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The Justice Agency
“Sorry, bro. I’d like to help, but Ethan’s already got me on an assignment.”
Cole sighed. As the oldest sibling, Ethan had taken charge of the agency and set their priorities. Normally, Cole didn’t mind talking with Ethan, but he’d been all happy and gushy after getting married lately and that rubbed salt into Cole’s wounds. A conversation with Ethan would only remind him of all he’d lost when Laura decided to bail on him right before their wedding.
Still, he wasn’t going to give up on doing what was right for Alyssa just to avoid Ethan. “Is what you’re working on a life-or-death matter?”
“No. It’s a routine check for one of our business clients.” To allow them to work most of their cases for free, they performed background checks for a long list of paying companies.
“Then I’ll clear this with Ethan,” Cole promised. “Any chance you can get started tonight?”
Derrick snorted. “You’re pushing your luck here, bro.”
“I know, but in a town this small one misstep could cost lives. We need to be prepared for anything.”
“Who do you want me to start with?”
“Nolan Saunders.”
“Fine. I’ll call you as soon as I have anything to report.” He disconnected and Cole stowed his phone in his pocket.
Dani finished pouring a cup of coffee and held up the pot. “You want a cup?”
He nodded.
She handed him the steaming mug. “I’ll take care of getting Ethan on board.”
No one ever volunteered to talk with Ethan about a change in agency priorities. Cole watched her carefully to see what she was up to.
She simply laughed. “What?”
“You’re volunteering to talk to Ethan. What gives?”
“He’s been more mellow since he got married. Plus I like Alyssa. Really like her, and for some reason I feel compelled to go the extra mile for her.”
Me, too, Cole thought and instantly tamped it down. He’d known her for only a few hours, and he was acting like a schoolboy with a crush. Not only was it foolish behavior for a grown man, but it was foolish for him in particular when he hadn’t worked out all his baggage from Iraq.
“Sounds like you think this case is going to be tricky.” Dani slipped onto a stool next to him.
“We’ll have to be careful.” He set his mug on the counter and cupped his hands around it to warm them. “We’re all used to working in a big city where anonymity is pretty much a given. Pacific Bay is a small town and gossip gets around.”
“Then we’ll need a cover story,” Dani said.
“Alyssa mentioned showing houses tonight as an excuse for her car in the lot, so I can pose as one of her clients looking for rental property here. That’ll give me a reason to ask questions without drawing attention. Plus I’ll be able to meet with her on a regular basis and not raise Saunders’s suspicion.”
“You think he could have identified her tonight?”
“I don’t know—maybe.” He lifted his cup and took a long drink.
“You have great instincts, Cole. If you think it’s possible, maybe it is.”
“I keep thinking about the beach. It didn’t take me long to recognize she was a woman by the way she carried herself. It wouldn’t be farfetched to think the cops chasing her could’ve done the same thing.”
“Maybe they didn’t study her quite as carefully as you did.” She ended with a wink.
He peered over his mug at her. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’m just saying something’s going on with you that I haven’t seen in a long time. I think, my dear brother, that you’re interested in her.”
He thought to deny it, but there was a good possibility that he was. Still, he didn’t want to talk about it. “In case Saunders has identified her, we’ll need to keep an eye on her until we’re sure she’s in the clear.”
“Oh, yeah.” She gave him a playful punch to the arm. “You’ll keep an eye on her, all right. Both of them.”
He rolled his eyes. “I’m serious, Dani.”
“And that’s why you’ve been exiled out here. To get over this serious phase and let the Cole we all know and love come back.”
“You’ll have to get used to the new Cole. The old one is never coming back.” He tweaked her nose. “I saw too much in Iraq for that to happen.”
“That’s a given, but the new Cole could still stand to laugh and smile a little more often.”
He’d tried that. For two years. But it was hard to be lighthearted when his buddy was buried in the ground because of him.
From the corner of his eye, Cole saw Alyssa enter the room and he swiveled to face her.
“A smile like the cute one you have on your face right now,” Dani whispered.
“Cute?” Cole groaned and watched Alyssa make her way across the open space. His assessment on the beach was right on target. She was gorgeous and regal-looking. Perfect posture. Slender, yet curvy in Dani’s clothes. Her shoulder-length hair falling in soft waves framed her face.
“Wow. You clean up nice,” Dani said to Alyssa while nudging Cole in the shoulder. He checked to see if his mouth was hanging open.
It wasn’t, but he didn’t know why not.
A man would need to be half-dead not to respond to this amazing-looking woman. And the way his heart was picking up speed proved he wasn’t half-dead by any measure.
So what? He was just being a man. That’s all there was to this. At least that’s what he was telling himself. And would keep telling himself to get through this investigation without falling for her. No woman deserved to be saddled with his baggage. Especially not a woman who had her own share of problems.
But that didn’t mean he’d leave her to fend for herself. He wouldn’t let anyone get to her. Especially not the two-faced killer Nolan Saunders.
* * *
Alyssa shifted on the heated leather seat of Cole’s SUV. She hugged the plastic bag holding her running gear in her arms and her car key snug in her palm. Cole and Dani had just walked her through the steps they’d take in their investigation, and she couldn’t be more impressed with their skills.
Still, while they’d talked she’d kept her eyes on the road, watching for Nolan’s police vehicle. She hoped he hadn’t discovered her part in tonight’s chase, but if he hadn’t she couldn’t help but believe it was only a matter of time before he did. He was a good investigator. The best, Todd had said many times. She felt her discovery was imminent.
“You’re awfully quiet, Alyssa,” Dani said from the backseat. “Do you have any questions about our plan?”
“Are you sure there’s nothing I can do to help resolve this?” Alyssa swiveled toward Dani but met Cole’s gaze as he sat behind the wheel.
He spent a long moment studying her before turning back to the road. “Just go about life as normal unless I tell you otherwise.”
Normal, right! “I don’t know if I can do this, Cole.” She worked hard to keep her tone level even though she felt panic trying to elevate it. “I don’t think I can even look at Nolan again, much less pretend he’s the same man I once thought he was.”
Dani leaned forward. “Is it likely you’ll see him often in the next few days?”
Alyssa nodded. “We talk every day. In fact, if my lights are on tonight, it wouldn’t be unusual for him to stop in when he gets home.”
“I doubt he’ll be home soon,” Dani said. “Since his mystery eavesdropper got away, he’s likely meeting with his men to do damage control.”
“I suppose,” Alyssa replied, but she didn’t take much comfort from Dani’s statement. “But what about tomorrow? He’s bound to want to talk me. Especially after his announcement last week.”
“What announcement?” The intensity of Cole’s gaze unsettled Alyssa even more.
“He hinted at us becoming more than friends and he’s waiting for me to give him the green light on a relationship. Not that I ever intended to pursue anything with him, but I couldn’t think of a good way to let him down.”
“Hopefully his feelings for you won’t complicate things,” Cole said.
Hoping the same thing, Alyssa sighed and returned her focus to the window. The heavily forested roadside disappeared, signaling their arrival in the city limits.
Retail establishments lined both sides of the highway. Once they turned off and headed into the downtown area the shops sat closer together and antique street lamps cut through the fog and spilled over the brick streets.
Cole slowed and tipped his head at a parking lot on the right. “Is this the lot?”
He pulled into the main downtown parking lot, still filled with employees and diners’ cars. Even in the inclement winter months, the town’s population swelled with tourists seeking off-season rates. Several couples hurried through the drizzle to their vehicles, but there was no sign of Nolan.
“Which car is yours?”
“The blue SUV. Third car from the building.”
Cole pulled up behind her car and left his vehicle idling. Dani popped open her door and slid out. She was going to drive Cole’s car while Cole rode with Alyssa, making sure she got home safely. She stood outside Alyssa’s door, watchful and searching, her hand on the handle.
Alyssa looked at Cole, once again thankful for his expertise. “Are you sure you don’t mind driving me home?”
“I don’t mind in the least.” He smiled, his dimple winking at her.
She could sit and stare at his smile all night. There was something special about how his face lit up, yet it seemed like he didn’t share a smile with just anyone, making her feel special. How she could go from fearing Nolan in one second to melting at a smile the next was beyond her. She forced herself to look away and push open her door.
Alyssa started to slide out and Dani stepped into her path, keeping her in the car. “We’ll wait for Cole to check out your car.”
He searched every conceivable hiding space while walking around Alyssa’s SUV. He held himself with a confidence she was beginning to realize was part of who this man was. He opened the driver’s-side door and checked the interior. Then, still standing, he reached in, started the engine and stepped back. Odd.
“I’ve never seen anyone start a car like that,” Alyssa commented more to herself than to Dani.
“It’s a safer way to do it if someone has tampered with your vehicle.”
Alyssa’s gaze flew to Dani’s. “Is that even possible? You said it was unlikely that Nolan knew it was me.”
“It is unlikely but not impossible.” Dani smiled, but her hand drifted to the weapon she had holstered on her belt, negating the smile. “Once you get to know Cole, you’ll learn that he’s thorough and doesn’t take chances.”
“So you think this is overkill?”
“I do, but then I never had to see what he’s seen as a member of an elite squad during two tours of duty.” Dani sighed and it carried the weight of the world.
Alyssa wanted to ask her about it, but Cole came over to them. He stopped in front of his sister but continued to scan the area. “We’re good to go. You’ll follow us?”
“Yes,” Dani answered.
Surprised, Alyssa looked at Dani. “I thought you were going back home, but now that you mention it, Cole will need a ride from my place.”
“It’s not only that, but he also wants to make sure you aren’t tailed.” Dani stepped behind the opened door.
Cole slipped his hand around Alyssa’s elbow to help her down from the car. Though she didn’t need his help, she didn’t argue. He kept her close to his side and when they passed Dani, he shared a quick fist bump with her. They seemed so comfortable and in tune with one another.
Alyssa had always wanted a sibling to share this kind of camaraderie, but her parents didn’t want a second child. She’d hoped for a large family with Todd—lots of noise, laughter and love shared between many children—but the dream of having more children died when Todd hit her.
It felt odd to settle in the passenger seat of her own car and even stranger when Cole climbed behind the wheel. She supposed he was used to adapting to an ever-changing environment in his job. She wished she could adjust so quickly, but her nerves were fried.
Too tired to give directions, she pressed Go Home on her GPS and the woman’s voice spouted the first set of directions.
“You really shouldn’t have your home address programmed in your GPS.” Cole adjusted the mirrors. “If someone stole your car, they’d know where you live.”
With Dani’s heads-up about his thorough nature, she wasn’t surprised at his comment. “I’ll change it tomorrow.”
He turned and gave Dani a thumbs-up. Alyssa heard Dani back the car out of their way.
Cole turned to the front, smiling at her. “You ready to go?”
She peered into his eyes. Blue. Like the ocean on a summer day. He seemed so self-assured, yet there was something lingering in the depths that belied the confidence. Nothing that made her doubt his abilities, but something she knew he was questioning, maybe searching for.
Their gazes met and held. His smile disappeared and his eyes turned dark and unreadable. He suddenly seemed too close for comfort and the car too small.
“I really should be getting home,” she said and hated the way his expression became guarded, a feeling she knew all too well from her failed relationship with Todd. But that was a good thing, right? If he looked at her like this more often, reminding her to keep her distance, she wouldn’t have to fight this crazy attraction.
He pulled out of the lot, and once on the road, she listened to the rhythmic thump, thump of the intermittent wipers, hoping the soothing sound would calm her nerves. The dashboard cast a red glow, and she could see Cole check the mirrors on a regular basis—maybe making sure Dani, and no one else, followed them. Neither of them spoke. The quiet, save the wipers and hissing sound of tires spinning over wet pavement, felt uncomfortable as could be expected between two strangers.
And they were strangers. They’d only met a few hours ago. But there was a connection between them, too. Even if she didn’t like it, she couldn’t deny it.
He followed the GPS instructions, making all the directed turns. They pulled onto her street, and she was thankful not to see Nolan’s car in front of their nondescript box of a duplex. Each of them had a one-car garage, but Nolan had filled his with sporting equipment and had no room for his car so he parked on the street.
A single light brightened the front porch of her home. It was usually a beacon welcoming her home. But tonight the thick fog cloaked the shadows around the property, creating dark and murky places to hide.
“It would be best if we could park in the garage,” Cole said, obviously on the same wavelength.
Thankfully, Paula’s husband had dropped her off, so her car didn’t block the driveway. Alyssa pressed the remote mounted on the visor. The garage door groaned and protested its age, then rumbled up. Cole expertly slid her large car into the tight space and turned off the motor.
Expecting Dani to join them, Alyssa glanced back, but Dani’s car wasn’t in the driveway or on the road. “Where’s Dani?”
“We didn’t want to risk Saunders seeing her if he was home. She’ll be waiting for me a few blocks away.”
“He isn’t home. He parks on the street and his car isn’t here.” Just the thought of him nearby sent a shiver over her body. She couldn’t imagine how she would’ve handled it if he had been here. She wrapped her arms around her waist.
“Hey.” Cole laid a warm hand on her shoulder. “I won’t let anything happen to you. In fact, I need to check your home to make sure everything’s okay before leaving you alone.”
Did he really think something had happened to Paula and the twins? Not likely. Nolan would never hurt the kids, would he? “If anything’s wrong, Paula would call me.”
He studied her for a moment, then drew in a deep breath. “There’s something we need to get straight, Alyssa. If I’m to do my job and do it right, there will be things I have to do that aren’t optional. This is one of them.” His tone was sharp, his eyes dark. She suddenly felt sorry for Nolan if he ever crossed this man’s path.
“And what am I supposed to tell Paula about you looking through my house?”
“Does she have any connection to the police force or Nolan?”
“Her husband’s a police officer.”
“Then for your own safety, we’ll have to use a cover story. Tell her I’m a client and you wanted me to see the layout of your place.”
She didn’t want to lie to Paula, but she’d do so for her children’s safety. Without another word, she climbed out.
Cole went to the door leading into her house. As he pushed it open, he settled a hand on the weapon he’d holstered at his waist before leaving his rental house. Her concern rose not only for her own safety, but for her children, as well.
He seemed to shake it off, though, and held out his hand. Needing to check on her babies, she rushed inside without a backward glance to see if he followed. On the way to the stairs, she spotted Paula sound asleep on the sofa.
Breathing a sigh of relief for her friend’s safety, Alyssa charged up the steps as sore muscles from her frantic escape from Nolan screamed at her to slow down. But nothing would stop her from making sure the twins were okay.
Cole caught up with her. “The point of me being here is to check things out before you run headfirst into danger.”
“I just need to make sure the twins are fine.”
His eyes softened a bit. “Which room is theirs?”
“Second door on the left,” she answered. “Please be careful not to wake them.”
“They won’t even know I was here.” He moved stealthily down the hallway, his footfalls silent and quick, almost as if he were one of the dark shadows outside. He slipped into the twins’ room and she followed.
“Thank You, Father,” she whispered at the sight of her babies safely in their twin beds.
Cole went straight to the window and closet, then knelt down to check under their beds. Alyssa was thankful she’d recently discovered Riley had been hiding kid’s-meal boxes under his bed. Riley had wanted to use them as blocks to build a fort. Unfortunately, he hadn’t removed all the food, and she’d found petrified French fries.
Cole came to his feet and paused between the twin beds to look down on Riley and Brianna. In the soft light coming from the hallway, Alyssa saw his face soften. He was such an enigma. Tough, strong, unyielding—and here he was smiling softly at her twins.
He suddenly shook off whatever he was feeling and turned. “Let me check the other rooms and then we can go back downstairs.” He left the room as silently as he’d entered.
She went to Brianna’s bed and tucked the blanket up to her chin. After running a hand over her soft curls, Alyssa kissed her daughter’s forehead. She moved to Riley’s bed and found his comforter decorated with colorful footballs dangling at the end. She tugged it up and pressed a kiss on his cheek. He stirred, then turned over and settled deep into the covers.
Thank You, Lord, for giving me these beautiful children, and keep us all safe through the night. Alyssa headed for the hall where she met Cole.
He held up a hand. “Wait here while I confirm the first floor is clear.”
Knowing better than to try to argue, she sat down on the top step to wait. He returned in a few moments and motioned for her to join him. When she reached the first floor, she found him at the front door.
“Everything’s secure,” he whispered, likely to keep from waking Paula, and pulled open the door.
“So will I see you tomorrow?” she asked, suddenly feeling very alone.
“It’d be a good idea to get together for a status update. Where do you usually meet clients?”
“At my office or a coffee shop.”
“If we meet for coffee you won’t have to explain who I am to your coworkers.”
“Good thinking.” She gave him the location of the place she usually frequented. “Ten would be a typical time I’d meet a client.”
“Then ten o’clock it is.” He looked at her for a few moments, seeming to memorize everything about her. She figured with his skills he’d already done so, but this look was softer, as if he didn’t want to leave her alone.
Touched by his kindness, she smiled her thanks. He pulled back, as if she’d branded him.
“If you need anything tonight,” he stepped onto the porch, “I’ll be standing watch outside.”
She’d thought he’d drop her off and go home. “I can’t let you stay outside all night. Not in this weather.”
“Trust me. I’ve had to stand duty in much worse.”
She didn’t want to impose on him any more tonight, but the iron resolve on his face said it was useless to argue, so she stood in the doorway until he disappeared into the foggy night.
As she reached for the door, she spotted Nolan’s car turning onto her street. She quickly closed the door and locked it. She rushed through the room, turning out lights. Hopefully she’d snapped them off before Nolan discovered she was awake and stopped by to question her about the night.
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