
Полная версия:
Учись учить английскому: упражнения
What has it done?
What has this cat avoided?
Who has avoided punishment?
Exercise 5
Мы почувствовали радость. We have felt joy.
We haven’t felt joy.
Have we felt joy?
Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.
Have we felt joy or sorrow (grief…cold)?
What have we done?
What have we felt?
Who has felt joy?
Мы высоко оценили вашу доброту. (appreciate) We have appreciated your kindness.
We haven’t appreciated your kindness.
Have we appreciated your kindness?
Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.
Have we appreciated your kindness or politeness (decision…step)?
What have we done?
What have we appreciated?
Who has appreciated your kindness?
Мы подрались с ними. We have fought with them.
We haven’t fought with them.
Have we fought with them?
Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.
Have we fought with them or with him (her…you)?
What have we done?
Who have we fought with?
Who has fought with them?
Мы одобрили его решение. We have approved his decision.
We haven’t approved his decision.
Have we decision his solution?
Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.
Have we approved his decision or behavior (plan…project)?
What have we done?
What have we approved?
Who has approved his decision?
Мы нашли выход из этой ситуации. We have found the way out of this situation.
We haven’t found the way out of this situation.
Have we found the way out of this situation?
Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.
Have we found the way out of this situation or of the building (encirclement… recession)?
What have we done?
What have we found?
Who has found the way out of this situation?
Мы пристегнули наши ремни безопасности. We have fastened our seat belts.
We haven’t fastened our seat belts.
Have we fastened our seat belts?
Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.
Have we fastened our seat belts or a stamp (handle…labels)?
What have we done?
What have we fastened?
Who has fastened our seat belts?
Мы взлетели над городом. We have taken off over the town.
We haven’t taken off over the town.
Have we taken off over the town?
Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.
Have we taken off over the town or the village (forest ..mountain)?
What have we done?
Where have we taken off?
Who has taken off over the town?
Мы сделали попытку уладить это щекотливое дело. We have attempted to settle this delicate matter.
We haven’t attempted to settle this delicate matter.
Have we attempted to settle this delicate matter?
Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.
Have we attempted to settle this delicate matter or a difficult task (attempt suicide… to solve the crisis)?
What have we done?
What have we attempted?
Who has attempted to settle this delicate matter?
Exercise 6
Она вскопала огород. She has dug up the kitchen garden.
She hasn’t dug up the kitchen garden.
Has she dug up the kitchen garden?
Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.
Has she dug up the kitchen garden or the yard (garden…field)?
What has she done?
What has she dug up?
Who has dug up the kitchen garden?
Она посоветовала мне поехать в Швейцарию. She has advised me to go to Switzerland.
She hasn’t advised me to go to Switzerland.
Has she advised me to go to Switzerland?
Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.
Has she advised me to go to Switzerland or to The USA (Russia…Australia)?
What has she done?
What has she advised me?
Who has advised me go to the Switzerland?
Эта девочка нарисовала (карандашом) большого крокодила. This girl has drawn a big crocodile.
She hasn’t drawn a big crocodile.
Has she drawn a big crocodile?
Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.
Has she drawn a big or a small crocodile?
What has she done?
What has she drawn?
Who has drawn a big crocodile?
Она восхитилась этой картиной. She has admired this picture.
She hasn’t admired this picture.
Has she admired this picture?
Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.
Has she admired this picture or this boy (scenery…film)?
What has she done?
What has she admired?
Who has admired this picture?
Она проехала на своей машине через всю Сахару. (to drive) She has driven by her car through the Sahara.
She hasn’t driven by her car through the Sahara.
Has she driven by her car through the Sahara?
Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.
Has she driven by her car through the Sahara or Siberia (Canada…England) ?
What has she done?
What has she driven across?
Who has driven by her car through the Sahara?
Она допекла его. (to annoy) She has annoyed him.
She hasn’t annoyed him.
Has she annoyed him?
Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.
Has she annoyed him or them (you…her)?
What has she done?
Who has she annoyed?
Who has annoyed him?
Она накормила ее собаку. She has fed her dog.
She hasn’t fed her dog.
Has she fed her dog?
Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.
Has she fed her dog or cat (child…husband)?
What has she done?
Who(m) has she fed?
Who has fed her dog?
Она зааплодировала громко. She has applauded loudly.
She hasn’t applauded loudly..
Has she applauded loudly?
Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.
Has she applauded loudly or quietly?
What has she done?
How has she applauded?
Who has applauded loudly?
Exercise 7
Эти девочки привлекли внимание тех мальчиков. These girls have attracted the attention of those boys.
These girls haven’t attracted the attention of those boys.
Have they forgotten attracted the attention of those boys?
Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.
Have they attracted the attention of those boys or the police (dogs…men)?
What have they done?
Whose attention have they attracted?
Who has attracted the attention of those boys?
Они простили ее за это. They have forgiven her for it.
They haven’t forgiven her for it.
Have they forgiven her for it?
Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.
Have they forgiven her or him for it?
What have they done?
Who have they forgiven for?
Who has forgiven her for it?
Они запретили нам курить здесь They have banned us to smoke here.
They haven’t banned us to smoke here.
Have they banned us to smoke here?
Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.
Have they banned us to smoke or to drink (to play…to stand) here?
What have they done?
What have they banned us?
Who has banned us to smoke here?
Цветы в саду замерзли. The flowers have been frozen in the garden.
The flowers haven’t been frozen in the garden.
Have they been frozen in the garden?
Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.
Have they been frozen or faded (bloomed…disappeared) in the garden?
What have they done in the garden?
Where have they frozen?
Who has been frozen in the garden?
Они повели себя не очень хорошо. They have behaved themselves not very good.
They haven’t behaved themselves not very good.
Have they behaved themselves not very good?
Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.
Have they behaved themselves not very good or good (bad…excellent)?
What have they done?
How have they behaved themselves?
Who has behaved not very good?
Эти люди получили очень много денег. These people have got very much money.
These people haven’t got very much money.
Have they got very much money?
Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.
Have they got very much or little money (little…a little)?
What have they done?
What have they got?
Who has got very much money?
Они благословили нас. They have blessed us.
They haven’t blessed us.
Have they blessed us?
Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.
Have they blessed or cursed (praised…deceived) us?
What have they done?
Who(m) have they blessed?
Who has blessed us?
Они проанализировали все. They have analyzed everything.
They haven’t analyzed everything.
Have they analyzed everything?
Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.
Have they analyzed everything or nothing (anything…the project)?
What have they done?
What have they analyzed?
Who has analyzed everything?
Exercise 8
Переведите на английский язык:
1. Что ты получил? 1. What have you got?
2. Что восхитило тебя? 2. What has admired you?
3. Почему твой нос замерз? 3. Why has your nose frozen?
4. Что он тебе посоветовал? 4. What has he advised you?
5. Я не простил ее. 5. I haven’t forgiven her.
6. Она не забыла меня. 6. She has not forgotten me.
7. Я не согласился. 7. I haven’t agreed.
8. Мы не проанализировали эту ситуацию. 8. We haven’t analyzed this situation.
9. Ты достала (допекла) меня. 9. You have annoyed me.
10. Я извинился. 10. I have apologized.
11. Туча появилась на небе. 11. The cloud has appeared in the sky.
12. Она аплодировали мне. 12. She has applauded me.
13. Она улетела. 13. She has flown.
14. Мы нашли выход из пещеры. 14. We have found the way out of the cave
15. Я высоко оценил твою красоту. 15. I have highly appreciated your beauty.
16. Она одобрила его действия. 16. She has approved his actions.
17. Полиция арестовала этого вора. 17. The police have arrested this thief.
18. Они задали ему интересный вопрос. 18. They have asked him an interesting question.
19. Он прикрепил эту картинку к двери. 19. He has attached this picture on the door.
20. Они подрались. 20. They have fought.
21. Что ты почувствовал? 21. What have you felt?
22. Зачем ты накормила эту ленивую кошку? 22. Why have you fed this lazy cat?
23. Свеча упала. Странно. 23. The candle has fallen. It’s strange.
24. Кто съел мое яблоко? 24. Who has eaten my apple?
25. Кто выпил мое молоко? 25. Who has drunk my milk?
26. Зачем она пересекла на машине Сахару? 26. Why has she driven through the Sahara by car?
27. Что ты нарисовал своим карандашом на моей двери? Скажи мне правду. 27. What have you drawn by your pencil on my door? Tell me the truth.
28. Внимание. Враг атаковал нас. 28. Attention! The enemy has attacked us.
29. Он попытался сделать это. 29. He has attempted to do it.
30. Она наконец-то посетила меня. 30. She has visited me at last.
31. Блеск золотого кольца на ее руке притянул его взгляд. 31. The shine of the gold ring on her arm has attracted his look.
32. Он уклонился от встречи с ней. 32. He has avoided of meeting her.
33. Что ты сделал? 33. What have you done?
Exercise 9
Переведите на английский язык:
1. Почему ты это сделал? 1. Why have you done it?
2. Для чего ты это сделал? 2. What have you done it for?
3. Я не копал огород. 3. I have not dug the kitchen-garden.
4. Я не резал хлеб. 4. I have not cut the bread.
5. Что они запретили тебе? 5. What have they banned you?
6. Мы искупались в море. 6. We have bathed in the sea.
7. Этот мальчик вел себя очень хорошо. 7. This boy has behaved very well.
8. Она благословила меня. 8. She has blessed me.
9. Он похвастался. 9. He has boasted.
10. Я нарисовал мелом лошадь на доске. 10. I have drawn the horse with chalk on the blackboard.
11. Ты не выпил свое молоко. 11. You have not drunk your milk.
12. Она пришла, а он не пришел. 12. She has come, but he has not come.
13. Она выбрала то платье. 13. She has chosen that dress.
14. Я наконец-то поймал ее. 14. I caught her at last.
15. Мы вскипятили воду. 15. We have boiled the water.
16. Они заказали билеты на самолет. 16. They have booked the airplane tickets.
17. Кто-то позвал меня. 17. Somebody has called me.
18. Я принес вещи. 18. I have brought the things.
19. Мама купила конфеты. 19. Mother has bought sweets.
20. Кто-то сжег этот куст. 20. Somebody has burnt this bush.
21. Они построили новый дом. 21. They have built a new house.
22. Я принес тебе книги. 22. I have brought you books.
23. Кто поломал этот стул? 23. Who has broken this chair?
24. Мэри убрала квартиру. 24. Mary has cleaned the flat.
25. Поезд прибыл. 25. The train has arrived.
26. Подул сильный ветер. 26. The strong wind has blown.
27. Ты не ответил на мой вопрос. 27. You have not answered my question.
28. Никто никого не кусал. 28. Nobody has bitten anybody.
29. Никто ничего не начинал. 29. Nobody has begun anything.
30. Я признал свою ошибку. 30. I have confessed my mistake.
31. Он стал знаменитым актером. 31. He has become a famous actor.
32. Она побывала везде. 32. She has been everywhere.
33. Кто побил его? 33. Who has beaten him?
Exercise 10
Translate into English:
1. Я только что занял деньги у моего друга. 1. I have just borrowed money from my friend.
2. Он только что дал мне немного денег. 2. He has just given me a little money.
3. Мы только что вздохнули свободно. 3. We have just breathed freely.
4. Они только что изменили свое решение. 4. They have just changed their decision.
5. Она только что ушла. 5. She has just left.
6. Он только что повесил картину на стену. 6. He has just hung the picture on the wall.
7. Небо только что расчистилось. 7. The sky has just cleared.
8. Дверь только что закрылась. 8. The door has just closed.
9. Директор только что собрал штат сотрудников в кабинете. 9. The director has just collected the staff in the cabinet.
10. Они только что пообщались. 10. They have just communicated.
11. Мы только что позавтракали. 11. We have just had breakfast.
12. Они только что пообедали. 12. They have just had dinner.
13. Я только что поужинал. Она только что приняла ванну. 13. I have just had supper. She has just had a bath.
14. Он только что принял душ. 14. He has just had a shower.
15. Я только что услышал странный звук. 15. I have just heard a strange noise.
16. Он только что спрятался за кустом. 16. He has just hidden behind the bush.
17. Он только что повредил колено. 17. He has just hurt the knee.
18. Они только что поспорили. 18. They have just argued.
19. Они только что объявили об этом по радио. 19. They have just announced about this by the radio.
20. Она только что добавила изюм в тесто. 20. She has just added raisins in the pastry.
21. Она только что накрыла на стол. 21. She has just laid the table.
Exercise 11
Translate into English:
1. Он уже вырос. 1. He has already grown.
2. Она уже связала ему новый свитер. 2. She has already knitted him a new sweater.
3. Она уже узнала об его измене. 3. She has already known about his treason.
4. Они уже увели нас в самую чащу леса. 4. They have already led us in the depth of the forest.
5. Ты уже почти выучил английский. 5. You have already almost learned English.
6. Он уже покинул эту страну. 6. He has already left this country.
7. Это уже послужило причиной ссоры. 7. It has already caused the quarrel.
8. Они уже приняли наше приглашение. 8. They have already accepted our invitation.
9. Она уже пожаловалась на меня. 9. She has already complained about me.
10. Она уже пожаловалась на головную боль. 10. She has already complained of headache.
11. Он уже одолжил мне деньги. 11. He has already lent me the money.
12. Он уже прикурил. 12. He has already lit a cigarette.
13. Она уже позволила мне сделать это. 13. She has already let me do it.
14. Он уже потерял ее доверие. 14. He has already lost her confidence.
15. Мы уже сделали новый проект. 15. We have already made a new project.
16. Они уже встретились. 16. They have already met.
17. Мы уже завершили этот новый проект. 17. We have already completed this new project.
18. Я уже сконцентрировался для прыжка. 18. I have already concentrated for a jump.
Exercise 12 а
Translate into English:
1. Я еще не завтракал. 1. I haven’t had breakfast yet.
2. Я еще не принимал ванну. 2. I haven’t had a bath yet.
3. Я еще не встречался с ней. 3. I haven’t met her yet.
4. Я еще не преодолел мои слабости. 4. I haven’t overcome my weaknesses yet.
5. Он еще не скопировал этот новый тест. 5. He has not copied this new text yet.
6. Он еще не исправил свою ошибку. 6. He has not corrected his mistake yet.
7. Они еще не приняли участие в нашем проекте. 7. They haven’t partaken in our project yet.
8. Она еще не заплатила за электричество. 8. She has not paid for electricity yet.
9. Он еще не доказал эту теорему. 9. He has not proven this theorem yet.
10. Она еще не положила мясо в холодильник. 10. She has not put the meat in the fridge yet.
11. Я еще не читал эту книгу. 11. I have not read this book yet.
12. Я ещё не пересчитал деньги. 12. I have not counted the money yet.
13. Черные тучи еще не покрыли небо. 13. The black clouds haven’t covered the sky yet.
14. Он еще не пересек дорогу. 14. He has not crossed the road yet.
15. Он еще не залечил эту рану. 15. He has not cured this wound yet.
16. Они еще не нанесли нам значительный ущерб. 16. They haven’t damaged us considerably yet.
17. Колокол еще не прозвонил. 17. The bell has not rung yet.
18. Солнце еще не встало. 18. The sun has not risen yet.
19. Мы еще не танцевали. 19. We have not danced yet.
20. Он еще не решил этот вопрос. 20. He has not decided this question yet.
21. Мы еще не бегали. 21. We have not run yet.
22. Они еще не украсили новогоднюю елку. 22. They have not decorated the Christmas tree yet.
23. Она еще ничего не сказала. 23. She has said nothing yet.
24. Он еще не видел этот новый фильм. 24. He has not seen this new film yet.
25. Он еще не продал свою машину. 25. He has not sold his car yet.
26. Я еще не прислал ей e-mail. 26. I have not sent her e-mail yet.
Exercise 12b
Translate into English
17. Ты уже завтракал? Have you had breakfast yet?
18. Она уже пришла? Has she come yet?
19. Они уже прибыли? Have they arrived yet?
20. Вы уже посетили их? Have you visited them yet?
21. Ты уже закончил университет? Have you graduated at university yet?
22. Ты уже посадил дерево? Have you planted a tree yet?
23. Ты уже воспитал ребенка? Have you brought up a child yet?
24. Ты уже оставил свой след на этой земле? Have you left your trace on the earth yet?
25. Ты уже понял смысл жизни? Have you understood the meaning of life yet?
26. Ты уже встретил свою половину? Have you met your half yet?
27. Ты уже понял, что жизнь скоротечна? Have you understood that life is rapid yet?
28. Ты уже побывал на карнавале в Рио-де-Жанейро? Have you been at the carnival in Rio de Janeiro yet?
29. Ты уже изучил английский? Have you learnt English yet?
30. Ты уже стал знаменитым? Have toy become famous yet?
31. Ты уже достиг успеха в жизни? Have you reached success in life yet?
32. Ты уже все испытал? Have you experienced everything yet?
Exercise 13
Translate into English:
1. Ты когда-нибудь держал змею в своей руке? 1. Have you ever held a snake in your hand?
2. Ты когда-нибудь хранил свои деньги в банке? 2. Have you ever kept your money in the bank?
3. Ты когда-нибудь ошибался? 3. Have you ever mistaken?
4. Ты когда-нибудь кашлял громко на концерте? 4. Have you ever coughed loudly at the concert?
5. Змея когда-нибудь вползала в твою кровать? 5. Has a snake ever crawled into your bed?
6. Ты когда-нибудь вскрикивал от удивления? 6. Have you ever cried out in surprise?
7. Я когда-нибудь сбивал тебя с толку (confuse)моими вопросами? 7. Have I ever confused you with my questions?
8. Она когда-нибудь принимала участие в олимпийских играх? 8. Has she ever partaken in the Olympic Games?
9. Ты когда-нибудь приводил в порядок свои вещи? 9. Have you ever arranged your things?
10. Ты когда-нибудь устанавливал (set) палатку в лесу? 10. Have you ever set the tent in the forest?
11. Ты когда-нибудь дрожал от холода? 11. Have you ever trembled with cold?
12. Ты когда-нибудь стрелял? 12. Have you ever shot?
13. Ее лицо когда-нибудь светилось счастьем? 13. Has her face ever shone with happiness?
14. Она когда-нибудь откладывала встречу с тобой? 14. Has she ever delayed the meeting with you?
15. Ты когда-нибудь описывал какой-нибудь интересный случай на каком-либо сайте? 15. Have you ever described any interesting case in any site?
16. Ты когда-нибудь разрушал старый дом? 16. Have you ever destroyed an old house?
17. Она когда-нибудь не соглашалась с тобой? 17. Has she ever disagreed with you?
18. Она когда-нибудь закрывала двери перед тобой? 18. Has she ever shut the door in front of you?
19. Ты когда-нибудь пел на сцене? 19. Have you ever sung on the stage?
20. Ты когда-нибудь тонул? 20. Have you ever sunk?
21. Ты когда-нибудь сидел на берегу моря? 21. Have you ever sat on the seashore?
22. Ты когда-нибудь спал в лесу без палатки? 22. Have you ever slept in the forest without a tent?
23. Ты когда-нибудь чувствовал запах росы? 23. Have you ever smelt the dew?
24. Ты когда-нибудь разговаривал с иностранцем? 24. Have you ever spoken with a foreigner?
25. Ты когда-нибудь тратил время на английский? 25. Have you ever spent time on English?