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A Stallion's Touch
Irene’s mother and Mark’s wife, Michelle “Mitch” Stallion, shook her head. She and Marah exchanged a look, their two daughters bickering at each other in the outfield. Despite admonishments from both their fathers, neither little girl was interested in playing nice.
“She’s trying to break me,” Marah said. “Gabi has made it her mission to try my last nerve and break me down.”
Marah’s twin sister, Marla, laughed. “It was that parent curse. Daddy had wished that you’d have a daughter just like yourself, and voilà!”
Marah cut an eye in her twin sister’s direction. “I was never that bad!”
“You really were that bad,” their older sister Eden said.
Katherine Boudreaux chuckled. “We all have one that challenges us. Thankfully they grow out of it,” she said.
“Which one of us was yours, Mama?” Maitlyn Boudreaux-Sayed asked, shifting her newborn son against her shoulder.
Her sister, Katrina Boudreaux Stallion, echoed the question. “Yeah, Mama? Which one?”
Their mother tossed them both a look. “Do you two really have to ask?”
A warm voice echoed from inside the patio door. “I’ll take that as a compliment!” Tarah Boudreaux exclaimed as she rushed out to hug her family.
“Tarah!” The women called out excitedly, everyone rising to embrace her.
“You finally made it,” her sister Katrina said, moving to give her a hug. “Why didn’t you call? Someone could have picked you up.”
Tarah shrugged. “Someone did. There was a car service waiting for me when I landed.”
The women all looked at each other. Maitlyn, who was usually their go-to girl for anything that needed to be done, said, “It wasn’t me this time!”
“Well, I don’t care who did it. I’m just glad they did,” Tarah said. Reaching for Maitlyn’s baby, Tarah pulled the infant into her arms. It was her first time seeing her new nephew in person. “Maitlyn, he’s beautiful!” she exclaimed, kissing the little boy’s cherub cheeks. “And he’s so chubby!” She looked around for the infant’s older sister. “Where’s Rose-Lynne?” she asked. The little girl was nowhere in sight.
Maitlyn dropped back into her seat. “Upstairs in the playroom with the nanny!” She blew out a sigh. “I love coming here. I can actually take a break! Zayn isn’t an easy baby like his sister was.”
“Ain’t that the truth,” Tierra Stallion exclaimed. Tarah imagined she was thinking about her own children, Lorenzo and his little sister Tianna. Visiting the ranch had to have been a welcome reprieve for her and her husband Travis. The distraction of cousins for their children to play with and the added care from family and trusted staff were just the beginning of the many perks afforded to them.
“I don’t know about all that,” Phaedra Stallion-Boudreaux offered. She rubbed a small hand against the beginnings of a baby bump. “Every time I take a break here, Mason and I get pregnant.” It was her third pregnancy in as many years. Her two sons and the daughter they hoped for had begun to look like stair steps.
“I think it must be something in the water,” Phaedra’s sister-in-law, Dahlia Boudreaux, echoed as she waddled to her seat. It was her third pregnancy as well, the second set of twins coming to her and her husband Guy.
Katrina Stallion laughed. “At least every time you visit and get pregnant, you go home and win another film award! So there are perks!” she said as she gave Dahlia a high five.
“It’s the water!” all the women exclaimed, their laughter abundant.
Katherine laughed with them. “Girls, it sounds like your problem is that you’re having too good of a time during those breaks! And that don’t have anything at all to do with water unless y’all are doing it in that swimming pool!”
The women all laughed again.
Tarah passed her nephew back to his mother. “So what good family gossip have I missed?” she asked, her eyes briefly shifting out to the activity on the game field.
Marah laughed. “Where do you want us to start?”
Tarah’s gaze suddenly came to an abrupt halt. “Please start by telling me that tall and good-looking man out there is a family friend and not related to me by blood.” Rising from her seat, she walked to the edge of the patio, and all the women turned to where she stared.
Her mother laughed, the matriarch shaking her head. “He’s related to you. I’m sure of it.”
Tarah’s sister Maitlyn giggled. “Not really, and definitely not by blood. That’s Nicholas Stallion. He’s one of the Utah cousins. He’s Nathaniel’s twin brother. Nathaniel is a doctor, too.”
Tarah grinned. “That makes him a Boudreaux family friend,” she said as she bit down on her bottom lip.
Out on the field, Nicholas stood with Irene, whispering something in the little girl’s ear. Her smile was canyon-wide as she nodded her head at whatever he was saying. Tarah found herself surprised that he’d caught her attention. His athletic build and cocky swagger were the opposite of what she was usually attracted to. But the man was tall and buff, his build a strong, solid mass of rock-hard muscle. He moved with a hint of arrogance in his step. He was a beautiful specimen of male prowess, and Tarah imagined that there wasn’t a woman who wouldn’t be impressed.
“So, what does the twin who’s not a doctor do?” she asked, turning her attention away from the man for a moment.
“You mean you really don’t recognize him?” one of the women asked.
Tarah shook her head.
“That will just burst his bubble,” someone else interjected.
Marah laughed. “Nicholas is a professional football player. He’s the quarterback for the Los Angeles Marauders.”
“The star quarterback!” one of the other women gushed.
Tarah laughed. “His feelings are really going to be hurt, then, because I hate football!”
Across the way, Nathaniel’s eyes suddenly shifted in her direction. His gaze widened with interest, his mouth dropping open slightly. Distracted, he missed the ball tossed his way, the rubber sphere rolling toward the outfield, the little girls racing after it. The gesture was abrupt, and obvious, as everyone turned to stare where he stared. And then he suddenly dropped to his knees, Irene slamming the rubber ball harshly into his midsection.
* * *
The Stallions and the Boudreaux were a family of beautiful people, kindhearted, generous and loyal to a fault. Their list of personal accomplishments was lengthy. Between them all, they’d amassed enough wealth to run a large country, but they were humble and grounded in their love for God and each other. Whenever they came together, laughter was abundant, tears were joyous and the memories were rich. This time was no different.
Nicholas stood toward the back of the oversize family room, his hands folded together behind his back. Looking about the space, he was enamored with the energy that overflowed throughout the home and the abundance of love that embraced them. It felt like a cashmere sweater wrapped tightly around his shoulders. He was in awe of how life had changed for them all since they’d found each other.
The family stood together as Reverend Milo Bernard, the pastor of John and Marah’s church, blessed them. The reverend anointed the holiday season with prayers for continued prosperity and health, giving benedictions to send them into the new year. With the last gesture of thanksgiving, Marah announced that it was bedtime for everyone under the age of twenty-one. But it was only when Senior Boudreaux raised his voice that each of the kids went racing to their beds to wait for the arrival of Santa Claus. With a collective sigh, the adults all dropped into the moment, savoring the first ounce of quiet since the day had begun.
As Nicholas’s gaze skated around the room, he suddenly locked eyes with Tarah, catching the young woman staring at him intently. They had officially met over dinner and then the teasing had begun, both families poking fun at the two of them. It was even more humorous when little Irene, not at all amused, declared him her boyfriend and Tarah her sworn enemy. In cahoots with her best buddy, Gabi, the girls had made it their mission to keep the two of them apart. Everyone had found it amusing, and even he’d laughed it off. But there was something about the beautiful woman that had him feeling giddy and completely intrigued.
Tarah Boudreaux’s youthful exuberance was a welcome change from the women he usually encountered. Most of the females who sought out his attention wore an air of desperation like a beloved perfume. But there was nothing desperate about Tarah. In fact, she’d been aloof and dismissive, barely batting an eyelash’s worth of attention in his direction.
Across the room, she was now giving him a look that had him twisting nervously in his seat, and he found himself grinning foolishly. She rose from her own chair and moved to his side, dropping down on the settee where he rested.
He took in a swift breath of air, filling his lungs to calm the nerves that had risen unexpectedly. “Dr. Boudreaux!”
“Mr. Stallion. Are you enjoying your Christmas Eve?”
“I am. How about you?”
“I forgot just how much I miss being around family over the holidays.”
“When was your last time here?”
Tarah pondered the question for a quick minute. “Thanksgiving, last year. I think. It’s been a good long while, but my schedule isn’t the most accommodating.”
“My brother says you’re a surgeon? Is that right?”
She nodded. “My specialty is neurosurgery. It’s usually a seven-year residency, and I have one more year and a half to go. I’ll be doing a fellowship my last year in trauma and neurocritical care.”
“That sounds...serious! You have to use a lot of big words in your profession, don’t you?”
She laughed. “It’s a lot of work, but it’s well worth it.”
“So, how can you hate football?” he asked, addressing one of her comments that had his cousins teasing him earlier.
Tarah shrugged, a smirk crossing her face. “Don’t take it personally. I hate basketball and soccer, too. I do like tennis, though.”
Nicholas laughed. “I hope you know that doesn’t redeem you.”
She gave him another smug glance, her eyes rolling. “Do I look like a woman who’s worried about redemption?
Nicholas met the look she was giving him, his own eyes widening ever so slightly. Tarah Boudreaux was extraordinarily beautiful. Everything about her reminded him of summer sunshine, the blue water of a tropical paradise and ice cream—rum raisin with chocolate, to be specific. Light danced across her face, and her warm honey complexion shimmered as if she’d been dipped in flecks of gold. Her mouth had the sweetest hint of a pout to it, and when she smiled, her lips were intoxicating.
He chuckled again, the gut-deep rumble warm and endearing. “Honestly? You look like a woman I should probably be fearful of.”
She laughed, rose from her seat and turned toward the kitchen and the throng of women who’d headed in that direction to get a jump on the holiday meal. She stopped abruptly, tossing him a look over her shoulder. “You need to be afraid, Mr. Stallion! Be very, very afraid!”
Chapter 2
“Nicholas is my boyfriend!” Irene said emphatically, a hand on her hip. She held a brand-new basketball beneath her other arm as she tapped a high-top Converse against the hardwood floor.
Gabi nodded her head in agreement, her arms folded across her chest.
Michelle shook her head as Mark responded to their daughter’s comment. “You can’t have a boyfriend until you’re fifty.”
“Yes, I can! Can’t I, Mommy?”
Mark eyed his daughter with a narrowed gaze before tossing her mother a look. “I can’t handle this,” he said, his stare shifting briefly in Nicholas’s direction. He looked back at his wife as he pointed a finger. “Do something before I lock her away until she turns forty!”
Nicholas laughed, holding up both hands as if he were surrendering. Tarah sat across the table from him unable to contain her own giggles. Irene glared at her, which made the moment even funnier.
Everyone in the room erupted in a wealth of laughter.
“I would have to hurt someone!” Zakaria Sayed said, his daughter sitting in his lap. “They start way too young!”
Maitlyn rubbed her hand against her husband’s back. “Poor Rose-Lynne. She doesn’t have a clue what she’s up against with all the men in this family.”
Her brother nodded in agreement. “You got that right,” Kendrick Boudreaux echoed as he high-fived his best friend. “Zak and I will put that nonsense to a stop, quick.”
Katherine never looked up from the pot she was stirring. “Your children are going to do exactly what they want to do. You just need to ensure you give them a solid foundation to build on. He won’t be the first boyfriend that baby’s going to want to claim. Tarah had dozens by the time she was twelve. Then she turned eighteen, and we haven’t seen a man worth his weight in salt since.”
Tarah laughed. “That is not true!” she exclaimed, color rising to her cheeks.
“Which part?” Nicholas questioned, meeting her gaze.
She noted the smirk across his face. “I may have had dozens by the time I was thirteen, but when I turned eighteen, I didn’t waste my time with men who didn’t meet the Boudreaux family standard!”
“That’s debatable,” her father interjected. “Y’all remember that boy with the squint eye?”
Tarah jumped to her feet. “No, they don’t, and why are we suddenly focused on me? He’s the problem. Chasing after youngsters!” she exclaimed, pointing a finger at Nicholas.
Nicholas laughed. “I did no such thing!”
Tarah leaned down toward Irene, meeting the little girl at eye level. “You don’t want him to be your boyfriend,” she said. “He’s not very nice!”
Irene’s eyes narrowed into thin slits. She gave Tarah a look before easing her way over to Nicholas’s side. She dropped an elbow to his thigh as she rested her chin against her palm, leaning against his leg.
Nicholas laughed as he gave Irene’s ponytail a light tug. The little girl grinned brightly in response. He winked an eye at Tarah.
Gabi moved to stand beside her friend. “That’s why Santa didn’t bring you gifts!” she proclaimed, cutting an eye at Tarah. “You’re the one that’s not nice! Nicholas is real nice.”
Tarah shook her head as she stood up straight. “Santa brought me gifts!” she hissed between clenched teeth.
Gabi mimicked her Aunt’s eye roll.
“Did I really just get schooled by a first grader?” Tarah shifted her eyes from one kid to the other.
“I’m in second grade!” Gabi snapped back.
The entire room roared, another round of laughter sweeping through the space.
Marah shook her head. “Gabi, Irene, that’s enough out of you two. Head up to the playroom with your toys, please! Only grown-ups can be downstairs right now.”
Irene grabbed Nicholas’s hand. “Come play!”
Tarah laughed. “That’s right!” she exclaimed. “Only grown-ups are allowed downstairs, Mr. Boyfriend!”
Nicholas laughed as Irene and Gabi both pulled him along. “Jealous much, Dr. Boudreaux?”
She rolled her eyes as Nicholas’s sister Naomi eased to her side. “I think my brother likes you,” the woman said, her voice low.
Tarah giggled. “I think I might like your brother.”
Mason shook his head. “He’s not your type. Besides, we all like him, too. No one wants to see you break his heart. And you’re notorious for that!”
Tarah shot her brother a look. “I am not!”
Kendrick nodded. “Yes, you are! You chew guys up and spit them out like they’re nothing. It’s never pretty, so we definitely don’t need you throwing Nicholas off his game.”
“I know that’s right!” Mark echoed. “I’ve bet too much money on him, so I need my cousin’s head straight for game day.”
Tarah tossed up her hands. “I am not a heartbreaker!” she exclaimed as she dropped down into the seat Nicholas had just vacated.
Her siblings all gave her a look, and then everyone chuckled, amusement wafting between them.
“Who all’s going to the game?” John asked, looking around the room as he changed the subject.
“I think we should make it a family event,” Nicholas’s older brother, Noah Stallion, interjected. “Try to get everyone there to support him.”
Tarah clapped her hands together. “Ohh! The championship game! I can’t wait! I really hope I can get the time off.”
Marah laughed. “I thought you hated football?”
“I do, but it’s the championship game! Besides, football players are too cute in those uniforms. Who can hate a tight end with a tight end?”
Confusion washed over her mother’s face. “I thought you all said that boy was a quarterback?”
* * *
Tarah found Christmas Day to be one of the best she’d ever had. She had missed the energy of having her siblings and their extended family together in the same space. The fellowship reinforced how much she loved, and had missed, her people while she was living in Phoenix.
Everyone’s good mood swept from room to room. The laughter was intoxicating, and the whole family was drunk with joy. By midafternoon, all of the children had finally settled down, either napping away the morning excitement or cuddling quietly in a corner with a new toy or book.
Decadent kitchen smells wafted through the home as the final touches were being put on the holiday meal. Turkeys and hams had been pulled from the ovens, cakes and pies decorated the counters, and everyone’s favorite foods were being transferred to serving dishes.
Heading down to the stables, Tarah had followed her nephew Collin, who’d been excited to ride the new horse that Santa had brought him. The college sophomore stood as tall as the other men in the family, his growing maturity reminding her of how quickly time was flying. She couldn’t help but think that if she blinked, she might actually miss something. All the children were growing way too fast for comfort. She released a soft sigh as she sat perched on the top rail of the wooden fence that enclosed the pasture where the young man was putting the Appaloosa through his paces.
Collin’s grin filled his face as he pulled the horse up to a stop beside her. “You really should come ride, Aunt Tarah! I can saddle one of the other horses if you want.”
She reached out a hand to stroke the animal’s neck and it neighed, its large head bobbing slightly as if it were echoing the young man’s comment. “Not this time, Collin. But you go have fun. He really is beautiful!”
Collin nodded. “And here I was hoping they would get me a new phone for Christmas!”
“Sounds like you earned it. I hear things are going well for you at Morehouse.”
Collin’s chest pushed forward slightly. “It’s getting harder, but I promised Mom I would make the dean’s list every semester I’m there. I have to stay true to my word!”
Tarah smiled. “That’s my guy! We’re all so proud of you! Have you thought about what you want to do after college?”
He nodded. “I plan to get a law degree like Mom and Dad. And then I’m going into the family business. Stallion Enterprises keeps growing, so they are always going to need good lawyers!”
She nodded. “You go, boy! And if you change your mind, you can always practice medicine like your auntie!”
Collin shook his head. “Uh, no thanks! I don’t like going to doctors, so I know I don’t want to be one. I’m proud of you, though!”
Tarah laughed. “Go ride, kiddo! Enjoy that horse. What did you name him, by the way?”
Collin laughed. “Baby!”
As Collin pulled gently on the reins to turn Baby in the other direction, Tarah laughed with him.
“What’s so funny?” Nicholas questioned, seeming to come out of nowhere.
His sudden appearance behind her was startling and she jumped, pulling one hand to her chest as she steadied herself with the other. “You just scared the crap out of me!” she snapped, clearly not amused.
He held up hand. “Sorry about that. I just saw you sitting here and thought I’d come say hello.”
Tarah took a deep breath to calm her nerves. She cut an eye in his direction as he climbed atop the fence to sit with her. He shifted side to side, trying to make himself comfortable atop the narrow ledge.
He met the look she was giving him and smiled. The lift of his full lips dimpled his cheeks. “So, is there a trick to this that I’m not getting?” he asked, leaning his body forward for better balance.
She chuckled. “You need a little more cushion back there. It helps.”
He nodded. “No wonder you look so comfortable.”
“Excuse me?”
He grinned. “It was a compliment. I was just pointing out that you have a very nice rear view. Full...and round.”
There was a moment’s pause as her gaze locked with his. Her eyes narrowed substantially. “Why are you looking at my ass?”
“In all fairness, I wouldn’t have looked at all if the girls hadn’t pointed out that you had a big butt.” He laughed. “Irene thought I needed to be aware. She also said you have a big head, big feet and teeth that look goofy.” He shot her a look. “Her words, not mine!”
Tarah looked out to the horizon, then shifted her gaze back out to the pasture. “I swear those two are so lucky they’re short!”
“If it makes a difference,” he said smugly, “they love your hair.” He then reached out and brushed a curly strand from her eye. The gesture surprised her, causing the air to catch in her chest as she suddenly held her breath. “And you always smell really good!”
“They said I smell good?”
“No, I threw that in,” he said, grinning broadly. “Like vanilla and lavender with a hint of honey. You smell like a woman is supposed to smell. Special! I was trying to help you out.”
Tarah laughed, amusement dancing over her face, but she didn’t bother to reply to his comment.
“You still didn’t tell me what was so funny,” he said. “What were you laughing about when I came up?”
“Collin named his horse Baby.”
Confusion pulled at Nicholas’s expression. “And that’s funny because...?”
“When his mother was pregnant with Jacoby, he really wasn’t happy about getting a baby brother or sister. He only wanted a horse. Then when little Jake was born and he held him for the first time, he said the baby was okay but he still would rather have had a horse named Baby instead. It was all he would talk about for months!”
“Cute,” Nicholas said, nodding his head slightly as his stare shifted to where his cousin’s son and the horse were moving in perfect sync with each other.
A blanket of quiet dropped over the two, the moment suddenly awkward. Nervous energy fired hot between them, feeling like a circuit board gone awry.
Tarah allowed a good few minutes to pass before she cast a quick glance in his direction. She was surprised to find him staring at her. He chuckled softly, color tinting his cheeks at being caught.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to stare, but you’re just so beautiful!”
Tarah felt herself blush, the red in her own cheeks mirroring the crimson tint across his chiseled cheekbones. “Thank you,” she murmured, suddenly feeling out of sorts. She couldn’t help but wonder where her caustic attitude and the one-line zingers she was infamous for had disappeared to. For whatever reason, she couldn’t think of anything witty to say.
She was no stranger to men commenting on her looks. Rarely did a man take a moment to know her long enough to comment on her intelligence before he was jumping at the opportunity to tell her how attractive she was. It usually struck a nerve, but there was nothing condescending, or lecherous, in Nicholas’s delivery. Surprisingly flattered, she had no words.
He shifted awkwardly, still unable to make himself comfortable against the narrow rail. Amusement danced in her eyes as she watched him, and he suddenly felt as if an explanation was necessary. “Years of getting hit on the football field keep me in pain. My back and legs just aren’t working with me today. I think I need a little more than some backside cushion. I’m thinking a recliner would be ideal right about now.”
“Football is a rough sport, but I understand how you feel. I’m on my feet all day, every day, so even when I get a chance to rest them, they still ache.”