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A Practical Guide to the NEC4 Engineering and Construction Contract – Michael Rowlinson

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Provides construction industry professionals with a practical and detailed guide to the NEC4 contract The NEC contract takes a collaborative, project management based approach to construction projects, which is very different to the other standard forms of construction contract. This new edition of the book covers all changes in the 4th Edition of the Engineering and Construction Contract, issued in June 2017, and will provide practical guidance to help users transitioning from NEC3 to NEC4. Inside A Practical Guide to the NEC4 Engineering and Construction Contract, readers will find chapters on the background of the NECECC; contract data and other documents; the‘spirit of mutual trust’; all of the individuals involved in the process (eg: project managers, clients, supervisors, subcontractors, etc.); communication issues, early warnings and other matters; quality management; titles; dealing with timing; payment processes; cost components; compensation procedures and assessments; dealing with terminations; dispute resolution; completing the contract and more. A practical guide to the application of the procedures contained in the newly issued NEC4 Engineering and Construction Contract Provides detailed guidance on the use of the agreement, which is claimed to offer increased flexibility, improved clarity and greater ease of use Written specifically for people actually using and administering the NEC contracts Features 3 appendixes covering tables of clause numbers, case law and statutes; employer’s, project manager’s, supervisor’s, contractor’s and adjudicator’s actions; and communication forms and their uses. First launched in 1993, the NEC has become one of the UK's leading standard forms of contract for major construction and civil engineering projects, making A Practical Guide to the NEC4 Engineering and Construction Contract a must-have resource for any contractor using the latest version of this contract.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781119522522

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