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The extraordinary role of viruses in evolution and how this is revolutionising biology and medicine.Darwin's theory of evolution is still the greatest breakthrough in biological sc...
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Develop rock-solid willpower with evidence-based techniques Willpower For Dummies shows you how to train, strengthen, and improve your willpower in seven easy steps! Written by a c...
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How could a relatively simple chemical code give rise to the complexity of a human being? How could our human genome have evolved? And how does it actually work?Over the past 50 ye...
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A fascinating and long overdue examination of viruses – from what they are and what they do, to the vital role they have played in human history.What are viruses? Do they rely on g...
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17 июня 1911 года родился Виктор Платонович Некрасов (ум. 1987), русский писатель.
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