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Detective Strongoak and the Case of the Dead Elf – Терри Ньюман

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CSI in the land of elves, but they aren’t cute and christmassy, they’re sometimes sinister, and definitely deceased…Private eye Nicely Strongoak is your average detective-for-hire, if your average detective is a dwarf with a Napoleon complex. In a city filled with drug-taking gnomes, goblins packing heat and a serious case of missing-persons, Strongoak might just be what’s needed.But things are about to turn sour. When on the trail of the vanished surfer, Perry Goodfellow, Nicely receives a sharp blow to the head, is burgled by goblins and awakes in a narcotic-induced haze on the floor of a steamwagon with an extremely deceased elf, who just happens to have Nicely’s axe wedged in his head.Nicely must enter the murky world of government politics if he is going to crack his toughest case yet. He’ll have to find Perry, uncover who the dead elf is and leave no cobblestone unturned…

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780008101206
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