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The Rancher's Cinderella Bride
The Rancher's Cinderella Bride
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The Rancher's Cinderella Bride

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She hugged the picture. “Thank you, thank you,” she whispered, remembering when he had hugged her today. His broad shoulders and strong arms were a physical reassurance that made her feel safe, as if her problems were solved. She looked more intently at the picture. When had that skinny kid grown into a tall, strong man whose hug could make her feel that she was safe and all would be right with her world? He had grown up to be a good-looking guy, which she had never thought about before in her life.

“You’re definitely my best friend,” she whispered to his picture.

Still smiling, she placed the picture back on the shelf and went to her desk to check emails on her laptop.

Like her brother Hank who had been in commercial real estate, Gabe had gone into business with his older brother Cade in commercial real estate with a large office building in Dallas. She knew through the years they had oil and gas investments and business ties with Gabe’s stepbrother, Blake, who was a hotel mogul. She didn’t know whether Gabe spent more time in Dallas now or more time on his ranch. He could afford to do whatever he wanted.

Briefly, she concentrated on her emails, answering quickly and then gathering things to take to Dallas to her office, which was almost a two-hour drive away, depending on traffic. Before she left the room she blew a kiss toward Gabe’s picture. “My handsome knight to my rescue,” she whispered.

Relieved, happier than she had been in a couple of months, Meg gathered her things and left for her office, able to concentrate fully on business and work that she had planned for the day.

* * *

Saturday came swiftly and at the end of the day, she rushed home to get ready to go out with Gabe. She showered and dressed, selecting clothes that might get her noticed—not by Gabe but by other diners. She chose a pair of her fancy skintight jeans, her best black boots and a bright red sleeveless vee-neck shirt, and a matching red headband.

Gabe suggested they go to the best barbecue place near Downly, where they could have ribs along with some boot-scootin’ fun. Because many people from Dallas were there on the weekend, word would spread back to Big D real easily. Not only would that put the kibosh on Justin’s proposal, but she would have fun with Gabe in the meantime.

Promptly at seven she heard a car door slam and seconds later her doorbell rang. She hurried to open the door to Gabe, who wore a black hat, black shirt, jeans and black boots. He had never looked as appealing as he did at that moment because he was going to deliver her from a worrisome dilemma.

“Are you ready for a new adventure?” he asked, grinning at her.

“You can’t imagine how ready, you handsome cowboy. I want you to sweep me off my feet.”

“That sounds like my kind of task,” he replied as his gaze swept over her from head to toe. He whistled. “Wow, you grew up in the most delightful way. You look pretty.”

“Thank you. I hope I’m pretty enough for people to post our picture on all sorts of social media.” She reached for her keys. “I’ll show you my house sometime, but right now, I can’t wait to get out there and let every Texan possible see us together.”

“Slow down, Meg,” he said, laughing. “I promise, you’ll be noticed.”

Grabbing her broad-brimmed black hat, she locked up and left, walking beside him toward his shiny black pickup. “You know, I never noticed what a good-looking guy you are.”

His smile widened. “You’ve gotten what you want, Meg, so you can cut the flattery. Or are you buttering me up for more? I’ll tell you now—I agreed to a pretend engagement but I draw the line at a pretend marriage. I’m not the marrying kind, real or even pretend.”

“I wouldn’t think of asking you to do one more thing,” she answered with exaggerated politeness.

“I seem to remember a few instances when you turned on the sweetness and charm with a definite goal in mind.”

“You exaggerate, but that’s okay. With time your memory has embellished circumstances. I can’t tell you how happy I’ve been the last couple of days, and how relieved. I feel as if I’ve escaped prison.”

“Yeah, I’ve had a few relationships that I ended and then felt the same way,” he said with a smile.

She wrinkled her nose at him and shook her head. “Well, this is a once-in-a-lifetime dilemma for me. I will never again get myself in this kind of situation with a guy.”

“Watch what you predict. Life has a way of sending us all kinds of surprises. Did you ever think we’d be going out on a date?”

Shaking her head, she laughed. “I’m sure on this one,” she said as he opened the pickup door and she slid into the seat to watch him circle the pickup. He was good-looking, something she hadn’t given much thought to in past years. A Dallas magazine had listed Gabe as one of the top twenty most eligible bachelors in the area. But Gabe’s looks and sex appeal wouldn’t interfere with her plans.

Tonight she just wanted to have fun, to celebrate her freedom that was coming, freedom to live her life her way without a constant war with her parents and grandparents.

Gabe drove to a log building with a long front porch. Rocking chairs and pots of blooming flowers created a relaxed, inviting ambience. Inside, lights were low, and ceiling fans turned slowly above dancers circling the floor as a fiddler and a drummer played. Gabe got a table at the edge of the dance floor where couples were already into a lively two-step.

“This is perfect. Everyone will see us at this table.”

“Unless someone is blind drunk, you’re probably right,” Gabe remarked drily. “Now order up. And relax, Meg. You’ll get what you want. You look ready to jump out of your skin.”

She laughed. “I’m so excited and happy. Let’s dance and then more people will see us.”

Laughing, he shook his head as he stood and took her hand. In seconds, he held her hands while she danced at his side in another fast two-step. He turned her around and when he caught her to stop her from turning again, he pulled her slightly closer. Flashing another smile, she looked up at him. “You adorable man. You’re the best friend possible,” she said, hoping she looked like a woman falling in love.

“Don’t overdo it,” he said, laughing at her.

“There’s no way to overdo what I feel, and since I want people to think I’m falling in love with you, I have to look as if I’m having the time of my life. Which I kind of am.”

“You’re shameless, Meg. I keep telling myself not to be flattered that you asked me to be your pretend fiancé, because any guy would have fit the bill. Except you knew that because of our friendship, I’d do this without any demands on you.”

“Not so. I wouldn’t trust any other guy. Besides, with another guy no one would believe me. But you fit all the qualifications. I’ve known you forever. You’re handsome, sexy, fun, popular, wealthy—”

“Stop with all the flattery. You’ve already got what you want. If I were all that you said, the ladies would be lined up at our table waiting to dance with me.”

“I’m surprised they aren’t, but they’re watching you, which means they’re watching us, which is good. Hey, you’re a good dancer, too.”

“Don’t sound so surprised. What do you think I’ve been doing on Saturday nights?”

“Well, you just seem so into planes, motorcycles and bull riding that I didn’t expect you to be so light on your feet.”

“Maybe you’re in for all kinds of surprises from me,” he said with an exaggerated leer that made her laugh.

“Bring ’em on, cowboy. I’m ready for some excitement in my life.”

“I told you before—and you know the old saying—watch what you wish for. That’s a challenge you just gave me, Meg,” he teased.

“I’m ready for you.” She twirled and came back beside him. “It’s fun to be with you again.” When he was about to protest, she said, “I mean it. You have to admit, it’s different from when we were little kids.”

“Is it ever, darlin’. And vastly better,” he said, his gaze drifting over her again, making her laugh and feel a surprising tingle.

The dance ended and he held her hand as they returned to their table. She stopped to say hello to some people on the way. As soon as they had ordered, she stood. “I’ll be back in a minute. I’m going to the ladies’ room.”

“Yeah, I know. You’re going so more people will see you.”

She smiled and left, knowing that Gabe would be good-natured about this fake engagement. Excitement bubbled in her and she wondered how much of it was knowing her problem would soon be a thing of the past—and how much was just pure excitement from being with Gabe.

When she returned to their table, they ordered and shortly had platters with piles of ribs covered in red barbecue sauce, a mound of curly fries and thick, buttered Texas toast. While they ate, she tried to catch up on his current life.

As they laughed over a recent incident, Gabe took a sip of his beer and when he set it down, he smiled. “You’re right—it’s good to be together again,” Gabe said.

“I’m surprised there’s no woman in your life right now, but I’m glad there’s not, otherwise you couldn’t have gone out with me. Why don’t you hold my hand,” she suggested. “That would look good.”

His grin widened. “This is the first time my date has told me how to come on to her.”

“Well, I just want you to look as if you’re falling in love and really want me. So far, with all the fun we’re having, we look just like what we are—two old buds out together.”

“Oh, darlin’,” he drawled. “I think I can get beyond just buddies without you having to coach me,” he said in a husky, breathy statement that was barely above a whisper. He stood, drawing her to her feet while he watched her intently. He slipped his arm around her waist, pulled her tightly against his side as they walked to the dance floor.

“Oh, my,” she said, gazing up at him. “That’s definitely on target.”

“Just wait, darlin’.” He leaned down to whisper into her ear, his warm breath stirring tingles that surprised her.

On the dance floor she turned to face him, winding her arms around his neck and gazing into his eyes as they moved in unison. Her satisfaction climbed over how well they fit together.

“Gabe, this is positively a dream come true,” she said, dancing closer so he could hear her over the music. “Tanya is here, Justin’s ex-girlfriend, and she’s seen me. She can’t stop glancing at me. When this dance ends, try to be near her and we’ll go talk to her. I’ll introduce you.”

“Dare I hope she’s the one in the skintight jeans and low-cut blue blouse that reveals a lot of her ink? No wonder his parents have focused on you. They’re not the type for tats and blouses with vee necklines to the waist. As adorable as you are, I’m surprised Justin gave in so easily.”

“I think I should feel insulted, but I don’t. Justin’s dad gave him incentives to give in. If he marries me, he gets a partnership in the firm after the first year of our marriage. If I’m pregnant, he gets an even bigger deal,” she said, shivering.

“No wonder you want out of that. Damn. My dad gets an F in fatherhood, but he hasn’t pulled anything like picking a wife for any of us.”

“Until this, my parents have been wonderful. So have my grandparents, and I love them all dearly.”

“We’ll head Tanya’s way. I won’t protest meeting her,” he said, dancing Meg her way.

The music stopped and she turned, smiling at Tanya and pulling lightly on Gabe’s hand. Tanya’s straight, waist-length blond hair fell loosely around her face. She wore a tight blue silk top with bling along the neckline that dipped in a deep vee, revealing half of a butterfly tattoo on the curve of her full breast. Curiosity filled her eyes as she watched Meg and Gabe approach. She glanced back and forth at each of them until Meg greeted her.

“Tanya, meet Gabe Callahan. Gabe, meet Tanya Waters.”

Smiling, Tanya touched the arm of the man beside her. “Hi. This is Bobby Jack Lawrence.”

As the men greeted each other, Gabe held Meg’s hand lightly. They talked a moment until the music commenced again and then Gabe pulled her to his side for a two-step.

“That was absolutely perfect,” Meg said. “I’m so glad we came here. I see Cassie Perkins from Justin’s office. I think she’s interested in Justin, so I’m sure she’ll get the word out around his office.”

Gabe looked down at her. “I didn’t know you could be so plotting and devious.”

“Only because I’m desperate,” Meg said. Then she became quiet, enjoying dancing with him and thinking the evening had been a huge success.

“How in the world did you get involved with Justin in the first place?”

“Friendship. The way I am with you. We go to the same places and see each other. We like the same things—symphony, opera, contemporary art. His folks were giving him a terrible time about seeing Tanya and we talked about that. I just didn’t realize what it would lead to and suddenly he was talking a marriage of convenience.”

“Lesson learned there, I suppose.”

“There’s no danger of our families trying to push you and me into a marriage of convenience. Actually, this ought to set family tongues wagging about us going out together and get Justin out of the conversation.”

“This fake engagement sure as hell isn’t going to endear me to any of your family.”

“I’m sorry about that, but they don’t like any Callahans anyway, so it isn’t like you’re losing their friendship.”

“Somehow, your logic doesn’t cheer me,” he said and she smiled.

It was after midnight when a number ended and Gabe spun her around, catching her and pulling her up against him. She looked up into his eyes and her laughter faded, her grin giving way to a sultry smile.

He gazed back and took her hand. “That look should convince the most doubting spectator. If I didn’t know better, I’d be on fire now,” he remarked.

“Well, I’m thankful you didn’t laugh because that definitely kills the effect.”

“What I felt wasn’t laughter,” he said. The smoldering look he gave her made her tingle, which surprised her. How shocking that she found him so appealing.

“I think we can leave now,” he said, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her close against his side.

She slipped her arm around his waist, looking up at him and smiling, as if they were about to go home and make love. She hoped that’s what others thought.

“That was fun, Gabe. You’re perfect for this. You would convince anybody that we’re a couple.”

“Anybody who doesn’t really know you,” he remarked drily. “Otherwise, I think there will be suspicion.”

“No, there won’t,” she assured him, supremely happy with the way the evening had gone and looking up at him as if she thought he was the most adorable man on earth. At the moment that wasn’t even pretend.

Gabe drove to her small home in Downly in an older part of town with tall shade trees. Her bright front light illuminated the porch, the surrounding flower beds, the steps, the walk and half of her front yard.

“That’s some porch light you have. Your house hasn’t been broken into, has it?”

“Heavens, no. I just like a light when I come home. It’s cheerful.”

He shook his head. “It’s like the one at the Hansons’ lumber yard at night. Well, I’d say tonight was a success.”

“Definitely. Next I think we should hit the country clubs in Downly and in Dallas. I’ll get dressed up so I look more like the ladies you normally take out.”

He laughed. “I don’t think old Justin stands a chance.” After parking his pickup, Gabe stepped out to open her door.

She waited, hoping someone she knew would drive by and see them. Getting out of the pickup, she looked around. “I don’t see anyone. My neighbors aren’t the curious type and no one’s ever on this street. Nonetheless, just in case someone is watching, I’ll hang on to you, and you can put your arm around me,” she said as he slipped his arm around her waist.

“This is a unique experience,” he said with laughter in his voice. “Even my first date didn’t tell me what to do and that was fifth grade.”

Meg shook his arm playfully. “I’m not telling you what to do—at least not the entire evening,” she added as they climbed the porch steps and turned to face each other. “Thank you, thank you. I am indebted to you and tonight was a roaring success,” she said, smiling up at him as his hands rested on her waist.

“Meg, this night is not over yet,” he drawled in a deep voice. He glanced around. “I feel like I’m onstage right now, under a spotlight.” He looked up at her porch light. “I take it Justin doesn’t mind the light.”

“There is absolutely no reason for him to. Besides, we haven’t gone out together in Downly.”

“Are you going to let me kiss you?” Gabe asked, his blue eyes twinkling. “I don’t think I’ve asked that question since my first date, either.”

Knowing he was enjoying himself by teasing her, she smiled. “Yes, I will, but I’m not going to bed with you.”

“Now you’ve flung another challenge at me that I’m going to have to deal with,” he said, flirting with her.

Still smiling at him, she shook her head. “That was no challenge. It’s an established, guaranteed fact.”

“Oh, Meg, sweetie,” he drawled, taking her hand and stroking it lightly while his eyes still sparkled, “you’ve done it now. I can’t wait for our next date. My reputation with the ladies may be on the line here.”