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The Cowboy's Seductive Proposal
The Cowboy's Seductive Proposal
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The Cowboy's Seductive Proposal

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The Cowboy's Seductive Proposal
Sara Orwig

HE MADE "MARRY ME" SOUND LIKE A DARE… .In one blazing moment, rugged rodeo man Jared Whitewolf had tempted straitlaced Faith Kolanko to do something reckless. With a nod of her head, she could have it all - a home, a baby and a long-legged heartbreaker in a ten-gallon hat. Faith was pushing thirty, and this gorgeous, exasperating man was pushing all her buttons.The determined daddy saw Faith as perfect mommy material, but to her he was trouble in blue jeans. She was far too smart to consider his outrageous marriage of convenience. And far too tempted to say "I do!"

Marry Jared Whitewolf? (#ubeb91a10-ee55-5a7d-b4a9-fefd65468605)Letter to Reader (#ua8e5e9b0-2171-5f5d-96eb-047c95d4332b)Title Page (#u0127e365-0a20-517f-99cf-6805917e4040)SARA ORWIG (#ub761d377-895d-5962-bd2e-3188d001ab2c)Dedication (#ud33557b2-9b74-5d18-9aab-c688e05b0644)Chapter One (#ud2bc7cb0-9353-57b5-88c1-8ce1597ddd7c)Chapter Two (#u4515ab33-89f9-5033-aba7-1a44ed02de8b)Chapter Three (#u18fee90f-7976-5b90-80b2-d49644b99607)Chapter Four (#u64f686cc-d946-52db-81f2-66fdc9df1803)Chapter Five (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Twelve (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Thirteen (#litres_trial_promo)Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)

Marry Jared Whitewolf?

It was impossible, absurd. So why was she in knots over it?

She looked at her bare fingers. Then she looked around the bedroom with its white furniture and pale blue carpeting. The room looked virginal—probably because it was. No man had ever spent the night in it. She was cautious, and the men she dated were cautious. So what happened to all that great prudence with Jared?

He had discerned her feelings more than any other guy she’d ever dated. He knew she was worried about her thirtieth birthday; he knew she loved babies and wanted her own. If she married Jared, she would have a little baby. Not a year from now, but as soon as they married.

Her thoughts shifted to Jared. His dark eyes and strong arms were as clear as if he was in the room with her. A long, tall cowboy who was all she wasn’t. A man who excited her as no other ever had....

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Popular Anne Marie Winston begins BUTLER COUNTY BRIDES, a new miniseries about three small-town friends who find true love, with The Baby Consultant. Sara Orwig offers us a marriage of convenience in The Cowboy’s Seductive Proposal. Next, experience love on a ranch in Hart’s Baby by Christy Lockhart. And opposites attract in The Scandalous Heiress by Kathryn Taylor.

So, indulge yourself in 1999 with Silhouette Desire—powerful, provocative and passionate love stories that speak to today’s multifaceted woman. Each month we offer you six compelling romances to meet your many moods, with heroines you’ll care about and heroes to die for. Silhouette Desire is everything you desire in a romance novel.


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The Cowboy′s Seductive Proposal

Sara Orwig (


lives with her husband and children in Oklahoma. She has a patient husband who will take her on research trips anywhere from big cities to old forts. She is an avid collector of Western history books. With a master’s degree in English, Sara writes historical romance, mainstream fiction and contemporary romance. Books are beloved treasures that take Sara to magical worlds, and she loves both reading and writing them.

To Hannah Elaine Slater, another little sweetie...

And with thanks through the years to

Dr. Clifton L. Warren


Fifteen more minutes of peace. Faith Kolanko glanced at her watch and sighed. She could enjoy her lunch break a little longer before she had to return to her frenzied office at Graphic Design. This was her one chance during the day for solitude.

Even when it was almost uncomfortably warm like today, she loved this secluded area of Harrington Park in downtown Tulsa. In addition to a redbrick wall, a tall hedge of blooming spirea bushes hemmed in the niche where she sat. Higher than her head, the white wall of spirea divided the quiet hideaway from the rest of the park.

“Ah, darlin’, isn’t this a gorgeous day?”

Beyond the spirea bushes a rich bass voice floated on the air. Figuring the couple would move on, Faith paid little heed to their murmurings. A glance at her watch showed twelve more minutes of tranquillity.

She didn’t want to return to the office one minute shy of her hour break. She had worked until ten o’clock last night, and then her day had begun at six this morning. She needed quiet before returning to the Bradley account.

Bushes rustled and noises on the other side of the spirea caught her attention again. She heard the snap of a blanket being shaken and then the pop of a can being opened.

“Lie down there, honey, and look at that blue sky. Can you believe this day?”

Faith sighed. Knowing her solitude had to end, she folded the morning paper, brushed crumbs off her blue skirt, then straightened her blue blouse. The couple on the other side of the bushes sounded as if they were going to stay for a while. She closed her thermos and slipped it into the brown paper bag.

“Oh, darlin’, I love you so much! I never would’ve guessed it possible.”

As she listened to the masculine voice that softened with tenderness, Faith’s brows arched, and she became aware of the cooings and murmurings on the other side of the bushes. The only way out of this corner of the park was a gravel walk that curved right past the amorous couple. She prayed they would pick up and move, but they sounded pretty comfortable.

“I love you.”

Faith heard the whispered baby talk, along with kisses and coos and deep-throated noises. She didn’t want to even imagine what was going on. But if the woman began screaming with pleasure, Faith wasn’t going to sit quietly. Didn’t they know there were people around?

They obviously didn’t care, because the noises increased.

Faith frowned at the spilling fountain of white blossoms, the green foliage almost hidden by the spirea blooms. She glanced at her watch. Nine more minutes before she absolutely had to start back to the office. Should she make a loud noise or try to creep past them? It didn’t sound as if they would notice her. Or care even if they did notice.

“Honey, wait a minute. There,” the man said. “Let’s get rid of this dress, darlin’ blue eyes. Big, big blue eyes. Oh, what long lashes you have! You’re my precious sweetie. . . .”

What would make perfectly sane adults resort to such ridiculous baby talk? Never in her life had Faith felt inclined to talk in such an absurd manner to any male she had dated. Nor would she ever.

The man’s voice faded, replaced by sounds that made Faith blush. She didn’t want to hear the noises, but now she certainly didn’t want to walk past them. And to get out of her hiding place, she would have to do just that.

She looked at the brick wall and contemplated going over it. The vision of herself in heels and hose and a tight cotton skirt sliding over that wall in front of the busy intersection killed the notion instantly. The only other way to avoid the couple would be to crash through the spirea hedge, and she could, just imagine how she would look returning to work with flowers and leaves in her hair.

She glanced at her watch. She had heard about couples having sex in the park, but she had dismissed the rumors as frivolous. All she had ever encountered were other business people and a few transients.

Seven minutes. The gurgles and growls and giggles made her cheeks burn. She debated what to do. Were they stark naked? she wondered.

How many times had her friend Leah warned her that they were too isolated when they came to this spot? Next time she would listen.

“Oh, honey, I love you!” came a whisper. Then more kissing sounds and cooing. “Yum, yum, yum. Take a li’l bite here. . . .”

“For corn’s sake!” Faith whispered. She looked at her watch. Five minutes. She bit her lip and frowned. Maybe if she just ran past them, they would never notice her. But could she avoid noticing them? Sex was not a spectator event.

The sounds became more primitive and garbled, and she could too easily imagine what might be happening on the other side of the spirea.

“Oh, God! Oh, darlin’!” Unidentifiable sounds she didn’t want to hear disturbed the quiet.

Faith wanted to scream. She wanted to yell to them that they were in a very public place and could get arrested for what they were doing. “Get a room!” She silently mouthed the words.

“Darlin’, what’s the matter?”

In the midst of her mental tirade, Faith realized the man’s voice held terror. The woman sounded as if she was gagging. Or having a seizure. The woman might be having an attack of some kind!

“Oh, Lordy, Lordy,” the man cried out “What do I do? What should I do? Merry, darlin’, can you breathe? Oh, Lord, help.”

He sounded desperate. Faith had CPR training. Knowing she couldn’t stand by and ignore someone who was hurt, Faith clamped her jaw, prepared to face two naked lovers, and plunged through the spirea, scattering white petals like a rain shower in springtime.

She spit out spirea blooms and froze in momentary shock, staring into dark brown eyes as a man on his knees looked up at her. Sunlight splashed over broad bronzed shoulders that gleamed with a faint sheen of sweat. Shaggy black hair fell around his face. A muscled chest tapered to a narrow waist.

For one brief moment they stared at each other and then Faith’s attention shifted. In his arms he held a baby who was choking. A baby. She wore a diaper and a pink ribbon in her tiny black curls, and her little face was screwed up in agony.

“She’s choking,” the man said, but Faith needed no explanation. The coughing and gasping signaled the baby’s distress.

Faith reacted instinctively and with the experience of having dealt with a younger brother, sisters, nieces and nephews. She took the choking baby from him and quickly positioned the child face-down across her lap. With the heel of her free hand, she struck the baby on the back between the shoulder blades. On the second blow, something squishy shot out of the little girl’s mouth.

The baby instantly gasped for breath and screamed.

Standing, Faith placed the tyke on her shoulder, patted her back, hugged her close and talked softly to her as she jiggled her gently.

“Thank God!” the man exclaimed. “Oh, thank you, thank you!”

Watching the slender blonde quiet his baby, Jared Whitewolf experienced a kaleidoscope of emotions: shock when the woman appeared out of the bushes; terror over Merry’s choking; swift relief when the woman cleared Merry’s throat of the obstruction. Then his relief transformed into curiosity. Who was the pretty lady covered in white blossoms? Merry was snuggling in the woman’s arms, quiet now except for an occasional hiccup.

Jared couldn’t have been more dazzled if the sun had dropped halfway to earth. This woman knew how to handle a baby. A bona fide, world-class champion baby handler. Probably a mommy with three kids. His gaze ran down her slender figure, noticing her ringless fingers when she turned her profile to him. Her blond hair, sprinkled with white petals, was fastened with a clip behind her head. A practical watch with a leather strap circled her slender wrist. The blue skirt ended above great knees and long, shapely legs.

Jared stood, wiped his brow and hoped his heart would stop racing. The woman turned to face him.

“Thanks,” he said. “That’s the biggest scare I’ve had in years.”

“What did you feed her?”

“I gave her a banana.”

The woman glanced at the baby in her arms, then frowned at him, and he knew he had blundered. “She’s too little unless it’s mashed up. You didn’t let her have the whole banana, did you?”

“Well, not a whole one, but too damned much,” he answered perfunctorily, his thoughts moving on. Merry was twiddling with the woman’s silver hoop earring, as blissfully happy now as if the whole incident had never occurred. This golden-haired rescuer really knew how to care for a baby.

He thought of the few disastrous dates he had had since Merry had come into his life. He hadn’t met a woman yet who could cope with Merry for more than an hour and never in a crisis. And until today, he had never had a crisis that had been, life-threatening.

“She’s very pretty,” the woman said softly, looking down at Merry. The baby gurgled, smiled and stared at the woman. Jared’s pulse jumped.

“You’re really good with babies.”

“I should be,” she said without looking up, and he braced himself to hear she had a house filled with her own. She stopped to smile at Merry, both of them looking beautiful, adorable and contented.

“Why should you be good with them?” he asked, holding his breath.

“I grew up with three younger siblings, as well as an older brother. They are all married now with babies,” she answered.

He moved closer, catching a fragrance more enticing than the spring flowers surrounding him. Looking into her wide green eyes, he felt a tension that he recognized instantly and was delighted to discover. The sexual chemistry was icing on the cake.

“Hold still. You have petals in your hair,” he said, reaching up to pull white blossoms from the silky waves. His hand brushed her throat, and he felt a tingle that echoed through the emptiness deep inside him.

She reached back to unfasten the clip that held her hair and gave a shake of her head, scattering petals over her shoulders and onto Merry.

“Here, let me help,” he said, watching the woman as he placed his hands on either side of her head. While he looked down into her eyes, he slowly combed his fingers through her soft cascade of golden hair. Green eyes tugged at his senses. She drew a deep breath, and the tension between them sizzled, invisible, yet as tangible as if he had moved close to a blazing fire. Her eyes darkened, and her lips parted slightly as she gazed back steadfastly at him.

Never one for long, deep soul-searching, Jared knew inherently that this woman was special. She had dashed into their lives, and he wanted her to stay.

“I’m Jared Whitewolf,” he said quietly, looking at her crystal eyes, flawless skin, full red lips. “You’re holding my daughter, Meny—spelled M-E-R-R-Y.” His speech was automatic. His thoughts were on her eyes, so cool and filled with a mysterious invitation that revved up parts of him hungry for a woman’s touch.

“I’m Faith Kolanko.”

“Thanks for coming to our rescue.”

“You’re welcome.”

They stared at each other, and Jared didn’t want the moment to end. He didn’t feel compelled to talk to break the silence between them because it wasn’t an uneasy quiet. Far from it. It was snapping, popping and sizzling with chemistry so hot it should be illegal. While he looked down at her, he saw another flicker in the depths of her eyes.

For the first time since he’d become Merry’s father, he momentarily forgot his daughter—forgot everything—except the woman whose wide eyes gazed up at him. Faith Kolanko.

“We’re having a picnic. Want to join us?” he asked. “Are you alone?”

“Oh, my soul! I’m late for work!” she exclaimed, glancing at her watch, the magic sparks spinning between them vanishing as if turned off by a switch. “I’ve got to go,” she said, handing Merry to him.

Jared knew a good thing when he saw it, and he wasn’t going to let Faith Kolanko slip out of his life ten minutes after she’d arrived in it.

“Hey, wait!” he said, trying to scoop up his boots and shirt and Merry’s sundress and hold Merry at the same time.

Faith did not wait. She dashed around the spirea bushes and reappeared in seconds with a purse slung over her shoulder. “See you!”

She ran down the twisting gravel path and vanished beyond a stand of bright yellow forsythia.

“Darlin’, we can’t let that woman go,” he said to Merry, placing her on the quilt he had spread. He yanked on his boots, pulled on his T-shirt. He dropped Merry’s pink sundress over her head, straightened it and picked her up to run. He passed the forsythia, sprinting across the grassy park while he looked around, searching for a golden head of hair and a blue blouse and skirt.

Halfway around the park, the brick wall progressively shortened and then ended. There was a parking lot at the north end, and Jared scanned the few people getting in and out of cars for a blue blouse and skirt. He glanced to the east. Beyond the park and the wide expanse of sidewalk, past a fountain with silver water sparkling in the bright sunlight, up wide steps to a tall office building, he spotted fabulous legs, a blue skirt, blue shirt and golden hair. He tightened his grasp of Merry and ran.

Faith Kolanko disappeared through the revolving glass doors of the Harrington Tower. Since he suspected she would be out of sight in an office by the time he reached the revolving doors, he stopped running.