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Mathematics and Statistics for Financial Risk Management – Michael Miller

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Mathematics and Statistics for Financial Risk Management is a practical guide to modern financial risk management for both practitioners and academics. Now in its second edition with more topics, more sample problems and more real world examples, this popular guide to financial risk management introduces readers to practical quantitative techniques for analyzing and managing financial risk. In a concise and easy-to-read style, each chapter introduces a different topic in mathematics or statistics. As different techniques are introduced, sample problems and application sections demonstrate how these techniques can be applied to actual risk management problems. Exercises at the end of each chapter and the accompanying solutions at the end of the book allow readers to practice the techniques they are learning and monitor their progress. A companion Web site includes interactive Excel spreadsheet examples and templates. Mathematics and Statistics for Financial Risk Management is an indispensable reference for today’s financial risk professional.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781118757550

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