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The Boudreaux Family
The Boudreaux Family
The Boudreaux Family


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The Boudreaux Family

Darryl turned toward the entrance and stared. There was no missing the familial resemblance between Mr. Charles and the young woman entering the room. Without realizing it, Darryl found himself holding his breath. The stunning beauty had commanded his full and undivided attention.

She shared her father’s warm chocolate complexion and large dark eyes. He assumed that the full lips and pouty mouth that begged to be kissed had been inherited from her mother. In the tailored navy skirt and ruffled white blouse she wore, there was no denying the woman had a figure that could make even a strong man beg for her attention. She was curvaceous with a full bustline, whisper-thin waist and pleasingly thick hips. As he stared, Darryl suddenly felt weak, his legs feeling like jelly. He had to fight to shake the unnerving sensation. He took a deep breath and held it.

Mason laughed. “That’s right! Give credit where credit is due!” he said as he moved to wrap the young woman in a quick hug. “How are you, Camryn? It’s good to see you again.”

“I’m doing very well, Mason. It’s good to see you again, too. And congratulations! Father tells me you recently got married!”

“Yes, I did.” Mason grinned. “I hope to introduce you and your father to Phaedra in the very near future.”

The young woman smiled sweetly. “I can’t wait to meet her. It looks like marriage is serving you well.”

“It definitely is!” Mason said, nodding his agreement.

“Camryn, come say hello,” her father interrupted. “Darryl, this is my daughter, Camryn. Cam, this is Mason’s brother Darryl Boudreaux.”

The young woman tilted her head in greeting. There was no missing the good-looking man who’d caught her eye when she’d entered the room. Darryl Boudreaux was quite the male specimen. Standing tall and lean in a black silk suit, white shirt and red necktie, he had distinctive features that hinted at an African-Asian ancestry. He boasted slightly angular eyes, a thin nose, a high cheek line and full, pillow-soft lips. His complexion was a rich, deep umber and Camryn felt her heart quicken a beat or two as she met his intense gaze. “Mr. Boudreaux, it’s my pleasure.”

Still in awe, Darryl stared, his eyes wide, his mouth agape. “You’re Cam Charles?” he questioned as he took her extended hand, her palm gliding like silk against his.

The beautiful woman laughed lightly. “Is that a problem?”

Darryl shook his head, cutting an eye in Mason’s direction. “No, I just wasn’t expecting—”

Mason laughed heartily as he interrupted. “Sorry about that. I think my brother thought you were a man.”

Camryn nodded ever so slightly. “That happens often, but I’m very much a woman,” she said with a soft chuckle that made Darryl smile. She pulled her hand from his, acutely aware of the hold he had on her fingers. The two were still studying each other intently.

Darryl finally shook the daze that had consumed him. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Charles,” he said.

“Please, call me Camryn,” she said, “or Cam.”

Darryl nodded as he pulled a chair out for Camryn and gestured for her father to take a seat. He caught his brother’s eye and nodded. “Shall we get down to business?”

Hours later, Darryl pulled at the necktie around his neck. Like his brother and Kenneth Charles, he’d tossed his suit jacket aside some time ago. The back-and-forth banter between the two companies was beginning to take its toll on all of them.

“I don’t agree,” Darryl was saying. “You have to keep the safety factor first and foremost in the design.”

“I’m fully aware of that,” Camryn responded, clearly perturbed by his insinuations. “However, the aesthetic value of the building and how it will complement the landscape is equally as important.”

Darryl shrugged his broad shoulders as he tossed his ink pen to the tabletop. He took a deep breath, totally annoyed that Camryn Charles was challenging him.

“I’m sorry, but what actually will your role be in this project?” Camryn suddenly asked. She was staring directly at Darryl, the two having already butted heads over more than that one issue.

Standing, Darryl leaned over the table, his weight resting on his arms. “Pro-ject man-a-ger,” he replied, uttering each syllable distinctly. “It’s my responsibility to see that this project comes in well within budget, to our exact specifications. I will be accountable for every single detail, including the specifics of the final design.”

Camryn rolled her eyes. It hadn’t taken long for her to realize that Darryl Boudreaux was going to be a royal pain in her well-rounded behind. The man had criticized, critiqued and questioned every suggestion and comment that she’d had. With the way he’d been hammering her, you would have thought that she’d had no previous experience in the design and building industry. Clearly, the man didn’t have a clue and she didn’t appreciate him being so confrontational. She also didn’t have a problem letting him know how she felt.

Camryn came to her feet, as well, crossing her arms over her chest as she met his gaze evenly. Annoyance tapped the toe of her leather pump. “And tell me again what makes you qualified for the job, because from my perspective our firm is more than capable of meeting your brother’s wish list without outside supervision.”

Darryl bristled. “Perhaps, but my brother would be unwise to not have a system of checks and balances. You don’t build a multimillion-dollar office complex by putting all your eggs in one basket. And as far as my qualifications go, I have a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering and I’m a licensed building contractor. My forte is my penchant for details. All aspects of the details. So I am more than capable of overseeing this project and you.”

Both Mason and Kenneth leaned back in their seats, obviously amused by the standoff. Mason chuckled softly. “I think this is a good time to call it a day,” he said calmly. He cut his eye toward Kenneth. “We can pick this back up tomorrow, same time.”

Kenneth nodded. “I agree. But I’m also thinking that it would probably be a very good idea for Camryn and Darryl to get to know each other better, especially since they’re going to be working so closely together.” He picked up his iPad and typed into the keypad. “Do you eat seafood, Darryl?” he inquired. His gaze never left his device. “And sit down, Camryn!” Kenneth commanded.

“Yes, sir,” Darryl answered, still squared off against the man’s daughter.

Camryn huffed as she finally dropped back into her seat. Darryl followed, each still eyeing the other warily.

Kenneth continued. “Camryn loves seafood. My secretary will make reservations for you two for dinner. You don’t have anything planned, do you, Darryl?” he said, finally lifting his eyes to look at the young man.

Mason interjected. “No, sir. Darryl has no plans whatsoever. He’s here to work, no matter what that might entail. Isn’t that right, Darryl?” he said, answering on his brother’s behalf.

“Good,” Kenneth said, nodding his head. “Camryn is free, as well.”


He ignored his daughter’s treaty, dropping his gaze back to his electronic device. “You two kids have seven o’clock dinner reservations at The Bourbon House. Take the time to ask whatever you need to ask each other so that we can finalize the details of this project when we meet tomorrow. Is that clear, Cam?” he said firmly.

“Yes, sir,” she said through gritted teeth.

Mason smiled. “You, too, little brother,” he said, tossing Darryl a quick wink. “Work it out!”

Darryl’s eyes narrowed into thin slits as he shot his brother a look. Mason seemed to be enjoying the discomfort he was causing him, a glint of mischief shimmering in the look he threw back. Biting his tongue, Darryl glanced over at Camryn. She was looking at him closely. As he nodded his head, he couldn’t help but think that working it out might be a whole lot easier if the woman wasn’t so damn intoxicating.

Chapter 3

Darryl was still heated when he and Mason arrived back at their family home. His brother had found the whole situation amusing, which had irritated him even more. He was grateful that neither of his parents was home, just imagining the feedback that would have come if Mason had had the opportunity to fill them in on what had happened between him and that woman.

Camryn Charles had worked his nerves and having her father and his brother manipulating the situation didn’t help. He slammed his bedroom door closed and threw his body across the twin bed. He was further irritated that he now had to spend the evening with her, because after his experience with Asia, spending the evening with any woman was not high on his priority list.

From start to finish Asia Landry had made life difficult at best, their entire relationship being one firestorm after another. Jealousy fueled Asia’s spirit more times than not. The first time Darryl had been introduced to the green-eyed monster, she’d keyed his car, leaving the vehicle looking like an Etch A Sketch gone horribly wrong. Apparently being too friendly with a sales clerk had been his crime. He should have cut his ties with Asia then but after her tearful apology he’d welcomed her back into his arms.

Asia hacking his personal email “to confirm that he was cheating” had been the last straw. Her threatening his life had cemented his conviction. He was done and finished. Darryl refused to be with a woman who clearly didn’t trust him. And he refused to be with a woman he couldn’t trust to deal with her frustrations and anger as though she had some God-given sense. Thinking about everything he’d gone through with Asia tightened a knot in the pit of his stomach. Asia had burned him. Bad. And now, thanks to Asia, Darryl was adamant that no other woman would stand an ice cube’s chance of getting under his skin. Not even one as enticing as Camryn Charles.

* * *

Camryn arrived early for her dinner with Darryl Boudreaux. She’d contemplated not showing at all but had figured a few uncomfortable hours with Darryl was far better than dealing with her father’s wrath at their meeting tomorrow. She allowed the restaurant’s hostess to guide her to their reserved table.

As she settled down into her seat, she was suddenly nervous about their dinner. There was something about Darryl Boudreaux that she found equally irritating and intriguing. Good looks aside, the man’s confidence bordered on arrogance. Clearly, his engineering skills and construction background made him an ideal partner for the project. But he had a serious control problem and she had an issue with him questioning her abilities. He was obviously going to be problematic and Camryn hadn’t expected to work quite so hard.

She took a quick sip of water from the crystal glass that rested on the table in front of her. Glancing around the restaurant, she couldn’t help but notice the many couples who were more intent on each other than on their meals. Camryn suddenly couldn’t remember the last time she and a man had sat together so totally and completely focused on each other.

She saw Darryl before he saw her. As he eased into the restaurant, he paused to take in his surroundings. It was evident from the expression on his face that he had about as much desire to be there as she did. For a brief moment it looked as if he might turn tail and run but he didn’t. Instead he appeared to search her out with his eyes.

He had beautiful eyes, Camryn thought. She hated admitting that his dark, seductive orbs made her weak in the knees. If she was honest, being in his presence was like walking through fire. He made heat radiate out of every one of her pores until she was completely drained. But there was also something soft-spoken and gentle about his spirit, like a welcome, cool sweet breeze even when he was being a thorn in her right cheek. But it remained to be seen if they could come to an understanding and work together in harmony. Her full lips lifted to a warm smile as he finally approached the table, his own expression softening considerably.

Darryl was suddenly unnerved by the eagerness that consumed him as he sauntered slowly to where Camryn was sitting. The attractive woman was even more stunning, having changed from her business attire to a formfitting Herve Leger dress. The fabric’s vibrant red color complemented her complexion nicely. Her dark brown curls had been slicked back into a neat ponytail, and big bold earrings decorated her earlobes. Her makeup was impeccable and her easy smile showed dazzling white teeth. Her dark eyes were large and bright, her crystal complexion reminding him of deep, rich molasses. The sight of her took his breath away.

“I’m not late, am I?” Darryl asked, a quiver of heat shooting through his spirit. He tried to be casual as he pulled out the chair on the other side of the table and sat down.

Camryn took a deep breath and swallowed before speaking. “No, not at all, Darryl. I was actually a few minutes early.”

Darryl’s smile widened. “So, here we are,” he said as a wave of nervous energy seemed to blanket the space around them.

“Here we are,” Camryn echoed, suddenly feeling like a grade-schooler with her first crush.

The silence was unnerving and both were grateful when their server moved to the table to take their orders.

“Bourbon. Definitely bourbon,” Camryn said, her eyebrows lifted in jest.

Camryn laughed. “I’ll take mine straight,” she added. “Three fingers, please!”

By the time the drinks were delivered, the two were making small talk. Camryn commented on the unusually warm weather and an unplanned shopping excursion. Darryl reflected on his flight into town and the storms that had delayed his travels. Camryn bragged about the two awards she’d recently won for the family business. Darryl detailed the multimillion-dollar project he’d worked on before being hired by his brother. She talked about her father and their family business. He shared his vision for Boudreaux Towers and what might come after. They shied away from sharing any personal information, only very briefly mentioning anything about their respective families. Neither ventured to divulge whether or not they were in a romantic relationship. Instead, the duo had seemed to come to an unspoken agreement of not wanting to know if there was someone significant in the other’s personal life.

Darryl finished his drink first and over her feigned protests ordered another for each of them. His dry sense of humor made her smile and soon the laughter rang easily between them. Camryn liked how he looked into her eyes when they talked, his gaze sometimes skirting over her features as if he were trying to remember every line and dimple in her profile.

Darryl liked how she sometimes tapped his arm and hand when she laughed. The flattering gesture and soft touch both excited him and made him feel guilty.

Just before their entrée was served, Camryn excused herself to the restroom, needing a quick moment to recompose. Staring at her reflection in the polished mirror, she found herself grinning from ear to ear. She hated to admit it but she was having a really good time and that Darryl was actually likable. She giggled softly, glancing at a woman who’d entered the space behind her. The woman smiled back just before she disappeared behind a stall door. Taking a deep breath, Camryn touched up her makeup and then headed back to the table.

“Everything come out okay?” Darryl asked as she sat back down.

Camryn paused, meeting his teasing gaze. “Everything came out just fine, thank you!”

Darryl laughed heartily. “Sorry. I couldn’t resist.”

She laughed with him. “My brother Jason used to make the same bad joke when we were kids.”

“My brothers and I still make the same bad jokes. My sisters hate it when we do that to them.” He paused, a slight smile pulling at his mouth. “We do it anyway,” he concluded.

Before she could reply, the waiter delivered their meals to the table, setting an appetizer of fried calamari between the two of them. Darryl had chosen the seared tuna and she compared his plate to her crabmeat-and-lobster pasta.

“It all looks good!” she said, the decadent aromas rising to her nostrils.

Darryl nodded his agreement. “It does look good but let’s bless the table before we taste it, please,” he said.

Camryn dropped the fork in her hand back to the tabletop and slid her hands into her lap. She stole a quick look at Darryl as he closed his eyes and lowered his head in prayer.

“Precious Lord, bless this food that we are about to receive for the nourishment of our bodies. And make us ever mindful of the needs of others. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.”

“Amen,” Camryn echoed, lifting her gaze to his. A burst of nervous energy fluttered in her midsection and she quickly shifted her eyes back to her plate.

“Is something wrong?” Darryl questioned as he pulled a forkful of food into his mouth.

She shook her head. “No, nothing at all,” she said, not willing to admit that it had been quite some time since she’d been in the presence of a man who prayed so readily, so openly and with such ease. Her father was a praying man. She had often imagined what it might be like to be in a relationship with a man who actually walked his faith. As she pondered the possibilities, she cut an eye toward Darryl, who seemed totally focused on his meal.

She was taken aback when Darryl leaned across the table and lifted a forkful of her pasta. She watched as he slid it past his lips and chewed. “Was it good?” she asked, amused by his boldness.

Darryl nodded easily, unconcerned by his brazen behavior. “Very. So is the tuna,” he said, passing a bite of his own dinner in her direction. “Here, give it a try,” he cajoled. Camryn rested her hand on his as he guided the flatware toward her mouth. Heat wafted in the core of Darryl’s groin as he watched her take a bite, her tongue slipping sweetly past her lips, her fingertips tapping gently against his skin. It was suddenly hot and both reached for their beverage glasses at the same time.

He chuckled softly and Camryn laughed with him. Turning back to their meals, they resumed the small talk, discussing everything and nothing. A spirited debate about politics and education was engaging, with both making valid points that gave the other something to consider.

Soon the hostess brought them dessert. Darryl hadn’t anticipated the decadent layers of mousse and pastry drizzled in chocolate and topped with whipped cream. Neither was he expecting it when Camryn dipped her manicured finger into the sweet treat, drawing it through her lips to her tongue. The erotic gesture lengthened a rock-hard erection in his slacks, the thick of it pressing tight against the fabric. Darryl quickly crossed his legs, accidentally kicking the table as he did. Their dishes and utensils clattered noisily.

The ensuing silence was thundering. It dropped down over the table like an unexpected storm. Both Camryn and Darryl refocused on the food on their plates, struggling with the rise of emotion that seemed to sweep between them. Darryl was chewing so intently that he bit down on his tongue. He cursed under his breath.

“What’s wrong?” Camryn asked.

His response was brusque as he threw his cloth napkin to the table and reached for his drink glass. “Nothing!”

She watched him, her eyes blinking rapidly. “And you’re yelling at me because...”

“I wasn’t yelling. I just...I...” Darryl stammered, his erection twitching for attention. He couldn’t find the words to say he was unnerved by her presence. It felt good to be with her and he wasn’t supposed to be having such a good time. She excited him and he didn’t want to be excited by Camryn Charles. He lifted his eyes to stare into hers. “Look,” he said finally. “We know we can get along. That should make your father and my brother very happy.”

She nodded. “I’m sure it will. Let’s just agree to smile and pretend we like each other until we get this job done.”

“Pretend. Right.” Darryl nodded. “And let’s agree that you have full creative control as long as your design encompasses all of my safety recommendations. And I mean all.”


Darryl sighed and then tossed back the last of his drink. He unconsciously licked his lips, his tongue sweeping over his bottom lip before he sucked it in and bit down.

“Dinner is on my father,” Camryn said as she suddenly stood tall, reaching for her clutch. “It’s been a pleasure, Mr. Boudreaux.”

“The pleasure has been all mine, Ms. Charles.” Still conscious of the rise of nature between his legs, Darryl hesitated for a quick moment, the two staring at each other awkwardly. “May I walk you to your car?” he finally asked as he felt the problematic fullness begin to subside.

She shook her head vehemently. “No. That won’t be necessary. I’ll be fine.”

“See you tomorrow, then,” Darryl called out as Camryn turned on her high heels and scurried across the room. “Have a good night!” he chimed as she reached the front door, gave a quick wave of her hand and disappeared outside.

Camryn rushed to her car, her cheeks heated. Once she was locked inside her vehicle, she dropped her forehead down onto the steering wheel, her breath coming in heavy gasps. Her nipples pressed hard against the fabric of her dress and moisture puddled between her legs, her silk thong saturated. It had taken every ounce of fortitude she possessed not to throw herself at the good-looking Darryl Boudreaux. The moment had become so heated that all she could think about was what it might have been like to have his lips pressed against her own. Camryn hated to admit it but if Darryl had asked, she would have agreed to almost anything.

She took a deep breath and held it, counting to ten in her head. When she finally blew the air out, her nipples had receded and the quiver between her thighs was almost nonexistent. Her breathing finally steadied and she started the ignition.

As she pulled out of the parking space, she finally felt a semblance of normal. It was unfathomable to her that any man could have her quivering so unabashedly without ever laying a finger on her. Camryn shook her head at the thought. Despite having known men in her past who’d excited her sensibilities, Camryn couldn’t recall any man who’d ever had the impact on her that Darryl seemed to be having.

Although everything felt out of sorts and the feelings she was currently experiencing for Darryl were completely out of her character, she knew that she could slow the momentum down and take back her control. And she was determined to take back her control. As far as she was concerned, Darryl Boudreaux would be one man who wouldn’t stand a chance of ever getting the best of her.

Chapter 4

“Really, it went well!” Darryl exclaimed, annoyance punctuating his tone. He shifted his gaze toward his brother and then back down to the morning newspaper.

Mason returned the look, skepticism painting his expression. “And you two ironed out all of your differences, in one night?”

Darryl sighed deeply. “What part of ‘I have it handled’ don’t you understand?”

Mason raised an eyebrow. “I just need to make sure we’re not going to have any issues with you and Camryn. You were a little hostile yesterday.”

Darryl stuck his face further into the newspaper he was pretending to read. If nothing else, he fully intended to ensure that nothing interfered with the project. He could not, however, promise that there would be no issues with Camryn Charles, because he already had issues with the beautiful woman. Issues that two ice-cold showers had still not resolved. Darryl shifted in his seat, recrossing one leg over the other.

He changed the subject. “I’ve arranged for Camryn and me to do a site tour this afternoon.”

Mason nodded. “Good deal. And if you’re sure you have everything under control, I might fly to New York tonight to surprise my wife.”

Darryl smiled. “Give Phaedra a hug and kiss from me,” he said sweetly.

Mason nodded. “Will do! And please, don’t screw up my building before I get back.”

“I won’t screw up your building, Mason.”
