Полная версия:
The Santorini Marriage Bargain
She needed her mother. Mothers always knew what to say in these situations. He wondered where she lived, whether he ought to suggest he take her there. Even as he thought this, she drew in a deep, shuddering breath and, without looking at him, staring at the carpet instead, she said shakily, ‘I lost my job this morning. The company has been taken over and half the workforce has been given their cards. I was secretary to the general manager but it made no difference. I was asked to clear my desk and go, just like that.’
‘I see,’ he said quietly. ‘It’s not a practice I condone, but unfortunately it does happen. Where does your boyfriend fit into this?’
Rhianne shuddered, and once more he wanted to comfort her, but again he knew that it would be overstepping the mark.
‘I went home. I was angry and upset. I’d lost a job I love. And what did I find? My boyfriend—the man I was going to marry—making love to my best friend.’ And once more she burst into tears.
ZAREK couldn’t stop himself. Rhianne’s disclosure had disturbed him, and he took her into his arms and held her close, so close that he felt her heart beating rapidly against his chest, felt the sobs racking her body.
What sort of a man would do such a thing? Not a true and faithful friend. Not a man who loved Rhianne as much as she evidently loved him.
It was none of his business; he’d only just met her and ought not to feel anything, but because he had been instrumental in the accident he felt somehow involved.
‘The man’s a swine,’ he declared fiercely. ‘How could he do this to you? He doesn’t deserve your tears. He should be strung up to the highest tree. What did you say to him when you found him in such a predicament?’
‘I said nothing,’ admitted Rhianne, her mouth twisting into a wry grimace. ‘I ran away. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I felt sick. I just turned around and ran—and why am I telling you this? It’s my problem, not yours. I’m sorry, I should be going.’ She twisted out of his arms, feeling stupid now for having confessed. And he must think she was stupid for running away instead of facing up to Angus. The truth was she had been so deeply and utterly shocked, so overwhelmingly angry, that words could never have justified her feelings.
‘You’re going nowhere,’ he declared, folding his arms across his chest, his eyes suddenly fierce. ‘You’re in serious shock, and I don’t blame you. What you need to do is devise a plan of action.’
‘Action?’ queried Rhianne. ‘What I’d like to do is march back there and strangle them both with my bare hands.’
‘That is good.’
Rhianne dragged her brows together. ‘Good? How can wanting to kill someone be good?’
‘I mean anger is good. You need to get it out of your system. You need to release it and let it go. Take your anger out on me if you like. Then, when you are calmer, go back and confront these two people who have turned your life upside down.’
‘That’s easier said than done.’ Rhianne’s eyes flared a vivid blue, locking with Zarek’s steady brown ones, seeing there an understanding that she would never have expected from a stranger. It was hard to believe that she was here in this grand apartment with a man she had met under exceptional circumstances, talking about her private life. She dropped on to her chair.
‘May I be permitted to say that your friend cannot be much of a friend if she steals your future husband from you,’ he pointed out, sitting again himself, but on the edge of his seat this time, his elbows resting on his knees, his body leaning towards her. ‘Was this the first time, do you think? Or are you perhaps wondering how long it has been going on?’
Rhianne’s thoughts hadn’t even got this far. All she’d been able to think about was the fact that she’d caught them making love on the living room floor, such mad passionate love that for a few seconds they had not even been aware of her presence, not until she had cried out in anguish.
Then Angus had jumped to his feet, his face a picture of guilt and regret. ‘This isn’t what you think,’ he had said, snatching up his shirt and holding it in front of him.
Rhianne hadn’t deigned to answer. How could it be anything different when she had seen it with her own eyes? She hadn’t even looked at her flatmate, aware only that Annie had held a shocked hand over her mouth. She had spun on her heel instead and raced from the building, feeling sick with anger and disgust, knowing that the vivid picture of their naked bodies locked together would haunt her for a long time to come.
‘I don’t know and I don’t really care,’ declared Rhianne vehemently. ‘All I know is that I don’t want to see either of them again.’ She was still finding it hard to believe that they had both let her down. Her best friend and the man she was going to marry. She put her hand to her mouth and raced for the bathroom again.
Rhianne waited until she had composed herself before rejoining Zarek. In her absence he had ordered a carafe of iced water and, as he filled two glasses, the sound of ice cubes clinking together sounded loud in the room. Rhianne concentrated on the sound, allowing it to take over, to shut out all other thoughts.
Taking her elbow, Zarek led her outside to an enormous terrace with magnificent views over the Thames and the far reaches of London. It was filled with potted palms and flowering shrubs, populated at this moment by brightly coloured butterflies. A haven of peace in the middle of an insane world, thought Rhianne as Zarek urged her in to a padded chair before sitting down himself.
‘Are you feeling better?’ He was worried about her; she looked desperately pale, still beautiful but with no colour in her skin. It gave her a kind of ethereal beauty, and this woman who had erupted so suddenly into his life intrigued him.
She was such a strikingly good-looking woman that it was difficult to believe that her boyfriend would turn to someone else. If she were his, he would never want to let her out of his sight. Already he felt a strong urge to hold her and kiss her, reassure her that everything would be all right, at the same time taking pleasure in the feel of those full breasts pressing against his chest, her hips against his hips, thighs against thighs.
The thought caused a tightening of his muscles. The worst part was that he wanted to take her to bed, to make her forget everything that had happened. And yet it was this very thing, this act of greedy self-indulgence, that had sent her running.
Disgusted by his thoughts, Zarek busied himself refilling Rhianne’s glass. She hadn’t answered his question, so he asked her again, ‘How are you feeling?’
‘Like hell, if you must know,’ she declared fiercely, her hands clenching and unclenching on the arms of her chair. ‘We’ve known each other for two years; we’re in the middle of arranging our marriage. And now he does this. I hate him. And I hate my friend for being a part of it. I never want to see either of them again.’
‘But don’t you live with her?’ he asked carefully.
‘Not any more.’ Her eyes flashed angrily and beautifully. ‘I’m going to fetch my stuff and move out.’
‘Where will you go?’ Zarek suddenly realised that he didn’t want to let her out of his life. He wanted to help her. It was ridiculous when he didn’t know the first thing about her, but fate had brought them together, and he wanted to find out more: what made her tick, what she did for a living, about her family, her mother, her father, brothers and sisters—everything, in fact. ‘There’s room here.’
He tacked those last words on and then wished he hadn’t when Rhianne’s eyes opened wide with horror. ‘Move in with you—a complete stranger? The man who nearly killed me. Are you insane?’
‘It was just a thought,’ he said as patiently and nonchalantly as he could. It was a fight to remain calm and impartial when he wanted to offer her the sun and the stars and the moon. ‘Of course, you must do whatever you feel is right.’
‘I have another friend who’ll put me up,’ she told him firmly, taking a further sip of water and looking anywhere but at him.
‘No family?’ It was one of those times when she needed her family around her.
‘No!’ she declared quickly and tersely, and he didn’t follow it up because it was really none of his business.
In one respect he was glad she had turned him down because her big sad eyes overwhelmed him. On the other hand, surprisingly, he wanted her to depend on him. He wanted to tease her back to life, to see those blue eyes sparkling with happiness, to see colour in her cheeks and her mouth wide with laughter. She had incredible lips, full and wide and very, very sexy.
‘I’ll phone her now.’ Rhianne plucked her mobile phone from her bag and walked away from him to the edge of the terrace, leaning on the ornate wall and looking out across the river where life was going on as normal; no one there had had their world turned upside down. She couldn’t believe that this man, this stranger, had suggested she share his penthouse. What the hell was he thinking? Strangers didn’t make offers like that without an ulterior motive.
He wanted her in his bed, that was what. He thought that because her boyfriend had cheated on her that she would be willing to get her own back by turning to someone else. And although he had to be the most strikingly handsome man she’d ever met, he was too, too gorgeous, in fact—she was definitely not in the market for a quick affair. Zarek Diakos was seriously out of his mind if he had thought she would agree.
Karen answered after only two rings. ‘Rhianne, what’s wrong?’
Taken aback by her friend’s instant realization, she said, ‘How did you know?’
‘Because you never phone me when at I’m at work. Are you in trouble?’
‘Actually, yes,’ answered Rhianne, ‘but it will wait. I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking straight.’
‘Don’t you dare end the call,’ said Karen at once. ‘What’s up?’
‘I need somewhere to stay for a day or two.’
‘Then you’ve rung the right person. Have you fallen out with Annie?’
‘It’s worse than that.’ Her voice broke.
‘Don’t say anything now,’ urged her friend. ‘Tell me tonight. Get your clothes and come round after I’ve finished work. Are you all right until then?’
‘Yes,’ agreed Rhianne faintly.
‘I have to go,’ whispered Karen. ‘My boss is giving me the evil eye.’
‘Is it sorted?’ asked Zarek when she rejoined him.
He looked concerned, a faint frown creasing his brow, his eyes watchful on her face. She wished he wouldn’t look at her like that—as though he cared! It was guilt, of course, but even so she would have preferred he kept everything on an impersonal level.
Rhianne nodded faintly. ‘She’ll be home soon. I’ll return to my flat meantime and pack my bags.’
‘I’ll drive you,’ he said immediately.
‘That won’t be necessary.’
‘I think it is,’ he stated firmly. ‘You need someone with you in case your—er, friends are still there.’
Hot sparks flashed from Rhianne’s beautiful eyes. ‘I can handle them; I’m over it now.’
‘Are you?’ he asked darkly, his eyes burning into hers, seeming to see right into her soul.
He knew, she realised, that she hated the thought of returning, but it had to be done. Perhaps having him with her might help. At least she wouldn’t have to trundle her cases through the streets; he could take her right to Karen’s door. And if Angus should happen to be there then Zarek would be her back up. Even if it gave Angus the impression that she had run into the arms of another man, she didn’t care. It would serve him right. He certainly hadn’t thought of her feelings when he had made a play for her friend.
She still found it hard to believe that Annie would go behind her back like this. They’d gone through school together, university together. Her betrayal cut as deep as any surgeon’s knife.
Unaware that tears were streaming down her face again, Rhianne was shocked when Zarek stood up and pulled her into his arms. Actually, she needed comfort. She needed someone to tell her that it wasn’t the end of the world and that one day she would laugh at it.
‘Life has a habit of testing us,’ said Zarek in his deep, soft voice. ‘There are those of us who go under and there are those who rise above it and turn tragedy into triumph. Which category do you belong to?’
His rich dark eyes bored into hers, never blinking, never moving, and Rhianne knew what he expected her answer to be. ‘The latter,’ she said firmly, resolutely squaring her shoulders.
‘Then I have a suggestion which might help you in your hour of need, and it will certainly help me.’ He stepped back a pace but kept his hands on her shoulders.
Rhianne looked at him suspiciously. Why did she think that she might not like what he had to say? If he was going to suggest moving in with him again then—
‘My secretary is away on maternity leave,’ he told her, cutting into her thoughts. ‘I’ve had a series of temps, each one of them as hopeless as the last. The job’s yours if you want it.’
Snatching away from him, she stared in total amazement, her blue eyes wide and disbelieving. Why would he offer her a job when he didn’t even know her? It didn’t make sense. She felt that he would be a devil to work for, and this was why none of the others had come up to his expectations—but to offer her the job! ‘Is it to alleviate your guilt?’ she asked, unable to hide the suspicion in her voice.
When he answered, his tone was clipped and tight. ‘I wasn’t the guilty party—you stepped out in front of me, remember. You’re lucky I managed to stop so quickly. But it was foolish to think that you’d want to work for me. I take back the offer. Let’s go. The sooner you’re out of my hair the better.’
Immediately Rhianne regretted her words. She was doing herself a disservice. Where else would she be made such a good offer? ‘You took me by surprise,’ she said quietly. ‘I hadn’t even got round to thinking about finding another job.’ All she’d been able to think about was Angus’s deception, the hurt she’d felt, still did feel. But she had to live; she needed money—why not take Zarek up on his offer?
His face was all hard angles, his eyes brilliantly cold. He stood in front of her like a Roman general, tall and imposing, back straight, chin high. There was no sign of the man who had held her close to his heart, who had caused tiny sensations to creep into her traumatised body.
‘Can you reinstate the offer?’ Rhianne’s voice sounded tiny and hesitant when she had hoped it would be strong. She feigned a smile. ‘I wasn’t thinking straight.’
‘Evidently, or you’d have snapped my hands off. I pay well, but I expect nothing less than perfection. Are you an efficient secretary?’
Don’t you think you ought to have asked me this before making your offer? The question formed in Rhianne’s mind but she didn’t voice it. ‘The best,’ she answered firmly, taking her courage in both hands and sticking her nose up in the air.
‘Then it’s a deal. Come, let us go.’
Zarek realised that he had behaved entirely out of character. He didn’t normally make offers without thinking them through—so what was different on this occasion? Rhianne Pickering was different, that was what. As well as feeling sorry for her, he was intrigued. He wanted to see more of her, find out more about her, and what better way than having her work for him?
Although he remained silent on the journey, he was conscious of her presence beside him. She was totally different to any other woman he knew, already getting beneath his skin in a way he’d never expected. He was looking forward to working with her, very much aware that it would give him the perfect opportunity to get to know her better.
The block of flats where Rhianne lived were plain and ordinary, and as they went up in the lift to the third floor, standing silently side by side, facing the graffiti-covered doors, he wondered how she could have lived here. She was a classy lady and ought to be spending her time in an equally classy apartment.
He tried not to imagine her living with him in the penthouse, or in his villa in Santorini, but somehow he couldn’t help himself. He could imagine her swimming in his pool, all her cares forgotten, laughing and happy, her amazing blue eyes alight with mischief, her white teeth flashing as she smiled into his face.
Glancing at her, he saw the way her fingers were curled into her palms, the way her lips were clamped tightly together, a frown drawing her perfectly shaped brows down over her eyes.
Without even stopping to think what he was doing, Zarek took her hands into his and turned her to face him. ‘Are you sure you’re up to this?’
Rhianne stiffened, her eyes evading his. ‘It has to be done.’
‘Do you think he’ll be gone?’
‘I hope so.’
‘I’ll support you if necessary,’ he said softly. Although everything that had happened was no fault of his, he felt a powerful urge to look after this woman who had had her world so swiftly turned upside down, who had experienced the worst day of her life, who was alone and vulnerable and needed a male figure to stand by her.
‘There’s really no need.’ Rhianne’s eyes flickered up towards his face, and there was a brief second when she held the contact, when something flowed between them, but he never found out what would have happened because the lift doors opened and she turned swiftly away.
He had briefly seen gratitude, but her back was to him now as she turned her key in the lock, hesitating for just a moment before pushing open the door, then, squaring her shoulders, moving inside. Zarek followed more slowly, glancing around the room with interest.
Rhianne had been dreading this moment, and her heart drummed loudly, echoing through her body in painful little bursts. All she could see in her mind’s eye was Angus and Annie. Together!
To her relief the flat was empty—she hadn’t checked the bedrooms, of course, but there was no sound save for the drum of her heart, and she glanced over her shoulder at Zarek, smiling faintly.
He gave a nod of understanding but remained near the door. He had closed it quietly behind him, not intruding, giving her space and time to do whatever she had to do. She was glad of his presence. In truth, she had been dreading coming back here for fear of what she might find.
But her sense of relief was short-lived when she saw Angus’s tie draped over the back of a chair. Angus was a rep for a pharmaceutical company and always wore suits and ties. Had he left in a hurry after she’d walked in on their lovemaking? Or was he still here?
Annie’s bedroom door was closed, and there was no sound, but Rhianne’s curiosity took her across the room. Without even stopping to think, she pushed open the door. The room was unoccupied, but as her eyes roved the space she saw further evidence that Angus had been here, perhaps even stayed. A pair of shoes in the corner, the sleeve of a shirt hanging out of the washing basket, and Rhianne knew instinctively that if she opened the wardrobe she would see one of his suits hanging there.
Actually, now that her initial anger and revulsion was over, Rhianne realised that she ought to have seen something like this coming. Angus had always had a reputation for being a womanizer, but she’d ignored that fact when he’d asked her to go out with him, believing him when he’d said she was special. And when he’d asked her to marry him, she had said yes immediately.
Only later, when their wedding arrangements were being made, had she begun to have doubts. There had been whispers that he was seeing other women; she’d actually tackled him about it, but he had convinced her that there was no truth in it, that he loved her and wanted to marry her, and, stupidly, she had believed him.
But to bed her best friend! Why, she asked herself, had she never seen the signs before? How had they managed to keep their liaison a secret?
She slammed the door shut, and immediately Zarek crossed the room and pulled her hard against him. He didn’t speak; he seemed to know instinctively that no words would make her feel better.
Rhianne felt his strength seep into her. It was easy to forget that he was a stranger whom she’d met only a few hours ago. He was her saviour, holding her strongly when she felt like collapsing, stroking her hair, murmuring in his native language, finally, tilting her chin with a gentle finger, compelling her to look into his face.
And suddenly he was kissing her—and she was kissing him back! Hungrily and deeply, taking and savouring, her body flooding with alien passion. How could it be happening? How could she react like this when she was still upset by Angus’s cavalier attitude? The truth was Zarek’s kiss meant a whole lot more to her than Angus’s ever had.
Angus had considered himself a lady’s man, God’s gift to women—which she had blindly ignored—but Zarek was in a whole different league. She sensed that immediately. He wasn’t taking advantage of her weakness, he was comforting her. And how!
Her head began to spin, and when he put her from him she clung to the doorpost for support. Wow! A raging heat consumed her, and she was in such a daze that it was impossible to move.
Whether Zarek knew that it was because of his kiss, or whether he thought it was still a reaction to her fiancé’s perfidy, she didn’t know. But, whatever, he took command.
‘Let me help you pack,’ he said. ‘Where are your suitcases?’
Rhianne ineffectively tried to clear her head. He must think her an idiot standing there with her mouth open and her eyes wide. She pointed across the room, and he dragged them from the cupboard.
‘Right, I’ll empty your wardrobe, you do the drawers.’
Never had she imagined that she would let a man, a stranger at that, fold her dresses and skirts and place them carefully into a case. She was mesmerised by the way he did it, by the way he stroked out the creases before putting the next garment on top. Until he looked at her, until his dark eyes smiled and teased. ‘Do I have to do everything?’
Mentally shaking herself, Rhianne slid open drawers and threw her undies into the other case, going hot at the thought that if he hadn’t urged her into action, it would have been his hands lifting her intimate garments. And then the next time she wore them she would have remembered that he had touched them, maybe even covertly examined them. It didn’t bear thinking about.
How one comforting kiss could have sent her into such a tizz she didn’t know. Because that was all it had been. He had meant nothing by it.
‘You shouldn’t have kissed me,’ she said, and then wished she hadn’t because it gave too much of herself away.
‘You were hurting, I wanted to kiss you better.’
‘I’m not a child,’ she shot back, knowing she was overreacting but unable to help herself. She had enjoyed the kiss! Enjoyed it, for heaven’s sake, and that scared the hell out of her! She felt awful. How could this be happening? But worse still, she had promised to work for him. They would be in close proximity for several hours each day. She couldn’t do it. Not with the memory of his kiss hanging between them like a tantalising fruit.
‘I’m very much aware of that fact,’ Zarek informed her, his voice suddenly terse. ‘I am merely here to provide support. What happened was unfortunate. If you can put it behind you then the job is still yours, if you cannot forgive me then I will take you to your friend’s house, and you will never see me again.’
He paused for a moment, his eyes connecting with hers, cool brown fighting hot blue, and Rhianne knew that she had a hard decision to make.
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