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Protective Ink – Misty Simon

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Friends. Allies. Lovers?Jackson Freeling lost his sense of purpose when he left the marines. Lissa McLaughlin gave him a new one: protecting a man with the ability to forge weapons from his tattoos. Together, they defend the innocent from the criminals vying for control of their city's drug trade.Lissa inked those tattoos. After watching her friend risk losing a piece of himself every time he used his powers, she decided to suppress her own strange gift. But, without quite understanding how, she has given Jackson a tattoo that lets him become invisible….While Jackson and Lissa do their best to save their ally, they also fight the growing passion between them. Everyone they care about is in danger. And they have to decide whether their feelings for each other are a strength or a deadly weakness.With this sequel, Misty Simon continues the bewitching tale she began with her urban fantasy debut, Wicked Ink.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781474008815
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