Полная версия:
Lone Star Legacy
“Will,” she said, “it’s been a great evening. I had the most wonderful time and enjoyed the opera enormously. Thank you for a memorable time.”
“I had a great time, too,” he said, turning for the stairs.
Relieved that he was willing to call it a night, she walked beside him as they headed to her suite. At her open door, she paused to face him.
He placed his hand over her head on the doorjamb and leaned closer, placing his other hand on her waist. Her pounding heart was loud in her ears while his hand was as hot as a brand.
“Will, it’s been a wonderful evening. It ends now,” she said, wishing her voice were firm instead of breathless.
“This night can’t possibly end now,” he whispered, moving closer, his arm tightening on her waist as he walked her backwards into her suite and closed the door.
“Will—” His mouth ended her words and his arm pulled her hard against him as he leaned over her and kissed her deeply.
She intended to stop him, wanted to for the first seconds, but then succumbed to her own desires and his. The battle she waged with herself was lost before it begun, even when it flashed through her mind that she was getting more entangled with him each time they kissed.
Her head spun and heat pooled low in her, desire igniting and burning hotly. All the desire she had felt when she had danced with him returned swiftly. She ran her fingers through his thick hair. His neck was warm. His arousal pressed hard against her.
Clinging to him, she kissed him as passionately as he kissed her. Her other hand pushed his coat off his shoulders and then he wriggled slightly so that his coat tumbled to the floor.
His hand drifted down over the curve of her back, over her bottom to pull her up tightly against him.
Wanting him, she shifted her hips, barely aware of his fingers combing through her hair and pins flying. Locks fell over her back and shoulders and he trailed kisses down to her throat. She twisted free the top buttons of his shirt to run her fingers over his warm skin. His hand lightly slipped along her throat and then he caressed her breast, and she moaned as she clung to him.
“Will, we have to stop.”
“You don’t want to,” he whispered in return, showering kisses on her face and throat. He caressed her nape, sending tingles spiraling from his touch, and then she felt cool air. Will pulled the zipper at the back of her dress, slowly opening it and letting his warm fingers trail over her skin.
She stepped free of his embrace, gulping for air, trying for some semblance of control before she succumbed completely to his loving.
“This wasn’t in my plans and it could wreak havoc with all of them. It’s good night now, Will,” she said, stepping back again to keep distance between them. Her heart pounded.
He stood still, his shirt open, his hair tangled on his forehead and his mouth red from kisses. He was aroused, ready for love. She wanted to step back into his arms, kiss and love him. He was sexy, appealing, almost irresistible except common sense was surfacing. She had already crossed lines and let him destroy barriers she could never put in place again with him.
“You don’t really want to say good-night. Our kisses and lovemaking won’t wreak havoc with any job, yours or mine. This is something aside from jobs. Stop fighting your feelings. This isn’t going to hurt you in any manner.”
“I have my year mapped out. Any relationship I have has to have commitment and meaning. An affair could really wreck all that, and I have no intention of arguing about it. Good night, Will. And thanks for a wonderful evening.”
She could imagine he debated the next move with himself as he stood immobile.
“Good night, Ava. It’s been a wonderful night. Especially the last little bit. I’ll see you in the morning at breakfast. I’ll dream about you tonight.”
“I’ll forget I heard that,” she snapped and got a mocking smile that brought heat to her cheeks.
He caressed her throat. “Dream about you, want you, toss and turn because of you—”
“You’re not helping.”
“Just telling you how I feel. Darlin’, it’s been a great evening and I hate to see it end.” He held up his hands before she could speak. “I’ll do what you want.” Picking up his jacket, he left the room and closed the door behind.
She let out her breath. “I hate to see it end, too,” she whispered. Now he was larger-than-life, more handsome, sexier than ever. How was she going to cope with over six feet of irresistible male? She was wanted and in some ways, she loved his attention. Her own reaction to him shocked her daily.
When she was ready for bed, she curled up in the rocker to relive the night, minute by minute and kiss by kiss.
At noon Monday Will stood when his brother came striding across the restaurant where they had agreed to meet. Occasionally, Will thought about Zach’s looks, so different from the rest of the family except their grandfather Marcus Delaney. With a mass of dark brown curly hair and vivid blue eyes, Zach had a more narrow face. The only Delaney similarity was his coloring, like their grandfather’s, which no one else had inherited. Fortunately, he hadn’t inherited their grandfather’s fiery temperament. He shook hands with Will.
“I’ve got two and a half hours before I have to be airborne,” Zach said as both men sat.
“You’ve been in the sun.”
“Can hardly avoid it in Baja, California, which is where I went after Winnipeg. What’s the latest on Caroline?”
“Nothing since I last talked to you, but I have high hopes because I think Ava has bonded with her. Ava keeps telling me not to read too much into it, but no one else has gotten as much response.”
“So how long will she be here?”
“All summer.”
“That’s a plus for Caroline. What about for you?”
“Hardly. She doesn’t want entanglement and I damn sure don’t. I’m paying her royally to stay this summer.” He eyed his brother. “I wish you had time to stop by and see Caroline.”
“I always feel like she’s not happy to see me since she lost Adam. Sort of ‘why are you here and my daddy isn’t’.”
“I don’t think so. She’s just got it all locked inside.”
“Well, I want to do what I can. Let me help pay this Ava Barton. If she gets through to Caroline, it’ll be worth every penny. Ryan will help, too. I’ll talk to him.”
“No need. Zach, I can afford to pay her. We all can. From what Dad told us, we’re inheriting more. But thanks. I appreciate both of you being willing to help. Makes me feel good to know I can rely on you in a crunch.”
“I probably ought to be the one footing the whole bill. You have full responsibility for Caroline, and Ryan stepped up and agreed to let you name him guardian in case something happens to you. I need to do something.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll tell you if I need anything.”
“Well, I’d like to meet Ava and thank her. Glad to hear you’re not getting too close to her because that could complicate your life and her dealings with Caroline. And glad she doesn’t have her eye on you for marriage material. Not that it would do any good, but it could mess up the deal for Caroline.”
“She doesn’t remotely have her eye on me. She keeps trying to hold me at arm’s length most of the time.”
Zach paused as he started to sip ice water. “Most of the time?”
“Stop worrying. She’s absolutely wrapped up in her plans to open a school, and now she’s making enough money to do so. She has no serious interest in me nor do I in her. She is special, though, and I want to get to know her. She’s intelligent, gorgeous and ambitious—I find that irresistible.”
“I believe you do,” Zach said, studying him. “Okay. How’s Garrett? Still acting as your right-hand man?”
“Same as ever. One beautiful woman after another with him. Will you be here for the reading of Dad’s will?”
“Yep. As soon as we know the date. It’ll be good to be together even if it’s for an occasion like that.”
They paused in their conversation while their hamburgers were delivered and then resumed talking about business, baseball and the coming football season.
With a glance at his watch, Zach stood. “Gotta go. It’s time.”
Will stood. “I’ll head back to the office. Mom called me to tell me she’s coming for the reading of the will. I don’t know how she’ll act with Caroline. Mom isn’t the soul of tact with small children.”
“Keep them apart. That’ll suit our mother,” Zach replied.
“Yep, it will.”
“Just another reminder why none of us wants to ever get married. Adam’s wife, our mother… Delaney men are not meant to marry,” Zach stated. He offered his hand to shake Will’s. “See you soon.”
“Sure, Zach.”
The brothers parted for their cars. Will climbed into his and headed to his office, his thoughts on Ava and the evening.
Will had told Ava he would be in town all week and home by five each day. To her surprise, he arrived at half past four—while she and Caroline were in the pool. Had she complicated her own life by asking him to be home with Caroline more than he had been in the past?
He changed to swim trunks and returned to join them. The minute he swam close, Ava treaded water. “Since you’re here, I think I’ll turn her over to you so you two can do a little bonding. I’ll get dressed and see you over dinner.”
“So no hope of talking you into staying with us awhile?” he asked while Caroline splashed at the far end of the pool.
“Not unless you really need me to be here. I would like to get dressed.”
“Go ahead. I’m here now,” he said, causing her to speculate if he thought she meant she was tired of being with Caroline.
“I think it will be good for her to get your undivided attention for a while. This is a chance for the two of you to have a stronger bond.”
“Sure, sure. I’d like to have a stronger bond with you.”
“No, you wouldn’t really. You aren’t interested in any strong bond, any more than I am. We both have other plans for our futures.”
“I didn’t mean a marriage bond.”
She laughed. “I know you didn’t. You’ve made that clear. I must not have made it clear how I feel.”
“Yes, you have, but you’re shutting yourself away from excitement and real living.”
“And you’re willing to provide it all.”
“You’ve made your point. I’ll make mine later. Come back out and join us. She’ll like having you around.”
She smiled at him and swam away to climb out, looking back over her shoulder when she picked up her towel to find him in the same spot, still watching her. She wrapped her towel around her, picked up her T-shirt and headed inside. At the door, she glanced back again to see him playing with Caroline.
Dinner was relaxed, with Caroline saying nothing, yet she was eating better than Ava had seen her eat before. The small brown bear Ava had given her was on a nearby chair.
“Caroline, I want to show you something,” Will said. He got up and left the table to return with a folder in his hand. “We thought you might like to have a puppy.”
Caroline’s eyes opened wide as she gazed at him.
“I brought some pictures of different breeds of dogs. Look at these,” Will said, spreading them on the table. “See if you like one in particular.”
“Caroline, they’re so cute,” Ava said, looking at the pictures.
Will told her the various breeds and mixes, pointing to each of six pictures. “Do you see one you like better than the others?”
Caroline sat quietly studying the pictures, picking up first one picture and then another. She turned a picture over and in a moment she turned the second over to place on top of it. Will sat patiently waiting, as quiet as his niece.
“Will, they are adorable puppies,” Ava said, looking at two that were so cute she couldn’t imagine Caroline wouldn’t pick one of them.
Will nodded. “What puppy isn’t cute?”
Caroline picked up one picture, studying it intently. She held it out to Will. “I want this one,” she said softly.
He flicked a glance at Ava and she could see his joy that Caroline had spoken to him.
“Then I will get you a puppy like that one,” he said, putting down the picture, which Caroline picked up and studied. “Caroline, the puppy is a bichon. That’s what kind it is and why it looks like it does. The little papillon has that name because papillon is French for butterfly, and that puppy has butterfly-shaped ears. Its ears make one think of a butterfly. Tomorrow I will take you and Miss Ava with me and we will get doggie things—we’ll need a feeding bowl and some puppy food, some toys for the puppy and a bed. Do you want to go?”
“Yes,” she answered.
Will picked her up and hugged her, closing his eyes a moment. Ava glanced away, realizing it was an emotional moment for him.
“All right, sweetie, we’ll go tomorrow afternoon. I’ll take off about three o’clock and come get both of you and we’ll go to a local breeder. We’ll have to get a collar and a leash.”
He got another faint smile and he hugged her again lightly before setting her down. “We’ll get a little crate for the puppy to sleep in and we’ll have to find a place in your room to put it. The first few nights it might cry.”
She looked up at him while he talked. He took her hand and they walked to the sofa where he sat. She held the picture and turned to run back and get her brown teddy bear before climbing up beside Will.
“You like the idea of a puppy, don’t you?”
She nodded her head, looking intently at the picture she held.
“We’ll have fun with it. But puppies do have sharp teeth. They bite things because they want to chew. They have baby teeth and like to chew. They don’t mean to hurt.”
Ava followed them and sat nearby, listening to the conversation and hearing the excitement in Will’s voice. Caroline had an eager expression as she sat quietly listening.
“Miss Ava had a dog when she was a little girl, didn’t you?” Will said, pulling her into the conversation.
Ava nodded and talked about her dog, and then Will told about the family dog they had when he and Caroline’s dad were growing up.
Finally, he stood, picking up Caroline, who still clutched the picture and her bear. “We’re off to bed now. Miss Ava has read you stories today, so it’s my turn.”
Ava stood. “Good night, Caroline.” She patted the child’s shoulder and impulsively brushed her cheek with a kiss. “We’ll play some more games tomorrow and talk about puppies.”
As soon as they left the room, she began to clear the table. Edwina would be in to clean in the morning, but Ava saw no reason to leave a mess. She filled the dishwasher and had everything tidy and still no sign of Will. She went to the library and discovered lower shelves that held some children’s books. Some were tattered and worn, some the vintage of her own childhood books. Curious, she pulled out one on dinosaurs and opened it to see Will’s name printed neatly inside the cover and “six years” written below his name. She smiled looking at the book, imagining Will poring over it as a six-year-old. Ava replaced the book and looked through a couple more. She was surprised the books weren’t in Caroline’s room.
She heard his footsteps and turned to see him striding toward her. He picked her up and spun around with her.
“Hey!” she exclaimed, laughing as he set her on her feet.
“Did you see the response I got tonight? You caused that, Ava. It’s a miracle. She talked to me and I got a little smile from her.”
“I’m thrilled and happy for you and for Caroline, but Will, it’s just baby steps. It’s a tiny, slight progress.”
“It’s monumental, and you haven’t been here that long. Why in hell I never thought of a puppy for her, I don’t know except I’m not accustomed to being a dad. There’s no school for fatherhood. I didn’t even have the usual nine months to adjust to the idea and learn a few things. Thank heavens I decided to fly down and meet you in person,” he said, looking at her. Locks of dark hair had fallen on his forehead while excitement sparkled in his eyes. Their gazes met and the moment changed. Her heartbeat quickened and her lips parted. The expression in his brown eyes transformed. Desire became flames in their dark depths and she could barely get her breath.
He lowered his head to kiss her. The moment his mouth covered hers, urgency and need swept her. She moaned softly, lost in wanting him, knowing she was breaking all her own rules for herself, yet unable to resist. She wanted his arms around her and longed for his kisses.
His arms tightened around her, drawing her close against him as he leaned over her to kiss her possessively. Her heart pounded while she slipped her arm around his neck. He held her with one arm while his other hand caressed her nape and then her back, moving to her waist to tug her blouse free of her slacks. His hand slipped beneath the silk to caress her breast as he shifted her slightly. His warm hand on her breast stirred a shower of tingles, sparks that fell on growing fires within her.
She moaned, her voice dim in her ears. She poured herself into her kisses, wanting him blindly, tossing all caution aside, knowing there would be another time to worry about succumbing to him.
“Ahh, Ava, you’re marvelous,” he whispered, showering kisses on her, and then his mouth settled on hers again, a fierce, passionate kiss that made her ache with desire. He pushed away the flimsy lace bra she wore and cupped her breast. As his thumb lightly circled her nipple, she gasped with pleasure, moving against him.
She tugged his shirt free, slipping her hand beneath it to run her fingers across his muscled chest, tangling her fingers in his thick chest hair, relishing being able to touch him as he caressed her.
A dim voice of caution persisted and she finally stepped back. “Will, this isn’t part of why I’m here and it doesn’t fit my plans. I don’t want a summer fling and I’m not ready for any emotional upheaval.” The words tumbled out breathlessly. She moved away to pull her clothes back in place and give them both a chance to cool. Reason and caution should prevail. Yet as she tried to cling to logic, she longed to step back into his embrace and kiss him.
His breath was warm on her nape and he moved close behind her, his arm circling her waist. He pressed against her backside, drawing her against him.
“You’re fabulous, and I want to kiss and touch you all night. You need to live again, Ava. You’re shutting yourself away. Touching and kissing isn’t commitment. Stop being afraid to enjoy life a little.”
“I can’t get emotionally involved,” she repeated, turning to face him. “Are you listening to me?”
He continued to hold her. “Yes, I hear you,” he replied, his gaze traveling over her features while he combed long strands of her hair away from her face. He gazed into her eyes again and then leaned close to kiss her.
One more kiss, and then she would make him stop and mean it. Time and thought ceased and she was consumed by his kisses that grew more passionate. His arm tightened around her waist, holding her tightly against him. She had one arm around his shoulders, one hand on his back.
She pulled away and tried to catch her breath. “Will, let’s get back to safe topics and just talk.”
“All right, for now.” He stood beside a sofa. “Come sit while we talk.”
She curled up in one corner of it. He sat facing her a few feet away, but he stretched out his arm across the back to touch her hair and wind his fingers in it. While the slight tugs on her scalp made her tingle, she tried to ignore them.
“So do you know where to get a puppy like the one she picked out?”
“Yes. I’ve even seen the available litters and all are either ready to pick up this week or will be by next week. The puppies are twelve weeks old now, which is a good age. We’ll have to drive to Fort Worth to get the one she selected.”
“That’s all great, Will.”
“The Yorkie litter is in Lubbock. Frankly, I’m glad she didn’t pick that one or we would have had a long drive.”
“Which you would have done without any protest,” she said, amused that he even voiced the complaint about the drive when he was so eager to make Caroline happy.
“Besides, you could meet my parents, since they live in Lubbock.” She smiled. “I think Caroline will love having a puppy so much.”
He turned strands of Ava’s hair in his hand. “I like being at home in the evenings. I’ve always traveled a lot so this is new for me.”
“Good. It’ll be better for your niece. That could be why she was more responsive tonight.”
“I don’t think so. We got more out of her today—that’s your doing. And the pup. I’ve been around all along. Though, granted, not for those two weeks. So how did reading with her go today?” he asked, winding the lock of hair around his finger.
“No different than yesterday. I don’t see that as a setback.”
“I agree. I had lunch with my brother Zach today. I couldn’t bring him home because he was short on time. He’ll be back when they read Dad’s will. You’ll meet all my family then—my mother will be here briefly, both brothers. Garrett, who you met at the opera, will be present because he’s like a brother. His dad worked for mine and they were close. The reading shouldn’t take long and I expect it will occur soon.”
Listening, she looked into his thickly lashed dark eyes and thought about their kisses. The new dog, Will’s enthusiasm, his conversation, all of it diminished until she didn’t hear anything for thinking about his kisses and how she was getting closer to him, drawing nearer to seduction.
After a while he leaned toward her and held her chin lightly with his fingers. “You haven’t heard a word I’ve been saying.”
Jolted, she focused on him. “Yes, I have.”
“Right,” he stated in a tone that conveyed the opposite.
“So what do you think?”
Her face was hot. “Sorry. I was thinking about Caroline’s puppy.”
“No, you weren’t. You were thinking about us.”
“There is no ‘us.’”
He smiled knowingly. “So tell me, where’s this school of yours going to be located? Do you have property yet?”
“I’m looking at areas in Austin and also San Antonio. San Antonio has a diverse population, although there isn’t a city in the U.S. that can’t use a school focused on reading. It will probably be Austin because I know the city better and it will be easier. I won’t have to move.”
“What about Dallas?”
“No. Austin is where I live and I’m more familiar with the city.”
“Who is looking for property for you?”
She told him the name of the real estate group, aware he had scooted closer and stroked her nape lightly, stirring far more tingles than he had by twisting locks of her hair. He asked questions about her plans, nodding, making few comments and no suggestions, which surprised her. She suspected wheels were turning in his mind and he could make quite a few suggestions if she asked for them.
Several times while they talked about various topics, she intended to tell him it was time to go. Instead, she was pulled into the conversation until she saw it was almost three in the morning. She stood. “Will, it’s so late. I’ll fall asleep tomorrow while I play with Caroline.”
“I doubt that, but we can turn in,” he said, standing and draping an arm casually across her shoulders as he walked beside her.
Chatting about the next day’s schedule, they headed out of the room. She waited while he locked the front door and then they climbed the steps. Each step brought her closer to telling him good-night and the awareness they would kiss sent her pulse galloping again.
Would she be able to turn him away at her door?
He entered her suite with her, closed the door and drew her into his arms to kiss her. She held him tightly, kissing him with pent-up passion that was tinged with anger that he had broken through the barrier she had kept around herself for the past six years.
Leaning against the closed door, he pulled her against him while he kissed her. Desire blazed, a stronger need than ever. After a few moments, he shifted slightly and his fingers tugged free the buttons of her blouse. While his hands flew over her, clothing fell away. His warm hands cradling each breast fanned flames. His gaze roamed slowly, carefully over her.