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The Rancher's Cinderella Bride
The Rancher's Cinderella Bride
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The Rancher's Cinderella Bride

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“Gabe, so help me—”

Impulsively, he hugged her. “I’m teasing, Meg, and you know it. You just get so riled up that I can’t resist.” He released her, but not before he noticed she was soft to hug and far different from when she was a skinny middle school kid.

“His dad and grandfathers have offered him so many financial incentives—you can’t imagine.”

“That’s no incentive if the lady doesn’t like you. I’d think your family would listen if you firmly tell them you don’t want to marry him.”

“They’re not listening, Gabe. That’s the problem. They’re all pushing, including Justin, who thinks this would help his career. He’s laying the groundwork to run for the Texas legislature, but he wants to be in Washington and he thinks I would make—to quote him—‘the right kind of wife.’ What a reason to marry!” She grabbed Gabe’s hands again. “You can’t imagine the pressure my family is putting on me. Please, just think about a pretend engagement,” she begged.

He kept telling himself this was ridiculous, she was exaggerating and he wanted no part of it. But as she held his hands in hers, he looked down into imploring brown eyes and felt himself sinking into quicksand.

“I’m friends with Justin’s secretary, Gretchen,” she went on. “She told me Justin is planning to propose at the big anniversary dance this month at the country club. If I turn him down in front of all those people and our families, it’ll be dreadful.”

Gabe pulled back and stood up. “Dammit, Meg. Justin isn’t planning that because he loves you and wants a fun memory for you. He’s doing it to get attention for himself.”

“I know that.” Her eyes went watery and he was afraid she’d start to cry. “You’re not going to have to go through with marrying me. Just a pretend engagement for a month and then you can tell all your lady friends that it was a sham. I’ll tell them if you want.”

Shaking his head, he gave her a brief crooked smile. “Geez, Meg, I don’t have a harem. You don’t have to reassure anyone that I’m available.” He ran a hand through his hair. “You’ve never been dishonest or hidden things from your folks in all your life. How are you going to look them in the eye and tell them we’re engaged?”

She took a deep breath. “That’s worried me the most, but they are really pushing me to marry a man I don’t love, so I can do it and later I’ll apologize and remind them that they forced me into this and I was really desperate.”

“Ah, Meg, this isn’t like you and it isn’t like me. No one would believe us. Remember, we’ve never even had one date.”

“They’d believe me. You know they would.”

He stared down at her, the sinking feeling growing in the pit of his stomach. Much as he hated to admit it, she had a point. Meg was the most honest, frank person he had ever known, so a pretend engagement was so foreign to her way of living that people might never suspect it. But... “There is not another person on this earth that I know who could carry a pretend engagement off and get people to believe it, but I’m not sure you can, either.”

“Gabe, it would only be a short time and—”

“I still say people won’t believe us.”

She stood up, dug in a hip pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. Opening it, she held it out to him. “They’ll believe it when I announce it with this on my finger,” she said.

He took the small box in his hand and looked down at a dazzling diamond ring. Then he looked at her. “Is this real?”

Her cheeks turned pink. “Of course not. I can’t afford a diamond like that, but if it were real, you could afford it.”

“Megan, your family doesn’t like me or my family. Except for you and your brothers, the Aldridges haven’t spoken to me for years.” The silly feud had seen to that. Decades ago, both their fathers had been business partners, until his dad had bought out her dad and caused a rift that had never healed.

“Don’t you see, Gabe? That’s exactly why my plan is perfect. If they think I’ve gotten engaged to you, they’ll back off pushing for marriage so fast,” she said with a grim determination in her voice. “Just one month, Gabe.”

He gazed into her big brown eyes and his spirits dropped another notch. “Ah, Meg, I just don’t think it’ll work. If it does, everyone will think I’ve gotten you pregnant.”

“I don’t care because in time, they’ll know that you haven’t. That’s no problem.”

“We’ve never had one date,” he insisted.

“So we start dating. Gabe, I’m desperate,” she cried.

Gabe patted her soft hand while he thought about what she had just told him. He had always promised her he would help her if she ever needed him, and he was letting her down now, when she needed him most.

Meg was relentless. Her barrage of persuasion persisted. “If we get engaged, everyone will talk about it and Justin and I will vanish from the center of conversations in our families.

“You ought to be at my house for dinner any night and hear them badgering me. My dad has offered to give us enough money to buy a house. My grandparents have offered the deed to one of the ranches they own. They’re so earnest. One set of grandparents will fly me and my mom to New York for me to have a makeover and buy an entire new wardrobe. It’s ridiculous.”

She tightened her cold fingers around his hand, leaning closer, looking as if she would burst into tears. “Please. It’s just pretend, so it doesn’t matter how we feel about each other.”

No matter how many reasons she gave him, he still thought the ploy wouldn’t work. It would be disastrous and only make her family dislike him even more. And he wasn’t sure it would help her at all. In fact, the only one he saw coming out of this well was old Justin, who’d save face by not getting rejected during a dumb public proposal.

No, he thought, this was not a good plan at all.

Reluctance filled him. He squeezed her shoulder gently, her soft hair falling on his hand. He looked deep into her eyes and prepared to decline, no matter how much it hurt him to not be there for her.

But he couldn’t believe the words that came out of his mouth.

“I’ll be your pretend fiancé if that’s what you want.”

The words had just spilled out. Who was he kidding? He could never resist helping her.

“Oh, Gabe, thank you,” she cried, hugging him.

He wrapped his arms around her, still feeling as if she were the sister he never had. Except when he hugged her, it was a curvy woman’s body pressed against him and he had a fleeting curiosity about what she’d look like out of that shapeless sweatshirt she wore. She was soft and smelled sweet, the same lilac scent he’d always remembered. As a little kid, she’d told him her grandmother got her lilac soap. He released her and gazed into brown eyes and a big smile.

“You’re pretty, Meg. There ought to be all sorts of guys wanting to take you out.”

She shook her head. “Not anyone I want to go out with and not anyone I’d trust with a pretend engagement. I’m probably too bossy because I’m used to running my own business and giving orders.”

“I don’t recall thinking you’re too bossy.”

A brief smile flickered on her lips. “That’s because you’re bossier.”

“You never told me that. Well, maybe a time or two.”

“You can be as bossy as you want. Thank you, Gabe.”

“If we’re going to do this, and you want to stave off a public proposal at the dance, let’s get with it. Today is Thursday. I think we should have a first date this weekend if you can make it,” he said.

“I sure can,” she said, wiggling with eagerness that made him remember times in the past when she would get her way and be very happy. “Say when.”

“Saturday night,” he answered, wondering what she was pulling him into with this pretense and how much explaining he would have to do with some of his close female friends.

“Saturday it is.”

“How are you going to tell Justin about going out with me Saturday night?”

“I won’t have to yet because he’s going out of town this weekend on business. He’ll be back Wednesday and by that time, he’ll know we went out. Even one date with you will make him call off a public proposal.”

She turned to leave, but spun back around. “I almost forgot. Saturday night, do you want me to be at my house in Downly or my house in Dallas?”

“You have two houses?” he asked.

“It works out better with my landscape business. You probably don’t even know I’m not living at home with my folks anymore, do you? My maternal grandparents do that.”

“Which place is more convenient for you on Saturday?”


“Then I’ll pick you up at your house in Downly. I need an address.”

“I’ll text you,” she said. Then her eyes narrowed as she looked at him with an expression he couldn’t read. “Do you think it’s going to be weird to ‘date’?”

“No. We’ve always had fun together and Saturday night won’t be any different.” He leaned into her, bumping her shoulder with his.

“I suppose you’re right.” She grinned at him, then came back with another suggestion. “Later, after a few dates, maybe I can stay at your ranch so it will look as if we’re serious, and sometimes at your house in Dallas, so I can go to work from there. It won’t be for long and I’ll stay out of your way.”

That might not be the best idea, but he couldn’t say no at this point. And actually part of him looked forward to seeing her more because she was always good company. “That’s fine if you want to,” he finally said. “I have big houses with plenty of room.”

Her grin turned into a full-fledged smile. “In case I forget to tell you this a thousand times over the rest of my life, thank you, Gabe. You always promised I could come to you for help and now you’re going to help me,” Meg gushed, her eyes getting a sparkle that made him feel a degree better.

“I don’t want a loveless marriage and I don’t want to marry Justin. None of them can understand it. When I marry, I want the love and closeness my grandparents and my parents have had.”

He knew she did. That was the kind of woman Meg was.

“Then I hope this ploy works, Meg. For your sake.”

“Oh, it will. You’ll see. We’ll convince my family and Justin’s, and they’re the ones who count. And then you can go on your way knowing you have been the knight to the rescue.” She patted his hand. “My wonderful, handsome knight.”

It might not be a role he was accustomed to, but he had to admit he was going to like it. But before he got knighted, they had a lot of work to do. He only hoped they’d pull off the charade as easily as Meg seemed to think they would.

While Meg had always been a good friend, there had never been anything romantic between them. Nor would there ever be. As great as she was, she wasn’t his type and he wasn’t hers. They were just too opposite. She was too staid and fearful of the daring things he liked to do. And then there was the feud between the older generations of their families. No, Meg wasn’t the woman for him and he wasn’t the man for her. But now they had to convince the world they were. He hoped this charade did not have to last long. He liked his other women friends and partying too much to be tied up in Meg’s pretense.

She still held his gaze as she said, “You are an absolute angel coming to my rescue.”

He laughed. “I’ve been called a lot of things, but ‘angel’ has never been one of them.”

She smiled sweetly at him and patted his cheek. “You’re definitely my angel.” She ran her hand lightly over the stubble on his jaw. “You’ve stopped shaving close. It gives you a rugged, devil-may-care look even more than before,” she said, tilting her head to study him. “I like it. You know, I wish Hank could know what a huge favor you’re doing for me.”

“If your brother knew, he would roll on the floor with laughter. But your family... They’re going to hate me when they learn the truth.”

“They don’t like you now because you’re a Callahan. This will get them to stop talking to me about Justin and start talking to me about breaking up with you. And Hank wouldn’t roll on the floor and laugh at us. He’d thank you and tell me to go for it because he wouldn’t approve of them trying to push me into a loveless marriage.”

She turned to leave again.

“I better run, Gabe,” she said. “Oh, I almost forgot. You keep this ring, and soon you can give it back to me to wear.” She thrust the small box into his hand.

“Sure, Meg,” he said, thinking he had to after all their years of friendship. She’d always been there for him when he was young and hurt by his dad. When his dad wasn’t around for graduation or games or awards or holidays, she had supported him and cheered him up. “I owe you this because you stood by me when I was ignored by my dad. He never gave me or any of my brothers his love, his time or his attention. It was worse for our stepbrother, Blake, because our father didn’t even acknowledge Blake as his son. At least I had your friendship when I was so hurt.”

She smiled at him as she walked out to her pickup. “That’s what friends are for, and you’re the best I’ve ever had.”

“I think you used that same line with me when you were nine years old,” he remarked drily and she laughed. She had a contagious smile, and under ordinary circumstances it would have been good to see her again, he admitted.

“I probably talked you out of some of those fancy marbles you used to have. I thought they were the most beautiful marbles ever. I still have them.”

“You always were easy to please so I guess I don’t have to rack my brain over where to take you to eat on Saturday.”

“This first time let’s go somewhere we’ll be seen and where people will talk about us.”

He grinned. “Whatever you want to get this show on the road. I’ll see you at seven Saturday night,” he said, opening the door to her pickup.

With a quick pat on his hand, she climbed in and he closed the door. “You know, there is a way you can cut the dating time in half and end your folks pushing you to marry.”

“What’s that?”

He placed his arm on the door and leaned in closer. “Move in with me.”

“That’s actually a wonderful idea, Gabe.”

He laughed. “I think we have different views of living together.”

She wrinkled her nose at him. “I’m just thinking of staying under one roof.”

He leaned down. “Shucks, Meg, I’m thinking about staying in the same bed. We didn’t discuss that. We should have some fun with this deal.”

“Will you cool it? We’re not going to bed together,” she said while her cheeks turned pink and he laughed.

“I’ve sure had worse ideas.” He grinned and she shook her head, but she smiled at him.

“Stop teasing me. You haven’t changed any. See you later.”

Laughing, he watched her drive away and wondered how much Meg was going to complicate his life. She said this would only be a month and then it would be over. But the month was going to be interesting—Meg living in the same house with him. He was sure she was old-fashioned. And he would try to curb some of his teasing, but it was hard to resist getting a rise out of her. All in all, he looked forward to spending the time with her. How much had she changed since she had grown up?

He turned the velvet box over in his hand, thinking about the dazzling ring that was as fake as their engagement would be. Would a month’s pretend engagement really have any impact on his life?

Two (#ucb8a8322-a66e-5711-96e6-111cc84483b1)

Meg closed the door of her small house in Downly, and glanced around at familiar surroundings without seeing any of them. She threw her arms up and spun on her toes, joy and relief overwhelming her. Gabe would help her. He was going along with the pretend engagement and she couldn’t wait for their first date.

A date with Gabe. The thought stirred tingles of excitement that surprised her. She didn’t want to feel any attraction to him. He was a wild man with wild ways. He loved the ladies. And he was not her type. Whatever excitement she felt over being with him would vanish, she was sure.

She poured a glass of water and stepped onto her patio while she thought about Saturday night. Saturday was a big day in the landscape business, but she could get off early. She wasn’t going to say no to any date Gabe suggested as long as it was soon. She knew she should head to work now, but she wouldn’t be able to focus on anything except jubilation that Gabe would bail her out of her problem.

She remembered how she had tried to cheer him up and comfort him as a kid when his dad wouldn’t come home or ignored Gabe when he was home. Through the years, Gabe had repeatedly promised that he would help if she ever had any problems and he’d insisted she promise she would come to him with them. That was all childhood history, but he had come through on his long-ago promises to her today.

She went to the room she had turned into an office. Shelves lined the walls with books, pictures, trophies, awards and stacks of papers. She crossed the room to pick up a small picture and looked closely at it. It was a snapshot of her and Gabe in her backyard. He held her pigtail in front of his face like a mustache while he grinned at the camera. She smiled as she looked at it. “Thanks for being my friend always,” she said to his picture.

She was going out with him Saturday night—their first date. But one where she needn’t worry about what to wear. Gabe wouldn’t care. Going out with him would be like an evening with one of her brothers. The thought reminded her of Hank again. Hank and Gabe had been close friends, and they were a lot alike. Hank had taken risks like Gabe did and had loved life on the wild side—flying, competing in rodeos, taking out party girls and never getting serious. Gabe was slightly older and her family felt he had been a bad influence on Hank. In the early years when her dad had worked with Gabe’s dad in their own business, both families had been close and Hank thought Gabe was great. Later, her family was so bitter over the way Dirkson Callahan had cut her dad out of the business that they stopped speaking to any of the Callahans and didn’t want any of their children to speak to them, either. While the grandparents felt the same as her parents, the feud had never carried over to her generation, and as much as possible, her generation had stayed friends with one another.

Her family wasn’t going to want her to marry Gabe, and with a ring on her finger from him, she expected them to stop pushing her to marry.