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Not-for-Profit Budgeting and Financial Management – Edward McMillan

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Take control of your organization's short- and long-term financial plan Now fully revised, Not-for-Profit Budgeting and Financial Management, Second Edition, offers a financial planning system that is not only easy to use and monitor, but also ensures true fiscal accountability in the complex not-for-profit arena. Adds three entirely new chapters on Footnoting the Statement of Activity, Presenting Cash Prepared and Accrual Statements on the same page, and The Importance of the Executive Summary Fully updated with the latest financial advice to benefit your nonprofit Explains how to separate controllable, semi-controllable, and fixed expenses Reveals how you can prepare and present such top-notch budget documents that budgets will be approved the first time Written in a nontechnical, understandable format, incorporating dozens of relevant forms and documents, this completely revised and expanded edition will enable your nonprofit organization to create and manage reasonable financial plans that fit their organization's needs.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470642382

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