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A Rancher for Christmas
A Rancher for Christmas
A Rancher for Christmas


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A Rancher for Christmas

“Okay, tell me the rules.”

Jake cut up the sandwiches and placed them in front of the girls. She’d forgotten to do that. Next time, sandwiches in four triangles. That was simple enough. She set the soup on the table. Jake moved it back.


“Soup out of reach or it’ll be on the floor before we can turn around.”

“Rule one, no soup.”

He laughed, the sound a little rusty but nice. He should laugh more often.

“I didn’t say no soup,” he clarified. “I said out of reach.”

She handed him a glass of tea and he took the seat next to Violet. Breezy took that as her cue and moved to the seat next to Rose. The little girl had already reached for a triangle of sandwich and was nibbling crust.

“Next rule?” Breezy asked as she reached for her sandwich.

Jake held out his hand. “We pray before we eat.”

Of course. She let out a sigh and took the hand he offered. She ignored the fact that with one hand in his and one hand holding Rose’s, she felt connected.

And a little bit trapped. No, she couldn’t ignore that.

* * *

Jake took a bite of sandwich and nearly choked. “What in the world is that?”

Next to him Violet gagged. Rose continued to nibble as if it was the best thing she’d ever eaten.

“It’s grilled cheese.”

“That is not cheese,” he pointed out.

“No, it’s not,” she admitted. “It’s cheese substitute.”

Jake put the sandwich down on his plate and took a long drink of tea, hoping it was real tea. It was. After he washed the taste of fake cheese out of his mouth he pinned the woman across from him with a look. “Rule three, no fake cheese. That’s not even real food.”

She laughed a little and smiled at Rose, who was happily chowing down. Rose grinned up at Breezy. Drool and cheese slid down her chin.

“Rose likes it,” she informed him.

“Rose doesn’t know better.” He pushed back from the table and headed for the kitchen. “I think we’ll have more soup and crackers, if you haven’t found a substitute for those.”

When he returned to the dining room, she looked less than sure of herself. “I thought it would be healthier for them.”

“They’re two, they need to eat dairy.” He ladled more soup in the bowls and tossed a sleeve of crackers in front of Breezy. She had taken a bite of sandwich and made a face.

“It is pretty gross.”

“So you’re not really a vegetarian?”

She shook her head. “No, I just thought it sounded like the right thing for children.”

He laughed and then she laughed. Maybe this is how they would get through this mess, with laughter. Maybe they would work out a friendship and he would learn to trust her. But he wasn’t ready for that. Not right now. He sat back down and pushed the sandwich away. “I think maybe next time we’ll stick to real cheese.”

“Right,” she said. “And maybe we should go over the rest of the rules.”

He leaned back in his chair, his gaze settling on Violet’s dark hair as she sipped soup from her spoon. “It isn’t as if I’ve made a list of rules, Breezy. I’m not trying to make this difficult. I just have to be the person who keeps them safe.”

“You think you’re on your own with this?”

He didn’t answer the question because he didn’t want to explain that having Sylvia Martin for a mother meant he’d been taking care of children since he’d been old enough to reach the stove.

He didn’t know how to let go. And in his experience, women had a tendency not to stick around. At least not the ones in his life.

“I’m not on my own,” he finally answered. “But I’m the head of this family and I will always make sure these little girls are taken care of.”

“Maybe give me the benefit of the doubt and understand that I want the same for them. I want them happy and healthy. I want to be part of their lives.” She leaned a little in his direction. “C’mon. Give me the rules. You know it’ll make you feel better.”

“I don’t know what the rules are.” Even as he said it he found himself smiling, and surprised by that. She did that, he realized. She undid his resolve with a cheerful smile and a teasing glint in her golden-brown eyes.

“You have rules,” she said. “Should I get some paper or do you think I can remember them all?”

“Okay. Church. We always attend church.”

She smiled at that. “Because it’s a law in Martin’s Crossing or because you are a man of faith?”

“What does that mean?”

She shrugged. “You made it sound like a law,” she said. “If broken, they’ll what? Stone me in the town square?”

“No, they won’t stone you in the town square and yes, I’m a man of faith.”

“Okay, Rule Number Three, church. I can do church.”

There was a hesitance to her voice that he wanted to question but he didn’t.

“We eat as a family on Sunday afternoons.”

“Am I considered family now?”

“You’re family.” He hadn’t planned this, for her to be in their lives, a part of their family, but she was. Man, she complicated his life in so many ways.

On the other hand, the rules made him smile, because he’d never intended to list them. He hadn’t even thought of them as rules until she pointed it out.

“Okay, church and Sunday dinner. That’s nice. What if I bring the tofu pizza?”

“Rule Number Five...”

She laughed. “No tofu?”

“Never.” He pushed back from the table and she did the same. “I need to check on the cattle.”

“Is checking on cattle a rule?” She grinned at him.

“No, it isn’t a rule. It’s something that has to be done.”

“Can I help you do things here? I mean, I’m going to be around, I might as well earn my keep.”

He unbuckled Violet and lifted her from the high chair. He hadn’t expected Breezy to offer her help. What was he supposed to tell her, that he’d been looking for an excuse to get away from her for a few minutes? He hadn’t expected her to tease, and he definitely hadn’t expected to enjoy her company.

“You want to help out with the cattle?”

She looked a little unsure. “Well, maybe. I mean, is there a way I can help?”

“Have you ever lived on a ranch, Breezy?”

“My sister was raised on a ranch in Oklahoma.”

“But you, have you ever lived on a ranch?”

“I’ve seen cows.” She said it with a wink.

He held Violet close but he smiled at the woman opposite him. “You’ve seen cows but thought cheese came from a plant?”

“Okay, let’s not mention that anymore, and I promise to never buy nondairy again.”

“Thank you. I can’t even believe they had such a thing at the store in town. And we still have a few rules to cover.”

“Such as?” She had Rose in her arms and the little girl’s eyes were droopy. Breezy kissed her cheek and stroked her hair, causing those droopy eyes to close and her head to nod. She’d be asleep in a few minutes. So would Violet.

He headed for the living room and she followed. “If you are here long enough to date, we don’t bring dates home, or around the girls.”

“That’s absurd. Are you planning to stay single until they’re eighteen?”

He didn’t like the question, and as he settled into a rocking chair with Violet he tried to ignore it. Bottom line was he wouldn’t let a mother walk out on Violet and Rose. The twins had already lost enough.

Violet nodded off in his arms. Rose was already on the sofa, a blanket pulled up over her. He started to get out of the rocking chair with Violet but Breezy moved to take her from him, her blond hair falling forward. The silky strands brushed his arms as she lifted his niece. Their hands touched and he looked up to meet her gaze head-on.

The strangest feelings erupted as she moved away from him with Violet in her arms. It made him want to reach out to her, to know her better, to trust her.

He shook off those thoughts because they didn’t make sense.

He watched as she carried Violet away from him, cradling her gently and then settling her on the opposite end of the sofa from her sister. He remained in the rocking chair, as she covered the little girl with a pink afghan. She kissed Violet’s cheek and brushed her hair back from her face.

If she was going to leave, he hoped she left before the twins got used to her touch, to her softness.

“I’m going to the barn,” he said, heading for the front door. She didn’t have a chance to question him. He didn’t need more tangled-up emotions to deal with. He needed fresh air and a few minutes to clear his thoughts.

And a few rules for himself when it came to Breezy Hernandez.

Chapter Four

Thursday morning, just a few days into this new life of hers, Breezy stepped outside with a cup of coffee. It was cool, crisp, but not cold. She breathed in the slightly frosty air as she settled in a rocking chair on the front porch. The land stretching forever in front of her was different than Oklahoma, yet similar. The terrain surrounding the house was flat with small trees; the leaves had turned and were falling. An old barn stood in the field, gray wood against a backdrop of a foggy morning. A short distance away the ground rose in rugged hills, also dotted with trees. She knew there was a lake not far from Martin’s Crossing, and the creek that ran through this property emptied into that lake.

The sun rose, turning the frosty air to morning fog and touching everything in pinkish-gold. It made her think of faith, of believing in something other than herself. She’d tried, since she was little, to capture that faith.

Not just the faith, but what came with it. The sense of having purpose, of belonging, of Sunday dinners and laughing families.

She wanted that life. She wanted a home that would always be hers, with belongings that were hers. Maybe she wouldn’t have to leave. Maybe she could fill this house with pictures and things she collected.

Her gaze drifted in the direction of the metal barn, a newer structure, part lean-to for cattle and part machine shed for farm equipment. Something was off. She tried to figure out what was different. And then she saw the cattle moving outside an open gate.

They definitely shouldn’t be out. She would have to do something about the problem.

She set her cup down and slipped her feet into her slippers As she ran across the yard and then down the dirt track to the barn, she was struck with the realization that she didn’t have a clue what she needed to do once she reached the cattle. Of course she knew she should put them back in the field. But exactly how did a person go about putting up a small herd of cattle?

As she ran she shouted and waved her arms. The cattle continued to drift, separating into several small groups. They were gigantic black beasts. One eyed her with a glare. She glared back.

“Back inside that gate, you wooly mammoths.” She waved her arms and ran at the animals.

For the most part they stood their ground. A few moved out of her way but definitely not toward the gate. Several dropped their heads to graze on winter-brown grass. One took several cautious steps in her direction.

She paused to watch, hopeful he wasn’t going to charge her but not really positive. Time for a new tactic.

“Back in the field. If you please, Sir Loin.”

She shooed him with her hands. He shook his massive head. She started to run at him, slipping a little on the frosty grass.

“Listen, hamburger, I was giving you the benefit of the doubt when I thought you were a gentleman, now go.” She charged at him, waving her arms.

He snorted and took a few quick steps away from her before turning back to face her again. It clicked in her city-girl brain that she wasn’t going to win a battle against a one-ton animal. Plus, she had nowhere to run. The small herd of cattle were between her and the barn. The house was a few hundred feet behind her. There were definitely no trees to climb.

Her legs suddenly grew a little shaky and she started to worry how much it would hurt to be trampled by a bull. He had turned his attention back to her. The other cows were grazing and moving away. Maybe she should have started with them because they definitely looked less aggressive.

Walk away, slow and easy. It was the same advice she’d given herself on city streets at night when someone walked a little too closely behind her or came out of an alley looking for trouble. Never let them see your fear.

She started to walk, glancing over her shoulder to make sure he wasn’t going to charge. He seemed content to watch. But as she moved toward the barn, she heard him moving. She looked back over her shoulder and he was trotting toward her, his head lowered.

“No!” She started to run.

Sharp barks and the sound of a horse’s hooves broke through her fear-fogged brain. She saw the flash as a dog rushed past her, heard his warning barks, and then a horse moved next to her. She looked up, her entire body turning to jello as her heart tried to beat itself out of her chest.

Jake Martin smiled down at her and then he swung, with casual ease, from the saddle. He landed lightly on the ground, all six-plus-feet of him.

“Having some troubles, Miss Hernandez?”

“Oh, no, I just felt like playing with the cattle, Mr. Martin. They seemed lonely. I thought the bull would like to play fetch.”

“Yes.” He grinned. “Bulls do love to play fetch. I hate to ruin your fun, but what say we put your playmates back in the field and figure out how they got loose.”

“Good idea.” She peeked around his horse, a red-gold animal that was huge, because a man like Jake Martin needed a huge beast to ride.

The dog, a heeler, was having a great time circling the cattle and bringing them toward the gate.

“Why don’t you wait inside the barn?” Jake pointed and she nodded in agreement, her insides settling now that he was there.

He swung back into the saddle and the horse spun in a tight half circle, going after a few cows that were making for the house and the yard. Breezy watched from the door of the barn, somewhat entranced by the beauty of it. Jake’s horse seemed to obey with the slightest touch of his hands on the reins or his knees on its sides. The dog kept an eye on the cattle and an ear perked toward Jake, waiting for various commands.

Within minutes the cattle were back in the field and the gate was closed. Jake slid to the ground again and wrapped the reins around a post. The dog plopped down on the ground and proceeded to lick his paws.

Jake walked toward her, no longer smiling but giving the place a careful look. When he got to her, he peeked inside the barn.

“Have you been in there?”

She shook her head. “No. I was sitting on the porch with a cup of coffee when I saw that they were out and this door was open.”

“The door was open?” His brows came together and his eyes narrowed. “You haven’t been out here at all?”

“No, of course not.”

“I’m sorry, I’m not accusing you, just trying to figure things out. Stay out here.”


He smiled, his features relaxing. “Chicken?”

“No, of course not. But why would I stay out here if you’re going in there?”

He pushed the door open a little wider and motioned her inside. “By all means, be my guest.”

She stepped inside the hazy, dark interior of the barn. Jake was right behind her, his arm brushing hers as he stepped around her. Without a word he headed down the center aisle for the open door at the other end.

“You haven’t seen anyone? Any cars? Any sounds last night?”


He slowed as he reached the open door. For the first time she felt a sliver of fear. It shivered up her spine as she stepped close to the wall. Jake eased close to the room and looked inside. And then he stepped through that door, leaving her somewhat alone.

“Is everything okay?” she whispered.

He stepped out of the room, shaking his head. “The office is ransacked. I’m not sure what anyone was hoping to find in there. But I’m going to call the police and file a report, just to be on the safe side.”

So much for her calm, peaceful existence in Martin’s Crossing. Breezy sank with relief onto an overturned bucket and watched as Jake paced a short distance away from her. He spoke quietly on his cell phone, making it impossible to hear him. But she couldn’t help wondering if he suspected her. Why wouldn’t he? She’d showed up in town, the mysterious sister of Lawton Brooks. She was a woman who had lived on the streets. Her resume included panhandling, singing for change and an arrest record—although no charges were ever filed. Why wouldn’t he suspect her? Most people did.

Even her sister Mia’s husband, Slade, had been a little on the suspicious side when he first found her. He’d looked into her past and dug up what dirt he could find. He’d done it for Mia. Even bringing her to Oklahoma had been for Mia, not for Breezy.

It had worked out, though. And had given her a taste of what it was like to belong. It had only been a few days, but she wanted to belong in Martin’s Crossing. Belong to a town with a small grocery store and neighbors who asked how she was doing.

Jake ended his call and walked back toward her. With his long, powerful strides he was there in a matter of steps. He kneeled next to her, bending those long legs and folding his arms over his knees. He pushed back the black cowboy hat and peered at her. He looked concerned.

She took a breath and waited.

“Are you okay?”

“Of course I am.” She made sure to smile as she said it. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

His face split in a grin. “Well, you were almost toast out there with Johnny.”

“The bull’s name is Johnny? How ridiculous.”

Eyebrows arched. “Really? What would you name him?”

She shook her head. “I thought perhaps Sir Loin. But then he didn’t seem very chivalrous for a knight, so maybe Johnny is better.”

“He usually isn’t aggressive, but he does like to play. And when a bull his size decides to play, that makes you the bouncy ball.”

“I’m glad you came along when you did.”

“Me, too,” he replied. His voice was soft, like wind through the pines, and it undid her a tiny bit. “You’re probably cold.”

She was cold. She’d been wearing yoga pants and a T-shirt when she’d gone on this wild adventure. And her slippers were soaked from the damp morning grass. As she considered her pathetic condition, he slipped off his jacket and eased it around her shoulders.

“This should help.”

Words failed her. The jacket smelled of Jake Martin, like pine, mountains in the fall and cold winter air. She wanted to bury her nose in the collar and inhale his scent. She wanted to tell him she didn’t need his jacket. Without his jacket she was safe. Not tangled up with him, longing to be a part of something she’d never be a part of. In her experience, wanting always ended with disappointment. What she wanted was always taken from her or left behind when she moved on.

* * *

Jake watched as a train of emotions flickered across her face. He’d seen gratitude when he’d first put that coat around her, then he’d seen fear and maybe regret. He wished she wasn’t so easy to read. She’d be less complicated if she could be as composed as she thought she was.

Breezy was poetry, classic novels and maybe the Bible, all rolled into one very open book. It was a book he thought he might like to read. In any other life but his own.

For Violet and Rose’s sakes, he couldn’t mess this up. He’d seen, even in their short introduction to Breezy, that the girls would need this woman in their lives. But he couldn’t need her. His entire life was a juggling act. The ranch, his career, the twins, his family. One more thing might set the whole mess falling fast around him.

But he would handle the moments when she made him smile, made him laugh. He was selfish that way.

“Do you want to go back to the house?” he asked, needing to get past whatever vibrated in the air between them.

She shook her head; he’d known she would. “I’m cold, but I’m not going to faint or fall apart, Martin.”

He smiled again. “I didn’t begin to think you would, Hernandez.”

At that she actually smiled, and he saw her vulnerability slip away. She was strong again. Snuggled in his jacket that she would leave scented with her lavender-and-citrus fragrance.

“If you need to do something, go right ahead,” she offered. “I know you didn’t come over here with the intention of rescuing me and then solving a mystery.”

“No, I came over to feed. To do that, I’ll have to get the tractor and hook a round bale. I’ll be gone in about fifteen minutes.”

“I haven’t forgotten how to protect myself. I’ve been doing it a long time.”

He had no doubt she could protect herself. And he also knew that was her way of telling him she didn’t need him to look after her. He walked away, taking a spare jacket that had been left inside the tack room and heading out the side door to the tractor. He climbed up into the big green-and-yellow machine and closed the door, blocking out the sounds and thoughts that were bombarding him this morning.

But one thought wouldn’t be evaded. When was the last time anyone had looked out for Breezy? Had she ever been made to feel safe, to feel protected?

It wasn’t his job, that role of protector. She did have a sister in Oklahoma. And she had made it clear that she relied on herself, her own abilities.

Jake had the twins, Samantha, Brody and sometimes Duke to watch over, to keep out of trouble and to protect. Lawton had put Breezy in his life but he hadn’t made Jake her guardian.

With that settled in his mind, he drove out through the field with a round bale on the back of the tractor and cattle following behind him. He’d hired a kid to do this job but it hadn’t worked out. James had been twenty-one and wanting to save up to go to welding school. After a week of taking care of things at Lawton’s place, James had stopped showing up.

That left it to Jake. Maybe when Brody came home he’d help out. And Duke would do what he could.

As he headed back to the barn to park the tractor the county deputy was pulling up in his car. Mac the blue heeler greeted him, his stub tail wagging. Jake knew the deputy. They’d gone to school together a long time ago.

When he stepped back into the barn after parking the tractor, Deputy Aaron Mallard was in the office. Breezy stood in the doorway answering questions and apologizing because she really hadn’t seen anything other than loose cattle and an open door.

The deputy nodded in greeting when he saw Jake. “Jake, been a while.”

“Aaron, yeah, it has. I didn’t touch anything, but I can tell you it wasn’t like this yesterday.”

“Didn’t figure you left it a mess. And I know Lawton was a stickler for neatness. Someone was looking for something in the filing cabinet. It’s pried open. Funny, because I’m not seeing anything but feed bills and farm equipment receipts.”

“That’s really all that we kept in here.”

“Anything in the house that someone would want?”

“I guess there could still be paperwork or research in Lawton’s office. He took most of his work to Austin but sometimes he worked at home,” Jake responded. He tried to remember anything Lawton had said or even hinted at. Had they had prowlers before? It wasn’t unheard-of these days.

The country used to be safe. They hadn’t locked their doors for more years than he could remember. Yeah, life had changed. People didn’t mind stealing from neighbors. Worse than that, now they even stole from the church if they got a chance.

What had happened to respect? Leaning against the door frame, he shook his head at the turn of his thoughts. “I’ll take a look around, and see if I can find anything that might have been interesting to a burglar.”

“Could be it isn’t a burglar, Jake.” The deputy closed the filing cabinet drawer and walked out of the office. “Could be they’re searching for something and it isn’t a random break-in. Lawton developed some pretty serious financial software. Could he have left something around here that he was working on? Something new?”
