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Australia: Gorgeous Grooms
Run the soap over his body? Reach for him?
‘It’s easy,’ Loukas encouraged gently as he placed the soap in her hand and covered it with his own.
Her eyes flared as he brought the soap to his chest and began easing it in a slow circular pattern extending to his throat, the tops of his arms and down to his waist.
Easy? How could this kind of intimacy be easy when she’d never indulged in it before?
Especially when the man was Loukas … who steadily with every day and night that passed seemed to extend the boundaries in their marriage.
Worse, she found herself increasingly in a state of ambivalence … alternating longing for his tenderness, the promise of something more, yet nervously reluctant to accept it.
The nerves in her stomach tightened into a painful ball as memory provided vivid recall of Seth’s unfeeling cruelty, both verbal and physical.
Don’t … the word screamed silently inside her head. Don’t bring your ex into the equation. There’s no comparison between Seth and Loukas.
Focus on the now. You can do this.
Slowly, in gradual increments, the stroking of soap combined with the hiss of hot water cascading from the dual shower heads began to have a soothing effect, and there was a sense of pleasure verging on eroticism evident in washing a man’s body.
Not any man. Loukas, she admitted with a degree of surprise.
Alesha avoided meeting his gaze as sensation flared deep within and began to pulse through her veins as fascination combined with reluctant admiration for his superb musculature, defined and sculpted by physical fitness. The slender waist, the lean hips … dear God, the size of him in a state of semi-arousal.
Surely he wouldn’t take the soap there … except he did, much to her embarrassment, although to be fair he kept it clinical and he released his hand from her own as he turned to present his back.
Not that it made much difference, and for a brief few seconds she was strongly tempted to throw down the soap and escape.
Instead, she began smoothing the soap across the expanse of his shoulders, noting the flex of powerful muscle tone as she swept long strokes down to his waist and back to his shoulders until she’d covered every inch.
He possessed a tightly shaped butt … cute, she accorded, then she stilled in shock at the thought she might actually be deriving a degree of enjoyment in washing him.
When she was done he turned to face her, and colour flooded her cheeks as she saw he was fully aroused.
Ohmigod … Chill, she bade silently as she endeavoured to keep her breathing steady. It’s just a normal male reaction.
Didn’t his ministrations with the soap have a similar effect on you?
Had that been the object of the exercise?
She needed to get out of here now.
One wrong move …
‘I’m sure you can manage the rest.’
With that, she stepped around him and pushed open the glass door, filched a folded towel from one of many stacked on a nearby rack and wrapped it round her slender form before collecting another to deal with her hair.
Alesha was dressed when he emerged, and she spared his impressive frame a quick glance. A white towel hitched at his hips accentuated his olive-toned skin, and her pulse quickened as he discarded it and pulled on briefs.
‘I’ll go check on dinner.’
They enjoyed a pleasant meal, sipped wine, and indulged in easy conversation. Loukas was a skilled raconteur, and she began to relax … until he mentioned the need to return to Athens for a short period of time.
‘Business,’ he relayed.
‘How long will you be away?’
‘We,’ Loukas corrected, and saw her lips part in disbelief.
‘You want me to go with you?’
‘It’s an opportunity to reconnect with the family.’
Alesha had met his parents and his younger sister several years ago when she’d accompanied her parents to Greece. Then she’d been a carefree young woman of twenty, in love with life, establishing her career with Karsouli and studying for an honours degree in business management.
A lot had happened in the intervening years. Now she was Loukas’ wife, an equal partner in Karsouli, and all too aware Loukas’ parents knew the facts surrounding their son’s marriage.
How could she refuse … and on what grounds?
‘We’ll take an evening flight out tomorrow evening.’
So soon?
Athens. At this time of year the temperatures would be similar, with autumn in one country and spring in another.
There was a part of her that looked forward to visiting the city again. The ancient and the new, the sense of history.
Playing the newly-wed wife beneath the keen eyes of Loukas’ family was something else.
‘I’ll take these through to the kitchen and load the dishwasher.’
Loukas joined her, and set up the coffee-maker, then when it was ready he filled two cups, placed one on the servery and leaned a hip against its marble edge and spared her a discerning look.
‘We’ll stay at my home in suburban Kifissia, then spend a few days on the island.’
Okay, she could do this. Like she had an option?
‘Pack light. My mother and sister will undoubtedly plan at least one shopping expedition.’ He shifted to his full height and indicated his coffee. ‘I’ll take this with me and work for a few hours.’
A full day at the office and packing with lightning speed ensured Alesha didn’t have time to think … which had to be a bonus.
Loukas, on the other hand, juggled everything with admirable expertise, filled a carry-on bag with essentials, and offered a musing smile as she queried, ‘Is that all you’re taking?’
‘I have clothes in each of my homes.’
Of course. ‘You lead a charmed life.’ Not exactly fair, when he worked long hours between office and home, and achieved more in a day than most men accomplished in a week. What was more, he managed to do so with exemplary ease.
He crossed to her side, slid a hand to her nape and kissed her briefly, but with a thoroughness that left her catching her breath.
Like she could do that when he invaded her senses and melted her bones?
He made her think of the impossible … only to dismiss it out of hand. They had a marriage. The beginnings of affection … maybe. It was enough. More than she’d expected. So why did she feel as if her emotions were spinning out of control?
Ridiculous, she chided silently as she tossed cosmetics and perfume into a bag and slotted it into a suitcase.
She caught up her shoulder bag. ‘Shall we leave?’
A chartered Lear jet awaited them at Sydney airport, and, once airborne, Loukas opened his laptop and focused on work, while Alesha did likewise.
Although her father had preferred to travel via a commercial flight, she admired the advantage of a chartered jet whose interior held luxurious recliner sleep chairs, together with designer office accessories enabling a corporate high-flier to work in comfort.
For the duration of the flight they both spent large slices of time on their laptops, ate, slept and took the occasional break.
Alesha found it stimulating to discuss Karsouli on a one-to-one basis; to present a few of her ideas for its future … proposals Dimitri had listened to, but not implemented due to lack of capital—something she hadn’t known at the time.
The strategies Loukas intended—some of which were already in place—had her approval, and she could only applaud his long-term plan to return Karsouli to its former power amongst a global industry.
His keen mind, intelligence combined with a certain ruthlessness to elevate him sharing equal prestige with some of the world’s known financial peers.
Qualities that offered a different perspective to the man who’d taken on the husband role … in a business arrangement that, for her, was becoming increasingly personal with every passing day.
Night, she corrected. For she couldn’t deny she found comfort as he held her through the night. To stir in sleep, and have him reach for her. The feel of his lips against the soft-beating pulse at the base of her throat. Just knowing he was there.
And the sex … more, so much more than she’d ever dreamed possible. Wondrous, exciting, magical.
But that’s all it is, she reminded herself. Good sex is just … good sex, and not to be confused with a deeper emotion.
So … enjoy the ride and don’t question the motives?
Fine, if you could separate the prosaic from the illusion.
After all, what was she to him other than a partner in every legal sense?
It was late afternoon when the Lear jet touched down in Athens, and they emerged to balmy sunshine, passed through Customs to be met by Loukas’ driver, Cristos, who transported them via limousine to suburban Kifissia where luxury homes surrounded by trees and beautiful gardens exuded wealth.
Alesha’s eyes widened slightly as the limousine turned into a gated entrance and eased to a halt outside the entrance to a double-storeyed palatial mansion.
‘My home base,’ Loukas informed her as he led her into a large marble-tiled foyer where a middle-aged housekeeper, whom he introduced as Hera, greeted them. Cristos followed with their luggage.
‘It’s beautiful,’ she complimented simply. Elegant, she added silently as he led her upstairs to their bedroom suite. Rich furnishings, solid furniture, imposing mirrors and artwork adorning the walls.
A very large home for one man, she perceived, although fitting given he headed the Andreou consortiums and doubtless entertained … business associates, as well intimate dinners à deux with women.
Had any of his former mistresses shared his home?
And what if they had? His past was his own.
He’d vowed fidelity … the question had to be whether he intended to abide by it.
Emotional introspection following a long international flight, comfortable though it had been, did not make for a good mix.
What she needed was a leisurely shower, a change of clothes, dinner and a good night’s sleep … in that order.
The spacious bedroom suite held one bed, albeit king-size, two walk-in robes with adjoining dressing rooms, two en suites.
Alesha opened her bag, extracted fresh underwear, tailored trousers and a knit top, then she entered the en suite Loukas indicated as her own, ignored the temptation to linger overlong, and chose to sweep her hair into a careless knot atop her head, vetoed make-up with the exception of lip gloss and emerged some ten minutes later to discover Loukas in the process of pulling on a cotton shirt over chinos.
Heeled sandals lent her height and aided confidence, she added silently as she slid them on.
Hera had prepared a delicately flavoured moussaka, a greek salad, with fresh fruit to follow, and Alesha declined coffee in favour of tea, lingered over it and endeavoured to fend off an increasing weariness while experiencing envy of Loukas’ apparent vitality.
How did he do that?
‘Why don’t you go up to bed? I have a few calls to make before I call it a night.’
It was all too easy to acquiesce, and she cast him a musing smile as she rose to her feet. ‘Goodnight.’
‘Sleep well.’
She did, almost as soon as her head touched the pillow, and she was unaware of Loukas’ presence as he slid in beside her, or that he curved her in close against him.
Alesha murmured indistinctly as she slid into the dream, subconsciously aware the sound moved to a purr of pleasure as lips nuzzled the sensitive curve between her neck and her shoulder. Mmm, nice.
So, too, was the gentle drift of fingers over the delicate slope of her breast, and her mouth relaxed into a winsome smile as the tender peak hardened beneath their touch.
She shifted a little, unconsciously arching her body as the hand slid to her waist, explored the diamond pin at her navel, before tracing a pattern over her stomach.
A husky sigh emerged from her throat as a mouth fastened over one breast and gently suckled, sending sensation spearing through her body, and she groaned softly in the need to beg for more … only to give a satisfied moan of pleasure as deft fingers slid to the apex between her thighs and found her throbbing clitoris.
If this was a dream, she didn’t want it to end, for the pleasure was so acutely intense it almost transcended into reality.
Afterwards she couldn’t pinpoint precisely when she became aware of emerging consciousness … only that she did, and she reached for him.
‘At last you wake, agape mou,’ Loukas murmured with a husky chuckle.
‘Uh-huh.’ She captured his head and framed it as she sought his mouth with her own in a piercingly sweet kiss that touched him more deeply than he thought possible.
It unleashed a primitive hunger he fought to control as he shaped her body and entered her in one unrestrained thrust, absorbing her startled cry as her vaginal muscles gripped his hardened length.
For several seemingly long seconds he remained still, gentling his mouth into an erotic supplication, then he began to move, slowly at first as he took her with him, her increasing urgency matching his own as they became consumed by electrifying passion.
Incandescent, primal … she cried out with the force of it, and held onto him, almost afraid to let go in case she shattered into a thousand pieces.
It was almost as if her whole body vibrated with the aftershock of sensation that was more than just sex.
Dear heaven, she couldn’t even find the words to describe how she felt as she buried her mouth in the curve of his neck.
She was barely aware of the soothing brush of his hand along her spine, or the touch of his fingers working a tactile massage at her nape.
There was no sense of the passage of time … just the slowing of her ragged breathing as she became consumed by a sense of dreamy peace. Too emotionally spent to do more than close her eyes and drift easily to sleep.
Loukas slid from the bed as the dawn lightened the sky, then showered; freshly shaven, he dressed in business attire and crossed to the bed and stood looking at his wife’s softened features.
She slept curled to one side, a hand tucked beneath her cheek … rested, replete, her generous mouth slightly parted in the semblance of a smile.
He felt his body stir, and he banked down the urge to take her mouth with his own.
Except it wouldn’t stop there, and regrettably there wasn’t time. Cristos waited in the limousine to drive him into the city where he’d connect with Constantine, field a call from his mother, and attempt to vet the social activities Angelina had undoubtedly planned during his short visit.
Beginning with this evening’s family dinner held in his parents’ home.
Would Alesha recall he’d informed her of the invitation as she rested in his arms through the early morning hours?
Possibly not. Rather than wake her, he’d leave a message with Hera, call between meetings, and issue Cristos with instructions to accompany her wherever she wanted to go.
Alesha woke late, discovered she was alone, and gave a startled yelp as she checked the time.
Nine? Half the morning gone … and where was Loukas?
Then she remembered, and she shifted the bedcovers, took a shower, dressed in casual wear and made her way downstairs to the kitchen.
Hera relayed Loukas’ message, then she made fresh coffee and offered croissants, fresh figs, Greek-style yoghurt, and currant bread with honey.
Alesha chose the figs and yoghurt, washed them down with coffee before taking a walk in the grounds.
The day was warm, the air stirred by a slight breeze, and she admired the meticulously kept garden borders framing beds filled with floral blooms.
Loukas’ mansion nestled against a hillside and offered a stunning panoramic view of the city reaching to the port of Piraeus.
The place of her parents’ birth, where they had grown up and married before choosing to relocate in Sydney.
There was a sense of timelessness, of an ancient age, often violent, as rulers fought for power and glory.
She moved away, and heard the insistent ring of her cellphone as she paused to admire the swimming pool with its blue mosaic tiles, ornamental cupids at placed intervals spouting plumes of water.
The sound of Loukas’ deep, slightly accented voice sent her pulse into a quickened beat.
‘A quick call to say I’ll be caught up all day and not in until around seven,’ he enlightened her. ‘We’re due at my parents’ home at eight.’
‘I’ll ensure I’m ready.’ She waited a beat. ‘Tough day?’
‘Nothing I can’t handle.’ He paused to speak to someone. ‘I’ll see you tonight.’
An event Alesha prepared for with care, electing to wear classic black, killer heels, and subtle make-up with emphasis on her eyes. Hair—upswept or loose?
‘Loose,’ Loukas declared as he entered the bedroom and shrugged out of his suit jacket, then pulled his tie free.
‘You think?’
He crossed to where she stood and framed her face, then kissed her. ‘Shame you’re already dressed. You could have shared my shower.’
‘Not enough time.’
His eyes gleamed. ‘I could always ring ahead and say we’ll be delayed.’
‘But you won’t.’ A wicked smile curved the edges of her mouth. ‘Besides, I prefer a lover with a slow hand.’
He trailed light fingers down her cheek. ‘You’ll keep.’
Constantine and Angelina resided in the southern suburb of Voula, in a luxurious home located at the top of Panorama.
Cristos deposited them at precisely eight, and no sooner did the limousine draw to a halt than the front door opened to reveal Loukas’ parents, who moved quickly down the wide steps to offer an affectionate greeting before ushering them into a spacious foyer where a vision in black stood poised at the base of an elegant staircase.
Lexi, Loukas’ young sister, all grownup in her early twenties, tall, dark-haired, impeccably dressed … the antithesis of the defiant teenager Alesha remembered from five years ago.
‘Hi.’ Lexi hugged him. ‘You’ve given me the best gift of all … a sister.’ She turned towards Alesha. ‘Welcome.’
‘Thank you.’
Lexi offered quietly, ‘Thia Daria is waiting in the lounge to offer a formal greeting.’
Constantine’s sister … a dour spinster, Alesha recalled, with an acerbic tongue, and wondered if perchance she’d mellowed a little since the last time they’d met.
Not a smidgen, if the woman’s severe expression was any indication.
‘So,’ Daria began imperiously. ‘You are the pawn Dimitri offered to save his wretched soul.’
Oh, my, this had all the portents of being a fun night.
‘Hardly his soul.’ She met the older woman’s steely gaze and held it. ‘He took that with him.’
‘I speak the truth.’
‘A truth I’m very aware of,’ Alesha offered calmly. ‘Did you imagine otherwise?’
‘Loukas is my godson. As the only male Andreou of his generation, I consider it is of vital importance he has taken a wife worthy of bearing his name.’
‘While I consider the importance lies with Loukas’ ability to share equal partnership in Karsouli.’
Lexi clapped her hands lightly. ‘Well fielded.’
Constantine indicated a collection of comfortable sofas. ‘Please, be seated. I’ll open the champagne.’
‘I prefer ouzo.’
Naturally, Alesha conceded, Daria would take pleasure in being contrary. Was it a game? Maybe two could play …
Over dinner, perhaps.
A delicious meal prepared especially by Angelina, comprising several courses … tasty samples of various seafood dishes, followed by mouth-watering sweet honey and nut pastries and fresh fruit.
It was during dessert that Daria made an announcement in the form of a statement … no one could possibly term it a suggestion, Alesha decided a trifle ruefully.
‘You have denied your family the pleasure of participating in your wedding. A ceremony will be repeated here in Athens. Tomorrow,’ she determined firmly, ‘we will shop.’
‘A reaffirmation of your marriage vows,’ Angelina declared with enthusiasm. ‘All that is required will be the documented proof the marriage has already taken place.’ Her eyes sparkled. ‘There will be guests … a party.’ She paused for a few seconds. ‘Afterwards you will take Alesha to the island for a few days,’ she concluded.
Oh, my. The light touch of Loukas’ hand on her thigh caused her to look at him askance.
‘A charming idea.’ His eyes speared her own. ‘Alesha?’
That was right … throw the ball into her court! Like she was going to refuse? ‘Charming,’ she agreed. In a moment of inspiration she turned towards Lexi. ‘I’d love it for you to be my attendant.’
‘Done,’ Loukas’ sister concurred with delight. ‘Which means I get to join in the shopping expedition.’
‘It will be my pleasure. My gift to you both.’ Constantine beamed as he sank back in his chair. ‘And now we shall adjourn to the lounge and Angelina will bring the coffee.’
It was almost midnight when Loukas summoned Cristos and they took their leave.
Alesha settled into the rear seat of the limousine as Loukas joined her, and she sat in reflective silence as Cristos traversed the driveway.
Loukas reached for her hand and brought it to his lips. ‘You managed very well.’
His features appeared as shadowed angles in the evening’s darkness, illuminated by passing street-lighting and the beam of oncoming traffic.
‘Your aunt is a lioness.’
‘Yet beneath the surface lies the heart of a pussycat.’
‘You’re kidding me?’
‘You’re now part of the Andreou family. One Daria guards with her life. You will discover she is generous to a fault,’ he relayed quietly. ‘And very caring towards those who earn her trust.’
‘You could have warned me what to expect.’
‘Perhaps,’ Loukas conceded. ‘But would it have made any difference?’
No. For how could she have disappointed his parents, Lexi … Daria, even, if she’d indicated a reaffirmation of her wedding vows was too much to ask?
‘So we get to do it … when?’
‘I imagine my mother and Daria already have the details in hand.’
Alesha didn’t doubt it for a moment.
Sleep didn’t come easily, and she sighed a little as Loukas drew her close and brushed his lips to her temple. ‘You want me to help you sleep?’
‘Depends what you have in mind,’ she managed in a voice husky with tiredness.
‘If I promise to do all the work?’
‘I assume that’s a yes?’
His light teasing held a sensuality that warmed her blood and sent it pulsing through her body. ‘What are you waiting for?’
A faint chuckle emerged from his throat as he sought the softly beating pulse at the edge of her neck, savoured a little, then his lips trailed a path to her breast, suckled there, and moved low to create the sort of sensual havoc that demanded release … hers, by him.
He gifted it to her, eventually, and caught her as she climaxed. Then he held her for what remained of the night, sleeping as she slept until dawn crept over the horizon and gave birth to a new day.
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