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Rage of Angels – Сидни Шелдон

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The international bestseller from the master of suspense.Jennifer Parker is brilliant, beautiful and bold. . She seems unbeatable – but is she really?Jennifer Parker is brilliant, beautiful and bold. A lawyer, the most glamorous and successful in America, she dominates the court with her intelligence and charm.When Jennifer falls in love, she can hardly believe her luck. Adam Warner is handsome, smart, destined to be the next President of the United States – and married…Jennifer falls pregnant and yet is determined not to allow her broken heart to get in the way of her success. But she soon realises that being alone makes her more vulnerable to those who are determined to destroy her…Sidney Sheldon gives us his greatest character yet in this bestselling tale of power, love and intrigue.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780007389520
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