Полная версия:
Married Again to the Millionaire
Adam felt a band tighten around his heart. He felt physical pain. His son had been close to death and he had known nothing about it! The blood roared in his head and he quickly closed the space between him and Sienna, taking her shoulders, gripping them so hard that he saw her wince. But he did not care.
‘What sort of a mother are you,’ he growled, ‘denying your son his father? Especially at a time like that. How could you? I’m presuming that he’s all right now?’
Sienna nodded and swallowed hard but she did not try to pull away from him. She stood there and looked sadly into his eyes.
He saw tears, big fat tears that welled and escaped and rolled slowly down her cheeks. One half of him wanted to brush them gently away with the tip of a caring finger, the other half, the angry half, wanted to shake her to within an inch of her life.
In the end he did neither. He released her and, pulling a handkerchief from his pocket, pushed it into her hand. Then he turned away, contemplating the London skyline instead. Not that he saw anything. His eyes were blinded by fury, by disappointment, by the knowledge that his son, his own flesh and blood, had lain at death’s door and he had been left in ignorance.
Adam felt a lump in his throat and an odd feeling he could not put a name to. He was not usually an emotional man, keeping an iron control over his feelings. He had a ruthless work ethic and it often crept into his home life as well. And yet Sienna had found a chink in his armour. She had hit him hard with this fresh piece of information.
Accepting the fact that he had a son had been bad enough, but to hear that he had almost died knocked him for six. How long he stood there staring into space he didn’t know. It was not until he heard Sienna’s tentative voice behind him that he snapped himself back to the present and turned to look at her.
Her eyes, which were sometimes more turquoise than blue, were incredibly pale at this moment. ‘I’m sorry.’ And her voice was so low as to be almost inaudible.
‘Pray tell me,’ he growled, breathing hard and looking fiercely into her face. ‘Would you have ever told me if—if my son—’ he wanted to say the name Ethan but he couldn’t get his head round it yet ‘—hadn’t fallen ill?’
‘I don’t know,’ answered Sienna quietly, still not taking her eyes away from his. ‘I honestly don’t know. But your reaction tells me that I did the right thing. You still don’t want children, do you? You still put your work first.’
Adam didn’t answer. She was so damned right that he felt guilty.
‘Ethan would have had no father figure to look up to if we had stayed and lived with you. He’d be in bed when you got home and you’d have left for your office before he rose each morning. Not an ideal life for a child.’
She paused but he still didn’t answer, he couldn’t answer. Every word she spoke was the absolute truth.
‘But,’ she continued, ‘I think he should know who his father is. Just as I think you should meet Ethan. We can still carry on living our separate lives.’
‘In other words,’ he growled, hating the scenario she had described, even though it was probably true, ‘you will now be well within your rights to claim money from me. Just as I thought.’
‘Damn you, Adam Bannerman! I want nothing from you except a father’s love for his child. I might have known it was too much to expect.’ Her eyes glittered as she swung around on her dangerously high heels.
The next second he heard a sharp crack and Sienna stumbled as one of her heels snapped off. He moved like lightning and caught her before she hit the floor, wrapping his arms around her and jerking her hard against him.
He had forgotten what she felt like. And what she smelled like. A summer’s evening after rain. A delicate fragrance that briefly drugged his senses. She had grown into a beautiful, sensual woman.
He felt himself grow hard and quickly thrust her away from him. Damn! Sienna had just devastated him with her news. He should be hating her, not feeling raw hunger.
Neither did he want her to know that she still had the power to arouse him in case she used it to her advantage. He still wasn’t entirely sure that her sole reason for coming there was to tell him about Ethan’s illness. Why do something like that after the event? There had to be more to it.
Sienna felt stupid. If she hadn’t moved so quickly she wouldn’t have broken her heel. What was she to do now? Walk home barefoot? Hobble? Call a taxi—which she could ill afford?
She had borrowed the shoes from a friend, now she would have to pay for a new pair. But not only had she ruined a shoe, it was her dignity as well. She should have known it was a bad idea. Adam had reacted in exactly the way she had expected him to.
She glared at him as she slipped off her other shoe and marched indoors. She did not want to spend another minute in his suffocating presence.
‘Where do you think you are going?’ Adam’s harsh voice sounded over her shoulder.
‘Home.’ That one single word was as much as she could muster.
‘And how far are you going to get without shoes on your feet?’ he wanted to know. ‘Don’t be ridiculous, Sienna.’
‘So what am I supposed to do?’ she asked angrily, turning to face him. ‘Perhaps you’d like to pay for a taxi?’
‘I could do that,’ he said slowly. ‘Or I could take you myself. And meet this boy I am supposed to have fathered.’
His eyes met and held hers but Sienna saw red. ‘Supposed?’ she queried, her eyes flashing hot sparks. ‘Thanks for your offer, but no thanks. If and when you two ever meet, I want to prepare Ethan first. He doesn’t know about you yet.’
‘So who does he think his father is?’ asked Adam, a sudden fiercely quizzical look in his eyes.
Sienna shrugged. ‘He’s not old enough to ask questions like that.’ Actually, Ethan had more than once asked her why he didn’t have a daddy but she’d always managed to avoid a definite answer, thankful that there were other single mothers at the nursery he attended. She believed that it would be best to tell him when he was older, when he could understand better.
‘But he will have to know one day. So why not now?’ Adam insisted.
‘Because I need to prepare him,’ she answered sharply. ‘I can’t suddenly introduce his father to him. I need to talk to him first, make sure he understands why you haven’t been a part of his life.’
To her annoyance Adam’s lips pulled into a brief, dry smile. ‘And you will tell him—what? That his father’s been busy making money? Actually, it should impress him. It does most people.’
‘Most people don’t know the agony it causes,’ flared Sienna. ‘It’s no life living with someone who’s rarely home.’ She saw a pulse jerk in Adam’s jaw and knew she had hit a raw nerve. Good! He deserved it. ‘I’d be obliged if you’d phone for a taxi.’
Adam closed his eyes momentarily and Sienna knew that he was warring with himself as to whether to do as she asked or insist that he run her home himself. If only she hadn’t broken her stupid heel. She did not want him anywhere near where she lived. She had been protecting herself as well when she’d said that she needed to prepare Ethan.
Just as she had begun to think that Adam was ignoring her request he reached out for the phone and barked a request.
‘My driver is at your disposal.’
Sienna’s brows rose though she said nothing, privately wondering whether there was anything this man could not organise at a moment’s notice. Money spoke. And money ruined marriages! She compressed her lips and nodded her thanks.
‘Before you leave I propose we arrange another meeting. We need to talk about our son and his future.’
Sienna felt her heart drop. It had been hard coming there, it would be even harder seeing him a second time. She had dropped a bombshell, which he would pick up and dissect and come back at her with suggestions that she would not like. Even though it was to be expected, even though she was the one who had started the ball rolling, she felt her whole body grow icy cold at the thought of seeing Adam again, of talking about Ethan, arranging for them to meet.
It was something she had shied away from for the past four years. She had known that Adam wouldn’t want his life disrupted. But now she had done it, and she had to face the consequences. It was quite possible that he might insist she and Ethan move in with him. How disastrous would that be? On the other hand he might be happy to settle a sum of money on them. Wasn’t money his god? Wasn’t it all he wanted in life? His answer to everything?
Ethan would naturally be delighted to meet his father. He wouldn’t know that Adam would remain a distant figure, seen only occasionally. So it would be up to her to stand her ground, declare that they were happy living as they were. She would allow him access, but as for anything else…
‘What are you suggesting?’ she asked stiffly. She was missing the extra three inches her shoes had afforded her. She needed to look up now into his face and it put her at a definite disadvantage. Nevertheless, she kept her chin high and her eyes cold.
‘Dinner tomorrow night?’
‘I thought you always worked late?’ Her response came back with the speed of a bullet.
Even though Adam smiled, it did not reach his eyes. ‘I’m prepared to make an exception.’
So miracles did happen! Or would it be a one-off? She’d like to bet that he would rarely make such exceptions. In the beginning maybe, but soon he would be back to his old lifestyle and poor Ethan would be left wondering what had happened to the father he had only just met.
‘Very well,’ she agreed reluctantly. ‘I guess there are things we need to talk about.’
‘I’ll send a car for you.’
Sienna raised her brows. He would send a car! Not he would pick her up. Oh, no, he didn’t have time for that. He would send his driver. It would give him extra time at the office. Damn the man. She felt like slinging his suggestion back in his face, telling him that he didn’t deserve to meet his son, he would be a failure as a father and she wished that she had never set eyes on him in the first place. But, of course, she said none of these things.
‘Eight o’clock. You do have someone who can look after…Ethan?’
It was the way he said his son’s name, the awkward way he said it, that made Sienna realise that the shock she had given Adam went far deeper than she had at first thought. It had shifted the earth from beneath his feet and he was having great difficulty in getting used to the idea.
Had she made a mistake? A big mistake? Nevertheless, she nodded. ‘I have a friend who will look after him.’
‘Good.’ The word came out harshly. ‘Till tomorrow, then.’
Within minutes Sienna was being driven away from the riverside development, sitting like royalty in the back of a gleaming black Bentley. In the rearview mirror she could see the driver’s impassive face and knew he must be wondering who she was and what sort of a relationship she had with his employer. If only he knew!
Sienna lived in a rented two-bedroom ground-floor apartment in the north London suburbs and as Adam’s driver pulled up outside she could imagine what he must be thinking. Nevertheless, she held her head high and her shoes in her hand.
Once indoors she flopped down on a chair in her living room. Tiny in comparison to Adam’s oversized apartment, but comfortable. She had everything she needed here. Dropping her head back, she let out a deep sigh. It had taken a lot of courage facing Adam today and where had it got her? Precisely nowhere. OK, he now knew he had a son, and he wanted to talk about him, but he hadn’t been exactly enamoured by the fact.
She went over their conversation in her mind and could see no part where Adam had shown enthusiasm or pleasure. Anger that she had kept him in ignorance, yes. But he had asked no immediate questions about Ethan, hadn’t enquired whether she had photographs. She had to face him again to fill him in on the details he should have asked there and then. She guessed it was shock on his part, but even so…
And the outcome was that she would have to buy her friend a new pair of shoes. She glanced at her watch. Jo would be here any moment with Ethan. She had no children of her own and was always willing to look after him, even on a Sunday afternoon.
As if on cue, she heard the sound of their voices outside the door and jumped up to let them in. Ethan ran to her and wrapped his arms around her. Jo smiled. ‘How did it go?’
Her friend lived in the flat above. They had both moved in at the same time and become firm friends. ‘I broke your shoe,’ Sienna said with a rueful grimace. ‘It was a dumb idea, wearing them. I’m sorry.’
‘What were you doing? Running away?’ asked Jo with a laugh. ‘And don’t worry about it. They were stupid shoes. I could never walk in them.’
Ethan went to his room to play and Sienna grimaced. ‘As a matter of fact, yes, I was running away. It was a waste of time going there. Adam didn’t want to know. He actually accused me of trying to get money out of him. He suggested Ethan wasn’t his.’
Jo drew in a swift breath. ‘He didn’t! What did you say?’
‘I suggested DNA.’
‘He backed down a bit.’
‘And the outcome is?’
‘I’m meeting him tomorrow night—for dinner.’
Jo raised her brows.
‘He was in shock,’ declared Sienna with a wry grimace. ‘We didn’t talk much, he needed time to get used to the idea. Can you babysit Ethan?’
‘Of course.’
‘You should see his place, Jo. It’s out of this world. In fact, it’s on top of the world. He lives in a penthouse suite overlooking the Thames. His driver brought me home—in a Bentley no less.’
‘Then you should grab him with both hands,’ said her friend with a wide grin. ‘Why did you ever let him go?’
‘It’s a long story. Do you want a cup of tea?’
Sienna dressed carefully for her dinner date with Adam. She hadn’t many good clothes; as a matter of fact, the trousers and top she had worn to face him were the best things she had, bought a few months ago to attend a wedding. But she couldn’t wear them again or he would think she had nothing else to wear, so she matched a black strappy top—one she sometimes used to sunbathe in, but he wouldn’t know that—with a black floaty skirt that was years old but nevertheless still looked good. She fastened a silver belt around her waist, added a silver necklace and slipped into black sandals. Her hair had been brushed until it shone, and with a slick of lipstick and a dusting of eye-shadow she pronounced herself ready.
Just in time. The car arrived. The impassive driver knocked on her door. Sienna slid into the back seat, inhaling appreciatively the rich smell of leather. And almost immediately wished that she was going anywhere but to meet Adam again. It was going to be an uncomfortable encounter. There would be more recriminations and almost certainly the suggestion that he wanted to meet Ethan.
But she wanted to feel comfortable with Adam first. She wanted Adam to feel at ease as well. Otherwise when father and son eventually met there would be an undercurrent and she didn’t want that. It needed to be a happy meeting. She wanted Ethan to be ready, but even more than that she wanted Adam to treat his son in the way that a father should, with warmth and humour—neither of which were Adam’s strong points.
She wished for the hundredth time that she hadn’t gone to see him. It had been a huge mistake. One she might live to regret.
‘Here we are, madam.’ The driver jumped smartly out of the car and opened her door. Sienna felt almost like royalty. ‘Mr Bannerman is waiting inside.’
Oh, he was, was he? Sienna felt like telling the driver to take her back home. Except just at that moment Adam appeared in the doorway of the restaurant. They were in Mayfair, in the heart of London’s most exclusive district. Shopping, dining, living, all for the very rich.
Sienna felt distinctly out of place. Nevertheless, she kept her head high and her eyes firmly on Adam’s. He wore a grey suit and a white shirt with a grey and red tie and he looked the epitome of the successful businessman. While she felt like the poor relation!
‘Sienna, you look good. I’m glad you made it.’
Liar! On both counts. She didn’t look good, she didn’t feel good. At least, not right now. She had when she had set out, but she hadn’t expected to be wined and dined at one of London’s most elite restaurants. She had thought, she had hoped, that it would be at one of the eating places she had seen near where he lived.
Nothing had prepared her for this.
However, she smiled her acknowledgement of his compliment and when he took her arm to lead her inside she felt a crazy awareness of the man she had once been so madly in love with.
It was insanity. They were here to talk about Ethan. Adam wanted to know more about him. She had brought photographs. But here she was experiencing a reincarnation of the feelings that had once totally consumed her.
With an effort she dashed them away, relegated them to some safe place deep in her body. Hopefully they would never be restored. She was prepared to be civil with Adam, for their son’s sake, but as for anything else—she would fight it every inch of the way. He had hurt her once, and she had no intention of letting him do so again.
Chapter Three
ADAM had half expected Sienna not to turn up that evening. He had thought she would despatch his driver, telling him that she had changed her mind. Her revelation that he had a four-year-old son had stunned him, sent his whole world out of kilter, made a mockery of every thought he’d ever had about not wanting children to interfere with his lifestyle.
After a night lying awake, thinking about its implications, he had not even gone in to work today—which was unheard of. His PA had had the shock of her life when he’d phoned to tell her. Without a doubt his life was going to be disrupted, changed for ever, and it would take a hell of a lot of getting used to.
After Sienna had walked out on their marriage he had buried himself ever more deeply into his work. He had been fiercely angry that she couldn’t accept his need to create a good life for them. In a fit of rage after she had left him, he’d taken out other women to try to get over her.
It hadn’t worked.
Despite what he saw as her failings, and despite the reason he had married her in the first place, he had missed Sienna more than he had ever thought possible, and he’d eventually felt guilty because he’d known that he hadn’t given her the attention that she deserved. In equal parts he had experienced relief. Nevertheless, it had allowed him the space and time to build up his business without Sienna constantly complaining that she never saw him.
Now, though, he found it hard to believe that she had kept something of such monumental importance from him. A son! It did not make sense. It was a nightmare. How could she have done that?
His fingers curled and he wanted to wring her pretty neck.
Being a father would make a marked difference to his life. In the years since Sienna had walked out his business affairs had grown beyond even his own wildest dreams. Success had come to him and he’d embraced it with open arms. He needed no one. He was master of his own universe.
Or at least he had been.
Looking at her now, seeing how nervous she was, he realised that it must have taken a lot of courage to approach him yesterday. He had not thought of that at the time, he’d been too intensely angry to feel anything else. In fact, he was still angry, but he knew that he must hide those feelings if he was to come to any sort of an agreement with her.
‘Would you like a drink before dinner?’ he asked. Sienna not only looked gorgeous in black, she smelled divine too, and Adam felt a swift surge of hunger. The skinny straps of her top revealed velvety smooth, lightly tanned shoulders and the rapidly beating pulse in the long line of her throat gave away the fact that she was incredibly nervous. The swell of her breasts peeping over the top of her camisole made his fingers itch to touch, to feel their weight in his palms, to tease her nipples into tight, hard buds. As hard as he was feeling!
The crazy thing was that she was still his wife. He would be perfectly within his rights making love to her, and yet he knew that she was forbidden fruit. The sweetest fruit, the most tempting fruit.
Damn! It had been a mistake inviting her here tonight. They should have met somewhere far more austere, like in a solicitor’s office, and let a third party work out the best way forward.
‘No, thank you.’
Adam had almost forgotten his question. Sienna’s fragrance was exciting him, her nearness drugging him. He was in danger of making a fool of himself. Instantly he channelled his thoughts away from Sienna’s appearance, reminding himself that she had done the unforgivable. She had wronged him big time and he would find it difficult to forgive her—if he ever did!
They were led to their table and Sienna sat on the very edge of her chair, her back ramrod straight, her eyes wary on his, as though she was expecting him to declare that he was going to take Ethan from her.
Menus were handed to them and for a few moments they both pretended to be studying them. Twice Adam caught Sienna looking at him, her eyes quickly averted each time, and he gave a grim smile. She too was clearly wishing that she was anywhere but there.
Their food and wine orders given, Adam sat back in his seat and looked at her. ‘Are you ready to talk?’
‘About Ethan?’ Sienna knew that the huskiness in her voice gave away her inner tension. All day long she had been dreading this meeting, and with good reason. The stern look in Adam’s eyes, the mutinous set of his chin told her that he was still furiously angry with her.
Adam nodded. ‘What did he say when you told him that you’d been to see his father? Is he anxious to meet me?’
Sienna swallowed hard. ‘As a matter of fact, I haven’t told him yet.’ She had been waiting for the right moment but had begun to have her doubts that there ever would be one. Ethan wouldn’t understand her predicament. He would want to meet his father, he would be ecstatically happy, he would expect them to all live together like one big loving family. And if he discovered that Adam was wealthy enough to buy him anything he wanted, he would instantly become his best friend.
Adam’s reaction was exactly as she had known it would be. He roared with rage. His eyes grew even harder, shooting swift bullets of anger across the table, making a mockery of its fine linen tablecloth and elegant silver cutlery. ‘You have not told him? Why not? Why did you come to see me if it was not to acquaint me with my son?’
Sienna closed her eyes. ‘I made a mistake. I—’
‘No! I will not let you change your mind. You cannot hide him away from me any longer. I have a right to see him.’
Adam’s voice roared into her consciousness, overpowering her, stunning her. She snapped her lids open and stared straight into the harsh blue depths of cold-as-ice eyes. A shiver slid down her spine, reaching out icy tentacles to every part of her body.
‘And so you shall,’ she said, horrified to hear the tremor in her voice. This was not the way to react. She needed to be strong. Drawing in a deep steadying breath, she stared at him unflinchingly. ‘Once I have told him about you.’
‘And when will that be?’ came the caustic reply. ‘Today? Tomorrow? Next week? Next month? It’s not good enough, Sienna. You cannot drop a bolt from the blue like that and then expect me to sit back and wait patiently. I demand to see him. In fact, I don’t see why we shouldn’t walk out of here right now and—’
‘No!’ Sienna’s voice rose. ‘I will tell him, but in my own good time. And he’ll need to get used to the idea that he has a father before I introduce you. It will be a big thing for him.’
‘No bigger than it was for me.’ Adam’s face contorted into a scowl that scored deep lines on his forehead and narrowed his eyes until they were no more than two silvery-blue slits. ‘I’m still finding it hard to believe that you waited so long to tell me. You shouldn’t have had to go through Ethan’s illness alone. For pity’s sake, Sienna, I’m his father. I deserved to be told.’