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Free Cash Flow and Shareholder Yield. New Priorities for the Global Investor – William Priest

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Praise for Free Cash Flow and Shareholder Yield «Free Cash Flow and Shareholder Yield provides a provocative solution to the profound paradigm shift now redefining valuation standards for markets around the globe. In commonsense terms, it defines how the investment community has begun the journey of shifting to the more dependable, robust metric of free cash flow.» —Rob Brown, Chief Investment Officer, Genworth Financial Asset Management, Inc. This graph tells a singularly compelling story of the changing order of the drivers of total equity returns. In Free Cash Flow and Shareholder Yield, you will learn how this story is the key to informed investing in an evolving global marketplace.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470129760

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