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Wildflower Park Series
Wildflower Park Series
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Wildflower Park Series

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‘Next year we’ll have three kids to contend with. That’s no holiday, plus it’ll cost more.’

That seemed to grab his attention. Dave loved to save money. ‘I guess we could take Arlo out of school, which would make it a lot cheaper. It’s a right rip-off that the travel companies hoik up the prices because of the school holidays.’ He shook his head.

‘Okay, great.’ This was a lot easier than she’d anticipated. Of late Dave seemed to be displaying many Scrooge-like qualities so this was a pleasant change. ‘I’m thinking somewhere in the Caribbean. Nothing too touristy but somewhere like Anguilla might be nice.’

‘We can’t afford … where was it again?’

‘Anguilla. Beyoncé and Richard Gere holiday there.’

‘Together?’ asked Dave, through a mouthful of spaghetti.

‘Don’t be daft. Or Bora Bora, that looked amazing on Keeping Up With The Kardashians.’

‘Sophe. That sort of holiday costs thousands and the kids would be a nightmare on the plane. How about a few days at Butlins?’

‘Butlins?’ Sophie almost shouted.

‘What’s wrong with Butlins? The kids would love it.’

Sophie was shaking her head. ‘Plugging hell, Dave. I don’t work my bum off to have a few crabby days in Butlins. I thought it might be nice to have some time just the four of us before the new baby arrives. Have a proper family holiday.’

‘I had proper family holidays at Butlins as a kid and loved it.’

‘Your mum went to Butlins?’ Sophie found this hard to believe as her mother-in-law, Karen, was the stuck-up sort. She was also a force to be reckoned with, which had earned her the nickname the Kraken – though it was mainly Sophie who called her that.

‘No, our grandparents took us. But we had the best time. I think it’d be great. We could do a weekend and see what we think?’

‘I am not going to fuzzing Butlins.’ Sophie went to pick up her glass but realising it contained water she slapped her hand on the table, making them both jump.

Dave’s mouth drooped at both edges. ‘Sophe, do you remember the conversation we had when we bought this place?’ Sophie gave a twitch of her head and tried hard not to pout. ‘We agreed this was our forever home but to be able to afford it we had to give up all the other stuff for a while, including big holidays.’

At the time Sophie would have agreed to anything. She’d fallen in love with the house and Wildflower Park, and she knew she had to have it. Even if it had meant selling a kidney, she would still have given it serious consideration.

‘And you’ll get a break when you’re on maternity leave,’ he said, spearing his dinner with his fork. Sophie had to stop herself from spearing him with hers.

Chapter Four (#ulink_d697128c-9600-5cf2-ba75-5f3a07459faf)

Sophie was deep in conversation with Roberta’s PA, Priya, when Anna emerged from the stairwell soaked to the skin and thoroughly fed up that her bus had been late and she’d got caught in a torrential April shower. She scanned their area but all the best desks were occupied.

‘Where can I sit?’ asked Anna, trying to avoid looking at the dark side of the office.

‘Peter is out today, you can sit there,’ said Priya, pointing at the desk behind her that was strewn with photographs of two small blonde children and a selection of pictures of stick people. Anna dumped her stuff on the desk and instantly felt like a squatter as she moved the ‘Best Daddy in the World’ mug to one side.

‘I think he must have had his teeth whitened,’ said Sophie, running a tongue over her own.

‘You’d be able to find him in the dark,’ giggled Priya. ‘He is gorgeous though.’

‘Who’s this?’ asked Anna, switching on her laptop.

‘Hunky Hudson,’ said Sophie, widening her eyes.

Anna’s interest waned. ‘Do you have to call him that?’

‘He’s gorgeous! How can you not fancy him, Anna?’ asked Priya, looking genuinely surprised.

‘Meh?’ was all Anna could manage. His domineering attitude had completely deleted any alluring quality he may have displayed.

‘I think he’s totally fit and—’

‘Who’s fit?’ asked Roberta, emerging from the lifts and Anna made a mental note that she clearly had bionic hearing.

‘Hudson,’ said Priya, as she shuffled some papers to make herself appear busy.

‘Fit and very gay, I’m afraid,’ said Roberta. Anna and Sophie became interested again.

‘He never is?’ said Sophie dismissively.

‘I think his life partner would disagree with you,’ said Roberta, radiating smugness as she took her list of meetings from Priya.

‘His shirt yesterday was very fitted,’ said Priya, emphasising it by running her hands over her own body.

‘Have you met his other half then?’ Anna’s usually strong gaydar abilities had been called into question.

‘I spoke to him on the phone when I rang to discuss the job with Hudson.’

Priya looked thoroughly disappointed ‘That’s ruined my day that has.’ Roberta headed off to her first meeting and Priya followed at a trudge.

‘Because otherwise, she would have been well in there,’ whispered Sophie to Anna who shooed her back to her own desk. The last thing Anna needed was to get into office backbiting. She checked her watch: two minutes to the start of the project meeting and no sign of Hudson or Karl. She gathered up a pile of Post-it Notes and a roll of brown paper from the stationery cupboard en route, and felt a spring in her step as she strode off to the meeting. This was where she took control and Hudson would have to acknowledge her project management prowess.

Anna heard laughter as she approached the room and tried hard not to look shocked as she saw Hudson, Karl, and a variety of others sipping coffee and munching on croissants.

‘Morning, Anna! Help yourself to breakfast. We’re about to kick off,’ said Hudson, taking off his jacket to reveal a distinctive pale pink shirt with shiny spots woven into the material, which was a perfect, although somewhat snug, fit.

‘Nice shirt,’ said Sophie, taking a seat and giving Anna a knowing look. Anna offloaded her stationery cargo to the floor. She decided she would see what he had planned before she dived in.

Sophie leaned over conspiratorially. ‘I don’t care if he is gay, he’s still gorgeous.’ Anna shook her head at Sophie, who stuck her tongue out playfully.

‘Our goal today is to get a common understanding of the project end state,’ announced Hudson. ‘You are all absolutely key to its success but only if we are all focusing on the same thing.’ She had to admit he was quite charismatic but already she hated herself for being passive and letting him lead. This was exactly what he wanted and she needed to fight back.

‘If you’re ready to map out that end state and how we get there, I’ve brought the tools,’ said Anna, casually indicating the brown paper and sticky notes.

‘Thanks, but the whiteboard will be fine,’ said Hudson, barely glancing over.

‘But you can move the sticky notes about … and there’s a different colour for each workstream.’

Hudson’s expression was disparaging. ‘I prefer the whiteboard and I can just take a photo at the end when we’re happy with it. Anyway,’ he said, clasping his hands together and focusing on the smiling Sophie. Traitor, thought Anna. ‘I’m really keen that we work together as a cohesive team.’ Sophie nodded vehemently and Anna rolled her eyes.

‘In which case we need to be clear on roles and responsibilities within the programme,’ stated Anna, leaning forward in her chair and starting to feel ready for a fight.

‘I disagree,’ said Hudson. ‘We don’t need defined roles, we just need to utilise everyone’s skills.’

Anna felt as though she were on the centre court at Wimbledon as the heads spun back in her direction in anticipation of her response. She wasn’t backing down now. A voice in her head said ‘Deuce’.

‘And the easiest way to understand each other’s skills is to assign everyone a specific role on the project …’ Hudson opened his mouth to butt in but Anna continued, ‘to ensure we maximise resources and don’t have any duplication of effort.’ Advantage Strickland.

‘I really don’t want to waste anyone’s time this morning, so let’s focus on the end state for now and we can have a discussion later about roles and responsibilities. Offline.’


Anna hated office speak or Corporate Bollocks and she had a feeling Hudson was going to be fluent in it.

‘Okay,’ said Anna, and Hudson let out a sigh. ‘But we are all going to have a slightly different view of what the end state is—’

‘Which is the whole purpose of this meeting,’ said Hudson, the agitation in his voice apparent. ‘Let’s spend what’s left of this session coming to a consensus on what that end state looks like.’ Advantage Jones. ‘Is everyone happy with that approach?’ Everyone nodded except for Anna. Game Jones.

Hudson swept away the writing someone had left on the whiteboard with a few broad strokes of the board rubber, his toned muscles flexing under his well-fitted shirt. He had no need to go up on tiptoes to reach the top edge or jump up and down like an untrained terrier as Anna always had to do. She was really beginning to dislike him.

Anna was beavering away at her computer, trying to ignore the laughing coming from the other side of the office. She gave a cross glance in their general direction and paused. Hudson was sitting nonchalantly on the corner of his desk holding court as the others all gazed at him adoringly. Anna slumped back in her seat – it was like being back at school and being up against Chloe Buglioni for Head Girl all over again. Just like Chloe, Hudson was taller, more attractive, funnier and more confident than her. Unlike Chloe, he wasn’t promising to kiss anyone who voted for him, although from the looks on their rapt faces they would probably have liked him to. Another guffaw of laughter and head-shaking seemed to signal the end of Hudson’s story and everyone started to disperse. Anna gritted her teeth – he wasn’t Chloe, and this time, she wasn’t going to lose.

‘You coming to the pub?’ asked Sophie.

Anna stretched her neck and it clicked. She checked her watch. ‘Yeah, go on then – just for half an hour and then I need to get home for my home inspection from the cat rescue place.’

‘Hudson’s paying,’ added Sophie, turning to watch him bend over to pick up his laptop bag.

Anna was instantly no longer keen. ‘Actually, I’ll finish this.’ She angled her head towards her screen.

Sophie pouted. ‘Come on, don’t be like that. It’s not his fault you’re doing a job share.’

‘He could back down.’

‘But you’re not,’ said Sophie, with a knowing look. She had a good point.

Anna was trying to think of another excuse when Hudson strode over with his bag slung casually across his body. ‘You coming, Anna?’ He had one of those smiles she’d only seen previously on film stars. All perfect white teeth and twinkling eyes.

‘Yes, she’s just packing up,’ said Sophie, before Anna could form her excuse.

‘Awesome, see you both over there,’ said Hudson, and he strode off.

Anna slumped back in her chair. ‘What did you do that for?’ Her voice came out whinier than she’d have liked.

‘Because you and Hudson have to find a way to get on and if this is him offering an olive branch …’

‘I’d like to shove it up—’

‘Uh-uh,’ said Sophie leaning over and unplugging Anna’s laptop. ‘Play nice.’

The pub was noisy and busy and Anna was regretting agreeing to go but she had a plan: she’d have one Coke then she’d slip away without anyone noticing. She spotted the usual suspects at the far end of the bar, and with lots of apologies she weaved her way through.

‘Anna,’ called Hudson, beckoning her over.

As she and Sophie reached him, he produced two filled champagne flutes. ‘Here you go, ladies.’

‘Thanks, but I’ll just have a Coke,’ said Anna, getting out her purse.

‘Me too,’ said Sophie, gazing longingly at the glass of fizz.

‘Come on, who doesn’t like champagne?’ asked Hudson, raising both the glasses temptingly.

‘I don’t,’ said Anna.

Hudson proffered a glass to Sophie. ‘I’m on antibiotics,’ she lied. She wasn’t ready to share her baby news yet.

Hudson insisted on paying for their soft drinks and they moved away from the bar to a marginally quieter corner. ‘I need the loo,’ said Sophie and she selfishly disappeared, leaving Anna with Hudson. As if I don’t get enough of him at work, Anna thought.

‘I’m excited about working with you Anna.’ He actually sounded genuine but Anna’s bullshit monitor went into overdrive anyway.

‘Why’s that?’

‘You know so much about the company. You know the right people to engage with and they like you.’

He had clearly been doing some snooping around to find out about what people thought of her. She wasn’t sure if she felt flattered or intruded upon, but she definitely didn’t want to talk shop at the pub.

‘Thanks. Let’s not talk about me. What’s your story?’

He took a slow draw of champagne. He had attractive lips, plump and pink.

‘My dad’s American, my mom’s British. I was born just outside New York in a village called Port Chester. My dad worked in Manhattan. Shortly after 9/11 we moved to England. I went back to the US for university and I’ve been working in the UK for a few years now.’

He had a way of holding her attention and she wanted to know more but didn’t want to appear keen. ‘You’ve not lost the accent.’

‘I’ll let you in on a little secret.’ Without realising it she was leaning closer. She detected a hint of aftershave. ‘I think it’s you who has the accent.’

‘Ha, ha. You’re hilarious.’ She sipped her Coke.

‘Roberta said you’re local. Have you lived here long?’ he asked.

‘All my life.’ She had always been quite proud of the fact she was a Brummy although her short stint at university had watered down her accent a great deal. He held her eye contact and did a good job of appearing interested. ‘My mum and dad live in Hockley.’ He looked impressed, which meant he clearly had no idea where it was.

‘You’ve only worked for the one company then?’

‘In project management, yes.’ He didn’t need to know about the earlier roles as a filing clerk and a serving wench at Warwick Castle.

‘This is my fourth.’ He seemed proud of this. ‘It gives you a breadth of experience you can reapply elsewhere.’

More corporate bollocks. ‘I think loyalty to a company pays off.’

‘I think that’s naïve.’ How had they ended up talking about work again? And why was she getting annoyed with him?