Полная версия:
Twelve Days Of Pleasure
“I’m going to keep her safe,” Kendrick said matter-of-factly into the microphone.
* * *
An hour later Kendrick had checked them into a motel in Mobile, Alabama. Vanessa and the baby had sat in a rental car while Kendrick had leaned across the counter in the motel’s office flirting shamelessly with the desk clerk. Vanessa watched him intently as he dazzled the young woman with his charm. She could only begin to imagine what he had to be saying to her. The girl giggled as he took the room key from her hand, winking an eye as if they shared some special secret.
As he stepped back into the car she tossed him a look, annoyance furrowing her forehead.
“What?” he questioned, eyeing her curiously.
Vanessa shrugged her shoulders. “Nothing.”
He smiled. “Oh, it’s something.”
She rolled her eyes, tossing her gaze to the parking lot outside the window. “Is this where we’re staying?” she questioned.
He shook his head. “No.”
“Then why are we here?” she asked as she turned back to stare at him.
He didn’t answer. Instead, he steered the car to the back of the building and parked. Exiting the vehicle, he unlatched Gabi from the car seat in the rear, lifting the child into his arms. She’d been sleeping since they’d picked up the car and Vanessa hoped that she was tired enough to sleep for just a little longer.
Kendrick then gestured for Vanessa to follow him.
Their room was on the second floor of the motel; the front door faced the balcony that looked over the parking lot. Inside, the space smelled like mildew—musty and dank. The rancid odor had them both frowning as they moved inside and secured the door. The room was decorated with two full-size beds, a desk and an old television set. The carpet and bathroom had both seen better days. The walls were thin and a television blared from the room next door.
As they moved inside, Vanessa shot Kendrick a look to show she was not pleased. She suddenly felt spoiled and pretentious, but if she needed to take a shower there was no way she was doing it in that bathtub. She took a deep breath, looking for the right words to voice her displeasure. Biting her tongue instead she dropped her luggage and Gabi’s diaper bag onto the first bed and moved to the wooden chair in front of the desk and sat down.
Kendrick moved to lay the baby down and Vanessa suddenly jumped back to her feet.
“Wait!” she snapped. She moved to the diaper bag and pulled a blanket from inside. She laid it down across the bed top. “She might catch something if you put her on that bedspread,” she said, her face twisted with distaste.
Kendrick smiled as he laid the child on the oversize, pastel-colored receiving blanket. As he stood back up, Vanessa looked satisfied. She moved back to her seat. Before either could say anything else Kendrick’s cell phone chimed.
Chapter 3
Vanessa’s reaction to the no-tell motel had been expected. He stood watching as she bit down against her bottom lip, her eyes taking in every strand of dust and dirt that marked the space. When something bug-like scurried across the floor her eyes widened, following it as it disappeared beneath the dresser. Her head waved slightly as she wrapped her arms around her body, hugging herself tightly. He was impressed that she hadn’t gone screaming from the room. He thanked the man on the other end of the phone and ended his call. He met the look she was giving him.
“Really, we’re not staying,” Kendrick repeated, a slight smile pulling at his full lips.
“Then why are we here?” she asked again.
“I can’t explain just yet,” he said.
She nodded but said nothing.
“If you needed to let your family know you were okay, who would you call?” Kendrick asked.
“My mother.”
He nodded. “Use the motel phone and call your mother. Don’t tell her where you are, just let her know you’re okay and that you’ll give her another call soon.”
“I can speak to my mother?”
He nodded, gesturing toward the motel room’s phone. “Just keep it short and sweet, please,” he said.
Vanessa moved to the side of the bed and reached for the receiver. Before dialing the long-distance call she grabbed a tissue from the box on the nightstand, wiped down the mouth-and earpiece and then pulled it to her head.
Kendrick chuckled ever so softly.
Joy painted her expression as she dialed, and Kendrick heard the device finally ringing on the other end. But the excitement on her face diminished quickly. Obviously, there was no answer and she must have reached her mother’s voice mail instead. She took a deep breath and left a quick message. “Hi, Mama! It’s me, Vanessa. I just wanted you to know that I’m okay. I’m with...” She hesitated as she tossed him a quick look. “I’m with a friend right now and I will call you back as soon as I’m able. I love you, Mama!”
As she hung up the receiver she looked as if she were struggling not to burst into tears. Sensing her distress Kendrick moved to her side. “Are you okay?” he questioned as she lifted her gaze to his.
“Do I look like I’m okay?” she hissed behind clenched teeth.
He grinned, holding his hands up as if surrendering. “Sorry,” he said softly as she pushed past him, moving back to her seat.
Gabi shifted against the bed, rolling onto her side as she pulled her legs to her chest. She curled her body into a fetal position. Kendrick and Vanessa stopped to watch her, both holding their breaths that she wouldn’t suddenly wake up. The little girl deeply inhaled and then snored ever so softly. Eyes wide, their gazes shifted back toward each other and held the stare. Kendrick found himself smiling and unable to contain herself, Vanessa smiled with him.
She shook her head. “This won’t last too much longer,” she whispered. “You better enjoy it while you can.”
Kendrick nodded. “I need you to unpack some of your things. Hang something on those racks over there. Leave your toiletry bag, a pair of shoes, whatever. We’ll replace them later. And most of the baby’s things, too. Leave a few diapers on the bathroom counter. Maybe a bottle. It needs to look like you were here and you’re planning on coming back,” he said as he moved to the second bed and pulled back the covers.
He pulled a second phone from his pocket and dialed. “We should be there in the next two hours,” he said into the receiver.
“I needed to make sure we didn’t pick up a tail,” he was saying. He paused to listen before speaking again. “I’ll contact you when we get to our final destination,” he responded. He took a deep breath, his gaze meeting hers as Vanessa stared at him.
He ended the call without further comment, dropping his cell phone against the pillow. “Just pack some bare necessities for the two of you in that small bag. We’re going to leave the rest,” he said as he moved to the bathroom and turned on the water faucet.
Minutes later he moved back into the room dressed in a pair of black denim jeans, black Timberlands and a bright white V-necked T-shirt. He then moved to the television, adjusting the volume just loud enough for others to know it was on.
Vanessa’s expression was incredulous but she didn’t bother to question him. When she had done as he’d asked, he scooped Gabi back into his arms and they left. Vanessa was headed in the direction of the car when Kendrick stopped her. “This way,” he said. “We’re taking the bus.”
Vanessa hesitated, her eyes blinking rapidly as she stood staring at him. “The bus?”
Kendrick nodded. “What? Haven’t you ever ridden a bus before?”
* * *
By the time they reached their final destination Vanessa was exhausted. The bus ride, with two transfers, had landed them in front of a taxi stand. A taxi ride later they were at a private hangar at the airport. The private plane was more to Vanessa’s liking, and she’d even been able to catch her own nap while Kendrick entertained Gabi, who seemed to be enamored with the buckles on the seat belts.
“Where are we?” Vanessa asked when they finally landed, a team of technicians pushing the plane into another private hangar.
“Everything’s going to be fine,” Kendrick said.
She clutched Gabi a little tighter to her chest. “That’s not what I asked you,” she snapped.
Kendrick met her stare.
“Eat, eat!” Gabi suddenly exclaimed as she pulled a thumb into her mouth. “Eat, eat!’
Vanessa shook her head. “What was I thinking? She is so off schedule. It’s well past her lunchtime and I don’t have anything else left in this bag. She’s hungry and I need to get her something to eat.”
Kendrick smiled again and Vanessa, despite her reservations, found herself instantly comforted by the gesture. He tickled a finger beneath the folds of Gabi’s chin. “We need to get you something to eat, baby girl!”
He pulled a cell phone to his ear, depressing the speed dial. Vanessa could tell by the change in his tone that he was talking to a woman. The thought suddenly irritated her. How dare he call some other woman when he was supposed to be focused on her? She felt herself stiffen with resentment. He caught her staring and tossed her another smile, oblivious to her sudden stress. Then he turned and walked toward the other side of the room, moving himself out of earshot. “Really, I need to get her something to eat,” she persisted when he finally moved back to her side.
“I know,” he said. “And probably a diaper or two, as well. It’s being handled. But right now we really need to go.”
Annoyed, Vanessa heaved a heavy sigh. “You still haven’t told me where we are.”
“New Orleans,” Kendrick said.
“We’re hiding in New Orleans? Really?” Her tone was just sarcastic enough to imply that he didn’t have a clue what he was doing.
Kendrick laughed.
“No, we’re just making a pit stop. We need to pick up some supplies.”
Vanessa’s gaze narrowed. “I thought you were taking me to some safe house. Why do we need to pick up supplies? I’d think the house would already have them.”
Kendrick continued talking as if he hadn’t heard her question. “If anyone asks, you and I are old friends. They don’t need to know any of your personal business and do not, under any circumstances, tell them anything about what happened in Miami or that I am with the Secret Service.”
“Who’s them? Who are you talking about?”
“My sisters,” he said as he guided her to a luxury BMW.
Confusion washed over Vanessa’s expression. “Hold up. I thought we were going to some safe house.”
Kendrick cut an eye at her. “Trust me. You’ll be much safer where we’re going than you’ll be anywhere else for the moment.” He plucked Gabi from her arms and secured the baby into a car seat, then gestured for Vanessa to get into the car.
“Look, Agent,” Vanessa started.
“Kendrick. Just call me Kendrick. Please,” he said, cutting her off midsentence.
Vanessa opened her mouth with a snappy retort but Gabi interrupted them both. The little girl started to cry, a loud boo-hoo-hoo that vibrated throughout the car. “Want eat!” she screamed as she kicked her legs in frustration.
Kendrick laughed. “That one has a set of lungs on her! Baby girl better catch a clue before she’s riding on the roof!” he teased.
Vanessa didn’t find anything funny. “She’s a baby. Her entire world has just blown up and now we can’t even find her something to eat. This is ridiculous!” she cried, her own tears finally falling over her cheeks.
Her frustrations had finally boiled over. Vanessa sobbed as he maneuvered his way through the streets of downtown New Orleans.
* * *
Kendrick took a deep breath and then another. As he pulled into the driveway of his family home his friend Zak was standing in the driveway.
Zak moved to the driver’s-side window and the two men exchanged a quick look. “I’ll go get Maitlyn,” Zak said when he saw the woman and baby crying hysterically in the backseat.
Kendrick turned around in his seat. He passed Vanessa a tissue from the box in his center console. “I’m sorry,” he said softly. “I didn’t mean to make light of your situation. Trust me when I tell you I do understand. Your life right now is in turmoil and you’re not sure if it’s ever going to be okay again. But I promise you, if it takes everything I have to make things right for you, I will.”
Vanessa stared at him. She swiped at her eyes with the back of her hand, her head nodding slightly. Kendrick exited out of the driver’s side and opened the back door. He reached to unleash Gabi from her seat, cooing gently to ease the little girl’s cries. Gabi’s screams softened to a low hiccup. Her chubby cheeks damp with tears, the little girl laid her head on Kendrick’s chest, snuggling easily against him as she pulled a thumb into her mouth.
Kendrick introduced them. “Vanessa, this is my sister Maitlyn. And this is Zak. They just got married this morning. Maitlyn, this is Vanessa. She’s the woman I called you about. And the little munchkin here is Gabrielle. They’re hanging out with me for a few days.”
Maitlyn smiled. “Come on in. No one else is back from the reception yet so you’re good for at least another hour.”
Kendrick laughed. “We’ll take an hour. That’ll give us all some time to get our story straight.”
Maitlyn moved to where Vanessa stood staring at them. “It’s nice to meet you, Vanessa. You look like you could use some food and rest, too,” Maitlyn said as she extended her hand in greeting.
Vanessa nodded. “Thank you. I need to feed the baby first.”
“Don’t worry. There’s plenty of food inside and we stopped by the market and picked up diapers, bottles and a few things we thought you might need.”
Moving into the house ahead of them Gabrielle was giggling, a cookie gripped tightly in each hand as Kendrick made faces at her.
* * *
Maitlyn and Vanessa were chatting comfortably as Gabi raced around the backyard, screaming excitedly as she played with a large ball. Kendrick stood watching them all from the kitchen window when Zak moved to his side.
“You were right,” the man said, his arms crossed over his chest.
“I usually am,” Kendrick replied.
“There’s a car outside that Alabama motel with four very unsavory-looking guys inside. They seem to be waiting for instructions.”
Kendrick nodded. “I’ve bought us a few hours of time but not many.”
“Why’d you bring her here?”
“Because no one will connect her to me. It doesn’t make sense. Bringing her here would be the last place they’d think of, so they won’t look here. For all anyone knows she’s still at the hangar at the airport. By the time anyone realizes differently we’ll be long gone.”
“So where are you going next?” Maitlyn asked, moving into the room behind them.
Kendrick tossed her a look but didn’t bother to answer. His sister rolled her eyes.
Zak wrapped his arms around Maitlyn. “You know he can’t say, Maitlyn.”
“I can’t say because right now I don’t know,” Kendrick said, his gaze flitting from one to the other. He shrugged his broad shoulders as his brow creased in thought.
“I have an idea,” Maitlyn said. The two men eyed her curiously as she explained her plan.
Minutes later Kendrick said thoughtfully, “It’s just crazy enough that it might work.”
“I’m very good at what I do, little brother, and there haven’t been too many problems that I’ve not been able to resolve.”
Zak leaned back against the counter. “Honey, are you sure...” he started.
She leaned to kiss his cheek. “I’m positive. I think it’s one of the best ideas I’ve had in a while.”
Shrugging his shoulders, Zak wrapped her in a warm embrace as he rested his lips against her forehead. “Then let’s do it,” he said as he shot Kendrick a quick look.
Kendrick nodded. “I owe you,” he said. “I owe you both.”
Maitlyn eased out of her husband’s arms. “You can trust I’ll send you my bill,” she said as she strolled out the door.
Kendrick laughed. “You can still get out of this,” he teased. “It’s not too late. Five more minutes though and I’m sure the fine print on that prenup she made you sign will kick in.”
Zak laughed with him. “I’d be too scared,” he teased back.
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