Patriot Acts (Don Pendleton)

Patriot Acts (Don Pendleton)
Автор: Don Pendleton
Жанр: приключениязарубежные приключениякниги о войнесовременная зарубежная литературакниги о приключенияхсерьезное чтениеоб истории серьезно
Язык: Английский
Размер: 385662 Кб
ISBN: 9781472085207
Полная версия:
Описание книги:
A political assassination in Los Angeles leads to a red alert when the gunman then declares war against Washington. Trained by a secret organization within the U.S. government, the sniper is relentless in his quest to make a better America–even if it means killing millions of innocent people along the way.With the free world in jeopardy, Mack Bolan must stop the rogue agent before the man unleashes his plan. But it's going to take more than weapons to win this battle. Armed with the same deadly skills as Bolan, the misguided killer could be the Executioner's ultimate foe.