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The Devil's Kiss
The Devil's Kiss
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The Devil's Kiss

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“Well, we won’t know until we try. Shall we be on our way?”

The gentleman stood. He had tried to dissuade Mrs. Alexander from going to the jail. Now he could only hope Wagner had had enough time to get there from Texas. As they walked down the hotel stairs he thought about how shocked the lovely Mrs. Alexander would be should she discover she was about to be used by the government to track down a band of outlaws. When they entered his coach Smyth swallowed a chuckle. And wouldn’t the widow really blow off steam if she knew he wasn’t the real John Smyth? He was simply there to set up everything.

When the carriage pulled to a halt, Beth was surprised to see the size of the jail. She hadn’t expected the Tower of London, but neither had she expected such a small brick building. Could prisoners actually breathe in such a place?

The deputy inside was snoring so loudly he didn’t hear the visitors enter—until Smyth shoved the man’s feet off the scarred desk.

Deputy Carson jumped to his feet. Startled at seeing the well-dressed lady, he sputtered, “’am, I think you’ve come to the wrong place. This here’s a jail.”

“Obviously,” Beth stated tartly.

“Mrs. Alexander is looking to buy an outlaw,” John announced.

The statement caused the deputy to choke on his tobacco juice. After a coughing fit and several gasps, he finally managed to catch his breath. “Whoever heard of such a thing? ’Sides, all I got is a couple of men sleeping off a drunk.” Easterners sure can come up with some of the damnedest things, he thought.

“Mrs. Alexander is willing to pay you handsomely for the right outlaw.” John winked at the deputy trying to indicate that money could be made from this deal.

“Of course, he must be good at what he does. And a gentleman,” Beth added.

Carson was beginning to get Smyth’s message. “It just so happens I do have such a man.” He certainly wasn’t above making money off a drunk.

“And he must know how to shoot and talk to Indians,” John added. The only problem with this entire setup was not letting the deputy in on the deal. But orders had been to let no one else know what was really going on. Even he didn’t know all the facts.

“Oh, he does,” Carson assured Beth. “Yes, sirree. Why, he’s even robbed a bank or three,” he threw in for good measure. He glanced at John to be sure he was saying the right things. Just how much money was this woman willing to pay?

John nodded his encouragement.

“There’s a reward for him,” Carson added as an afterthought.

“How big of a reward?” Beth asked.

“A... five hundred?”

Beth clapped her hands. “Wonderful. I’ll buy him.” She looked at John. “See how easy that was?”

Carson couldn’t believe his good fortune. He should probably feel guilty about taking advantage of the lady, but he didn’t. “Plus what he owes for tearing up the Gun Runner Saloon last night.”

“Who shall I pay?” Beth inquired.

“Me. You can pay me.” Carson said.

“I want to take a look at the man first,” John insisted.

The deputy opened the door leading to the two cells. John stepped into the narrow walkway.

“And how much do I owe the saloon?” Beth asked the deputy.

As soon as John saw the big man lying on the bare straw mattress, he released his breath. He should have known Wagner would be there as arranged. This had to be an important assignment for President Grant to send his best man. He was also the most cold-blooded son of a bitch John had ever worked with—but that was neither here nor there. The man always seemed to get the job done.

“What is your name?” John asked, loud enough for the others to hear.

“Who the hell wants to know?”

“I do. I might have a job for you.”

“Just call me Sir Outlaw.” The big man laughed at his own joke.

“I have a lady who is willing to pay a good wage for a man who can show her the West. Would you be interested in such a proposition?”

“Hell, yes. Beats staying in this confounded place. I’d make a good guide.”

John walked back out just in time to block Beth from entering. He closed the door behind him.

“Perhaps I should take a look. I don’t want to spend money unnecessarily.”

“He needs to be cleaned up before being presented to a lady.”

“Well, what do you think?” Beth asked.

“He seems to be just the man you’re looking for.”

The deputy tried not to stare as the lady reached into her reticule for the money, but he was having an awfully hard time believing his good luck. “The prisoner’s name is Cole Wagner, ma’am,” he stated. He couldn’t believe the amount of coin that was being placed in his hands.

“Thank you,” Beth said sweetly. “I will send two men to take him away. Even so, it might be wise to have him manacled.”

Inside the cell, Cole Wagner scratched his bearded chin, grinned, then returned to his smelly mattress. So far everything had gone as planned. But for now, he needed all the rest he could get. His trip from Texas had been long.

The rhythm of rain splattering on the tin roof soon had him sleeping as soundly as a newborn babe.

That afternoon Deputy Carson and his handcuffed prisoner stood just inside the doorway of the jail, staring at two brawny men who were climbing out of a coach. Cole could tell by their hesitant smiles that they weren’t too sure how they were supposed to handle him.

Since the good deputy had already repeated his conversation with the woman, Cole saw no reason to delay his departure. He nodded at the men, ducked his face from the rain, then ran to the coach. In truth, he needed to get away from the jail as quickly as possible. At any time the deputy could have recognized his picture, if the Wanted posters had already been distributed. Too many explanations would have had to have been made, and under the circumstances he couldn’t afford that to happen. But that was exactly why Smyth had selected this particular jail. The deputy was new and gave no inkling of ambition. It was doubtful he even looked at the Wanted posters.

Cole quickly discovered that this particular style of carriage wasn’t made to carry three big men. The vehicle seemed to sink a foot when the other two joined him inside. One sat facing him, the other sat beside him. Cole felt like a squashed gnat. He studied his companions. They had to be brothers. They both had light brown hair, blue eyes, and were devoid of any quality that would make them easy to identify.

Because the men seemed nervous, Cole decided to make their acquaintance. “Since we’re apparently going to be working together, it’s only right that I introduce myself. The name’s Cole Wagner.” He gave them a wide, friendly smile.

“I’m Wilber Jones,” the older of the two replied, “and this is my brother, Decker.”

Cole raised his hands. “I’d shake but, as you can see, that would be a bit difficult.”

They both laughed, already starting to feel relaxed around the stranger.

Decker cleared his throat. “You don’t look like a man who would rob a bank.”

The statement slid off Cole’s shoulders as easily as satin. Over the years he’d had a lot of practice at coming up with answers people wanted to hear. “Looks can be deceiving. Don’t tell anyone, but I’m quite harmless, if that’s what is bothering you. That bank thing happened a while back. I was trying to feed some of my family whose farm had been ravaged by grasshoppers.”

The Jones brothers fell silent.

Cole had just drifted off to sleep when the conveyance came to a halt in front of the hotel. A few minutes later he was escorted through the back entrance, up the stairs and was finally brought to a halt in front of a large door. When the door opened he found himself facing a petite beauty. Servants didn’t wear such expensive gowns. He suspected he was facing his soon-to-be employer.

“Please come in, Mr. Wagner.” He stepped forward and she closed the door behind him, leaving the others to stand in the hallway. “I am Mrs. Bethany Alexander.”

A slow grin spread across Cole’s lips. This situation had possibilities. Besides the lady’s pleasing physical qualities, he liked her apparent lack of fear at being alone with an outlaw. He snatched off his top hat, then sauntered farther into the room.

A quick glance at the expensive surroundings told Cole a great deal about the lady he was going to be working for. She was wealthy and accustomed to the very best. The price he had planned to charge for his services escalated.

Cole held up his manacled hands. “Do you plan to leave these on me?”

“For now.”

“I’m curious. Aren’t you worried that I might attack you?”

“Why should I be? Decker and Wilber are on the other side of the door. Besides, we’re not alone.”

Out of the corner of his eye Cole caught sight of a man sitting in a chair, partially hidden by the room’s shadows.

“Please join us.”

Cole followed her to the other side of the room.

“You’ve already met the Jones brothers. This is Howard Bench. He will be second in command during our trip.”

Howard stood and nodded.

Cole figured him to be approximately ten years the woman’s senior. He had a touch of gray at his temples and his clothes were fashionable and expensive. But the gentleman wasn’t just a soft greenhorn. He had the look of a hunter in his eyes, a look Cole easily recognized. Cole knew immediately that Howard knew how to take care of himself and would probably be dangerous if crossed. Because he and the lady had different names, he wondered if they were lovers. “What trip are you talking about?”

“We’ll discuss that in a moment.” Now that Beth had a good look at the man, she began to slowly shake her head from side to side. His beard, height and build were the only images that made him look even half dangerous. Undoubtedly his black eye and facial abrasions were due to tearing up the saloon she’d paid for.

“You don’t look like an outlaw,” Beth commented, more to herself than to Cole. She shouldn’t have relied on Mr. Smyth’s opinion.

“What is an outlaw supposed to look like?” Cole asked.

“Well... I...I certainly wouldn’t expect one to be dressed in a plaid tweed suit and wear a top hat, even though the suit is quite worn and outdated.” Beth sat on a cushioned chair, leaving him standing. “Even your hair and beard are well trimmed,” she said with obvious disappointment.

“I take it outlaws dress differently and do not trim their hair.”

“They would hardly have time for such things when they’re constantly running from the law. I had also expected someone younger. How old are you, Mr. Wagner?”

Where had the woman come up with these ridiculous ideas, Cole wondered. “Why do you ask?”

“Beth, don’t you think you’re being rather hard on Mr. Wagner?” Howard asked. “Mr. Smyth told you that men do not dress as such in town.”

“Had the deputy not said he was a bank robber, I would never have suspected him of a single wrongdoing.” She looked at his black eye. “Other than partaking in a brawl.” She shook her head again. “There is whiskey behind you on the end table, if you care to have a drink.”

The invitation surprised Cole. Mrs. Alexander was a complexity. She did not strike him as a woman who offered whiskey in her parlor. Was she testing him? “Thank you, but I think not. This is Sunday and it’s against the Lord’s teaching.”

From the looks on their faces, it was evident that the lady and gentleman were dumbfounded. Cole knew he’d made the wrong choice. He should have accepted the damn drink. He certainly could have used one.

“That obviously wasn’t a hindrance last night. All outlaws drink whiskey, smoke, gamble, curse, practice debauchery and are quick draws. But maybe you weren’t a good outlaw. You don’t even wear a gun and holster. It’s no wonder you got caught!”

“I had a gun. As luck would have it, the sheriff had walked into the bank right behind me,” he lied. “I didn’t have a chance.”

Howard rubbed the back of his neck. “See, Beth? You’re being completely unreasonable.”

Cole was somewhat pleased that her face softened a bit. He shifted to his other foot. “Do you mind if I sit?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Beth!” Howard protested.

“He has been in jail, Howard. He’s probably covered with lice.”

Cole rolled his eyes. Damn! If only he knew what this was all about and what was expected of him. All he knew was that he was to go to work for the lady as a guide, just as the deputy had told him. “Where did you learn all about outlaws, Mrs. Alexander?”

“From dime westerns. That is the reason for this trip.”

Cole had to turn away to keep from breaking out laughing. “Never have I met anyone quite like you, Mrs. Alexander,” he finally managed to say soberly.

“Nor I you.”

“Tell me. If all outlaws looked the same, don’t you think it would be easy for the law to spot them?”

Howard chuckled. “Touché! I’ve tried telling her the same thing.”

Beth knew they were right. She shouldn’t have let her disappointment at not finding what she had expected override common sense. And why should she continue to badger Cole Wagner? Hopefully he had the qualifications she needed. After all, he was the only man she had for the position as guide. He would have to do until she found someone better. She really didn’t need a desperado if he could show her what she needed to see.

Howard walked over and poured himself a full glass of whiskey.

So far, Cole had learned that Beth was not only the one who seemed to be calling all the shots, she was also quite blunt. He needed more information. “If it’s not too much trouble, ma’am, I’d like to know what you expect of me. Are you seeking revenge on someone, am I to kill a lover, or maybe you just fancy having a wanted man for yourself?”

The whiskey spewed from Howard’s mouth as he broke out in a thunderous roar of laughter.

“Your questions weren’t called for, Mr. Wagner,” Beth snapped.

“Then why do you want an outlaw?”

Beth marched to the door and opened it. “Decker, Wilber,” she beckoned.

The men appeared immediately.

“Take him to his room. I have already made arrangements for his clothes to be cleaned and for him to bathe. Later, Mr. Wagner, we will dine and discuss what I want of you.”

“Because it seems to be so important to you, Mrs. Alexander, I am thirty-two,” Cole said just before walking out the door.

As soon as the door had been closed behind the men, Bethany glared at Howard. He was using his handkerchief to wipe the front of his vest where he’d spewed whiskey. He was still chuckling. “Howard!”

“Come, come, Beth. Even you have to see how comical this entire situation is. And you did ask for what you got.”