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Good Girl
Good Girl
Good Girl


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Good Girl

‘And did you leave there to come straight home?’ Allie continued.

Molly nodded. ‘Erin had to be back by half past nine and it was a wet night, so not many people were out.’

‘Was that the time Erin normally had to be in by?’

Molly clammed up so Lucy took over.

‘Erin was grounded for coming in late twice last month,’ she explained.

‘Is that unusual for her?’

Lucy nodded.

‘So you go to Potteries Takeaway to meet friends, Molly?’ Allie turned her attention back to the girl.

‘Mostly when the weather is bad. Jeff lets us hang around if there aren’t too many of us and we don’t make a lot of noise.’

‘Jeff? Does he work at the takeaway?’

‘Yeah. He’s the owner.’

‘Who would you usually meet there?’

‘Kids from around here mostly.’ Molly burst into tears and looked up at her mum. ‘Do I have to do this now?’

Lucy hugged her, rubbing her hand up and down her daughter’s arm. ‘Does she?’ she asked. ‘Can’t this wait until the morning?’

‘Things won’t be any clearer then and it’s imperative we get the first statement down now, while the memory is fresh. The smallest details can help so much in cases like this.’ Allie turned her attention back to Molly. ‘I know this is hard, but we need to find out as much as we can about what happened. Are you sure there is nothing else you can tell me?’


‘Molly?’ Grace urged as the girl sat still.

‘We didn’t have time to run or scream, or anything. I didn’t even know she’d been stabbed at first. I just thought he’d hit her.’ Molly took in a deep breath.

‘Are you sure it was a he?’

Molly nodded.

‘Okay, thanks. That’s really good information for us to know. And can you tell us what he did then?’

‘I told him to stop and he punched me in the face.’ She pointed to her cheek. ‘Then he ran away, into our street. I wasn’t really watching because Erin went all floppy. I was crying, trying to hold her up but she was too heavy. She dropped to the path and then I saw my hands were covered in blood. Erin’s were too. She was clutching her chest. I panicked then. I didn’t know what to do.’

‘Did you see where he came from?’ Grace asked.

Molly shook her head.

‘Do you have a phone?’

‘Yes, but it was at home on charge. I ran to get Sara, Erin’s mum.’ Molly looked up for a moment. ‘If I’d had my phone I could have called an ambulance. And then maybe—’ She burst into tears again. ‘Is she going to be okay?’

‘She lost a lot of blood at the scene. I’m sure we’ll have news soon,’ Allie said.

Grace realised Allie was choosing her words carefully, just in case Erin’s injuries were fatal. Allie’s radio crackled as news came over the waves, but there were no messages for either of them yet.

‘Can you describe this man to me?’ Allie picked up where Grace had left off.

‘He was white, quite small – maybe a bit taller than me.’

‘She’s five foot four,’ Lucy volunteered.

‘He was wearing gloves and all of his clothes were dark. He had a tattoo on his neck and the side of his face. Like a flame coming over the collar of his coat. And he had a large earring in. You know, one of those that leave a big hole if you take it out.’

‘That’s good, Molly. Could you say how old he was?’

‘About twenty.’ Her face creased in pain again. ‘I didn’t get a good look. It all happened so quickly.’

‘And he ran away in the direction of Sampson Street, you say?’

‘I think so. I was too busy trying to help Erin.’ Molly burst into tears again, her sobs raw.

A glance from her boss and Grace closed her notebook.

‘Okay, that’s all we need for now.’ Allie looked at mother and daughter on the settee. ‘Thank you, Molly. We know Erin is a good friend of yours and we will do our best to find the man who did this to her.’ She took out a contact card. ‘We’ll need to speak to you again but if there is anything else you can remember, please call me and one of us will come straight to see you.’

Lucy took the card from her as Grace stood up.

‘I have one more thing I need you to do before we leave, Molly.’ Allie pointed to the girl’s clothes, blood speckles all over them. ‘I need to take what you’re wearing, your clothes and shoes and—’

‘What on earth for?’ Lucy sat up a little straighter.

‘There may be evidence on them. There will also more than likely be footprints on the path that will have been made by Molly, so we’ll need her shoes for comparison.’ Allie looked at Molly. ‘Can you change for us? I promise we’ll look after everything and have it all back to you as soon as possible.’

Molly nodded.

Grace went to fetch some evidence bags and by the time she’d arrived back, Allie had collected what she needed. They took a few bags each and left the house in silence, promising to keep the family updated.

Outside, more police vehicles had responded; cars and vans with their lights flashing as they cordoned off the main entrance to the cul-de-sac. More of the support teams had arrived to coordinate things. Neighbours were still standing on their drives in groups of two, three and four. A couple in their fifties were sitting on their garden wall talking to an officer. Houses that might usually be in darkness by now were lit up at every window. A man with a dog patiently sitting at his feet leaned on a gate talking to an elderly woman. Children who were supposed to be in bed were hanging out of first-floor windows.

In the distance, Grace noticed Dave Barnett’s vehicle. The senior CSI had parked in front of Simon’s car. She rolled her eyes discreetly. She’d been right; Simon hadn’t stayed away. She couldn’t blame him though. This would be front page news, and would go national almost overnight, and he was the best person to help report it.

‘They’ll be able to see the place where it happened every single day,’ Grace said to Allie once they were on the pavement. To their left was the pathway, officers in forensic gear going about their jobs of searching for evidence. ‘She was metres from her home.’

‘So we have to nail the bastard who did this and make sure it won’t happen again,’ Allie told her. ‘Can you act in family liaison capacity, let the Ellis family know what’s going on, please? Actually, can you try and get close to both families as they live so near and seem to know each other well?’

Grace nodded. That sounded like a plan.

Allie’s phone rang. The change in her features once she’d answered it made Grace assume the worst.

‘Erin Ellis has died,’ Allie said, with a heartfelt sigh. ‘Let’s seal everything off further down the road. This is a murder enquiry now.’


One year ago

Erin glanced in the wardrobe mirror one more time before pouting and blowing herself a kiss. She picked up her phone, sent a message to Molly, and then slid it into the back pocket of her jeans.

Once she was downstairs, she pulled on her denim jacket and shouted through to the living room.

‘I’m off out, Mum. See you later.’

‘Is Molly with you?’

‘I’m going across for her now.’

‘Okay, don’t be in too late. And I want some change from that note.’

Erin wrapped her scarf tightly around her neck and went out into the autumn evening. There had been plenty of rain but, even though the night was dark and cold, it was dry now.

She crossed the road to meet Molly. They had known each other since birth. Wherever Erin went, it was hardly ever without Molly, except when boyfriends had come on the scene and they’d spent the odd evening apart. It was only natural, a part of growing up, and they had each other for when anything went wrong, and to discuss all the milestones of their first forays into relationships. Neither of them were virgins, having both tried sex out.

Molly was already halfway down the drive when Erin hit the pavement on the other side of the road. They linked arms as usual and headed along the path at the top of their cul-de-sac that would take them to the main road.

‘Do you think Max will be out this evening?’ Erin asked as they walked. ‘I haven’t seen him for a couple of nights. Wonder what he’s up to?’

‘Not sure. Has he WhatsApped you?’

‘Not since the weekend.’

‘Maybe he’ll be there tonight then.’

Erin wondered if Molly knew how much she wanted to see Max. She’d spoken about him enough, although tried to keep it casual as he was so much older than them. He often came to the takeaway in the row of shops where they hung around. They’d both been impressed by his car, some kind of 4x4. He’d taken them out for a spin in it last week, tearing up the A500 with them laughing in the back.

Erin knew she didn’t stand a chance with him, though. Max was too sophisticated for the likes of a schoolgirl. And she did look more girl than woman so far as her breasts were being slow to grow and her skin wasn’t as clear as she’d like. However, she’d made the most of herself for Max: her eyes, easily her best feature, were coated heavily with mascara and her hair was clean and straightened. She’d pop more lipstick on before going inside, red lips inviting him to kiss her.

‘I wonder if he has any mates,’ Molly said. ‘We haven’t been on a double date in ages.’

Erin flicked her hair back as the wind swept it across her face.

They were still chatting as they turned onto Leek Road. Both girls had lived in Baddeley Green all of their lives, so knew the area and most of the teens extremely well.

Potteries Takeaway stood back off the main road, Steele’s Gym only a ten-minute walk away. Lots of the boys who took boxing classes at the gym often called in for something to eat after, despite being teased that their bodies were temples. Max usually came in around seven if he was popping in at all. Erin had been keeping tabs on his comings and goings.

She pointed with glee when she spotted his car parked near the back of the takeaway.

‘He’s here!’ She turned to Molly. ‘Do I look okay?’

‘Of course you do. You’re a babe.’

Potteries Takeaway had been there nearly as long as the two of them had been alive. The owner, Jeff, always let them shelter when the weather was bad as long as they ordered food or drink.

There was a counter across the far wall with fryers behind it, windowed compartments showing the fish, sausages and pies that were ready to be bought. Behind, a large menu took up most of the wall, and there was a door that led through to the back.

Several tables were already full: two groups of teens, a couple in their late fifties, and an older man eating a fish supper alone. Erin sniffed. The smell was divine.

Max was standing at the counter with his back towards them but turned as they entered.

‘My favourite ladies!’ He grinned at them. ‘Perfect timing. I’m putting my order in. Do you fancy anything?’

Erin turned crimson when he mentioned fancy.

‘I’ll have a portion of chips, please,’ Molly said, taking the lead. ‘I’m starving.’

‘Me too, thanks,’ Erin spoke eventually. Max always made her tongue-tied.

Max was twenty-four. He had black hair, left longer above his ears, strong features and a sleeve tattoo that wasn’t visible right now. He wore grey jogging bottoms and white trainers below a navy blue hoodie with the number 17 on its back.

Brown eyes stared into her blue ones as he winked at her. He was taller than Erin. She’d always cursed being little more than five foot three, especially with the current fashion for flat shoes.

‘Two more portions of chips, Jeff, when you’re ready.’ Max turned back to them again. ‘Anything to drink?’

‘Coke please,’ they spoke in unison.

‘Grab a table and I’ll bring them to you.’

He was over a minute later with two trays of steaming chips, plastic forks sticking out of each one.

‘There you go, tuck in.’

He sat down across from them. Erin did her best not to blush again but his presence was so intoxicating. She glanced at him as he tucked into his food. He had such long eyelashes. When he looked up, he caught her eye and smiled. She smiled back.

He seemed to like her.

They ate their food and chatted for a few minutes.

‘What are you two doing on Friday night?’ he asked. ‘It’s my friend Trevor’s birthday, and he’s having a party at his house. You should see it, it’s huge. So posh.’

‘We’re not doing anything, are we?’ Molly nudged Erin.

‘No, we’re free.’

‘Wanna come?’

‘Sure, where is it?’

‘Over in Trentham. Are you able to get there or do you want a lift?’

‘What time will it finish?’ Erin didn’t want to get grounded again. Her mum hadn’t stopped moaning about last week when she hadn’t got home until eleven after he’d taken them out in his car.

‘I can drop you off whatever time you like. Don’t worry if it’s earlier than planned. I can always go back again afterwards.’

Erin looked at Molly, willing her to say yes.

Molly nodded. ‘Okay, cool.’

‘Great, I’ll pick you up … outside here at seven?’

Both girls nodded and they continued to eat their food and talk among themselves.

‘What are you lot chatting about?’ Jeff, the owner of the takeaway, came across to them. ‘Don’t you have homes to go to?’

‘You know we prefer it in here,’ Molly grinned.

‘You’re only sheltering in case it rains again.’ Jeff tutted. ‘I know you don’t come in here to see me.’

‘Of course we do,’ Erin replied. ‘You’re our favourite takeaway owner.’

‘I’m the only one around here, you mean.’

‘Well …’

They all laughed. The teasing was good banter. Erin liked how Jeff looked out for her and her friends. He was always there to talk to; could always sense if something was wrong. Not that she ever told him much. But it was nice that he cared. She missed having her dad to talk to, in that respect.

Twenty minutes later, Max drained the last of his drink. ‘I’ll be off then.’ He stood up. ‘See you on Friday, ladies. You’ll have a blast, I promise.’

The girls waited for him to leave before looking at each other and bursting into excited laughter.

‘We’re going to a party with Max,’ Erin exclaimed. ‘I hope I get to spend some time with him alone.’

‘You’d better pack the Durex if you do,’ Molly said, raising her eyebrows. ‘At his age, he’ll expect a lot more than a long snog.’

‘I would if he asked me.’

‘He’s twenty-four.’

‘I’d like to try out an older man.’

‘You sound like you’ve been shagging around. And you haven’t!’

‘You know what I mean. It might be fun. He’s had far more experience.’

Molly nodded. ‘At least I get to see if he has any hot friends now. Win-win.’

They high-fived each other and giggled at Jeff, who was now behind the counter and rolling his eyes at them. If he’d heard where they were going, he’d probably be annoyed they wouldn’t be there with the usual crowd on Friday. Still, a party with Max beat hanging around with a bunch of teenagers.

And hopefully by the end of the night, Erin would find out if Max was into her or not.


Molly had changed into her pyjamas after the police had taken her clothes. She threw herself down on her bed and sobbed. She wished someone would tell her what was happening with Erin.

What was she going to do now? She couldn’t say anything to anyone or she’d be in big trouble. She was on her own now. How had it all gone so horribly wrong?

She wanted to speak to someone, explain to them what had happened, even though the police had told her not to. But there was no one she was close enough to, except him.

She checked on social media. It was all over her Twitter feed and her Facebook page already. She had seven messages from friends trying to find out what had happened.

I’ve heard someone was stabbed in your walkway. I can’t get in touch with Erin. Are you both okay?

Do you know what’s going on in your street? Jaden says he spoke to a cop who’s blocking the pathway to Sampson Street. He says someone got attacked. Is this true?

Are you okay? I can’t get in touch with either of you?

What the hell is going on? Call me.

She quickly replied to the last message but the others, she ignored. Everyone just wanted to know who it was, rather than show any concern for her or Erin. She supposed she would have been the same, trying to figure out what was going on, perhaps sensationalising it as she sent messages to other people. But they would get nothing from her.

She wiped her eyes, spying the photos of her and Erin attached to the mirror on her wardrobe door. There was one where Erin had come to Ibiza with her. They were lying on sun loungers, a glass of lemonade apiece but the barman had made them look like cocktails with umbrellas and fruit around the rim. Molly recalled how grown-up the two of them had felt when really, they were nothing of the sort.

The next photo along showed them wearing large hats and silly sunglasses. It was taken in Erin’s back garden, when they’d been thirteen. That summer had been glorious and they’d spent the whole school holiday in shorts and vests.

The one below that was of the two of them in school uniform. Another one had been taken at their joint sixteenth birthday party. Molly blinked back tears as she thought that all Erin’s dreams might now be dashed.

There was a knock on the door. She turned to see her mum standing in the doorway.

‘Can I come in?’

Molly nodded. She sniffed as Lucy hugged her again. It was good to feel her mum’s arms around her and she savoured the moment because she knew her mum wasn’t going to be happy when she found out what had been going on.

‘I want you to know that I’m always here if you need to talk,’ Lucy said. ‘If there’s anything worrying you, or if you remember something you’re not comfortable telling the police, you’re not on your own.’

‘I know.’

They sat together for a minute and then her mum stood up.

‘Try and get some sleep,’ Lucy added. ‘It’s going to be a long day tomorrow.’

Molly nodded, wiping at her cheeks. She got into bed and pulled the duvet around herself, comforted by its closeness. Her eyes were so sore she could hardly keep them open.

Minutes later, Molly heard her mum’s mobile phone ring. Lucy had been carrying it around, waiting for news of Erin. Molly rushed out of bed and onto the landing.

Lucy had sat down on the middle step, as if her legs wouldn’t carry her any further, and she was crying.

‘Mum?’ Molly enquired. Her dad had come in to listen to the news too.

Lucy looked up at her, shaking her head. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

Even though she knew it would be bad news, Molly couldn’t move. But she had to know.

‘What’s happened? Is Erin okay?’ she asked once Lucy had disconnected the call.

She watched as tears poured down her mum’s face.

‘I’m so sorry, Mol. They tried to resuscitate her – they spent forty minutes trying to get her heart beating again – but she was bleeding internally. There was nothing they could do to save her.’

‘No!’ Molly’s screams pierced the air. Erin couldn’t be dead.

This wasn’t happening. Erin was her best friend. Molly wouldn’t be able to live without her.


Grace and Allie headed to the Royal Stoke, chatting about the case as Allie went through a checklist of things she needed to do.

‘Have you any ideas who the suspect might be yet?’ Grace asked. ‘You’ve been on the job, so to speak, a lot longer than me. Anyone spring to mind?’

‘It’s that tattoo that will be the giveaway, I think. I’ll get Sam to check our system to see what we have. I’m sure I’ve seen something like that on someone but I can’t recall it at the moment.’

‘Sleep on it. It might come back to you.’

‘That depends on whether or not we get any opportunity to sleep tonight.’

‘I hate doing this bit.’ Grace sighed as they turned into the main car park of the hospital. ‘Technically, this isn’t the death knock but it still never gets easier.’

‘Unfortunately death is part of our lives. Justice is too, though.’


The two officers might have been mistaken for sisters as they walked into the hospital. Both had long dark hair, were of medium build and wearing thick black coats.

They were shown into a side room where Sara Ellis sat quietly.

‘Mrs Ellis?’ Allie asked.

The woman sitting in front of them sported a short bob, brunette with caramel highlights. A heavy fringe hung over puffed-up eyes, the woman’s face red from her constant flow of tears. There was blood on her jumper, and under her nails.

Grace’s heart went out to her. This was one of the differences between her and Allie. Allie kept her emotions to herself, making her seem much tougher than Grace could ever be. Grace often took victims’ pain home at the end of her shift, the ghosts of the crime scenes following her.

She took a deep breath before moving further into the room.

‘I’m DI Allie Shenton and this is DS Grace Allendale.’ Allie showed her warrant card as she introduced them both. ‘I’m so sorry for your loss. May we sit down with you?’

Sara nodded. ‘My sister is with me. She’s gone to fetch drinks.’ She gave a half-snigger, half-snort. ‘She thinks tea is the answer to everything.’

Grace sat down next to Allie, across from Sara, on a chair that reminded her of the days, weeks, months she had sat in something similar when she’d visited her late husband. Watching him wither away, waiting for him to die. Some memories never faded. She shook away the melancholy and got on with her job.

‘I wanted to have a chat to you about Erin,’ Allie began. ‘More details will emerge over the next few days, I’m sure, but I’d like to hear from you, too.’

Grace saw the woman flinch at the mention of her daughter’s name, as if she didn’t want to hear it.

‘What was she like?’ Allie continued.

‘She was a lovely girl. She was sweet, bright, happy-go-lucky for the most part.’

‘Do you have a photograph of her with you?’ Grace asked.

Sara reached into the handbag on the floor next to her feet. She found her purse, flicked it open and handed it to Grace.

Grace could see a pretty teenager, long brown hair with piercing blue eyes and a smile to light up a room. The young boy Grace had seen earlier at the Redferns’ was sitting next to Erin.

‘It would be great to get an image of Erin by herself that we can share with the press,’ Allie said. ‘I’m sure you have lots of those at home.’

Sara nodded in understanding and Allie passed the purse back to her after taking it from Grace. ‘Erin was really good friends with Molly Redfern, I believe?’

‘Yes, she’s going to be so upset when she finds out.’ Tears dripped from Sara’s eyes again.

‘And how was their friendship lately? The same as always?’

There was a slight pause before Sara replied with a nod.

‘So there’s nothing you’ve been worrying about?’

Sara looked at Grace. ‘Erin was like any other sixteen-year-old. Great at times; stroppy at others. Helpful one minute; pushing her luck the next.’

‘Have the girls always been best friends?’ Allie questioned.

‘Yes. They went everywhere together, did everything together.’ Sara smiled, her eyes brimming with tears. ‘They wore similar clothes, had the same hair styles, liked the same music and food. They were more like twins than friends.’ She sniffed and wiped at her nose.

‘And you and Lucy Redfern? I believe you’re good friends too?’

‘Yes, since we were at junior school. We got pregnant almost at the same time, and the girls were born two weeks apart. It’s nice to see them growing up as friends, like us.’ This time she wiped at her eyes. ‘It was nice.’
