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The Devil In Disguise Bethany Alexander yearned to experience the real West in all its dusty glory – and who better to show it to her than an honest-to-goodness outlaw? So she'd hi...
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Antoinette Huntington Was On The RunHer husband had been murdered. And the British duchess had fled her native land, hoping to disappear into the vast American West. But nothing sh...
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The Devil In Disguise Bethany Alexander yearned to experience the real West in all its dusty glory – and who better to show it to her than an honest-to-goodness outlaw? So she'd hi...
В этот день...
23 июня 1889 года родилась Анна Ахматова (настоящая фамилия Горенко) (ум. 1966), русская поэтесса.
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Детство. Время открытий. Время удивляться всему в мире. Радоваться, грустить, искать себя...