Книги автора Shirlee McCoy
Shirlee McCoy
практическая эзотерика, современные религиозные течения, саморазвитие / личностный рост, самосовершенствование, духовные практики, реинкарнация, скрытые возможности, управление судьбой, самопознание, божественная сущность, Крайон, Хроники АкашиWho could want to hurt a little girl in a pink princess dress?Grayson Sinclair vows to find out who's after his widowed neighbor and her chi…
Who could want to hurt a little girl in a pink princess dress?Grayson Sinclair vows to find out who's after his widowed neighbor and her chi…
Shirlee McCoy
финансово-экономические журналы, научно-практические журналы, государственное и муниципальное управление, Дальний Восток, управленческие решения, управленческая деятельностьEx-military man Eli Jennings owed his commander his life and vowed to repay him by finding his missing sister. His search led to Jasmine Har…
Ex-military man Eli Jennings owed his commander his life and vowed to repay him by finding his missing sister. His search led to Jasmine Har…
Shirlee McCoy
музыка, стихи и поэзия, юмор и сатира, поиски смысла жизни, духовные поиски, в поисках любви, поиск себяDANGER STRIKES AT CHRISTMASTIMEProtecting Virginia by Shirlee McCoyWhen foster care worker Virginia Johnson inherits her abusive late husban…
DANGER STRIKES AT CHRISTMASTIMEProtecting Virginia by Shirlee McCoyWhen foster care worker Virginia Johnson inherits her abusive late husban…
Shirlee McCoy
современная русская литература, проза жизни, житейские истории, женские судьбы, управление судьбой, в поисках счастья, эзотерическая прозаMa'am, I'm not one of the bad guys. So says the handsome man Martha Gabler encounters near her isolated mountain cabin. Tristan Sinclair cla…
Ma'am, I'm not one of the bad guys. So says the handsome man Martha Gabler encounters near her isolated mountain cabin. Tristan Sinclair cla…
Shirlee McCoy
историческая литература, Серебряный векRaven Stevenson was in Lakeview barely twenty-four hours when she heard those ominous words. She'd come to the small Virginie town to reconc…
Raven Stevenson was in Lakeview barely twenty-four hours when she heard those ominous words. She'd come to the small Virginie town to reconc…
Shirlee McCoy
документальная литератураTHE CHRISTMAS TARGETWhen new evidence surfaces that Harper Shelby's niece is possibly alive, Harper doesn't expect it to endanger her life. …
THE CHRISTMAS TARGETWhen new evidence surfaces that Harper Shelby's niece is possibly alive, Harper doesn't expect it to endanger her life. …
Shirlee McCoy
историческое фэнтези, юмористическое фэнтези, античная литература, становление героя, мистические боевики, Александр Македонский, сверхспособностиSomeone was watching Chloe Davidson She had the unsettling feeling the stalker was waiting to strike.But who could it be? After a heartbreak…
Someone was watching Chloe Davidson She had the unsettling feeling the stalker was waiting to strike.But who could it be? After a heartbreak…
Shirlee McCoy
интернет-бизнес, рукоделие и ремесла, интернет-маркетинг, брендинг, техника продаж, handmade, технологии продаж, интернет-торговля, личный брендTO SAVE A CHILDIn the dark of night, Quinn Robertson is on the run with her little niece, desperate to bring the child to her biological fat…
TO SAVE A CHILDIn the dark of night, Quinn Robertson is on the run with her little niece, desperate to bring the child to her biological fat…
Shirlee McCoy
политология, внешняя политика, национальная политика, дипломатия, Владимир Путин, Борис Ельцин, внешняя политика России, Михаил Горбачев, международные отношения, дипломатические отношенияEXPECTING—AND IN DANGERAttacked in her classroom, widowed teacher Ariel Martin’s only thought is for her unborn child. When her student’s br…
EXPECTING—AND IN DANGERAttacked in her classroom, widowed teacher Ariel Martin’s only thought is for her unborn child. When her student’s br…
Shirlee McCoy
современные детективы, кулинария, Италия, полицейское расследование, итальянская кухня, расследование убийств, национальные традиции, европейская кухняTHE WRONG TARGETWhen Trinity Miller’s attacked by a man who mistakenly believes she’s Mason Gains’s girlfriend, the reclusive prosthetic mak…
THE WRONG TARGETWhen Trinity Miller’s attacked by a man who mistakenly believes she’s Mason Gains’s girlfriend, the reclusive prosthetic mak…
Shirlee McCoy
любовно-фантастические романы, любовные испытания, космические приключения, сила любви, преодоление проблемLAWMAN ON A MISSIONAfter a prominent senator's son is murdered, Capitol K-9 Unit captain Gavin McCord wants answers. The senator was a mento…
LAWMAN ON A MISSIONAfter a prominent senator's son is murdered, Capitol K-9 Unit captain Gavin McCord wants answers. The senator was a mento…
Shirlee McCoy
биографии и мемуары, автобиографическая проза, трагедия семьи, превратности судьбы, самопознание, издательство Corpus, художественно-документальная литератураHER LIFE IS ON THE LINEFor a year, U.S. Marshal Hunter Davis has protected witness Annie Delacorte and her toddler daughter. But now, someon…
HER LIFE IS ON THE LINEFor a year, U.S. Marshal Hunter Davis has protected witness Annie Delacorte and her toddler daughter. But now, someon…
Shirlee McCoy
триллеры, исторические детективы, история России, детектив-бестселлер, исторические романыAlone in a country she didn't know well, chased by men who were willing to kill to get what they wanted, Lakeview veterinarian Tori Riley wo…
Alone in a country she didn't know well, chased by men who were willing to kill to get what they wanted, Lakeview veterinarian Tori Riley wo…
Shirlee McCoy
Someone was watching Chloe Davidson She had the unsettling feeling the stalker was waiting to strike.But who could it be? After a heartbreak…
Someone was watching Chloe Davidson She had the unsettling feeling the stalker was waiting to strike.But who could it be? After a heartbreak…
Shirlee McCoy
языковые словари, терминологические словари, английский язык, лексический материал, магистратура, бакалавриат, международная экономика, словарь терминов, экономические терминыChristmas Under FireSecurity and rescue specialist Stella Silverstone returns home for the holidays to care for her ailing grandmother—and f…
Christmas Under FireSecurity and rescue specialist Stella Silverstone returns home for the holidays to care for her ailing grandmother—and f…
Shirlee McCoy
Raven Stevenson was in Lakeview barely twenty-four hours when she heard those ominous words. She'd come to the small Virginie town to reconc…
Raven Stevenson was in Lakeview barely twenty-four hours when she heard those ominous words. She'd come to the small Virginie town to reconc…
Shirlee McCoy
CHRISTMAS COMES WRAPPED IN DANGER…. Holiday Hero by Shirlee McCoy – Emma Fairchild never expected to find trouble in sleepy Sagebrush, Texas…
CHRISTMAS COMES WRAPPED IN DANGER…. Holiday Hero by Shirlee McCoy – Emma Fairchild never expected to find trouble in sleepy Sagebrush, Texas…
Shirlee McCoy
современная русская литератураHER LIFE IS ON THE LINEFor a year, U.S. Marshal Hunter Davis has protected witness Annie Delacorte and her toddler daughter. But now, someon…
HER LIFE IS ON THE LINEFor a year, U.S. Marshal Hunter Davis has protected witness Annie Delacorte and her toddler daughter. But now, someon…
Shirlee McCoy
TO SAVE A CHILDIn the dark of night, Quinn Robertson is on the run with her little niece, desperate to bring the child to her biological fat…
TO SAVE A CHILDIn the dark of night, Quinn Robertson is on the run with her little niece, desperate to bring the child to her biological fat…
Shirlee McCoy
юмористическое фэнтези, любовное фэнтези, любовные интриги, магические способности, авантюрные приключения, магия и колдовствоAll that New York City cop Jude Sinclair wants is to get back on his feet, fighting crime.And as long as he's stuck recuperating in Virginia…
All that New York City cop Jude Sinclair wants is to get back on his feet, fighting crime.And as long as he's stuck recuperating in Virginia…