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The Black Book of Souls
– Thanks, – I blurted out, feeling sincere gratitude to the person who saved me from an unenviable fate.
Now on my hand the press which guaranteed one more day of free life flaunted, without need to run away and hide.
It turned out, I absolutely in vain doubted the employer and now was ready to fail with shame. It is impossible to think of the stranger badly only because he lashit. For certain among them there are many kind and decent people, and the bastards who were coming across to me still can be an exception. Also I faced them because of bad luck which pursues me since the beginning of a travel.
In response to my gratitude the Pin sighed and muttered:
– Yes what there. We are, izveshtno, the people generous yes sympathetic. In a trouble of the good person not broshy. – and, angrily having spitted out, added: – Do you Vit what bastards-lyagavye create? Wanted to shekonomit copper coin, so heated on sherebryany… Have you ever seen anything like it for a trifle to tear up such penalty? And to shalovatsya uselessly. You will go to a shotnik so also lashes you will receive.
– Maybe it was worth giving me a copper coin for otkupny? – I sounded a recent thought.
My satellite only hemmed:
– Look razmechtalshya! The pocket is wider than Dersha. We, lashita, from time immemorial, the people trustful and proshtodushny, and therefore vshyaky easy riders, oshobenno from voshtochny oshtrov, strive to obshulit ours eternally. But we such podlosht know long ago and therefore to anyone proshto so we do not trust. You dokash of a shperv that the person doshtoyny – then another story will be. And that I will give you a coin, and you to the lane and remember as called. Highway of what I to trust you dolshen?
– But I did not deceive in anything you, – I answered it is lost.
– How much to me the nobility, – the Pin blinked the eyes. – You shkazat that good pishar, I believed and even sherebryany on you did not play pranks. Also promised to feed, and did not see your work. Suddenly you shulik also write as a ram with a hoof?
– No, mister Shtyr, I really the calligrapher of the top skills what tells this medallion in the form of a bird’s feather about. Believe, you will not be disappointed with my work and I promise you that I will work everything the money spent for me to the last copper coin.
– Good of an eshla so, – my employer smiled. – Let’s go to a tavern. There you to me shvy ishkushtvo also pokasht and sing at the same time.
– You will not be disappointed, – I murmured, swallowing of saliva which filled a mouth at a mention of food.
Before eyes immediately there was a dish with the fried pig covered with a crisp in hot sweet-sour sauce. My nose felt a heavy scent of juicy pork, language and the sky taste of gentle fat meat.
The stomach responded painful spasms, and I strained all will driving away a persuasive image, but is alas ineffectual.
Aromas of food began to tease me for dozens of steps from a tavern. And, hardly I crossed a threshold, struck with such force that the head began to spin, the mouth was overflowed with saliva, in a stomach loudly zaburchat, and knees were turned in.
– You fix, Lansh, – the Pin hemmed, seating me at the next table and added: – You Sid, and I poyesht yes to drink a sprasha.
With these words my satellite went to a traktirny rack.
I did not begin to monitor its negotiations with the bearded fat man, and lowered a look and began to meditate on a mantra Chorus to distract from thoughts of food. And though, instead of the lowest rune shining gold before eyes the fried pig steadily appeared, I continued attempts, my satellite did not return yet.
– Obed Shkoro will be. For now pokashi shvy mashtershtvo. Whether shrya hvashtat, – the big guy squeaked, stretching me the sheet of cheap parchment, blackened a goose quill and a bubble.
Completely different I wanted to be engaged, but this person saved me from guards in the market, was going to feed and offered work. Therefore I decided to show everything what it is capable of. And not only from appreciation, but also in hope to get hold of money. And in similar cases it is important to make a good impression at once.
I moved up parchment, dipped a feather in ink and asked:
– What to write?
The pin for an instant thought, and then offered:
– Write a tavern nashvaniye: Shareny Shrimp.
I nodded and earned by a feather.
Ink was the cheapest of davleny berries of a chernushka, the parchment wrinkled and uneven, with traces of roughly remote text, a feather absolutely unsuitable for the thin letter. But, I did not pay attention to it and soon showed to the Pin the required text written by eighteen fonts known to me.
My satellite was obviously mind-blowing.
– To be so shocked! – he peeped after looking at my works. – And so you will be able? – he took an interest and, having taken a feather, «mister Shtyr» clumsily nashkryabat.
I decided that he wants to receive the exact copy and, having studied features of absolutely terrible handwriting, most precisely reproduced an inscription.
– Shran shobachya, – the big guy got agitated even more, – to Dasha I cannot otlishit. Indeed you are a mashter. Well to perekushit shamy time.
According to the sign of the pin the young woman with a tray full of food approached a table. What there was only not! Fried fish, baked shrimps, tentacles of an octopus, unleavened cakes, cheese, sour cream, hot sauce and whole mountain of fruit and vegetables.
Without wasting time I grabbed a piece flat cake, dipped in sour cream and stuck into it teeth.
– Correctly! – the Pin approved my actions. – Eat, eat. When still poluchitshya it is so good to eat.
I only smiled and having swallowed a floor of flat cake undertook the fried fish.
On a table the jug of wine and two leather mugs appeared. As it turned out, for that short time so far I finished with flat cake the servant managed to descend on kitchen and to return with drink. Only now I paid attention that it absolutely naked apart from a tiny loincloth which did not cover a hip and on a third.
I lifted up eyes on the woman and heart clenched from sympathy. The hunched figure traces of a beating, on the bald head covered a fresh scar, the forehead is spoiled with a brand, the eye is turned in a floor, on a face hopeless melancholy, the neck is squeezed by a slave collar.
While I examined the poor creature, she was developed and limped on kitchen. The pin caught my eye and is perfect it having misinterpreted, grinned:
– Nravitshya? Do you want it?
I rocked the head here and there and lowed the filled mouth:
– U-at.
Then ate up and already normally answered:
– No. It is a pity for the poor creature.
– And what it to go crazy? – the Pin was surprised, sipping wine. – She is fed, give to drink to her and meshto where to poshpat, given. Work only, you do not lenit also to a business vsha. You at our poor creature were: without hearth or home works. Golodukh yes bustle from a strasha.
I noticed that it is better on freedom to starve, than to eat too much in slavery.
– Well-well, – clapped the Pin me it can do and suddenly waved a hand. – Hey, shyuda! – He shouted and explained to me: – Here and drushya mine came.
To ours at a table two soundly dressed men approached, greeted the Pin and by his invitation mudflows. The slave brought to Tutzhe two more mugs.
– Let’s drink drushya, – my benefactor exclaimed, spilling wine.
I took a good sip too, but continued to lean on the fried fish, saucing her. It seemed, I am more tasty than nothing in life did not eat and to stop pleasure of saturation there were no forces.
Suddenly in a conversation of my messmates slipped the word «chasteners», and I pricked up ears.
– Similar to their work. All are dead: protection, members of household, servants. And fifteen best mercenaries in guards were. Both locks reliable and magic protection. And nothing helped, – the bearded story-teller lamented. – Here it as leaves: though you are a merchant notable though the servant of the possessor, and will order you to chasteners and remember as called.
– It is good to see the customer forked up if the vladetelevy servant were not afraid to ruin, – shook-headed his lean satellite.
– So to chasteners to a vsha it is uniform, – the Pin hemmed, – though the possessor will be sewn by eshl ponadobitshya.
– Quietly you! – hushed on it bearded, having turned the head on the parties. – Do not bring gods of the servant of the possessor will hear.
– So I only shred shvoy, – waved away the Pin.
I finished a meal meanwhile and, drinking wine, fought against yawning. Having not felt hungry any more and, probably, and would not get already. The stomach was incredibly inflated, and I absolutely got drunk with satiety and hardly battled against a somnolence.
My state did not remain unnoticed, and the Pin with a smile addressed me:
– Well nayelshya?
I nodded, feeling that the person grows stout in a grateful smile.
– Here and well, – my benefactor was delighted and shouted: – The owner rashcht!
The fat man approached and reported that from us exactly two silver.
– Vshe of a shlyshala? – the Pin took an interest, and having received confirmation, addressed me: – Well, Lansh, you wave to pay for my ugoshcheniye copper, gold or silver?
I shook the head and smiled.
– No, of course, you know – I have no money. But I will work. I will work everything.
The pin grinned enough, slapped in a palm and indicated me.
– This shelovek, spoiled my imushcheshtv on two sherebryany and otkazyvayetshya to pay. Under our laws I declare that from now on he my slave yet not rashplatitshya of highway it is full!
– Hey, – I was indignant trying to rise, – I did not spoil any property!
But acquaintances of the Pin seized me by hands without allowing to get up, and the bastard, shortly hokhotnut and explained:
– Food to Tosha Imushcheshvo under our laws. And vshyaky chushaka do not need to shnat it!
I tried to escape again, but I was strictly beaten, and then chained in shackles and put on a slave collar. At the same time the head to me was held by the slave whom I regretted recently.
I was dragged out on the backyard of a tavern and thrown the person in yellow dust. Over the head squeaked a hated voice:
– Kultyapka, accept the newcomer. Din into him that yes as, but especially do not cripple. Yes define for easy work so far.
I spitted out blood and tried to rise, but the rigid kick threw me on zem.
– Well, friends, we will wash this business? – joyfully offered the Pin.
He with enthusiasm was supported, and steps of bastards were removed.
I have a fit of coughing, raised the head, spitted out, took breath and tried to get up. At once the faintness rolled, the nape cracked from pain. I involuntarily moaned and leaned a forehead against the clenched fists.
– What sprawled? Get up! – the snuffling voice directly over me was distributed.
I lifted up eyes and saw in a half step before myself two barefoot dirty feet with the broken-off nails.
It is strange that the stranger managed to approach me imperceptibly, I do not suffer from weak hearing. Perhaps pain dulled ability to perceive signals of sense organs. But it can be found out later, and now my body suffered and wished only rest and rest.
I loudly moaned, showing as to me it is bad, and hung the head.
At the very same time the back was burned by such pain that I shouted, being curved back, and from eyes tears scattered. Recent sufferings were instantly forgotten, and I, having leaned back back, stared at the new torturer.
Over me the thick-lipped earless slave with a short leather whip in the right hand towered. The well-muscled body was covered by numerous scars, the left hand was absent.
I did not manage to consider properly the stranger as that threatened a whip again. I contracted and closed the head hands, but instead of blow the derisive voice was distributed:
– Well, you will get up or to put once again?
In soul the anger began to arise. Nobody has the right to mock so at the person for a debt in pathetic two coins! Sense of justice demanded to rush on the bastard and to allow it to try own whip, but the sober mind advised to obey. Unless I will be able, hackneyed, with the held-down hands and legs, to overcome armed even if also one-armed, the big guy?
Even my modest experience in fighting arts said that there are no such chances, and I am waited by ruthless beating by the angered opponent. Why the term of my stay in slavery will only increase for several days of sufferings wounds will heal so far.
No, aggression in this case not an exit, but what then remains?
To obey force – means to lose self-esteem, to lose the I, to lose a part of soul. Whether I will be able to become after that former again, having found freedom?
Difficult question, but most likely not. Broken never becomes whole any more. So to do?
Exit was prompted by spiritual disciplines which in addition to martial arts I studied at the University. The equipment used for overcoming pain and also usual laziness could help and here. It is a pity, I was not a diligent pupil at the talented teachers, but now only their lessons could help out me.
I should have shared consciousness, to put on a mask corresponding to a situation, to be discharged and watch myself as if from outside. At the same time the body turns into the puppet which is operated by the reason which was any more not involved in a situation so absolutely free.
Unfortunately, I had no actor’s skills for a similar game, but unless there was other exit?
Alas, no. Besides use of the technology of bifurcation could become an excellent rule in spiritual disciplines.
Having made the decision, I represented expression of humility on a face, took a mental step back and already as if from outside observed how my lips were said:
– I get up, I get up.
The hand stump noticeably sadanut to me in an ear.
– I do not get up, I get up and as you will order, mister! Also do not look at me so impudently, and you will obtain that. Got that?
– As you will order, mister, – I murmured, obediently bowing.
– So get up, the moron, or you do not understand words?
– As you will order, mister, – I repeated, observing as my body clumsily rises to the feet. Stirred not only shackles, but also back and edges pain which, however, after division of consciousness was perceived much easier.
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