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Conflict Zone – Don Pendleton

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Nigeria is rich in oil, drugs and blood rivals–on both the domestic and international fronts. Mack Bolan's ticket into the chaos is a rescue operation involving the kidnapped daughter of an American petroleum executive.Her safe but violent return brings the warrior to phase two of his scorched-earth campaign against the escalating guerrilla violence in this country's delta state. Knowing that confused enemies mount ineffective defenses, Bolan launches multiple precision strikes, luring into the open hostile tribal factions vying for control of the oil fields. At the same time Chinese and Russian agents are cutting themselves in on the region's untapped fortune in oil. It's the kind of blood-and-thunder mission that Bolan fights best, the kind of war that keeps him in his element long enough to defeat the enemy and–with luck–get out alive.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781472086143
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