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Introduction to Polymer Viscoelasticity – Montgomery Shaw

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Completely revised and updated, the fourth edition of this classic text continues to offer the reader a thorough understanding of viscoelastic behavior, essential for the proper utilization of polymers. Explains principles, corresponding equations, and experimental methods with supporting real-life applications Adds coverage of measurement techniques (nano-indentation, atomic force microscopy (AFM), and diffusing wave spectroscopy (DWS)), biopolymer viscoelasticity, and the relationship between mechanical polymer properties and viscoelastic functions Has two new ections to address modern areas of viscoelastic measurement: large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) and microrheology Includes problems in the text and an Instructor’s Manual (including solutions) available for adopting professors Prior edition reviews: «The book is clear written and…[is] appropriate for students in introductory undergraduate courses and for others wanting introduction to the fundamentals of the subject.» (CHOICE, December 2005); «This book is invariably well written, logically organized and easy to follow…I highly recommend this book to anyone studying polymer viscoelasticity.» (Polymer News, December 2005)

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781119181811

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