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Not Just the Greek's Wife – Люси Монро

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Dares she defy the terms of her marriage?Ariston Spiridakou had one reason and one reason only for marrying Chloe: he needed a biddable bride to provide the requisite heir. Yet three years later Chloe’s status as good Greek wife is a distant memory – and her defiance has had her cast out of Ariston’s life…Infuriatingly, Chloe now finds herself at Ariston’s mercy – but his help comes with a wicked price: the unyielding condition that he won’t even consider her request until she’s shared his bed…and is expecting his baby!‘Lucy Monroe does it again, great dialogue and lots of angst. One of the best writers of romance.’ – Stacey, 39, Australia

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781408974490
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