Книги автора Cassie Miles
Cassie Miles
детская фантастика, зарубежные детские книги, зарубежное фэнтези, городское фэнтези, магические миры, волшебные существа, приключенческое фэнтези, сверхспособности, опасные приключения, темные тайныHis Letters Promised Everything…After a month-long correspondence, Trina Martin agreed to the unthinkable and became a mail-order bride. Lea…
His Letters Promised Everything…After a month-long correspondence, Trina Martin agreed to the unthinkable and became a mail-order bride. Lea…
Cassie Miles
боевая фантастика, космическая фантастика, социальная фантастика, футбол, авантюрная фантастика, освоение космоса, фанаты футболаRushing to the aid of a pregnant woman, midwife Tab Willows arrives at the scene of a horrifying murder.Then her sexy teenage crush Aiden Ga…
Rushing to the aid of a pregnant woman, midwife Tab Willows arrives at the scene of a horrifying murder.Then her sexy teenage crush Aiden Ga…
Cassie Miles
современная русская литератураHE CAME BACK A DIFFERENT MANThe last time Sheriff Samantha Calloway saw her husband was hours before he’d been pulled under by rapids. It wa…
HE CAME BACK A DIFFERENT MANThe last time Sheriff Samantha Calloway saw her husband was hours before he’d been pulled under by rapids. It wa…
Cassie Miles
практическая эзотерика, состояния и явления психики, становление личности, нечистая сила, пороки обществаA KILLER IN COLORADOFBI Special Agent Julia Last had made a career out of being discreet, running a secret FBI safe house for injured offi c…
A KILLER IN COLORADOFBI Special Agent Julia Last had made a career out of being discreet, running a secret FBI safe house for injured offi c…
Cassie Miles
социальная психология, газеты, политология, книги по экономикеEven the toughest man has a weakness……and hard-as-nails intelligence agent Michael Slade feared his enemies had found his. Officer Annie Cal…
Even the toughest man has a weakness……and hard-as-nails intelligence agent Michael Slade feared his enemies had found his. Officer Annie Cal…
Cassie Miles
книги для подростков, современные детективы, иронические детективы, детективное расследование, невероятные приключения, прикольные детективы, книги о подросткахRESCUED BY A MOUNTAIN MAN…When Kate Carradine woke up in the woods with no memories of who or where she was, only one thing was clear: someo…
RESCUED BY A MOUNTAIN MAN…When Kate Carradine woke up in the woods with no memories of who or where she was, only one thing was clear: someo…
Cassie Miles
научно-популярная литература, социология, публицистика, денежно-кредитная политика, конкурентная политика, реформы в России, будущее РоссииGabby Rousseau needs former rodeo king Zach Sheffield’s protection when the famous ranch she inherited is targeted by thieves – but it doesn…
Gabby Rousseau needs former rodeo king Zach Sheffield’s protection when the famous ranch she inherited is targeted by thieves – but it doesn…
Cassie Miles
привлечение клиентов, техника продаж, управление продажами, успешные переговоры, эффективная презентация, сделки, психология общения, искусство убеждения, успешные продажи, психология в бизнесе, деловые переговоры, краткое изложение, менеджеру по продажамDying had been his best chance at protecting her. Coming home was the only way to keep her alive.Nolan Law is a dead man. Five years ago, hi…
Dying had been his best chance at protecting her. Coming home was the only way to keep her alive.Nolan Law is a dead man. Five years ago, hi…
Cassie Miles
современные любовные романы, любовные интригиThe maid and the millionaire Liz Norton’s private investigations were run-of-the-mill – until she went undercover on the wealthy Crawford es…
The maid and the millionaire Liz Norton’s private investigations were run-of-the-mill – until she went undercover on the wealthy Crawford es…
Cassie Miles
зарубежная классика, литература 19 века, английский язык, лексический материал, текстовый материал, задания по английскому языку, английская классика, двуязычная литература (билингва), Pre-Intermediate level, Intermediate level, Upper-Intermediate level, адаптированный английский, книги для чтения на английском языкеCassie Miles
учебно-методические пособия, английский язык, начальная школа, преподавание английского языка, методические пособия, методики преподавания, учителю начальных классов, английский для начинающих, книги для преподавателейOld friend, new protectorEmily Benton-Riggs would be dead if her best friend hadn't shown up in time. Now lawyer Connor Gallagher won’t let …
Old friend, new protectorEmily Benton-Riggs would be dead if her best friend hadn't shown up in time. Now lawyer Connor Gallagher won’t let …
Cassie Miles
космическая фантастика, юмористическая фантастика, инопланетяне, далёкое будущее, первый контакт, веселые историиHer fiance, a Marine held captive for months in a war torn country, is back on American soil . . . with secrets. For six agonizing months, S…
Her fiance, a Marine held captive for months in a war torn country, is back on American soil . . . with secrets. For six agonizing months, S…
Cassie Miles
учебники и пособия для вузов, государственное и муниципальное управлениеHer fiance, a Marine held captive for months in a war torn country, is back on American soil . . . with secrets. For six agonizing months, S…
Her fiance, a Marine held captive for months in a war torn country, is back on American soil . . . with secrets. For six agonizing months, S…
Cassie Miles
His Letters Promised Everything…After a month-long correspondence, Trina Martin agreed to the unthinkable and became a mail-order bride. Lea…
His Letters Promised Everything…After a month-long correspondence, Trina Martin agreed to the unthinkable and became a mail-order bride. Lea…
Cassie Miles
биографии и мемуары, исторические исследования, исторические личности, Николай Второй, российские монархи, мифы истории, убийство царской семьи, династия Романовых, популярно об историиHER ROCKY MOUNTAIN BODYGUARDNannying six children was supposed to be the toughest part of Lexie DeMille’s new job. Then their massive Aspen …
HER ROCKY MOUNTAIN BODYGUARDNannying six children was supposed to be the toughest part of Lexie DeMille’s new job. Then their massive Aspen …
Cassie Miles
историческая литература, литература 19 века, любовные испытания, судьба человека, придворные интриги, исторические романы, средневековая РусьHer ex-husband becomes her bodyguard in USA TODAY bestseller Cassie Miles's gripping new suspense novelAfter his ex-wife witnesses a murder,…
Her ex-husband becomes her bodyguard in USA TODAY bestseller Cassie Miles's gripping new suspense novelAfter his ex-wife witnesses a murder,…