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Splinter Cell – Don Pendleton

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AVENUE OF ATTACKThe disappearance of a tourist in Amsterdam is attributed to a rise in kidnappings of Westerners by terrorists. But those inside U.S. Intelligence know better. The hostage is a top American nuclear expert.When the scientist's brother, a former Army Ranger, is set to go it alone for a full-throttle rescue, the Oval Office puts Mack Bolan in charge. But the odds of extracting the man from enemy hands are next to impossible and getting worse. Low on hard intel, the Executioner and his highly trained companion must rely on a CIA informant to lead them into the heart of one of the most dangerous terrorist cells on the planet before any worst-case scenarios can erupt.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781474023573
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