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The Sweet Poison Of Revenge – Victory Storm

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Zane Thunder is wealthy, charming, single, desired by many, and at the head of the Thunder Company, one of the most famous and respected advertising agencies in Chicago. In life, he always had to struggle but, in the end, he managed to get everything he wanted. Everything except Audrey. The only woman he ever loved and who betrayed him, destroying his happiness. Audrey Larson lost everything. Her happy life ended with the divorce from the only man she ever loved, Zane. When they separated, her descent into hell started, but just when it seems like she had lost everything, Zane reappears in her life. It has been four years since the last time they met. Will these years make her forget and start a new page, or will their meeting only rekindle old grudges and the need for revenge that has been there all along?

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9788835404750
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