Shadow Hunt (Don Pendleton)

Shadow Hunt (Don Pendleton)
Автор: Don Pendleton
Жанр: приключениязарубежные приключениякниги о войнесовременная зарубежная литературакниги о приключенияхсерьезное чтениеоб истории серьезно
Язык: Английский
Размер: 385662 Кб
ISBN: 9781472084194
Полная версия:
Описание книги:
When a U.S. Marshal goes missing in New Orleans, Mack Bolan sets out on a search-and-rescue mission and is thrown into an intricate web of corruption. It seems the Mafia is alive and well in the Big Easy and operating under the rule of a powerful new leader.With the D.A.'s office and local law enforcement on the mob's payroll, Bolan soon learns the entire city is one massive death trap and the chances of getting himself and the federal agent out alive are dwindling by the minute. But this soldier isn't going down without a fight. The Executioner decides it's time to pay the crime family a visit and make them an offer they won't have a chance to refuse.