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One night with you (20 stories)
One night with you (20 stories)
One night with you (20 stories)


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One night with you (20 stories)

"How did this happen?".

"I went out and had something in my head… I took the dose" – she answered.

Oh my god… damn shit. You made yourself bad.... I told her about it. I went away and took a towel. Covered her with a towel. Then we got up and went inside the bungalow. I rubbed her with a towel and we hugged to keep warm. Damn… could you believe in it? What are damn things here? Nobody could know about it. We took a sit for a while… Carli was a little upset… but I supported her. Everything will be fine and a lot of things happen in our life. And we can't know everything about the future. Carli went to the shower. I little nervous… tried to relax and laid down on the bed.

Time was going…

Carli came out of the shower in a towel. She sat on the bed and laid on her back. I took her hand… and we got close to each other. I could relax… there were happy moments. I decided to drink whiskey. But no whiskey was. Carli lowered the towel a little and I saw her breasts. Wow… Wow… Wow… I will go out to buy something to drink / I said / I left Carli. I took 2 cocktails from the bar and went back to my room. I got inside… 1 cocktail for Carli, 1 cocktail for me. After… I asked:

"How do you like the cocktail?".

"Tasty" – she answered.

We were drinking our cocktails, I looked on Carli and her barely visible breasts. This day must end well… I must to say. Carli got out of the bed and dropped her towel. Damn… I saw her nude body. She started dressing, but it took much time. I could watch. Soon, we left the bungalow and went to the ferry.

The yacht

Yeah… yeah… fellows / you might think it's a coincidence… BUT! Dark night… me and my friend are sitting at the bar. Suddenly… a man comes up to us and asks… would we like to join his company? No problem for us! He told us about his yacht… which was near our residence. Have to visit it… there is a valuable cargo. We didn't go into details. If get fact… he was alone and we were together… nothing to be afraid of… My friend asked:

"Why did you come to us?".

"I saw… you were sitting here and I need a couple of man for help" – he answered.

"No problem" – my friend said.

Evening… we stayed until 8 p.m. / After a nice talk… we must keep going. Everything was fine. We arrived at our destination and saw the yacht. She stood by the bay. And we immediately got on board.

"What is your cargo?" – my friend asked.

He offered to go down to the cabin. There were boxes… many boxes. Whiskey bottles were inside / What a damn things… I thought to myself.

"Let's take some boxes upstairs" – he said.

We started doing it. My friend and I took one box from 2 sides and slowly took it out of the cabin upstairs. It hasn't been that long… since we unloaded the cargo. Of course… we didn't think about it. But idea to open a bottle and drink was urgent. He thought about it too. So, we opened first bottle. And started our first glass of whiskey. The taste was awesome. No ice to all of it. So, we told our friend, we will leave the yacht and go to the nearest mini market. He said… ok, don't be late. We left our yacht and went to the 7eleven. We got close and entered 7Eleven. Looking for… the ice in the fridge. We took the ice and followed to the checkout. There were 2 looking good girls near the checkout. They were not dressed vulgarly, but expensively. Expensively and sexy a little. After them… we got to the checkout and they packed the ice. When we left the mini market… those 2 girls were standing near the car. And here I started my action… gotta get close to them.

"HeyO, girls… maybe we can talk and would like to invite you to the yacht over there for a closer conversation" – I said.

Girls laughed a little, but their answer was positive. Yeah, surely… was positive to my surprise. I'm enchanted and relaxed. Same always… something goes beyond what was intended. Damn… me, my friend and both of them went straight to the yacht. It took about 12 minutes. When we got close… he saw us 4 meters away and was surprised. He asked… how was our way?… yeah… we were 5 people. And we showed girls a bottle of whiskey. They could think we are smugglers. But not the point… it was not so scary. Because there are no cops around. We were in the shadows. And everything was good. I took the glass, couple cubs of ice and poured whiskey there… damn. I gave a glass to one of our new girlfriends. And one of them asked us:

"Where did you get those bottles?".

And this question interested me too, but I didn't ask him about it. And answered myself:

"American friends brought it".

"We have chairs downstairs" – he said.

We went down to the cabin and got our chairs. We took them upstairs and made them ready. Everyone could sit. Whiskey was same waterfall. I was not so happy… that we found out about this yacht. Anyway… drinks and good mood. Fun and beautiful. I floated away a little. My thoughts floated away. I imagined… we are sailing on this yacht far away… in the ocean. Music played, I'm standing in the center and see the light far away. It's not sunset, noon… I would say. I'm taking my drink and say:

"Damn good day… only… I can't see the shore".

It feels like… I'm so far away… far out in the ocean and there's a little danger in that. Something can go wrong and go bad. Thoughts… thoughts… and so… I'm going to the cabin. And there are many boxes of whiskey. I sat down there. A girl comes down to my cabin… dark skin, dark dress. She had a tray in her hands… with whiskey, ice and a poured glass. She put it next to me and left the cabin. I'm taking the glass and drink everything. After… I pour more and more. I pour, pour, pour… more. After… dark skin girl comes down to my cabin… and a shining light shines behind her. And here… I slowed down to damns. It feels like… this girl almost naked. But the light is so shining… it shines right in your face. I was drinking whiskey and here is the voice… "Stay with us" and a light wind blows. And here she is coming… she sits on my leg and we are sitting together and time has stopped… I think. The wind kept blowing and was so quiet around. These minutes seemed make us far from reality. And the world around us stopped in motion and froze.

And suddenly… I got back in the mind. Damn… we were 5 people on the yacht… and here… he started telling the story… so… how I met the American…

About 15 minutes was the story… about whiskey on the yacht. Everything was going well. But the girls were interested… who owns the yacht. We couldn't set sail. But the mood was high. 3 of us yawned. And I got an idea… we can make beds for 5 people. Bed and sofa were in the cabin. We could place 2 people there. My friend has been placed too… with a warm bedspread. One of the girls got on the bow of the yacht and decided to stay there… with a bedspread. So, everyone was placed. Me and she wrapped in a bedspread, relaxed and fell asleep. A light wind blew…

Night was…

Everybody felt good. 1 hour has passed… I put my arm on her shoulder. Her body was hot. No idea why… She took off her t-shirt… I gave her a hug… I don't know… Only I was cold? But I melted in that moment. I felt warm and comfortable. Deep night was… and we fell asleep together.

In the morning… I heard the voice… "How are you chipmunk…"…

Island of hope

Here is… a shining morning. I woke up in my room… a bottle of bourbon was next to me. I was lying on the bed. I thought a little and went to the toilet. Everything was no way better. I opened the fridge and got pineapple juice. Poured a glass. It was violently and predicted. I didn't get nervous about any problems. One thing… it was sad a little… no sex this night. Same usual… damn. What can we say? Ah? But I felt myself relaxed and peppy. Having finished the juice, poured another glass. And suddenly… my friend is calling on mobile. I put it up and answered. He filled up the car with petrol yesterday… and today… he is going to the island. I listened to him… and this idea seemed was awesome. We are going to the island together and it was great. I said… I'll be ready in 15 minutes. He was ready to pick me up. I refreshed my face, got dressed… and was ready. Then… he drove up to my building and stopped. I packed my clothes and went down. I got into the car… and we got under way. I offered to get to the shop to buy something. He said… we will get to the place and see then. It was clear. We started driving through trees and gas stations. We drove… and I asked him… maybe it would be better if there were more of us. He was absolutely sure and said… everything will be ok; we will get to the place and decide. I couldn't think about everything. I just opened the bottle of water and drank a little. The road was interesting and scenic. Trees, big track… and not too much cars. I could say we had luck. We were focused on serious adventure. My butt itched. Not the point. We were easy and ready for unusual offers. And here is the moment… should stop to fill up the petrol. I went to the mini market at this moment to buy something fruity and tonic. I bought 2 small boxes of juice and hot dog. When I went out… my hot dog was finished. The car was refueling. After… I came up to my friend and gave him one juice. Everything was damn good and without problems. We got into the car and got under way…

"It's awesome, we are going… but I feel… serious business is waiting for us?" – I asked.

"Of course, when we will get there… you will see. Anyway, it's good that we moved out." – he answered.

"Cool road, can drive faster" – I said.

We had a fast drive. But everything was under control. Our adventure was going and going. Stops were less and less… and talking's were many. Personally… when we were going through this place… I enjoyed the view. Because I've never been here before. It was cool. Damn awesome trees, music didn't play. We got into the situation.

Halfway was passed. We tired a little. Our road through the village was amazing and fascinating. We saw some houses and local people. We imagined… – sex could be there. If we stopped… but not the point… not the point! The main thing was – we got impressions. Talking's about local people were not subsided. But we felt cooler and like little bohemians… And what? Adventure is awesome. We got on track again and shit happened. People were going somewhere far and hurried too. We didn't stop… and we got into a cool town. Lots of car dealerships… we looked at cool cars. Mercedes and ISUZU cars mainly. Even tuning cool pickups. NO STOP! AND WE MOVED ON! Traffic jam! I decided to ask:

"I wonder… can we have a snack? If we get to the minimarket…".

"CAN, a little patience!" – he answered.

Our trip was going very well. My thoughts were there… where we are going. I lowered the window and started watching for moving cars. We were going and time was going. We wanted to relax a little. When we stopped on the next gas station. I went to buy a hot dog. When I left the minimarket… I was watching for situation. Everything was damn good.

We are on our way. Sun was coming up more and more. When we get to the next place… I decided to check the map. One hour more and we must get to our point. About one hour. We sped up and there were no villages around…

We drove along the ocean. And here we are… the ferry was near. Departure in an hour. We didn't get on board instantly. We decided to look around. Done. Everything was ok. It was time for loading. Our car got on board; tickets paid. We paid for car and for everyone. Such a shit. We got out of the car and came to the edge of the ship… to look around. Deep and blue ocean was around. A cool wind blew. And there were so many thoughts and ideas in the head… so… when we get to the land… will be more fun. I went upstairs (2nd floor on the ferry) … to see more views. I sat down and my friend looked around. Our way was about 20-30 minutes. We sailed… getting close to the island. We started stopping. When we stopped… our car started moving. Not so long process. When we got to the ground… we went on the road. More speed!!! Oh yeah… we went up higher. Sharp turns and views on the ocean met us. We didn't drive too fast. It was windy and cool. So many views from the window. The road was fucking dangerous. But not the point!

"We need to pick the hotel… let's go deeper" – he said.

"Yeah… we really need to check in… for rest" – I said.

"Day is so crazy" – he said.

Anyway… we were well. Wind blew into our damn faces. And we were on our way. Steep winding road, palms, trees…and we drove through it.

"Anyway… it's cool, everything is fine" – he said.

"I'm just **********" – I said.

We decided to stop, when got close to the little hut. Information center on the island. We entered this building and asked "what / where / who?". They offered to rent a car, motorbike. But we were cool and left them. And decided our way is not finished. We got back into the car. Then started the engine and moved on. What a cool feeling to ride through the island on the car by road. Same fairy world. I even wanted to sing. But I'm not so stupid motherfucker to do it. We got deep inside the island… is this the end? Nobody knows. But… we saw beautiful and sweet bungalows close to us. We decided to stop and check them. We had a good amount for them at the reception. But we decided… we will stop here. Good place to stay. We followed the guy to see our bungalow… it has been verified… and we made our choice. We got a bungalow for 2 people… close to the ocean. Damn… we unpacked our luggage and started chilling. Good bed!

"What do you think about this place?" – I asked.

"We need to rest and look around later" – he answered.

Lying in bed for a while… I got up and went outside. The view was awesome. I came close to the ocean and felt it so close. I need to get closer to the road where we turned off. There were shops and a lot of things. I walked 10 minutes. I went to the fork and found 7eleven mini market on the other side of road. I bought a cold tea. There were shops with clothes and accessories. And I saw massage room. Oh yeah… damn cool. I got inside immediately. The price was higher on the island, but it didn't stop me. Traditional Thai massage… already started and I relaxed.

Time was going…

The massage ended after 45 minutes. They offered a cup of tea… I drank it. Invigorating. I went out and got straight to the bungalow. I saw how my friend was watching TV.

"Where have you been?" – he asked.

"Massage" – I answered.

"We need to go somewhere tonight" – he said.

"Absolutely" – I said.

We had something in our fridge. There was a little bottle of whiskey! I took it out and poured 2 glasses of whiskey. We started drinking them. Our mood got better… and we got power. One hour has passed // and we went for a dinner. Not so far from massage room… we could eat local food. We stopped there and started our meal. Soups and vegetables. After / was a coconut drink.

"I like this place" – he said.

"Yes… we must go somewhere this night… a serious place" – I said.

And what we see? The girls were walking along the road. Mini shorts… damn… and? They looked at us. I almost winked. But I didn't do it. Could control myself. They walked fast. And we remained seated. We thought about plans on this evening.

"Would you like to go for a massage?" – I asked.

"No… no / man. I think we can relax well today" – he answered.

"Why are you so sure?" – I asked.

"We should look around and then it will be fine" – he answered.

"Hell YEAH" – I said.

We didn't think too much… we got up and went to look around. We saw sign with the inscription "Vodka and dumplings". Awesome, awesome! Well, we know where we can dinner. By the way, we wanted to get into something wild. We got into the car and decided to move on. Oh YEAH> Place without people was waiting for us and refrigerator with flavored drinks. We stopped and followed next… took chairs and placed on the shore. Damn! We are alone and here is the wild beauty. That's what we think together. We took two cans of beer and filled our stomachs…

Wild beaches, sand… everything is beautiful, as we thought. A little wild. But not at all, we can enjoy the view… rinse our feet in the ocean. My friend and me imbued with the secret of nature. I started hanging around the drinks fridge and saw bananas. I got them some. But didn't say about it my friend. We are sitting and I'm saying:

"Would be great to meet local girls and get more cocktails".

"BE COOL, or you can fail everything… and I'll be angry" – he said.

Sunset was coming. We must pack up and return to the bungalow… where we were waiting TV, air conditioning and a shower. Our days were favorable… and the wind followed us. We got up from our chairs… said goodbye to the drink seller. Then we went to the car. We got inside. My friend started the engine and revved up a bit to feel the car.

"Well, let's move" – he said.

Well… we hit the road… we were driving up the road, there were no cars around. We climbed up the mountain. Drove and drove. The car was good and no sense of danger. We were 20 minutes on the road… and got to the bungalow. We stopped on the parking line. Bungalow was waiting for us. We could refresh and drink whiskey inside. Oh yeah… we lay down to rest. And I say:::

"Imagine… if we meet someone… we can't share the same bungalow".

"Yes… you are absolutely right " – he said.

"And what we are going to do?" – I asked.

"Someone needs to rent a room" – he answered.

"Complete shit to find a place at this time" – I said.

"No words! Gotta try and hope you get lucky" – he said.

We fell asleep a little before our trip. And I woke up first. No alarm was. I just woke up and hurried to wake my friend. Time to go. I left the bed and friend too. And we decided to dress well. I put on my new clothes. Shorts with dragon, easy t-shirt and good deodorant. Everything WAS cool. We both got dressed and went outside. Of course! Not too much money was in our pockets. To be precise, a little more than a little. This all serious. We tried to look like guys with good, but big intentions. We got to the main road and caught 2 motorbikes… to be taken to the center of the main events. This is where they party 24 hours and drinks as waterfalls. They took us there. We unloaded and got straight to the bars. Red lights and whiskey as waterfall. We decided to sit next to the bar counter first and started drinking. At the same time to look around… what's going on. And my friend had an idea. Go to the restaurant "Vodka and dumplings" and eat there. So, we did it! Caught motorbikes and moved on. We arrived there… unloaded and went to the restaurant. We took a sit and made order. They brought vodka first and dumplings after. And I SAY:

"Maybe… we will finish eat and go to the beach at night… which is in the first part of the island… party there all night?" – I asked.

"Yes, it's a good idea" – he answered.

We were sitting and eating dumplings until 2 a.m. / Drank vodka also. It's time TO GO! We paid the bill and went straight to the place of events. The lights were on and the bars were open. We decided just walk by the beach… hoping to meet someone. The ocean splashed his waves… and the sand slowly dried up. Everything was overshadowed. We didn't meet anyone; we got a little upset. We sat down in some bar, drank a bottle of beer each and started forgetting this hard night. Everything was going fine. The degree in the body made itself felt.

"It was wonderful night?" – I asked.

"Shitty night!" – he answered.

"We did our best" – I said.

"Damn… we are the biggest losers on this island tonight" – he said.

"Yep, but we are together" – I said and lightly hugged him.

Night obsession

I go out into the dark street; I need to get to the mini market and buy some water. Around the darkness and the sound of the surf. I'm going lonely by one of the streets to reach my purpose. 7eleven was on the right side. I got to it and got inside. I took a couple of bottles and saw fresh hot dogs. I took one and paid. I left the mini market and went to the beach. I stopped at the beach and sat down. Started eating my hot dog. The ocean is making noise and I'm listening to it. What to say? It's time to go home. 2 bottles of water in my hand. I got upstairs and entered my room. And here is the idea! I got to go and got some fresh air. I took my car keys and went downstairs. Went outside and saw my shining TOYOTA VIOS. I pushed the button… door was opened. I got into my car. A crazy turn and here I'm leaving my residence. I decided to speed up, it's a silent night… a free road and I'm driving. High Mood. I decided to get to the center… to look around. What to say? I'm getting to the club. And I saw girls lined up for the elevator. What I need? I gave on the gas! Driving through late-night bars and eateries… I felt… a bit hungry. It's a slight hunger… I would say. I decided to eat hamburger and French fries. OH YEAHEAP… It was good choice! Eating hamburger and French fries… I decided to think. Night was good. Lots of fun and lots of joy. You can drive and have a good rest. 10 minutes more… I ate everything and drank coconut juice. You can keep going… I got into my car and started the engine. I drove through many districts… and decided to turn to the evilest SOI. Evil people snuggled up to the car and offered to spend the night under the elite program. I drove off without showing any sign. I drove out on the road… and saw beautiful lady, sitting next to the bar counter… and typing something on her mobile. I stopped, got out of my car… pushed the button… to close the doors in my car. I came up close to her… then asked:

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