Полная версия:
Hired: A Bride for the Boss: The Playboy Boss's Chosen Bride / The Corporate Marriage Campaign / The Boss's Urgent Proposal
Oh, wow! He was covering all bases with that little speech. Ironically, all of it was the truth this time, except he was making himself out to be gentleman Jake for her father, not one hint of playboy Jake!
‘You did not take advantage of her at work?’ her father asked suspiciously.
‘I give you my word that nothing untoward happened between us during her employment with me. Completely professional,’ came the firm assurance.
Another truth.
Her father gave the situation some hard pondering before finally conceding, ‘Then I accept that you are a man of honour.’
‘Thank you,’ Jake replied respectfully.
‘If you are marrying Merlina, you must come and meet the family.’
‘Whenever that can be arranged,’ Jake replied.
Evasive tactics coming in, Merlina thought. For a moment there he had sounded so sincere, the hope that he might truly mean to marry her had fluttered through her heart. However, the far more credible truth was Jake coming to her rescue, being gallant as a good playboy should when caught out.
‘Tomorrow would be very suitable,’ her father announced in a challenging tone.
‘Tomorrow!’ Merlina cried, alarmed at how quickly her father was putting Jake to the test. She desperately wanted to hold onto him, not have him driven away. ‘Jake has a business to run, Papa. Tomorrow is a workday.’
‘What is more important than family at a time like this?’ was hurled back at her. ‘Mario’s wife has given birth to her baby. Which your mother wished to tell you.’
The telephone calls that she hadn’t been here to answer!
But the birth had not been expected for another month. ‘That’s way too early,’ she protested anxiously. ‘Is the baby all right? Is Gina all right?’
Her burst of caring seemed to give her father a strong measure of satisfaction. For the first time tonight he spoke to her in a reasonably calm tone. ‘Gina is fine. The baby is a little small but he is perfectly healthy.’
‘He…a boy this time.’ She relaxed into a smile. ‘Mario must be pleased.’
‘Yes. Three daughters are enough.’ Her father glowered pointedly at her. ‘Especially when they do not behave as they should.’
‘Sorry I was away, Papa…’
‘Merlina was with my family, meeting my mother and grandfather,’ Jake declared, stepping in to give her absence respectability, having already lifted her up from being a fallen woman.
She heaved a sigh at how adept he was at making their relationship sound official. In fact, he was every bit as good as his grandfather at deception. Unfortunately that was not a happy thought. Deception could achieve a short-term effect, but what would happen when this engagement fell through?
On the family front, she’d probably get sympathy, with Jake cast as a villain for taking her virtue, which she’d supposedly given up in good faith. But what might her brothers do to the absconding husband-to-be? Jake had no idea what he’d just set in motion. Maybe she should spill the real truth, save him from the consequences of his well-meant lies. On the other hand, if there was a possibility…
Hope was a terrible thing.
It held her tongue.
Her father addressed Jake. ‘Mario is bringing his wife and baby home tomorrow. We will be holding a family barbecue in the evening. I am inviting you to attend with Merlina.’
Throwing him to the wolves.
Panic drove her to attempt a rescue. ‘Papa, I’ve already explained about work.’
‘He’s the boss, isn’t he? The call is his,’ her father insisted aggressively. ‘You have met his family. He should meet yours.’
Italian pride!
There was no way to fight it. Jake’s respectable scenario was reaping what it had sown.
‘We’ll be there,’ he said.
She turned on him in exasperation for jumping straight into the hole she’d been trying to dig him out of. ‘It’s in Griffith, Jake. That’s a six hour drive from Sydney.’
‘You can both catch a plane like I did for you, Merlina,’ her father persisted.
She swung back to him, frightened of the dilemma he was posing. ‘It wasn’t for me. It was because Mamma nagged you into it.’
‘So? We do these things for our women, do we not?’ He tossed this at Jake, testing how deep the devotion was to his daughter.
‘Yes, we do,’ Jake cheerfully agreed. ‘We’ll catch a plane to Griffith tomorrow afternoon.’
She could have choked him.
He was escalating something that shouldn’t be escalated. Not unless it was real and she didn’t think it was. Jake was so far into game-playing, he was losing his judgement on where the line was crossed. It was wrong to deceive her family. Wrong, wrong, wrong! Especially up close and personal with the whole lot of them!
‘Good! Merlina can call her mother and let her know the time of the flight and I’ll have one of her brothers meet you at Griffith airport,’ her father offered, nailing down the arrangement.
One of her brothers! They’d all be eyeing Jake over—the outsider fiancé, a city man who wasn’t even Italian.
‘That’s very kind. Thank you,’ Jake said, pouring on the charm.
‘Well, I’ll leave you two alone then,’ her father granted gruffly, not liking the idea at all. ‘I did not think you were home, Merlina. You did not answer the telephone. I have arranged to stay with my brother, Georgio, at Glebe.’
‘I’ll call a taxi for you,’ Merlina said, intensely relieved that her father was prepared to leave her and Jake together instead of taking up residence to enforce his moral standards. She’d slid out of Jake’s hug and was heading for the telephone in the kitchen when Jake dropped another bombshell, halting her in her tracks.
‘My car is out the front, Mr Rossi. If you’ll give me a few minutes—’ his clothes were still on the floor! ‘—I’ll drive you to Glebe myself. It will give us a chance to get to know one another.’
Merlina’s stomach curdled at the thought. Had Jake suffered some mad rush of blood to the head?
‘Your car…would that be the red Ferrari?’ her father inquired.
‘Yes, it is,’ Jake answered matter-of-factly.
‘You have good taste in cars.’ A stamp of approval. ‘Nothing outclasses the Italians. I have always driven an Alfa, myself. A family sedan these days, but when I was a young man…’ He actually smiled at Jake. ‘I shall enjoy riding in your Ferrari. Thank you.’
‘My pleasure,’ Jake rolled out and scooped up his clothes. ‘Please excuse me. I won’t be long.’
‘Take your time,’ her father said graciously. After all, he not only had his son-in-law-to-be coming to his party and dancing to his tune, Jake was even providing the Italian music!
Merlina was so stunned by this last development, she was completely robbed of speech as Jake headed for the hall, grinning at her and dropping a kiss on her forehead as he passed her by.
He was having fun.
It was a game to him and he was revelling in carrying the ball right into her father’s court. He didn’t realise that the Rossi playground was hemmed in by rules which had to be respected. Flout them and…panic swirled up again. Her family took some things very, very seriously, and Jake was diving into the deep end without knowing what he was getting into.
Action had to be taken!
She gestured to the sofa as she forced her legs forward, wanting to pick up her own clothes and follow Jake to the bedroom. ‘Sit down, Papa. I need to go and have a word with Jake before you leave.’
‘Fine-looking man,’ he commented, nodding his understanding of the attraction as he settled himself on the sofa to wait. Then he shook a stern finger at her. ‘After we go you must call your mother, Merlina. She will not sleep until she knows all is well with you.’
‘I promise I’ll do that, Papa.’ She’d swept up the offensive clothes. ‘If you’ll excuse me…’
‘Go, go.’ He waved her off, adding as she went, ‘A fine engagement ring, too. Your mother will be impressed.’
Merlina’s heart dropped like a stone. Byron’s ring! This was all such a mess! Her head was whirling with frantic thoughts as she hurried to her bedroom. Jake was already dressed, sitting on the bed to pull on his socks and shoes. He glanced up as she backed against the door, pushing it shut behind her to ensure some privacy.
‘Are you mad?’ she shot at him, trying not to get distracted by the rumpled silk doona, though she was instantly hit by the memory of her writhing in wild abandonment to the intense pleasure he’d given her.
‘I thought I was doing really well out there,’ he chided, his mouth twitching in amusement.
‘You’re carrying it too far, Jake,’ she cried, lifting her hands in anxious appeal. ‘I tried to stop you…’
‘I didn’t want to be stopped, Merlina.’ He bent to tie his shoelaces.
‘You don’t understand. You’re playing with my family. They’re not sophisticated city people who’ll shrug this off. They’ll…’
‘I’m not playing.’
‘Yes, you are,’ she protested fiercely, frustrated by his careless manner.
‘No, I’m not.’ He stood up, a devil-may-care smile on his face, eyes twinkling wicked pleasure at her as he strode over to slide his arms around her waist and draw her stiffly resistant body against his, re-awakening the carnal desires she had absolutely no control over. ‘I’ve decided to marry you, Merlina Rossi,’ he said, cutting through any further protest on her part.
Her heart stopped.
He stroked her cheek, still smiling as she struggled with disbelief. ‘Nothing to say?’ he teased.
His overbearing confidence, and the angst he had just put her through, sparked a perverse flash of anger. ‘I haven’t said yes, Jake Devila.’
‘You will. I’ve got you boxed in.’
Then he kissed her, robbing her of any negative response to his triumphant entrapment of her, firing up the passion that made her forget everything else. A savage possessiveness seized her again. She wanted this man. Take him, it commanded. Just take him and don’t quibble about the how and the why and what grief the future might bring.
‘Can’t keep your father waiting, my little tiger,’ he murmured, easing back with far too much control for Merlina’s liking.
‘Have you stopped to think you’re boxing yourself in with this tiger?’ she retorted, unable to blindly follow what instinct dictated. Marriage meant too much to her.
‘We can always get divorced.’
Shock ripped through the irrepressible hope that had been burgeoning from his impulsive decision to marry her. The painful realisation hit that marriage was not a lasting thing to him. His parents were divorced. His grandfather’s divorces were legion. It was just a contract he could break when it no longer suited either party. For Jake that would probably be when someone more exciting came along.
That was how he would think. And she hated it. Hated it! If it was only lust and the desire to win this game, revelling in the challenges facing him, enjoying the fun of coming out on top against all opposition, what chance did this marriage have? She shouldn’t enter into it. She shouldn’t go along with him. Yet she couldn’t bring herself to say a flat no.
She said another truth instead.
‘Divorce is not done in the Rossi family, Jake.’
It was a warning that she needed him to take to heart.
But he didn’t.
‘Let’s see how it goes,’ he said blithely. ‘I’ll pick you up at nine in the morning. We’ll go shopping for a ring.’
‘You’ve already showed my father Byron’s ring,’ she reminded him tersely, frustrated by his carefree attitude.
‘Take it off. We’ll choose one together.’
‘Jake…’ It was a cry of torment over the situation he’d manipulated.
‘Trust me.’ He kissed her again to soothe her distress, then patted her cheek in a tender last salute. ‘I’ll have your father won over before we get to Glebe.’
‘That’s not the point,’ she cried, desperate for him to understand, take heed.
There was no pause for second thoughts. He was brimming over with unshakeable confidence in himself. ‘We’re good together. We’re great together. Think about it.’ He moved her aside, opened the door, and shot her a last happy grin. ‘See you in the morning.’
BOXED in… Merlina was haunted by those words all night, tossing and turning in between snatches of sleep, which were broken by dreams of being helplessly trapped. This was the punishment for deception, she thought. Jake would never have thought of marriage except for her fake engagement to his grandfather. But what could she do about it?
Her father had been halfway to giving his approval of Jake as a son-in-law before they’d even left together, and no doubt he’d been charmed into proudly accepting him as family by the time they’d reached Uncle Georgio’s home in Glebe, probably asking him in for a celebratory drink to round off the evening and brag to his brother about Merlina’s fiancé.
The call she’d made to her mother had spilled into explanations for her absence—explanations that she knew her father would give, fed to him by Jake. They weren’t exactly lies, she’d told herself, though her mother’s happy relief that Merlina was finally off the shelf and getting married, and her delight over the family visit tomorrow, had been stomach-churning.
Expectations had been raised.
Expectations had to be met.
Boxed in.
The only person she could talk it over with was Byron—her partner in crime. He was an early riser in the morning so Merlina had time to discuss the situation with him well before Jake arrived at nine o’clock. She telephoned him at seven o’clock, feeling extremely tense and needing support.
Naturally the butler answered her call, immediately expressing concern. ‘Is everything all right, Ms Rossi? I did feel that Mr Jake was steamrolling you last night, taking matters into his own hands.’
‘He certainly did that, Harold,’ she replied with feeling. Amazing really, how comfortable she was with Byron’s household. She’d been treated so nicely there, everyone caring about her needs.
‘A very compelling young man,’ Harold remarked sympathetically.
‘Yes,’ she agreed. ‘And I have to talk to Byron about it, Harold. Is he available?’
‘I’m sure Mr Byron will be pleased to hear from you. Just a moment, Ms Rossi. I’ll transfer this call to him.’
‘Thank you.’
She took a few deep breaths as she waited, trying to reduce her stress level. It was instant balm to her jumpy nerves when she heard the rolling lilt of Byron’s charming voice. He would understand. He’d understood everything.
‘My dear Merlina, have we been successful in corralling the wild one?’
A hysterical little laugh bubbled out. ‘If you mean marriage, Jake corralled himself in front of my father last night.’
‘Your father?’ Said with fascinated interest.
Merlina needed no further prompting to pour out the whole sequence of events, which had led to her current position as Jake’s fiancée in her family’s eyes.
‘Ah, knight to the rescue,’ Byron remarked with relish. ‘Good boy! Shows he has inherited my gentlemanly instincts.’
‘I don’t want Jake to be a gentleman,’ she wailed. ‘I want him to mean it. Really mean it. And after he involved himself with my family, which believe me, won’t take this as a game, he mentioned divorce as a way out in the future. I know that’s fairly common in your family, Byron, but it isn’t in mine. They’re very Italian. Seriously Italian.’
‘Hmm…’ came the sound of serious pondering.
‘Take today, for instance,’ Merlina ran on, anxiety overflowing. ‘He’s going to land right in it at the family barbecue—all my married brothers and sisters and their children, not to mention uncles and aunts and grandparents and the new baby—the whole tribe hugging and kissing him in welcome, then cross-examining him about his life.’ She heaved a worried sigh.
‘None of them divorced, huh?’ Byron queried.
‘Nor ever likely to be,’ rolled emphatically off her tongue.
‘You know, Jake might like that. The sense of solid family. Never had it himself. It could rope him right in, Merlina.’
‘Or make him run a million miles.’
‘No…no…he won’t do that. He’ll view it as a challenge. Winning them over.’
‘A game,’ she said despairingly.
‘Not necessarily. You’re worrying too much, my dear. Jake would not have brought up marriage if it wasn’t on his mind.’
‘Because you—we—put it there, Byron.’
‘A seed doesn’t grow if it hasn’t been planted in ground that suits it. You and he suit each other very well. That is very, very obvious to me.’
We’re good together. We’re great together.
Her heart thumped with unquenchable hope as she remembered Jake’s words.
‘Give it a chance,’ Byron advised. ‘See how it goes.’
Precisely what Jake had said.
Was she worrying too much?
‘You want this, Merlina,’ Byron reminded her. ‘You wouldn’t have played the game with me if you hadn’t wanted to bring Jake to heel. He’s there now because he wants to be there. Let him be embraced by your family. Go with the flow. Be happy, my dear. A man likes his woman to be happy.’
Difficult to be happy when she felt so agitated, yet Byron was right. She had wanted this outcome, except it had happened upon her so fast, she couldn’t bring herself to trust it, especially when divorce had been mentioned in virtually the same breath as marriage.
‘Okay, I’ll go with the flow today and see how it pans out,’ she said, screwing herself to the sticking point.
‘Good girl! Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Got to be in there playing the game,’ Byron cheerfully chanted.
Which brought home to her how very alike grandfather and grandson were. She was probably off her head to be asking advice from Byron. On the other hand, he had given her an insight into where Jake was coming from. People from broken homes didn’t believe in lasting promises. That didn’t mean they didn’t want a commitment to stay solid. Maybe—just maybe—she could work it so the game with Jake never ended.
‘Thank you, Byron,’ she said gratefully. ‘You’ve just bolstered me up for the next round.’
‘Bravo! And the best of luck to you, my dear.’
‘I’ll keep your diamond ring safe until I see you again,’ she promised.
‘Wear Jake’s with pride, Merlina. He’d like that.’
‘Will do. ‘Bye for now.’
‘Happy days!’
She was smiling as she put the telephone receiver down. Happy days…probably a fool’s paradise but why not enjoy what Jake gave her while she could, anyway? Her body clenched at the memory of last night’s sexual pleasure. He was such a great lover and it had felt like being loved—beautifully, wonderfully loved. If he wanted their relationship to last, she had to give it a chance!
There was a happy spring in her step as she raced off to her bedroom to decide on what to wear this morning. Definitely classy elegance for the kind of jewellery shop Jake would take her to if he was intent on putting just as flashy a ring as his grandfather’s on her finger.
She chose one of her new purchases; a form-fitting red dress, printed with abstract splashes of black and white, featuring a wide square neckline, little cap sleeves and a wide woven belt in white. It was simple but quite striking, especially teamed with high-heeled white sandals and a white clutch bag. Class, she had worked out, could be achieved by meticulous attention to detail.
On this principle, she applied a matching red varnish to her toenails and fingernails, took immense care with her make-up, and as a final touch, attached long dangly vintage gold earrings to her lobes. To her mind, these went with the vintage style gold watch—a twenty-first birthday gift from her grandmother—which was the only other jewellery she wore, having hidden Byron’s ring at the bottom of an open bag of peas in the freezer.
The doorbell rang at five minutes to nine. No nervous waiting around for Jake to come, for which she was intensely grateful. Her heart was fluttering wildly enough as it was. She opened the door to find him superbly dressed in a pin-striped grey suit, white shirt, gold silk tie, and looking more dashingly handsome than ever, especially when he smiled at her, his dark eyes dancing with pleasure in her appearance.
‘Wow! When you make up your mind to sock it to me, Merlina, you sure sock it to me. Red is definitely your colour.’
She was instantly reminded of the red rose bikini. Boldness had served her well as the blonde bimbo from the birthday cake, so she impulsively struck a flaunting pose, jutting out one hip and planting her hands on her tightly belted waist. ‘Thought I’d better wear it since you’re into rescuing scarlet women from damnation,’ she flipped at him, lowering her eyelashes for a sizzling veiled look.
He laughed, and with a bold move of his own, scooped her back into the hall, closed the door behind them and wrapped her in a very possessive embrace. ‘So, the real Merlina emerges in a full frontal assault,’ he purred like a big cat presented with a delicious dinner. He grinned from ear to ear as he teasingly added, ‘Am I man enough for her?’
She arched an eyebrow. ‘Depends on whether you got through last night unscathed by my father.’
‘Passed with flying colours,’ he declared with relish. ‘Bring on any challenge you like. I’m up for it.’
‘Mmm…’ In sheer giddy delight at feeling his erection against her stomach, knowing that seeing her had aroused it and madly wanting to stoke his desire for her even further, she brazenly rubbed her lower body against his, smiling as she said, ‘Up for something else, too.’
His answering smile was positively wicked. ‘The only question is…are you? Right this minute!’
He started walking her backwards, his thighs pushing hers, steering her across the living room towards the dining table, which was set beside the window. ‘Where are you taking me?’ she asked, startled by the instant reaction she’d triggered and barely finding breath enough to speak. Her pulse was galloping. Excitement was rushing through her like a freight train.
‘I’d take you anywhere, Merlina Rossi,’ he answered, his eyes smouldering with sexual intent as he propped her against the edge of the table and started gathering up her skirt.
‘Not tonight in my parents’home, you won’t,’ she flashed at him, momentarily panicking at the thought. ‘We’ll be given separate bedrooms. And you have to respect that, Jake.’
‘Okay. How about now?’
His thumbs were already hooked on the waistband of her panties, ready to pull them down, but he paused teasingly, confident of her consent but also wanting to make her say it out loud.
‘Do we have time?’ she posed coquettishly.
He laughed. ‘For this we make time.’
‘Fine by me,’ she admitted, dying to have him inside her again and exhilarated that he wanted to be there.
She stepped out of the panties as he drew them down. No pantihose today. She’d left her legs bare, wanting her red toenails to show against the white sandals. Which he left on. With her skirt hitched up around her hips, he sat her on the table and moved between her legs, clearly intent on quick action. Only essential undressing this morning.
‘Maybe you’d better tell me our schedule for today,’ she said, watching him unzip, wanting to see what she’d already felt, her inner muscles already pulsing with the anticipation of being stroked and pleasured, wanting to squeeze her own possession of him, feel him fill her so deeply she couldn’t think of anything to worry about.
He shot her his devil-may-care grin. ‘You first.’ He extracted a condom from his wallet and proceeded to roll it on.
Won’t have to use that when we’re married, Merlina thought, which instantly reminded her… What about children? Her heart jiggled uncertainly. Would Jake want to be a father?
‘Then off we go to buy a ring,’ he said, shooting her another grin. ‘For a scarlet woman, I think we should choose a ruby. It can be set with diamonds but we should definitely have a red-blooded ruby at the centre.’