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The Billionaire's Blackmail Bargain
‘And to the future,’ he said. ‘Whatever that might hold.’
There was silence for a few seconds, each deep in their own thoughts, and then Cade smiled and said, ‘I’ve ordered oysters for our entrée, Simone. Kilpatrick, just as you like them.’
He remembered. But oysters? Oysters and champagne— both aphrodisiacs, allegedly! Was that what this evening was all about? Did he want to get her into his bed?
The very thought sent serious sensations zinging their way through her. She tightened the muscles at the apex of her thighs, and vowed not to let herself give way to temptation. The trouble was he was still so utterly, utterly gorgeous. Long, dark lashes framed his amazing golden eyes, his nose was straight and only slightly flared, and his mouth—not too generous, not too small— Well, she ached to be kissed by those exciting lips.
‘Of course, there’d be interest to pay.’ He was back to the main topic of conversation.
Faint alarm had her looking sharply at him. ‘Even though you’d be a partner?’
‘Even so.’ He pushed himself up and walked ever so slowly round the table towards her, his eyes on hers every inch of the way, never deviating, never blinking.
Simone’s heartbeats increased to a treacherous level. She had a feeling she wasn’t going to like what he had to say next. He wasn’t talking about money here, it was something far more dangerous.
‘So what is it exactly you want from me, Cade?’ she asked when he came to a halt at her side. She could feel the heat of his skin, see the dark pupil in the centre of his eyes, smell the dangerous male scent of him. Every one of her senses was on high alert.
‘I’ll turn your company around in return for…’
Simone knew what he was doing. He was testing her nerves, wanting to see whether she’d back out before he put any clauses into their agreement. She stood up and looked straight into his face, trying not to show the panic swirling inside her.
His golden eyes blazed into hers, claiming her, making her his before he’d even spoken. ‘In return for you in bed beside me. Every night. As my mistress. No concessions. If you want to keep your business, you’ve no choice.’
CADE watched Simone’s changing emotions. Her outrage at his suggestion that she become his mistress was exactly what he’d expected. She would come round, though. He was prepared to bet his last dollar on it. She’d made it perfectly clear that she didn’t want to lose her company.
In theory he already part-owned it.
His lips thinned as he recalled that fateful day when he’d signed his inheritance away. Despite her protestations, Simone had been involved in that and he wanted to take hold of her and shake her until she begged for mercy. Then he smiled to himself. Making her his mistress would definitely be a more pleasurable way of punishing her than anything else he could think up.
She’d already sent out enough signals to show her interest, and he knew that she was going to agree to his request. It was simply a matter of fighting her conscience. It amused him to watch the conflicting emotions cross her face.
‘Surely you must know I can’t do it?’ she asked, her deeply violet eyes sparking with indignation, her whole body rejecting his suggestion. ‘I cannot possibly prostitute myself like that.’
Cade struggled to control lips desperately trying to smile. She looked beautiful in her anger, so much so that he wanted to kiss her. In fact, he wanted to take her to bed right now. ‘From where I’m standing you don’t have much choice,’ he said, his heart leaping at the thought of the pleasure that would stem from such a liaison.
‘Everyone has a choice,’ she told him heatedly. ‘I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to do.’
‘So you’d rather lose your company?’ He moved a few inches closer. ‘The choice is yours, Simone. But if you do agree then the repayment will be as I have outlined. What you and your father did to me was unpardonable, Simone. If I help you, then you owe me big time.’
‘My father—’
He didn’t allow her to finish. His eyes hardened. ‘Forget the excuses. They won’t wash, and I’m tired of hearing them.’ Anger surfaced as memories returned.
‘So you want my body instead?’ she snapped.
‘I’m simply eliciting a long-overdue payment,’ he answered tersely. ‘And, if you care as much about MM Charters as you profess, you really have no other option.’
Exactly, thought Simone. But she sure as hell wasn’t going to let him walk all over her. She was no pussycat; this cat had claws, and she would use them if necessary. However she felt about Cade, the thought of becoming his mistress was both exhilarating and devastating at the same time. It would be the ultimate humiliation for her—but would the saving of her company more than make up for it?
‘I’ll need to think about it,’ she said quietly.
But Cade shook his head. He had no intention of letting her go that easily. When he’d seen her in the restaurant it had set off a chain of emotions, and he’d known there and then that he had to have her one more time. Treading gently wasn’t part of his make-up, and if he wanted something he went all out to get it. He’d applied that principle in every aspect of his life, both business and personal, and he wasn’t about to change. ‘I’m sorry, Simone, but I need an answer now or the offer’s withdrawn,’ he told her none too gently.
He enjoyed watching the battle she had with herself. She turned away from him and crossed towards the window, folding her arms and staring out blindly into the night.
‘Perhaps,’ he said quietly, following her, ‘I should give you a taste of what you’ll be missing should you turn down my offer.’ And without even waiting for a response he twisted her round into his arms. He felt her limbs go taut and he knew that she would hate every moment. Nevertheless he snaked a hand round the back of her neck and lowered his face to hers.
When their lips met sensations flew in all directions. His body flooded with red-hot desire. He kissed her deep and hard, running his tongue inside her mouth, tasting the sweetness of her, feeling her involuntary response.
Fire raged in his chest, in his loins, and he wanted her so badly that it hurt. She smelled so heavenly, tasted so good, that he didn’t want to let her go.
If this was an indication of things to come, should Simone agree to his conditions, then the whole experience would be well worth the cost. He’d be getting the business he wanted and the sweetest of revenges into the bargain.
Simone’s heart drummed unsteadily. It felt like a live thing in her breast, hollering to be let out. Panic stations had set in when Cade had kissed her, and despite lecturing herself on the stupidity of returning his kiss she’d been unable to help herself. It had been an instinctive response to a man who could liquefy her bones with one glance. A man who could turn her world upside down without even speaking.
One touch and she was putty in his hands. One dark glance out of those devilishly golden eyes and she was his. She hated herself for being weak, but in truth she wanted his kisses; she wanted him to make love to her.
He created excitement such as she had never experienced before. Not even when they’d been going out together. Everything had intensified. But to barter her body for a business deal—could she even consider doing such a thing? Her answer was a resounding yes. MM Charters meant everything to Simone, and she had to be honest and admit that it wasn’t as though she wouldn’t enjoy sleeping with Cade. It would be mind-blowing, like it always had been between them. But it was the afterwards that bothered her. How would she feel then, when it was all over? When Cade had finished using her and had discarded her—would she be able to walk away too?
She dared not think along those lines. She had felt dead inside for months after he’d gone last time. She had to think of this moment, of the trouble she was in now, and Cade’s offer of help.
Simone drew in a deep breath, closed her eyes and then snapped them open, finding herself looking into a barrier of intense gold. ‘I’ll do it,’ she said quickly before she could change her mind.
His response was to kiss her again. She felt the hot strength of his body against hers, the throbbing of his heart almost in unison with her own, and the urgent need that rose inside her. It almost made her ashamed of herself. She was selling her body—and yet kissing Cade felt so right. It always had done. Their sex life had been incredible. He had taught her so much.
The kiss was fierce but short. She was disappointed when Cade took her shoulders and put her from him. ‘Good, I’m glad that’s settled,’ he said matter-of-factly. ‘Let’s start our dinner.’
Humiliation filled Simone, hot and strong. Stark realisation hit hard in her chest. This was nothing more than a business deal to Cade, whereas she had stupidly felt a stirring of old emotions. He was going to take her body whenever he felt like it, but there would be no love involved, no tenderness. It was as simple as that.
They ate their meal in silence, Simone simply picking at the oysters and the excellent barramundi that followed, shaking her head when Cade suggested dessert.
‘Do you remember the Valentine’s Ball?’
His question took her by surprise. How could she not remember? It had been the first time Cade had taken her out, and she had worn a beautiful off-the-shoulder dress in emerald satin. He had told her that she looked a million dollars, and she had glowed beneath his compliment.
When he’d seen her home at the end of the evening she had felt as though she was walking on air. And after that their romance had blossomed sensationally.
‘I will remember it for ever,’ she answered, unaware how wistful her voice had gone.
‘You were stunning even then.’ His eyes made a study of her face, watching every fleeting expression, resting for several long seconds on the soft contours of her mouth.
Hiding her reaction was a sheer impossibility, thought Simone, as she touched a nervous tongue to lips that had gone dry. And when those same gorgeous eyes visited each part of her body in turn she felt an even more dramatic arousal of feelings.
She had no idea that her breathing had deepened, that her breasts were rising and falling a little faster than usual. Or that Cade had observed this tiny detail. ‘Maybe we should drink our coffee somewhere more comfortable,’ he suggested.
But not sit together, decided Simone, choosing an easy chair rather than one of the sofas. Lamps in the beautifully appointed apartment bathed the whole room in softly seductive light. At any other time…
Cade fixed himself a drink at the bar, and Simone was pleased at the temporary respite from his presence. Nevertheless she couldn’t take her eyes off him. She watched every movement he made. His clothes both hid and revealed a body that was in great shape. One that had once belonged intimately to her.
He was the one man she had truly loved—and then lost for ever.
‘Are you sure you don’t want one?’ He looked up and smiled, and her heart did a flip.
‘I’m sure,’ she answered, her voice kitten-soft.
When he returned to his seat she avoided looking at him. He was seriously sexy and out to charm her again—but for no reason other than she was part of his business plan. She must remember that.
Everything inside her had sprung into life, until she felt as though she was wired to a machine that kept shooting electrical impulses through her veins. She wished he had never come back. She’d had her heart broken once by him, and if a heart could be broken a second time then Cade was the man to do it.
Long minutes ticked by when neither of them spoke. Cade watched Simone through half-closed eyes, a faint smile on his lips, arousing her without the need for words. This was an old game between them, and one they had played many times before. Simone thought back to how it had usually played out. When she had taken so much that her insides had begun to sizzle. She used to respond to Cade’s silent arousals by stripping her clothes off in a slow, seductive dance. Then she’d begin to unrobe him as well—except usually by that time he’d been too impatient and had torn his clothes off himself.
But if he thought his tactics would work now he was deeply mistaken. OK, she’d agreed to become his mistress, but she wasn’t giving him her body quite so easily this time around.
Then Cade broke the spell by speaking on a totally different subject. ‘I actually expected you to be married by now.’
Simone drew in a deep breath, pulling a wry face as she did so. She might as well tell him the truth; he would find out anyway. ‘I was married, actually. I’m divorced.’ She added bitterly, ‘It’s another part of my life that ended in disaster.’
Dark brows rose, and there was a long pause when she could see his mind working overtime before he asked, ‘What happened?’
‘He walked out on me,’ she answered tersely. ‘He met someone else.’ It was all she was prepared to tell him at this stage.
‘I’m sorry,’ he said, and oddly enough he sounded as though he meant it. ‘And there’s no one else who might be upset if he knew I was entertaining you here? If he knew the position you’re now in?’
‘Would I have agreed if there was?’ snapped Simone.
Cade smiled exultantly.
Simone felt like slapping him. Instead she shot a retaliatory question. ‘Have you ever married?’ There was no ring on his finger, but that didn’t mean a thing.
He shook his head. ‘I’ve had no time. Girlfriends, yes, but marriage has definitely been off my agenda.’
Simone was surprised. If he could afford to bail her out, throw in as much as it needed to buy a new fleet of sailing vessels without even batting an eyelid, then he had to be seriously rich. And seriously rich men attracted girls by the dozen. So why hadn’t one of them captured his heart?
‘Or is it that you’ve set yourself impossibly high standards?’ she asked without thinking, and Cade’s harsh response surprised her.
‘When someone lets you down badly it does make you think twice,’ he snarled, his eyes cutting through hers like twin blades of ice. ‘Trust has to be earned, and no one yet has earned enough merit points.’
It felt like a direct dig, at her and Simone silently winced. Nevertheless she raised her chin and looked at him boldly. ‘Merit points? How calculating. Exactly what are you looking for in a wife, Cade? No one’s perfect.’
‘As I discovered for myself, most brutally. Maybe there’s a halfway mark somewhere.’
His eyes darkened as he looked at her. Simone felt a trickle of something slide down her spine. Was it fear or hope? Need she be afraid of him? He was going to help her. That had to be good. But the cost was exorbitantly high, and she couldn’t help wondering whether it would be worth it.
Feeling a desperate need to change the subject, she said, ‘Exactly what is it you propose to do—as far as my company’s concerned?’
Cade set his glass down and changed instantly into business mode. ‘I’ve drawn up a rough plan of action— provided you agree, of course.’ But his dangerous eyes told her that she had no option.
‘Naturally the first thing would be a whole new fleet of boats, which I’ve already looked into ordering. Then your offices would need to be totally revamped, everything brought bang up to date.’
Simone widened her eyes. ‘Is that necessary?’ It was an entirely unexpected suggestion, and she couldn’t see his reasoning behind it. What was wrong with her office?
‘It’s very necessary. A new image will do the business a world of good,’ he answered bluntly.
Cade clearly knew what he was talking about, and it was his money he was spending, so who was she to argue? ‘So, tell me about your company,’ she said finally, not realising that it looked as though she was agreeing to his suggestion.
Cade smiled and settled back into his seat. This was clearly a subject he relished. ‘I started with one boat, specialising in corporate charter, and was amazed how quickly it took off. Of course, the season’s shorter in the UK, but I did very well. I ended up buying more vessels even after one season.’
‘I’m pleased for you,’ she said, and surprised herself by meaning it. Cade had exactly the right outlook on life to succeed in whatever he did, and she felt sure that her father’s trickery had helped make him into the tough businessman he was today.
‘How big is your fleet?’
‘To be honest, I’m not sure,’ came his staggering answer. ‘I’ve expanded into Europe, so the company is growing at an incredible rate.’
Simone raised her brows. ‘So much so soon!’ She didn’t realise how sour her voice was. ‘You must be very good at it,’ she conceded. ‘I wish my father had had your acumen; I wouldn’t be in the trouble I’m in now. Actually, I think he only passed the business on to me because it was failing. Except that he didn’t tell me. I was thrilled and so grateful, and now look at the position I’m in.’
‘You’re forgetting that you have me to bail you out,’ he said with a droll smile. ‘Your money worries are over.’
He looked calm and reassuring, happy to be of help, and yet she knew perfectly well that beneath the surface lay a cold, calculating brain, and that he was going to walk all over her. She desperately needed his help—he was her lifesaver—but she couldn’t rid her mind of the fear that one day she would regret her decision.
‘I’d like to go home now,’ she said quietly.
‘Home?’ he repeated, crooking one eyebrow. ‘Have you already forgotten we’ve struck a deal? Your place is here with me.’
Simone hadn’t expected him to want his pound of flesh so instantly, and fire flared from her deeply purple eyes. ‘Forgive me, but I don’t remember setting a date and time for the deal. No job starts immediately.’
‘Job?’ Distinct amusement curved his mouth and added creases to the corners of his eyes. ‘Is that how you see the title of mistress? Interesting! But of course you must go home.’
Instant relief filled Simone, though her reprieve was short-lived.
‘You’ll need to collect whatever clothes and toiletries you might need—and perhaps tell your father what you’re doing.’
‘So I’m expected back here this evening?’ she questioned, panic in her voice now.
‘You have a problem with that? We can of course forget the whole thing. I’ll sit by and watch your company sink into the Pacific without trace, and then I’ll pick up the threads and establish myself a very profitable concern.’ His voice dipped lower and his eyes locked into hers. ‘Would you like that, Simone?’
The expression on her face was his answer.
‘No, I didn’t think so. Excuse me a moment…’ He summoned his driver to have the car ready, and when it came she had no choice but to accompany him out of the hotel to the waiting limousine.
She didn’t speak for the entire journey, far too conscious that in a few hours’ time she would be sharing Cade’s bed. It would be the ultimate sacrifice, and would mean that the family business would be safe for ever. She was doing all this for her mother’s sake. At least that was what she kept telling herself. It couldn’t be that she hungered for Cade’s body, could it? No! She wanted to put money back into the bank in the sure knowledge that her father would be unable to touch it. How he would hate that. And how happy she would be.
When they arrived at her house she scrambled out of the car. ‘I won’t be long,’ she promised, and ran up the steps, unaware that Cade had silently followed until he took the key from her hand. ‘Allow me.’
‘There’s no need,’ she declared in panic. Was there to be no respite from this man? She had hoped for breathing space before committing herself to him. Instead he wasn’t giving her a second’s time to herself. Was he afraid that she might change her mind?
He turned the key and pushed open the door, stepping inside before her. The alarm was set and Simone turned it off, accepting the fact that her father was not home. Perhaps that was just as well! She didn’t want the two men to meet.
‘I find it hard to believe you’re still living in this house,’ he said with a surprising change of subject, moving further along the hall towards the family room. ‘Doesn’t it bother you? Where did you live when you were married—not here, surely?’
Simone couldn’t see that it was any of his business. She loved this house. It was where she had been born and brought up, and she would always call it home.
‘We bought a house,’ she told him quietly. ‘But I came home when it didn’t work out.’ And now she hadn’t the money to live anywhere else. Her time would come, though; her saviour was right here beside her, a stepping-stone to a better life.
Simone didn’t realise that she was staring at Cade until he took a step closer, his eyes on her lips, and she sensed that he was going to kiss her again. She moved quickly. ‘I’ll go and pack my bags,’ she said quickly in a tight, strangled voice.
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