Книги автора Geoffrey Owen
Geoffrey Owen
биографии и мемуары, зарубежная публицистика, жизнь великих людей, автобиографии, выдающиеся личности, личный опыт, жизненный путь, история бизнеса, биографии бизнесменов, воспоминанияRenowned industrial expert Geoffrey Owen analyses the complex reasons behind the delayed modernisation of British industry.In 1945, followin…
Renowned industrial expert Geoffrey Owen analyses the complex reasons behind the delayed modernisation of British industry.In 1945, followin…
Geoffrey Owen
Renowned industrial expert Geoffrey Owen analyses the complex reasons behind the delayed modernisation of British industry.In 1945, followin…
Renowned industrial expert Geoffrey Owen analyses the complex reasons behind the delayed modernisation of British industry.In 1945, followin…