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Книги автора Автор не определен

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Explicit Cost Dynamics
GETTING TO THE BOTTOM OF THE BOTTOM LINE Traditional cost management systems typically defeat their own purpose by leading corporations to m…
GETTING TO THE BOTTOM OF THE BOTTOM LINE Traditional cost management systems typically defeat their own purpose by leading corporations to m…
All the information you need to extend your credit lines worldwide! As more and more companies expand globally, their credit managers must l…
All the information you need to extend your credit lines worldwide! As more and more companies expand globally, their credit managers must l…
Offering a multidisciplinary roadmap for the design, development, and implementation of a strategic cost system, this book shows how to desi…
Offering a multidisciplinary roadmap for the design, development, and implementation of a strategic cost system, this book shows how to desi…
опера / балет, музыка, ноты, танцы, нотные издания, музыкальное образование, танцевальное искусство
Billings and Collections Best Practices offers advice for implementing a plethora of best practices to greatly improve your company's level …
Billings and Collections Best Practices offers advice for implementing a plethora of best practices to greatly improve your company's level …
Strategic technology strategy for smaller financial institutions Breaking Digital Gridlock empowers credit unions and community banks to mak…
Strategic technology strategy for smaller financial institutions Breaking Digital Gridlock empowers credit unions and community banks to mak…
Our rapidly expanding genetic knowledge today points toward a near future in which the elements of humanity closest to our moral core may th…
Our rapidly expanding genetic knowledge today points toward a near future in which the elements of humanity closest to our moral core may th…
In a series of articles specifically commissioned for this volume, some of today's most distinguished business ethicists survey the main are…
In a series of articles specifically commissioned for this volume, some of today's most distinguished business ethicists survey the main are…
Lose the resume and land that coveted job Gone are the days of polishing up your resume and sending it out at random. At every level today, …
Lose the resume and land that coveted job Gone are the days of polishing up your resume and sending it out at random. At every level today, …
малый и средний бизнес, консалтинг, бизнес-стратегии, просто о бизнесе
Graduate from Excel to MATLAB® to keep up with the evolution of finance data Foundations of Computational Finance with MATLAB® is an introdu…
Graduate from Excel to MATLAB® to keep up with the evolution of finance data Foundations of Computational Finance with MATLAB® is an introdu…
Source Code China
The next five years will be […] a period of opportunity for China to speed up the growth of software and information services outsourcing. C…
The next five years will be […] a period of opportunity for China to speed up the growth of software and information services outsourcing. C…
Has success eluded you, no matter how hard you try? Are you frustrated by trying to achieve your dreams by copying others? Internationally-a…
Has success eluded you, no matter how hard you try? Are you frustrated by trying to achieve your dreams by copying others? Internationally-a…
A Companion to Theoretical Econometrics provides a comprehensive reference to the basics of econometrics. This companion focuses on the foun…
A Companion to Theoretical Econometrics provides a comprehensive reference to the basics of econometrics. This companion focuses on the foun…
The Best of Wilmott 1
November 11th 2003 saw a landmark event take place in London. As the first conference designed for quants by quants the Quantitative Finance…
November 11th 2003 saw a landmark event take place in London. As the first conference designed for quants by quants the Quantitative Finance…
The Futures Bond Basis
The 2nd edition of The Futures Bond Basis, is an updated and revised version of Professor Moorad Choudhry's succinct but in-depth look at th…
The 2nd edition of The Futures Bond Basis, is an updated and revised version of Professor Moorad Choudhry's succinct but in-depth look at th…
The Best of Wilmott 2
The Team at Wilmott is very proud to present this compilation of Wilmott magazine articles and presentations from our second year. We have s…
The Team at Wilmott is very proud to present this compilation of Wilmott magazine articles and presentations from our second year. We have s…
It is not uncommon to meet professionals in financial services who have only a vague idea of what their colleagues actually do. The root cau…
It is not uncommon to meet professionals in financial services who have only a vague idea of what their colleagues actually do. The root cau…
An Introduction to Fund Management introduces readers to the economic rationale for the existence of funds, the different types available, i…
An Introduction to Fund Management introduces readers to the economic rationale for the existence of funds, the different types available, i…
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the global capital markets, explaining the key instruments used in the markets and their …
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the global capital markets, explaining the key instruments used in the markets and their …
Capital Asset Investment
опера / балет, танцы
Providing a balanced and practical approach to capital management and budgeting, this book covers the full spectrum of capital investments, …
Providing a balanced and practical approach to capital management and budgeting, this book covers the full spectrum of capital investments, …