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The Influential Fundraiser. Using the Psychology of Persuasion to Achieve Outstanding Results – Bernard Ross

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How to apply the latest developments in psychology and neurology for better fundraising and influencing skills Leading fundraising expert Bernard Ross offers an alternative yet effective model for asking and influencing potential donors and peers, using the latest techniques developed in the neural and psychological sciences. He shows individuals how to make a compelling ask to mid- and high-value donors, win board members over to a new campaign strategy, convince reluctant colleagues to commit to their ideas, and confidently handle the objections of a skeptical venture philanthropist. Bernard Ross and Clare Segal (London, UK) are Directors of the Management Centre, the United Kingdom's largest nonprofit management consultancy and training organization.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470403358

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