Полная версия:
Primary Suspect
Only the fire had gotten out of hand really fast. There had been flammable material of some sort stored in a remote corner of the building that suddenly blew up with a ferocious roar, turning the fire directly toward them. Kent had freaked out a bit, clawing at his face mask, and that was when Mitch had realized the seal wasn’t tight enough and smoke was seeping up inside the mask, clogging Kent’s nose, mouth and eyes.
When Kent had collapsed, Mitch had tossed the kid over his shoulder and gotten him out of there as fast as humanly possible. But it had still taken much longer than he’d expected. The fire was so intense, he’d felt the breath of the dragon searing him from behind.
By the time he had gotten Kent outside and begun CPR, he’d known it was already too late. But he’d refused to stop, continuing to pump the young man’s chest in a fifteen-stroke rhythm while a paramedic on scene tried to force oxygen into his smoke-damaged lungs.
Kent had been declared dead thirty minutes later at barely twenty-three years old.
Yet Dana had come over to thank him. And what had he done in return?
Drawn her smack-dab into the middle of danger.
He was so lost in his thoughts, his coffee had grown cold. He forced it down and prepared to make a second cup. He briefly considered reaching out to Paul for help, but decided it wasn’t a good idea to put his buddy in danger, as well. When his coffee had finished brewing, he heard the sounds of Dana moving around next door.
Maybe he could hire his brother Mike, the only Callahan sibling to refuse to follow their father’s wishes of choosing careers that served the community. Mike ran his own private investigator business, and it was possible that he’d agree to watch over Dana for a while, until Mitch could be sure their assailant hadn’t used her license plate number to obtain her home address.
He and Mike had grown closer lately, partially because Mike was the only other Callahan who wasn’t married and popping out kids. As single guys, they’d banded together. Not that Mitch didn’t love his family, because he did. But their weekly Sunday brunches had gotten exponentially more crowded since three of his brothers and his sister had all fallen in love and gotten married.
He had imagined he’d go down that same path with Janice, and when that plan had crashed and burned, he decided Mike was right. Staying single was a lot easier than being in a relationship.
He pulled out his cell phone—the screen was cracked, but it still worked—and put in a call to his brother. Mike didn’t answer, so he left a message briefly explaining the events from last night and outlining his plan to hire him to watch over Dana.
When he disconnected from the call, he felt better having at least the semblance of a plan. Not perfect, but not terrible, either. Once he knew Dana was safe, he’d get in touch with Miles to let him know about Janice Valencia’s murder and the attempt to frame him.
The door between their connecting rooms opened and Dana hovered in the doorway, looking beautiful and fresh, as if she’d enjoyed a good night’s sleep. Too bad he couldn’t say the same.
“Would you like me to drop you off somewhere on my way home?” she asked, sipping from her own cup of coffee.
The fact that she was telling him her plans, not asking, was no surprise. He had anticipated something like this. And her offer to give him a ride was more than he’d dared to hope for.
“Yes, that would be great.” He approached cautiously, sipping his coffee and keeping an easy smile on his face. “I appreciate the offer.”
“I’d like to get going in the next fifteen minutes or so, if that’s okay.” She didn’t meet his gaze and he felt bad that he’d crossed some sort of invisible line last night. Making her feel uncomfortable was the last thing he’d wanted to do.
“Fine with me.”
“Good.” She stepped back and turned away. Moments later, he heard the door to her motel room open and close.
He quickly finished his coffee and joined her outside. It looked to be another nice summer day, and he wondered if she was scheduled to work again later that afternoon.
Dana didn’t say much as she slid in behind the wheel. He folded his large frame into the passenger seat, sliding the seat back as far as it would go so he had more leg room.
Once they were back on the highway, she turned to glance at him. “Do you want me to drop you off at the hospital so you can pick up your car? You should probably see the doctor again anyway. You need a course of antibiotics.”
“No, thanks. I’d like to check out your place, make sure it’s safe before I leave you there alone.”
She frowned, obviously annoyed, and her fingers tightened on the steering wheel. “That’s not necessary.”
“It is to me,” he said in a firm tone. If she insisted on taking him to the hospital, he’d lose precious time finding her address and then heading over to her house. And what if Mike hadn’t gotten his message yet? Mitch couldn’t stand the thought of her being alone and vulnerable.
“I’ll take you to the hospital,” she stubbornly repeated. “I’m sure that guy didn’t get my license plate number. It was dark and he was chasing us—I doubt he was able to memorize it that quickly.”
He hoped and prayed she was right. “Please humor me,” he said in a low voice. “It’s bad enough that you had to help me escape. Please let me be sure you’re safe. Once I know that your house is clear, I’ll go away and you’ll never hear from me again.”
There was a long pause before she gave a curt nod. “Fine.”
He let out his breath in a soundless sigh. “Thank you.”
She didn’t say anything more, but headed home. He recognized the neighborhood, a little surprised she and Kent were able to afford a house there. It was high-class, full of newly built homes on streets named after various birds. He knew what a rookie firefighter’s salary was, and while a nurse likely did pretty well, he was still surprised to see the home that was more than twice the size of his modest place.
“Wow,” he said when she pulled up in front of the garage. “You have a really nice home.”
She scowled. “Yeah. It’s big all right.”
He raised an eyebrow at her less-than-enthusiastic response. “Let me go in first, okay?”
She rolled her eyes and slid out from behind the wheel. “It’s not like you’re armed. What are you going to do if someone is here?”
Good point. “Do me a favor and stay in the car while I make sure the house is empty.”
“Use the code on the garage to get in. It’s 7272.” She slid back in behind the wheel and put the keys in the ignition.
He entered through the garage, staying off to one side as the door rolled upward. The garage was clean and mostly empty except for a few bins that were labeled as Christmas decorations.
No one was in there, so he made his way to the door leading into the house. He opened it as softly as possible and eased his way inside.
The garage door led into a spacious laundry room and from there, into the kitchen. The kitchen faced the spacious backyard through a set of patio doors. He moved silently through Dana’s house, looking for any sign that someone might have been there. The windows were all closed up tight, the air cool from the central air-conditioning. He preferred fresh air, but in this case he was glad she had kept everything closed up. Made it safer for her in the long run.
He didn’t find anything out of place. In fact the kitchen, living room and guest bedrooms were almost obsessively neat and tidy. Was that Dana’s doing? Must be, since it didn’t appear that she shared the place with anyone else.
The house was big so it took him a while to clear it. And when he came to the master suite, he felt like he was violating her personal space, opening up her closets, looking under her bed and checking the shower stall.
When he returned to the garage a good fifteen minutes later, he found that Dana had already parked inside and was standing next to her vehicle, resting one hand on her purse, as she tapped her foot impatiently on the cement.
“Everything is clear,” he said. “Thanks for giving me time to check it out. Makes me feel better to know you’re safe.”
She straightened and nodded. “Okay, but how are you going to get back to your car?”
“I’ll walk, it’s not that far, just a couple of miles. It will give me time to think.” He wanted to take her hand in his, but forced himself to stay back. Touching her had upset her before; he didn’t want to make the same mistake again. “Thanks again for all your help.” He turned to walk down the driveway.
“Mitch, wait.” Dana’s voice stopped him and he glanced at her over her shoulder. “I’ll drive you to the hospital. No reason for you to walk.”
“No need, I’d rather you stay home, where it’s safe.” He wondered where in the world Mike was. Glancing down at his phone, he didn’t see a response via text. Sometimes when Mike was on a stakeout, he turned off the volume on his phone, but he should have seen Mitch’s attempt to call by now.
“You’re being ridiculous,” Dana said, her voice sharp with temper. Maybe she hadn’t gotten a good night’s sleep, either. “I’m not in danger, you are. Yet you want to stroll down the street in the daylight for anyone to see you? Maybe you sustained a head injury because that’s the only excuse I can see for your lack of reason.”
“Having you stay here safe and sound is perfectly reasonable,” he countered.
Come on, Mike, where are you?
When Dana moved to get back into her car, he came rushing back up the driveway. “Okay, how about this? You go inside and I’ll hang around in the garage for a little bit. I’ll call my brother for a ride.”
She paused, nodded, then slammed the driver’s-side door shut. “Okay. I guess that will work.”
“Great. I promise I’ll be out of your hair soon.”
For the first time that morning the corner of her mouth tipped up in the barest hint of a smile. “Yeah, why do I find that so hard to believe?”
Dana was so beautiful, especially when she smiled. Yet he sensed she hadn’t been very happy over the past few years. Why had it been so hard for her to move past Kent’s death? Losing a spouse was horrible, but three years also seemed like a long time.
He tucked his hands in the back pockets of his jeans, more to keep himself from reaching for her than anything else.
“Thanks again,” he said as she walked into the house.
“You’re welcome, again,” she said before letting the door close behind her.
He pulled out his phone and checked for a response from Mike.
He stared at the quiet suburban street. Dana’s house was on Cardinal Avenue, and the lots were spacious, easily a half acre or more, providing a nice cushion of space between neighbors. Where was everyone? It was almost eight o’clock in the morning. Either these people had already headed off to work or they were enjoying a leisurely Thursday, sitting indoors. But where were the kids? It was summer, shouldn’t they already be outside playing?
The quiet stillness of the neighborhood was a bit eerie. A little too Stepford-like for his taste. It made him wonder why on earth Dana continued to live here in the house she’d shared with Kent.
Whoa, why did he care? Dana Petrie’s personal life wasn’t his business. His only responsibility was to keep her safe from harm.
He looked at his phone again. Maybe it was time to call Miles. His other brother should be up by now, and he could really use Miles’s advice on how to handle Janice’s murder.
Especially as he had been set up to be the primary suspect. Sure, he had gotten out of there before the police arrived, but thanks to the beam hitting him, he’d left his blood behind at the crime scene.
Possibly fingerprints, too, from when he’d gone over to check on Janice. It was only a matter of time before the cops came looking for him.
The image of his former girlfriend lying in the rubble was burned into his memory. Even though their relationship had ended badly, he’d never wished her any harm. Certainly nothing like a bullet to the chest.
One thing he had learned from Miles was that when a woman was found murdered, the initial suspect was always her boyfriend, fiancé or husband. He wondered if she had still been seeing Simon Wylan, and if so, where he’d been last night. If Simon had killed Janice in a fit of anger, it wasn’t a stretch to figure the best way to push the blame somewhere else was to implicate the former boyfriend.
It was even possible that Simon could have found some excuse to get inside the fire chief’s office. Yep, the more he thought about it, the more it made sense that somehow Wylan was the mastermind behind this.
If only he’d gotten a better look at the guy during the scuffle in the ER. But with the mask hiding the guy’s face and the fog in his brain from being hit on the head, he hadn’t gotten a clear view. There had been something familiar, though, so maybe it had been Simon after all.
His phone rang, jarring him from his thoughts. Mike, finally. He pushed the button and brought the phone to his ear. “Hey, I need a lift.”
“I’m on my way. I just got your message. What’s going on?” Mike demanded.
Mitch winced. “Long story. I’ll work with Miles to get my name cleared, but I also need you to help me keep an eye on Dana Petrie, an ER nurse who helped me escape. I’m worried the guy who attacked me will come after her.”
“I should be there in five to ten minutes tops,” Mike assured him. “And you probably won’t be able to get in touch with Miles—he’s been up all night working the murder scene at the burned warehouse.”
Mitch closed his eyes against a wave of frustration. That wasn’t good news. There was no way he could put his brother in a position of sheltering a suspect.
He needed a plan B. “Okay, I’ll figure something out later. But I still need a ride. And someone to watch over Dana.”
“See you soon,” Mike said.
Mitch counted minutes in his head as he stared out at the road. He straightened when he noticed a large black truck with tinted windows rolling slowly down the street. It stopped at the intersection and then made the right turn onto Cardinal. The tiny hairs on the back of his neck rose in alarm and he quickly hit the button to close the garage door.
The door slowly cranked down. Not good enough. He barreled into the house, startling Dana badly enough that she dropped a plate heaping with scrambled eggs, too many for one person.
In a tiny corner of his mind, he was touched she’d cooked for him, but there wasn’t any time to savor the moment. “We gotta go. Out the back, now!”
“Hurry!” He nudged her toward the patio doors, but she resisted, grabbing her purse before going along with him. He unlocked and opened the door that lead into the backyard. He heard the sound of the truck engine abruptly stopping.
“Run!” He pushed her ahead of him so that he could protect her from behind. She had changed clothes and wore a green blouse and faded blue jeans. She took off running through the backyard, her purse bouncing against her shoulder as she dodged between a pair of large trees. He liked the way she was finding cover and followed close on her heels.
Dana zigged right, and he felt something whizz past him. It took a minute for him to see the dart lodged in the side of Dana’s purse.
What in the world was going on? Why was the guy in the black truck shooting at them with a tranquilizer gun? Mitch didn’t like how he’d gotten so close to hitting Dana. He plucked the dart from her bag and slid it into his back pocket. Then he latched onto her arm, making sure to follow her more closely, urging her to continue taking twists and turns.
After several minutes of running through people’s yards, they found a small squat shed. She stopped for a moment to catch her breath, and he used the time to call Mike.
“Change of plans, the bad guy showed up at Dana’s. We’ll meet you at the corner of Robin and Wren, understand?”
“Got it.”
He slid his phone back into his pocket and looked at Dana, whose green eyes were wide with fear. “My brother will meet up with us. I promise we’ll keep you safe.”
She swallowed hard, tears welling in her eyes, wrenching his heart. He silently prayed for God to keep them safe, but for some reason, praying didn’t alleviate his guilt.
He’d done this. He’d put her in danger.
And he had no idea how to fix it.
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