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Image Processing and Pattern Recognition. Fundamentals and Techniques – Frank Shih

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A comprehensive guide to the essential principles of image processing and pattern recognition Techniques and applications in the areas of image processing and pattern recognition are growing at an unprecedented rate. Containing the latest state-of-the-art developments in the field, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition presents clear explanations of the fundamentals as well as the most recent applications. It explains the essential principles so readers will not only be able to easily implement the algorithms and techniques, but also lead themselves to discover new problems and applications. Unlike other books on the subject, this volume presents numerous fundamental and advanced image processing algorithms and pattern recognition techniques to illustrate the framework. Scores of graphs and examples, technical assistance, and practical tools illustrate the basic principles and help simplify the problems, allowing students as well as professionals to easily grasp even complicated theories. It also features unique coverage of the most interesting developments and updated techniques, such as image watermarking, digital steganography, document processing and classification, solar image processing and event classification, 3-D Euclidean distance transformation, shortest path planning, soft morphology, recursive morphology, regulated morphology, and sweep morphology. Additional topics include enhancement and segmentation techniques, active learning, feature extraction, neural networks, and fuzzy logic. Featuring supplemental materials for instructors and students, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition is designed for undergraduate seniors and graduate students, engineering and scientific researchers, and professionals who work in signal processing, image processing, pattern recognition, information security, document processing, multimedia systems, and solar physics.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470590409

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