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Лексика по темам кодификатора для ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Сдай устную часть на максимум!
Лексика по темам кодификатора для ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Сдай устную часть на максимум!
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Лексика по темам кодификатора для ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Сдай устную часть на максимум!

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Вопросы и ответы по теме household chores

1. What are some common household chores?

– Some common household chores include vacuuming, dusting, doing laundry, washing dishes, and cleaning the bathroom.

2. How often do you typically clean your home?

– It depends on the person and their living situation. Some people may clean their home once a week, while others may clean more or less frequently.

3. What are some effective ways to organize your living space?

– Some effective ways to organize your living space include getting rid of clutter, using storage containers, labeling items, and creating designated spaces for different types of items.

4. How do you divide household responsibilities with your family members or roommates?

– Dividing household responsibilities can be done by discussing and assigning tasks based on each person’s abilities and availability. Some families or roommates may choose to rotate tasks on a schedule.

5. What are some tools or products that can make cleaning easier?

– Some tools or products that can make cleaning easier include a vacuum cleaner, microfiber cloths, all-purpose cleaner, and a mop.

6. What are some eco-friendly alternatives to traditional cleaning products?

– Some eco-friendly alternatives to traditional cleaning products include vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice. These natural ingredients can be used to clean many surfaces around the house.

7. How do you motivate yourself to complete household tasks?

– Some ways to motivate yourself to complete household tasks include setting goals, rewarding yourself after completing tasks, and breaking tasks into smaller, manageable steps.

8. What chores do you find most challenging or time-consuming?

– Chores that people commonly find challenging or time-consuming include deep-cleaning bathrooms, doing laundry, and washing dishes.

9. How do you juggle household responsibilities with work or other commitments?

– Juggling household responsibilities with work or other commitments can be done by prioritizing tasks, delegating responsibilities when possible, and setting aside specific times for household chores.

10. What are some tips for maintaining a clean and organized home?

– Some tips for maintaining a clean and organized home include creating a cleaning schedule, decluttering regularly, putting things back in their proper place after use, and doing small tasks like wiping down surfaces daily.

О помощи братьям и сестрам – About helping brothers and sisters

Help – Помощь

My brother always helps me with my homework.

I offered to help my sister with the dishes.

Support – Поддержка

It’s important to show support for your siblings when they’re going through tough times.

My sister was nervous about her presentation, so I gave her some words of support.

Cooperation – Сотрудничество, содействие

Cleaning our shared bathroom is much easier when we work in cooperation with each other.

My brother and I often cook together, which requires a lot of cooperation.

Responsibility – Ответственность

We all have a responsibility to keep the house clean, so we take turns doing chores.

Even though I’m the youngest, my siblings trust me with important responsibilities like taking care of our pets.

Collaboration – Совместная работа

My sister and I collaborated on a science project and got an A.

It’s important to have good communication skills when collaborating with your siblings on a task.

Initiative – Инициатива

When it comes to doing household tasks, I always take the initiative so my siblings don’t have to worry about it.

My brother showed great initiative by organizing a family game night.

Распределение домашних обязанностей – Division of household chores

Chore – Работа по дому

We all have chores that we need to do around the house, like cleaning our rooms and doing the laundry.

My brother is responsible for taking out the trash as one of his daily chores.

Delegation – Делегирование

Our parents sometimes delegate certain tasks to each of us based on our strengths and abilities.

I delegated the task of setting the table to my little sister since she loves organizing things.

Schedule – График

We follow a weekly schedule for completing our household tasks so that it’s easier to manage and remember.

I checked the schedule to see what my chores were for the day.

Responsibility – Ответственность

Each of us has a responsibility to contribute to the upkeep of the house, whether it’s through cleaning or cooking meals.

I take full responsibility for making sure the dishes are done after dinner.

Teamwork – Командная работа

Working together with my siblings to complete household tasks has taught me the value of teamwork and cooperation.

We use teamwork to clean the house quickly before guests arrive.

Division of labor – Разделение труда

We divide up the household tasks according to our strengths and preferences so that everyone is doing something they enjoy.

Checklist – Чек-лист

We use a checklist to make sure we don’t forget any important household tasks and to keep track of what’s been done.

My brother made a checklist for us to follow when cleaning the garage.

Time management – Управление временем

Good time management skills are important when it comes to completing household tasks efficiently and effectively.

I’ve learned to manage my time well so that I have enough time for my homework and chores.

Prioritization – Приоритетность

Some household tasks are more urgent or important than others, so it’s important to prioritize them accordingly.

I prioritized cleaning the kitchen before doing my homework because it was messier and needed to be done first.

Communication – Коммуникация

Good communication between siblings is key when it comes to dividing up household tasks and making sure everyone knows their responsibilities.

We have regular family meetings to discuss household responsibilities and make sure everyone is on the same page.

Flexibility – Гибкость

Sometimes our schedules or responsibilities change unexpectedly, so it’s important to be flexible and adaptable.

I had to be flexible with my schedule when my sister got sick and couldn’t do her assigned tasks.

Completion – Завершение

It’s important to see each task through to completion rather than leaving it half-done or unfinished.

I made sure to complete all my assigned tasks before going out to play with my friends.

Вопросы и ответы по теме Division of household chores

What is the typical way households distribute household chores?

The way households distribute household chores can vary widely depending on cultural and individual preferences. However, in many cases, household chores may be distributed based on factors such as gender, age, and ability.

How have attitudes towards household chores changed over time?

Attitudes towards household chores have evolved significantly over time. In the past, certain household tasks were often considered to be «women’s work» and were expected to be performed exclusively by female members of the household. However, today, there is often more of a focus on sharing responsibilities and ensuring that all members of the household contribute to keeping the home clean and organized.

What are some strategies for dividing household chores fairly?

One strategy for dividing household chores fairly is to assign specific tasks to each member of the household based on their abilities and preferences. Another approach is to rotate tasks regularly so that everyone has a chance to do different tasks. Additionally, it’s important to communicate openly about expectations and make sure that everyone feels valued for their contributions to the household.

How can parents teach their children about the importance of contributing to household chores?

Parents can teach their children about the importance of contributing to household chores by involving them in tasks from a young age and making it a regular part of family life. It can also be helpful to explain why these tasks are important and how they benefit the whole family. Additionally, parents can model positive attitudes towards household chores themselves and praise their children for their efforts.

What are the benefits of a fair distribution of household chores?

A fair distribution of household chores can help to reduce stress and conflict within the household by ensuring that no one person is overburdened with responsibilities. It can also help to promote a sense of teamwork and cooperation, as all members of the household work together towards shared goals. Additionally, it can be a valuable way for children to learn important life skills and responsibilities that will serve them well in the future.

Покупки – Shopping

Buy – Купить

I want to buy a new dress for the party.

She decided to buy a car instead of taking public transportation.

Sell – Продавать

He’s going to sell his old bike and buy a new one.

The store is selling its products at a discount this week.

Shop – Магазин

Let’s go to that new shop and see what they have.

I always enjoy shopping for clothes in that boutique.

Customer – Покупатель

The customer was unhappy with the service she received.

The store wants to focus on providing excellent customer service.