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Look at More. A Proven Approach to Innovation, Growth, and Change – Andy Stefanovich

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Praise for Look At More «Andy Stefanovich is a masterful storyteller and a true 'curator of inspiration.' Look At More gives you a dose of Andy's adrenaline and creative can-do spirit, and it provides you with a powerful how-to guide for inspiring workplace innovation that lasts.»—Beth Comstock, chief marketing officer, GE «Andy Stefanovich has always exhorted his clients to 'look at more stuff, think about it harder.' With this inspired and inspiring book, he shares dozens upon dozens of ways to put that principle to work. Look At More offers a way to real business transformation.» —Daniel H. Pink, author, A Whole New Mind and Drive «Andy offers the reader a unique insight into what it really takes to create innovation within the structure of a corporate environment today. Andy doesn't think outside the box. He blows it up and starts again, helping large corporations think and behave like start-ups.» —Duncan Wardle, vice president, Creative Inc., Disney Company «Andy Stefanovich delivers a host of innovative approaches to transform you and your business. The addictive narrative, while informative and actionable, is as creative as he wants us all to be.»—Ivy Ross, executive vice president, marketing, Gap Brand at Gap Inc. «Look At More gives business leaders a practical and comprehensive framework to build, maintain, and most importantly inspire innovation not only at work but in all parts of life.»—Stew Friedman, Wharton professor and author, Total Leadership

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781118019597

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