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The Human Resource Professional's Career Guide – Jeanne Palmer

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Written by Jeanne Palmer, one of the superstars of HR recruiting and consulting, The Human Resource Professional’s Career Guide is the first ever comprehensive look at the choices, challenges, and rewards of building a life’s work in HR. Whether you are new to the field or you are wondering how to best leverage the value of all your experiences to make the next big career leap, this book gives you all the information you need to know to make smart career decisions. Based on Jeanne Palmer’s 30 years in HR, this book tells you how to Acquire the essential qualifications and experience that executive recruiters and search committees look for Make the right choices today that will help spell success tomorrow Rise above past career missteps Ace senior-level job interviews Prepare yourself today for a future of opportunities you can’t even imagine Be ready when your dream opportunity comes along

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780787975333

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