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Just for the Holidays: Your perfect summer read! – Sue Moorcroft

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‘Effortlessly engaging…a magical must!’ HeatThe #1 bestselling author returns for summer! Grab your sun hat, a cool glass of wine, and the only book you need on holiday…In theory, nothing could be better than a summer spent basking in the French sun. That is, until you add in three teenagers, two love interests, one divorcing couple, and a very unexpected pregnancy.Admittedly, this isn’t exactly the relaxing holiday Leah Beaumont was hoping for – but it’s the one she’s got. With her sister Michele’s family falling apart at the seams, it’s up to Leah to pick up the pieces and try to hold them all together.But with a handsome helicopter pilot staying next door, Leah can’t help but think she might have a few distractions of her own to deal with…A glorious summer read, for you to devour in one sitting – perfect for fans of Katie Fforde, Harriet Evans and Trisha Ashley.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780008175566
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