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Лексика по темам кодификатора для ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Сдай устную часть на максимум!
Лексика по темам кодификатора для ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Сдай устную часть на максимум!
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Лексика по темам кодификатора для ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Сдай устную часть на максимум!

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Siblings – Братья и сестры

I have two siblings – an older brother and a younger sister.

My siblings and I used to fight a lot when we were younger, but now we get along much better.

Father – Отец

My father is a hard-working man and always puts his family first.

I’m going to visit my father for his birthday next week.

Mother – Мать

My mother is the most loving and caring person I know.

I can always count on my mother for support and encouragement.

Brother – Брат

My brother and I used to fight a lot when we were younger, but now we’re best friends.

My brother is a talented musician and I love listening to him play guitar.

Sister – Сестра

My sister and I have a really strong bond and share everything with each other.

My sister is my role model and has taught me so much about life.

Grandfather – Дедушка

My grandfather fought in World War II and I’m grateful for his sacrifice.

My grandfather tells the best stories about his childhood in the countryside.

Grandmother – Бабушка

My grandmother makes the best apple pie I’ve ever tasted.

My grandmother is a wise woman and always gives great advice.

Uncle – Дядя

My uncle is a successful businessman who always encourages me to pursue my dreams.

I love spending time with my uncle because he makes me laugh and we have a lot in common.

Aunt – Тетя

My aunt is an amazing cook and I always look forward to our family dinners.

My aunt is a nurse and has dedicated her life to helping others.

Cousin – Кузен/кузина

My cousin and I grew up together and have a special bond that can’t be broken.

My cousin is a talented artist and I love seeing her latest creations.

Nephew – Племянник

My nephew is a smart and curious little boy who loves to ask questions.

I’m so proud of my nephew for graduating from high school and starting college.

Niece – Племянница

My niece is a kind and generous girl who always thinks of others before herself.

I love spending time with my niece and watching her grow into a confident young woman.

Son – Сын

My son is the light of my life and brings so much joy to our family.

I’m so proud of my son for graduating from college and starting his own business.

Daughter – Дочь

My daughter is a talented artist and has already sold some of her paintings.

I cherish the special moments I have with my daughter and treasure our bond.

Husband – Муж

My husband is my rock and supports me through everything.

I’m grateful for my husband’s sense of humor and positive outlook on life.

Wife – Жена

My wife is a wonderful mother and always puts our family first.

I admire my wife’s strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

Family traditions – Семейные традиции

Every Christmas, we gather as a family and decorate the tree together while listening to holiday music.

One of our family traditions is going camping every summer and enjoying the outdoors together.

For Thanksgiving, we take turns saying what we’re thankful for and sharing a special meal.

We have a family recipe for lasagna that’s been passed down for generations and it’s always a hit at family gatherings.

Family values – Семейные ценности

Our family values honesty and integrity above all else, and we try to live by those values every day.

Respect for others is a core value in our family, and we strive to treat everyone with kindness and consideration.

Hard work and perseverance are important values in our family, and we believe that anything is possible with dedication and effort.

We place a strong emphasis on education in our family, and encourage each other to pursue our goals and passions.

Family history – История семьи

My grandfather served in the military during World War II and it’s a source of pride for our family.

My great-great-grandfather immigrated to this country in the early 1900s and his story has inspired us for generations.

Our family has a long tradition of entrepreneurship, and many of us have started successful businesses over the years.

My grandmother was an incredible artist and her paintings still hang on the walls of our family home.

Family conflicts – Конфликты в семье

Every family goes through disagreements and conflicts from time to time, but it’s important to find healthy ways to resolve them.

When there’s tension or conflict in our family, we make an effort to listen to each other and find common ground.

It’s natural for siblings to argue sometimes, but we try to maintain a sense of respect and understanding even when we don’t see eye-to-eye.

Forgiveness is key in resolving family conflicts, and we always aim to move forward with love and compassion.

Family support – Поддержка в семье

Having a support system in your family can be incredibly beneficial in times of need.

When my father passed away, my family was there for me every step of the way and their love and support helped me through.

Whether it’s financial, emotional, or practical support, we’re always here for each other when it matters most.

I’m grateful for the unwavering love and support of my family, and I know that I can always count on them no matter what.

Family vacations – Семейные отпуска

Family vacations are a great way to bond and create lasting memories.

When I was a kid, my family took a road trip across the country and it’s still one of the best experiences of my life.

Whether it’s a beach vacation, a ski trip, or a visit to a new city, family vacations offer a chance to explore, relax, and have fun together.

Family roles – Роли в семье

Every family member has a unique role to play in the family dynamic.

As the oldest sibling, I often take on a leadership role and help guide my younger siblings.

My mother is the heart of our family and her nurturing spirit keeps us all together.

My father is a great provider and works hard to ensure the financial stability of our family.

Family memories – Семейные воспоминания

Family memories are the stories and experiences that bind us together and shape our identity.

I love looking through old photo albums with my family and reminiscing about fun times we’ve had together.

Whether it’s a funny story from our childhood or a shared experience on a family vacation, these memories help strengthen our family bonds.

Family heirlooms – Семейные реликвии

Family heirlooms are treasured possessions that have been passed down from generation to generation.

My great-grandmother’s wedding ring is a family heirloom that has been in our family for over 100 years, and it’s a symbol of our family history and tradition.

From antique furniture to handwritten letters, family heirlooms carry sentimental value and connect us to our past.

Family gatherings – Семейные посиделки

Family gatherings can be a source of joy and connection, but also stress and tension.

I look forward to our annual family reunion every year, where we catch up with distant relatives and share food and stories.

Whether it’s a holiday dinner or a summer barbecue, family gatherings offer a chance to come together and show love and support for each other.

Family fun – Развлечение в кругу семьи

Having fun together as a family can help strengthen bonds and create lasting memories.

From game nights to movie nights, we make an effort to carve out time for fun activities that everyone can enjoy.

Whether it’s a trip to the amusement park or a backyard barbecue, family fun helps us stay connected and create happy memories together.

Communication – Общение

Good communication is key to any healthy relationship.