine.

How would they feel pressed against hers?

Shocked by her thoughts, she lowered her gaze. But only as far as his shoulders and broad chest. Her fingers tingled with the urge to stroke the man’s caramel-brown skin to see if it was as smooth as it looked. To trail over the ridges of that amazing six-pack.

He was clearly an athlete. Hardly the kind of dependable, responsible man she wanted in her future.

Issy snapped up her book and forced herself to focus on the text. She hoped Sapphie would put her heightened color down to the tropical temperatures and not...him.

Still, she couldn’t resist sneaking another peek as he came closer. Grateful that her sunglasses hid the direction of her gaze, her heart kicked when his head turned toward her. A bead of perspiration trickled down between her breasts.

Oh, my! Issy couldn’t help licking her dry lips.

When he turned away, she was unreasonably piqued at his easy dismissal. Don’t be silly, she scolded herself. That man was so far out of her league, she’d need a space rocket to even get close.

Beside her, Sapphie smiled and wiggled her fingers at the men. Issy tried not to grind her teeth when the one on the right grinned and waved back.

“Doesn’t act like he’s gay,” Sapphie said. “Hopefully we’ll see them at the beach party this evening.”

Issy gave a noncommittal reply. She pretended to be engrossed in her story, not watching the toned butt and great legs of a man who was clearly not interested in her.

“You know, there’s something familiar about those two,” Sapphie mused. “I swear I’ve seen them somewhere before.”

“On TV?”

“I’m not sure. It’ll bug me until I know.”

Sapphie drove Issy crazy for the rest of the afternoon as she tried to figure out who the men were. It wasn’t until they were dressing for the beach party that Sapphie snapped her fingers. “Of course. The ball-cap logo. I can’t believe I didn’t make the connection. It’s not like I’m not a huge fan.”

Issy cursed the slight tremble in her hand as she applied her lipstick. The man’s identity made no difference to her. “Who are they?”

“Ice Cats.” At Issy’s blank look Sapphie added, “Hockey players. From our very own Jersey team. They were just in the Stanley Cup Finals. Unfortunately they lost.”

“Oh.” Not only in a different stratosphere from a private-school English teacher, but her suspicions had been correct—an arrogant sports star.

Professional athletes with their irresponsible attitude to life and money reminded Issy of her family.

Back in college she’d struggled to maintain her grades as she’d worked two jobs. Meanwhile the jocks with their scholarships had partied and barely attended classes. Later, when she’d taught in a public school, she’d had to fight for every resource while money was frittered away on the athletics program.

“My guy’s Taylor Madden,” Sapphie said. “Yours is Jean-Baptiste Larocque.”

Even his name was beautiful. “I told you, I’m not interested.”

“Uh-huh.” Sapphie looked over Issy’s shoulder into the mirror. “And you weren’t checking out his amazing body earlier?”

Issy blotted her lips then turned away—to get her clutch, not to avoid her friend. “I can appreciate good looks without having to sleep with the guy.”

“Sure, but what a waste.”

“I’m capable of entertaining myself. Let me know when you want to disappear with Taylor and I’ll go back to the room.” She held up her key card. “Make sure you have your own key, so you can let yourself back in.”

“I won’t abandon you.” Sapphie frowned. “What kind of friend does that?”

“One who’s getting the birthday present she really wants.” Issy smiled. “It’s fine. I’ll be happy sitting on the balcony and reading. Things are heating up in my romantic thriller.”

“They’d heat up in real life, too, if you’d give them a chance,” Sapphie grumbled as they headed out the door.

“I’m content with the way things are.”

“Boringly predictable.”

“I’ve had enough excitement and unpredictability to last me a lifetime.”

“A little spontaneity won’t turn you into your parents or Rosa.”

“I know.”

Despite Issy’s best efforts, her younger sister had followed in the family tradition and partied heavily, then ended up pregnant. The father, one of the town’s football stars, had chosen a college scholarship over marriage, so Issy had taken care of both Rosabelle and her daughter, Tinkabelle, until she’d left home.

Once she’d graduated and had a job, Issy had offered to move them up near her, but Rosa had preferred to remain with their parents. She knew her sister hadn’t chosen sides, as much as the easier path, but it had still hurt. And reinforced how different she and Rosa were.

The physical Brandine genes had missed her completely—they were all tall and slim, auburn and green-eyed, while she was short, curvy and dark-haired with blue eyes—why not the other genes, too? “I promise to have fun while we’re here. All right?”

“Okay.” Sapphie linked arms with her. “So how’s your limbo dancing? I hear there’s a contest with big prizes at the party, including a gorgeous emerald necklace.”

“What am I letting myself in for?” Issy shook her head and laughed, then let her friend lead her down the beach.

CHAPTER TWO (#ulink_b3b9d2a3-8de5-52c7-963b-8c0df1dc384f)

“YOU OWE ME, man, and I’m collecting.”

J.B. responded by clapping Taylor on the shoulder as they walked toward the flaming torches stuck in the sand. “Want tips on how to chat up that hot blonde you were drooling over earlier?”

“Funny.” Mad Dog punched him in the arm. “Good thing you make your living handling a puck, not doing stand-up.”

J.B.’s grin faded. “Yeah, well my puck skills aren’t so hot, either. We wouldn’t be here now if they were. We’d be riding around town in an open-topped, double-decker bus, showing off Stanley.”

“We agreed you wouldn’t beat yourself up over that while we’re on vacation.”


Plenty of time for reflection and self-recrimination once he was alone. He owed Mad Dog, and repayment meant ensuring his friend had a great trip. Especially given Taylor was just as cut up about the loss, even if he tried not to show it.

He cracked his knuckles. “What do you need from the master?”

“Use your charm on the hot blonde’s mousy friend. Keep her occupied so she won’t mind when her roommate disappears with me.”

Ordinarily, J.B. wouldn’t have minded the request. Women were the perfect antitdote to a life filled with way too much testosterone. And the brunette in the red bikini wasn’t exactly mousy, though her dark hair had been scraped back into a severe braid. She was pretty in a girl-next-door way and her curves were definitely in all the right places.

What had given him pause was the stiff way she’d held herself, her full lips pinched, while supposedly relaxing. “She seemed a little uptight.”

He’d learned the hard way to steer clear of uptight women. They were impossible to please. They took things way too seriously and saw hidden meanings in innocent words or actions, which led to unfortunate misunderstandings. Like the woman in the Atlanta nightclub who’d nearly derailed his NHL career. Frustrated he wouldn’t take advantage of her blatant offers—J.B. didn’t mess with married women—she’d turned the tables and accused him of coming on to her. It was only thanks to Taylor, Jake and his other teammates that J.B. had come through the crazy situation relatively unscathed.

Still he’d chalked that up to experience. It had taken a female stalker, then a woman who’d lied about him fathering her child, for J.B. to decide uptight women were trouble.

Taylor winced, understanding in his gray eyes. “Maybe she was jealous that I waved at her friend. Women fight over me all the time.”

J.B. snorted with laughter. “In your dreams, bro.”

“Who got the highest bid in the Ice Cats’ charity bachelor auction?”

“Yeah, yeah. Shame the winning bidder was your mother’s age.”

“Gilda was a sexy, mature lady with a great body, a lot of experience and an insatiable appetite.”

“Glad to hear she got her money’s worth.”

Mad Dog swore. “Will you help me out or not? We’re only here for a few days and you’ll never see her again.”

J.B. hesitated as they reached the torches. The women were standing by one of the tables closest to the shoreline. Taylor’s blonde looked stunning in an ice-blue sheath that dipped low and clung to her body before ending mid-thigh. But it was her friend that fired J.B.’s blood. She wore a strappy knee-length red dress. Her dark hair was loose, the slight curl at the ends dancing over her bare shoulders as she laughed.

“She’s not looking mousy or uptight now,” Mad Dog said. “Pay your dues, man.”

J.B.’s reluctance vanished. He strode forward. “You got it.”

When they reached the table Mad Dog asked, “May we join you, ladies?”

“Sure,” the blonde replied enthusiastically.

J.B. noticed her friend didn’t say anything but smiled. He figured she was the shy type.

“I’m J.B. and this is Taylor.” He offered his hand to the brunette, who hesitated before taking it.

The blonde shook hands with Taylor. “I’m an Ice Cats fan. Season ticket holder, though work keeps me from getting to as many games as I’d like. I’m Sapphire, Sapphie for short, and this is...”

“Bella,” the brunette said firmly.

“Good to meet you, Bella.”

Mad Dog clapped a hand to his chest dramatically. “A beautiful woman who likes hockey, I’m in heaven!”

J.B. shook his head and looked at Bella, who rolled her blue eyes. The moment of shared humour was surprising and encouraging.

“You look like you’re in need of frothy drinks with umbrellas,” Taylor said.

Sapphie wrinkled her nose. “They’re too sweet for me. But I wouldn’t say no to a champagne refill.”

Bella held up her glass. “Ginger ale would be lovely. Thank you.”

“Your wish is my command,” Taylor said.

“I’ll come with you and help carry the glasses.” Sapphie stuck her hand through his arm. “I’ll try not to go all fangirl on you.”

“I can handle whatever you throw at me.”

The pair walked off toward the bar, laughing.

“There’s nothing fragile about your friend’s ego,” Bella said drily.

“He’s all talk. Under that boyish charm is a good guy.”

“Sapphie can handle herself. And him, too.”

Those uptight vibes were back. Perhaps Mad Dog was right about the jealousy thing.

J.B. stifled a sigh. It was going to be a long night.

Bella turned to him. “While they’re gone, I wanted to say that we know how the evening will end for them and you mustn’t feel obliged to stick with me.”

Her earnest comment caught him off guard. “We’ve just met and you’re already preparing to ditch me?”

She bit her full lower lip. “I’m sure you have things you’d rather do than entertain the spare-part best friend and I won’t be upset if you do them.”

He should be relieved; she’d given him the perfect out. Yet, inexplicably, he was slightly irritated that she was so keen to be rid of him. He smiled. “Let’s see how things play out. The night’s still young and there’s plenty of party left.”

“All right.” This time she gave him the puzzled look.

Good. He liked that he could throw her a little off balance. “How about we scout out the buffet table while we wait for our friends to return?”

“We might lose our places.”

He leaned past her, flipped out four napkins and turned over four water glasses. “Now it’s obvious someone’s sitting here.”

She glanced over her shoulder at Mad Dog and Sapphie, who were engrossed in each other, at the bar. “You’re right. It looks like it might be a while before we get our drinks.”

He cocked an elbow in invitation and she put her arm through his. His senses immediately snapped to attention at the touch of her soft skin. As they walked to the heavily laden buffet table, her fragrance—delicate, floral, but with an unexpected hint of spice—teased his nose. The contradiction intrigued him.

Hell, Bella was full of contradictions and they all intrigued him. She was as prickly as a porcupine, yet when she let her guard down, there were hints of a dry sense of humor. At times she seemed both innocent and uncertain; at others forthright and honest. Definitely able to give as good as she got, she stood up for herself but had an air of vulnerability that made him feel strangely protective.

As they filled their plates, she ribbed him that he was stockpiling enough food to feed a small army. He couldn’t help noticing that she carefully arranged her food so none of the portions touched. When he teased her about only taking one spoonful of the dishes she wanted, she replied coolly that it was polite to leave some for others to enjoy. Yet she gave him a conspiratorial grin when she sneaked an extra helping of potato salad.

Back at the table J.B. was pleasantly surprised that she didn’t pick at her food like a lot of the women he dated. But she was as prim and proper as if the Queen of England were seated beside her.

He mischievously speared a coconut-battered shrimp from her plate.

“Hey!” She jabbed him with her elbow. “You’ve got two mountainous plates. Leave mine alone.”

“But I didn’t get one of these.” He bit the end. “Mmm. Delicious.”