Полная версия:
Jo’s Boys

Louisa May Alcott

Title Page
History of Collins
Life & Times
Chapter 1: Ten Years Later
Chapter 2: Parnassus
Chapter 3: Jo’s Last Scrape
Chapter 4: Dan
Chapter 5: Vacation
Chapter 6: Last Words
Chapter 7: The Lion and the Lamb
Chapter 8: Josie Plays Mermaid
Chapter 9: The Worm Turns
Chapter 10: Demi Settles
Chapter 11: Emil’s Thanksgiving
Chapter 12: Dan’s Christmas
Chapter 13: Nat’s New Year
Chapter 14: Plays at Plumfield
Chapter 15: Waiting
Chapter 16: In the Tennis-Court
Chapter 17: Among the Maids
Chapter 18: Class Day
Chapter 19: White Roses
Chapter 20: Life for Life
Chapter 21: Aslauga’s Knight
Chapter 22: Positively Last Appearance
Classic Literature: Words and Phrases adapted from the Collins English Dictionary
About the Publisher
History of Collins
In 1819, millworker William Collins from Glasgow, Scotland, set up a company for printing and publishing pamphlets, sermons, hymn books, and prayer books. That company was Collins and was to mark the birth of HarperCollins Publishers as we know it today. The long tradition of Collins dictionary publishing can be traced back to the first dictionary William published in 1824, Greek and English Lexicon. Indeed, from 1840 onwards, he began to produce illustrated dictionaries and even obtained a licence to print and publish the Bible.
Soon after, William published the first Collins novel, Ready Reckoner; however, it was the time of the Long Depression, where harvests were poor, prices were high, potato crops had failed, and violence was erupting in Europe. As a result, many factories across the country were forced to close down and William chose to retire in 1846, partly due to the hardships he was facing.
Aged 30, William’s son, William II, took over the business. A keen humanitarian with a warm heart and a generous spirit, William II was truly “Victorian” in his outlook. He introduced new, up-to-date steam presses and published affordable editions of Shakespeare’s works and The Pilgrim’s Progress, making them available to the masses for the first time. A new demand for educational books meant that success came with the publication of travel books, scientific books, encyclopedias, and dictionaries. This demand to be educated led to the later publication of atlases, and Collins also held the monopoly on scripture writing at the time.
In the 1860s Collins began to expand and diversify and the idea of “books for the millions” was developed. Affordable editions of classical literature were published, and in 1903 Collins introduced 10 titles in their Collins Handy Illustrated Pocket Novels. These proved so popular that a few years later this had increased to an output of 50 volumes, selling nearly half a million in their year of publication. In the same year, The Everyman’s Library was also instituted, with the idea of publishing an affordable library of the most important classical works, biographies, religious and philosophical treatments, plays, poems, travel, and adventure. This series eclipsed all competition at the time, and the introduction of paperback books in the 1950s helped to open that market and marked a high point in the industry.
HarperCollins is and has always been a champion of the classics, and the current Collins Classics series follows in this tradition—publishing classical literature that is affordable and available to all. Beautifully packaged, highly collectible, and intended to be reread and enjoyed at every opportunity.
Life & Times
About the Author
Louisa May Alcott was born into a family of American transcendentalists, the second of four daughters. Transcendentalism was essentially a movement initiated in reaction to a feeling that society was eroding its mores and was consequently in need of reform. Alcott was therefore immersed in an environment of progressive thinking and intellectualization during her formative years. This included a strong moral objection to the notion of slavery, which would become the lynchpin of the American Civil War (1861–1865). The Alcotts hid a runaway slave in their house in 1847, such was their level of commitment to the cause.
During the war itself, Louisa May Alcott worked as a nurse and it was her experiences that served to hone her storytelling skill. It wasn’t until early middle age, however, that she became a success. In 1868 the first part of Little Women was published to great acclaim, and her reputation grew from there. However, her life was not a long one, for she died of ill health at the age of 55, in 1888.
Apart from the Little Women trilogy, she wrote many other novels and children’s stories, which are best known in the United States. Her writing style remained more or less similar to Little Women, because she was primarily interested in the comings and goings of people in her stories. They are the forerunner of the cast novels written by such modern-day writers as Maeve Binchy, where the stories are windows into many interrelated lives.
On a socio-political level, Alcott’s legacy is that she is held aloft as an early feminist and humanitarian. Her high intellect rendered her unable to resist the testing of conventions in her real life and in her literary alter-egos. She lived through the turbulence of the American Civil War and saw America metamorphose into a modern nation where slaves were freed of their literal chains and women were freed of their metaphorical chains. It was a dual emancipation, and Alcott effectively documented the event in her prose.
Little Women
Published in its entirety in 1880, Little Women is a novel about an American family from a female perspective. Alcott based the story on the formative years of herself and her three sisters. It is a novel that says a great deal about people and society without requiring a complex or sweeping plot to carry the reader along.
The primary theme is that siblings each have different personalities despite having been brought up in the same family environment—nature versus nurture. Alcott gives each of the four sisters particular idiosyncrasies that signature their personalities and generate advantages and disadvantages for them. Thus they are each known for being vain, quick-tempered, coy, and selfish. To some extent, the novel is also about the extent to which children live up to their ascribed personality traits once they are known for them, or rather are allotted them as if parents need to compartmentalize their children’s traits. Alcott generally regards the four specific traits as personality flaws, as opposed to strengths, so the four sisters stuggle to overcome them rather than embrace them.
However, Alcott was writing at a time when people held deeply Christian values, where the ideal person was the opposite of all those traits: modest, level-headed, outgoing, and giving. The idea was to pretend to be that ideal, albeit an unattainable, synthesis. It was all about being virtuous and wholesome in the eyes of the Christian God, although fundamentally it was about being a good prospect as potential wife or husband material in the eyes of others who held the same views.
The title of Little Women has been interpreted in two ways. First, as an expression of the relative unimportance of women in comparison to men in 19th-century America. Second, the title is often read as a statement about the general lack of significance of most people in society. Alcott was certainly a forerunner of the feminist movement, so it seems likely that the title encompasses both meanings: in other words, that women, and especially those of mediocrity, possess a diminutive presence.
Little Men
In Little Men (1871), Alcott has effectively written a sequel to Little Women. However, this time Alcott investigates the rite of passage from boyhood to manhood and how masculinity is expressed and interpreted.
The plot covers a six-month period as a number of boys attend the recently established Plumfield boarding school, run by Jo from Little Women. They are a motley crew of varying personalities, and Alcott experiments with the interplay of their relationships. The book demonstrates Alcott’s concept of an ideal school, in which children are treated as individuals and encouraged to express themselves. One such example of this is that the children each have their allotted gardens and their own pets, as if they are young adults.
A character named Dan is brought into the story to mix things up. He is a streetwise orphan who decides that the other boys need to experience a few vices, so he introduces them to drinking, smoking, and gambling. He also encourages them to swear and fight one another. He is consequently expelled, but his rough edges are eventually rounded off and he takes the role of curator in the natural history museum at the school.
As with all of Alcott’s material, Little Men is not a literary novel, but it does make some degree of social comment, especially as it demonstrates that children from disadvantaged backgrounds can be turned into achievers if given the right environment and encouragement. This was in marked contrast to the general Victorian view that the underclass only had themselves to blame for their circumstance.
This humanitarian view, espoused by Alcott, was important in reforming the consensus on the role of education in society and the government’s responsibility for delivering that education. In 1870 the Elementary Education Act was passed in England, which set the ball rolling. Then the Education Acts of 1902 and 1918 established the basic framework upon which state schooling is run to this day. Schooling went from something only the privileged classes could afford to a legal right for all in society. The bottom line was a realization that society is better served when all people have the potential to learn the basics, such as reading, writing, and arithmetic. In addition, individuals with useful talents are rendered able to demonstrate their abilities and enjoy success.
By placing her characters in such a school, Alcott had set parameters to contain them, both physically and psychologically. It was rather like seeding a Petri dish to see how organisms would grow and interact within the confines. This was a useful devise for Alcott, as it enabled her to manage her characters as if they were players entering and exiting a stage.
Jo’s Boys
In Jo’s Boys, written in 1886, Alcott returns to the lives of the characters in Little Women and Little Men. We respond differently to people as children and adults in real life; in this way we respond to the characters in Little Men and Jo’s Boys in different ways too. The characters now become accountable and responsible for the choices and actions in their own lives.
Jo’s Boys may be thought of as a novel for completists, those who have a desire to know what becomes of the characters as they leave their childhood days behind them. Alcott’s greatest achievement with Jo’s Boys is her portrayal of the characters’ struggles with the reality of adulthood, where a combination of both predictable and random circumstances inevitably makes their lives more complicated.
It is fair to say that Alcott manages a convincing ‘treatise on life’ with Jo’s Boys, which particularly resonates with older readers who can relate to the struggles of adulthood. In so doing, Alcott conveys the sadness that many people feel when they reflect upon their life’s journey. It isn’t all sad though, because with adulthood comes the opportunity to bring children into the world; the adults become the custodians, ready to hand over responsibility for the world. At its core, Jo’s Boys is an acknowledgement of the temporary and precious nature of childhood.
Ten Years Later
‘If anyone had told me what wonderful changes were to take place here in ten years, I wouldn’t have believed it,’ said Mrs Jo to Mrs Meg, as they sat on the piazza at Plumfield one summer day, looking about them with faces full of pride and pleasure.
‘This is the sort of magic that money and kind hearts can work. I am sure Mr Laurence could have no nobler monument than the college he so generously endowed; and a home like this will keep Aunt March’s memory green as long as it lasts,’ answered Mrs Meg, always glad to praise the absent.
‘We used to believe in fairies, you remember, and plan what we’d ask for if we could have three wishes. Doesn’t it seem as if mine had been really granted at last? Money, fame, and plenty of the work I love,’ said Mrs Jo, carelessly rumpling up her hair as she clasped her hands over her head just as she used to do when a girl.
‘I have had mine, and Amy is enjoying hers to her heart’s content. If dear Marmee, John, and Beth were here, it would be quite perfect,’ added Meg, with a tender quiver in her voice; for Marmee’s place was empty now.
Jo put her hand on her sister’s, and both sat silent for a little while, surveying the pleasant scene before them with mingled sad and happy thoughts.
It certainly did look as if magic had been at work, for quiet Plumfield was transformed into a busy little world. The house seemed more hospitable than ever, refreshed now with new paint, added wings, well-kept lawn and garden, and a prosperous air it had not worn when riotous boys swarmed everywhere and it was rather difficult for the Bhaers to make both ends meet. On the hill, where kites used to be flown, stood the fine college which Mr Laurence’s munificent legacy had built. Busy students were going to and fro along the paths once trodden by childish feet, and many young men and women were enjoying all the advantages that wealth, wisdom, and benevolence could give them.
Just inside the gates of Plumfield a pretty brown cottage, very like the Dovecote, nestled among the trees, and on the green slope westward Laurie’s white-pillared mansion glittered in the sunshine; for when the rapid growth of the city shut in the old house, spoilt Meg’s nest, and dared to put a soap-factory under Mr Laurence’s indignant nose, our friends emigrated to Plumfield, and the great changes began.
These were the pleasant ones; and the loss of the dear old people was sweetened by the blessings they left behind; so all prospered now in the little community, and Mr Bhaer as president, and Mr March as chaplain of the college, saw their long-cherished dream beautifully realized. The sisters divided the care of the young people among them, each taking the part that suited her best. Meg was the motherly friend of the young women, Jo the confidante and defender of all the youths, and Amy the lady Bountiful who delicately smoothed the way for needy students, and entertained them all so cordially that it was no wonder they named her lovely home Mount Parnassus, so full was it of music, beauty, and the culture hungry young hearts and fancies long for.
The original twelve boys had of course scattered far and wide during these years, but all that lived still remembered old Plumfield, and came wandering back from the four quarters of the earth to tell their various experiences, laugh over the pleasures of the past, and face the duties of the present with fresh courage; for such home-comings keep hearts tender and hands helpful with the memories of young and happy days. A few words will tell the history of each, and then we can go on with the new chapter of their lives.
Franz was with a merchant kinsman in Hamburg, a man of twenty-six now, and doing well. Emil was the jolliest tar that ever ‘sailed the ocean blue’. His uncle sent him on a long voyage to disgust him with this adventurous life; but he came home so delighted with it that it was plain this was his profession, and the German kinsman gave him a good chance in his ships; so the lad was happy. Dan was a wanderer still; for after the geological researches in South America he tried sheep-farming in Australia, and was now in California looking up mines. Nat was busy with music at the Conservatory, preparing for a year or two in Germany to finish him off. Tom was studying medicine and trying to like it. Jack was in business with his father, bent on getting rich. Dolly was in college with Stuffy and Ned reading law. Poor little Dick was dead, so was Billy; and no one could mourn for them, since life would never be happy, afflicted as they were in mind and body.
Rob and Teddy were called the ‘Lion and the Lamb’; for the latter was as rampant as the king of beasts, and the former as gentle as any sheep that ever baaed. Mrs Jo called him ‘my daughter’, and found him the most dutiful of children, with plenty of manliness underlying the quiet manners and tender nature. But in Ted she seemed to see all the faults, whims, aspirations, and fun of her own youth in a new shape. With his tawny locks always in wild confusion, his long legs and arms, loud voice, and continual activity, Ted was a prominent figure at Plumfield. He had his moods of gloom, and fell into the Slough of Despond about once a week, to be hoisted out by patient Rob or his mother, who understood when to let him alone and when to shake him up. He was her pride and joy as well as torment, being a very bright lad for his age, and so full of all sorts of budding talent, that her maternal mind was much exercised as to what this remarkable boy would become.
Demi had gone through College with honour, and Mrs Meg had set her heart on his being a minister—picturing in her fond fancy the first sermon her dignified young parson would preach, as well as the long, useful, and honoured life he was to lead. But John, as she called him now, firmly declined the divinity school, saying he had had enough of books, and needed to know more of men and the world, and caused the dear woman much disappointment by deciding to try a journalist’s career. It was a blow; but she knew that young minds cannot be driven, and that experience is the best teacher; so she let him follow his own inclinations, still hoping to see him in the pulpit. Aunt Jo raged when she found that there was to be a reporter in the family, and called him ‘Jenkins’ on the spot. She liked his literary tendencies, but had reason to detest official Paul Prys, as we shall see later. Demi knew his own mind, however, and tranquilly carried out his plans, unmoved by the tongues of the anxious mammas or the jokes of his mates. Uncle Teddy encouraged him, and painted a splendid career, mentioning Dickens and other celebrities who began as reporters and ended as famous novelists or newspaper men.
The girls were all flourishing. Daisy, as sweet and domestic as ever, was her mother’s comfort and companion. Josie at fourteen was a most original young person, full of pranks and peculiarities, the latest of which was a passion for the stage, which caused her quiet mother and sister much anxiety as well as amusement. Bess had grown into a tall, beautiful girl looking several years older than she was, with the same graceful ways and dainty tastes which the little Princess had, and a rich inheritance of both the father’s and mother’s gifts, fostered by every aid love and money could give. But the pride of the community was naughty Nan; for, like so many restless, wilful children, she was growing into a woman full of the energy and promise that suddenly blossoms when the ambitious seeker finds the work she is fitted to do well. Nan began to study medicine at sixteen, and at twenty was getting on bravely; for now, thanks to other intelligent women, colleges and hospitals were open to her. She had never wavered in her purpose from the childish days when she shocked Daisy in the old willow by saying: ‘I don’t want any family to fuss over. I shall have an office, with bottles and pestle things in it, and drive round and cure folks.’ The future foretold by the little girl the young woman was rapidly bringing to pass, and finding so much happiness in it that nothing could win her from the chosen work. Several worthy young gentlemen had tried to make her change her mind and choose, as Daisy did, ‘a nice little house and family to take care of’. But Nan only laughed, and routed the lovers by proposing to look at the tongue which spoke of adoration, or professionally felt the pulse in the manly hand offered for her acceptance. So all departed but one persistent youth, who was such a devoted Traddles it was impossible to quench him.
This was Tom, who was as faithful to his child sweetheart as she to her ‘pestle things’, and gave a proof of fidelity that touched her very much. He studied medicine for her sake alone, having no taste for it, and a decided fancy for a mercantile life. But Nan was firm, and Tom stoutly kept on, devoutly hoping he might not kill many of his fellow-beings when he came to practise. They were excellent friends, however, and caused much amusement to their comrades, by the vicissitudes of this merry love-chase.
Both were approaching Plumfield on the afternoon when Mrs Meg and Mrs Jo were talking on the piazza. Not together; for Nan was walking briskly along the pleasant road alone, thinking over a case that interested her, and Tom was pegging on behind to overtake her, as if by accident, when the suburbs of the city were past—a little way of his, which was part of the joke.
Nan was a handsome girl, with a fresh colour, clear eye, quick smile, and the self-poised look young women with a purpose always have. She was simply and sensibly dressed, walked easily, and seemed full of vigour, with her broad shoulders well back, arms swinging freely, and the elasticity of youth and health in every motion. The few people she met turned to look at her, as if it was a pleasant sight to see a hearty, happy girl walking countryward that lovely day; and the red-faced young man steaming along behind, hat off and every tight curl wagging with impatience, evidently agreed with them.
Presently a mild ‘Hallo!’ was borne upon the breeze, and pausing, with an effort to look surprised that was an utter failure, Nan said affably:
‘Oh, is that you, Tom?’
‘Looks like it. Thought you might be walking out today’; and Tom’s jovial face beamed with pleasure.
‘You knew it. How is your throat?’ asked Nan in her professional tone, which was always a quencher to undue raptures.
‘Throat? Oh, ah! yes, I remember. It is well. The effect of that prescription was wonderful. I’ll never call homoeopathy a humbug again.’
‘You were the humbug this time, and so were the unmedicated pellets I gave you. If sugar or milk can cure diphtheria in this remarkable manner, I’ll make a note of it. O Tom, Tom, will you never be done playing tricks?’
‘O Nan, Nan, will you never be done getting the better of me?’ And the merry pair laughed at one another just as they did in the old times, which always came back freshly when they went to Plumfield.
‘Well, I knew I shouldn’t see you for a week if I didn’t scare up some excuse for a call at the office. You are so desperately busy all the time I never get a word,’ explained Tom.